Chapter 2 – Crack of Dawn
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The world Andrew arrived at seemed to be a much crazier place than he thought. It wasn't round like a globe, or flat for anyone's concern, it wasn't even a planet with a solar system that he spent 20 years familiarizing with. It was a tower, with realms of existence literally stacking on top of each other. Andrew was currently on the 27th floor from the bottom; the bottom being an infinitely bubbling mass of primordial chaos. Apparently. It was a crazy world, and even crazier when he heard Nyx was born from said chaos.

Another thing he learned about the serpent was that she liked to keep things to herself and only opened her mouth when necessary. It was Ghetto who answered Andrew's questions most of the time. The beaver turned out to be quite chatty. Apparently, otherworlders like Andrew were pretty rare in this world, just as rare as an incarnation of a major deity such as Nyx. Ghetto expressed how lucky he felt for meeting the both of them in his first climb. He kept talking about his little hometown on the 6th floor until the drowsy spell got to the better of him and he retreated to his pillow.

With little else to do, Andrew decided to busy himself throwing firewood into the fire and watch it burn. Speaking rodents and giant snakes and ruling gods and bubbling chaos, everything in this world sounded alien to him. And yet, fire burned all the same. People sleep when they are sleepy. Everything was different, but in a sense, everything stayed the same.

Maybe because it was night. Andrew always liked the night. Oh how he wished he had his harmonica... and a cup of instant ramen too. 

"Can I ask what's in your mind?" The question came from the snake that silently crept up to him. Nyx didn't feel as intimidating now that he had exchanged a few banter with her. 

Andrew contemplated her question for a few seconds before he opened his mouth, "I wonder if the fire will die if I douse it."

His answer invited a snicker from the serpent. "Are you doubting your common sense or are you testing it to see if it matches with this world's?"

"A little bit of both," Andrew confessed, figuring that keeping a mystery from the Goddess of Mystery herself wouldn't be the wisest. "Gods only existed in myths and in the hearts of the people in the world I came from, but now I am speaking with one. I'm not even sure I can trust my own knowledge."

Nyx chuckled again. She extended her tail to grab a stick and put it on fire. Andrew followed the motion with his eyes, curious to what the serpent was up to. A heartbeat later, some kind of circle formation made out of thin streaks of pale blue light appeared on top of the burning stick under Nyx's playful gaze. A moment later, a ball of water formed within the formation, which promptly fell and doused the stick, killing the fire. 

Magic. Of course it existed. 

"Stop trying to guess a mystery, silly. Find your answer with an action."

Andrew could almost see a grin on the snake's mouth. He would say lips, but snakes had no lips. "You're right... yeah, that makes sense."

Satisfied, Nyx returned to coil her body around herself. She would stay in that position for hours on end, perhaps sleeping, or maybe something else. Andrew personally had had his fill of sleep, so he continued to tend the fire until the sky turned deep blue. 

Dawn cracked and the great sun peeked out. It was the first morning Andrew had in a complete new world.