Ethan’s POV
“Go! Remember to hide the second copy elsewhere later!” Alpha Lorez stated, handing over the three letters inside the messenger pack.
Two people put it on Beta Locky’s wolf, and he rushed off straight away.
I found that Eleanor had come out, holding Chance, and she waved him off with a worried look. She turned to me and she looked like she had something to say.
“He should be fine, don’t worry.” Damien stated, as he got up and moved me back to the chair. “Precious, my Beta is here too. I’ve already stated a few to follow Locky but I want to talk to him.”
Seeing Damien walking off, I got back to writing up more letters, which would go to other Shifters who weren’t going to the palace. It really was a shame, that at the moment, with a summoning from Beta Owen, we didn’t know exactly where all the Alpha’s were. If they weren’t at the palace, they could be on their way there or still in their pack, just like us…
So, we had three lots of groups, obviously Beta Locky was one of them, another group was to go to the in between areas of the packs and keep watch with their letters, while the other group was to go the packs directly and hope to find the pack Alpha still there.
Damien’s pack members were the ones that were going to keep an eye on the land, as they could be called in easier and were already on their way. With them looking for elders in random locations, many of them were scattered and we could already rely upon them in finding out some information, through Damien being able to talk to them in human form, but…Through them, we found that at least one Alpha had already left!
It might be close but…We already feared that one Alpha would have already made a blood pact, even before Beta Locky was to get to the palace!
But we found another Alpha had presumably not left, but Damien’s pack members, not looking for the Alpha, had now gone to look for him. It was Alpha Brown of The Harvest Pack and if the land wasn’t so big and with so many workers, we would feel better but…It could at least take an hour to find this Alpha personally! Then, the letter written by the King would probably take another couple of hours to reach the Alpha…Which meant that we did not expect to see any Alpha’s get here before sunset…
Preparing didn’t stop there, once I had finished the letters, I was also reminded of why I had given Beta Owen the power of becoming regent and that it might be better if I were to be seated and only state that I have started getting feeling back in my legs, instead of showing that I could walk once again.
Apparently, if we were to suddenly state that I was better, and even pregnant, we could lose the trust of the Alpha’s. So, I guess it was a good idea to lie at the moment…
To be honest, I really couldn’t believe that Owen had gone so far. He wanted so much, yet was he going to ruin everything to get it?
Forcing Shifters, making up lies…Wasn’t he going over the line!? Yet, to a certain degree, wasn’t I doing the same thing then? I was going to lie to them, and hadn’t I forced them to come and see me?
No! I was different from Owen! I had to tell them this too…I had to somehow show it!
Just…How do I do that!?
I felt like I was losing, even though I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong.
Perhaps I shouldn’t have given Owen the power to become the regent. Perhaps I should have just come out to people back then that I was getting better and went back to my ‘King’ duties.
Getting lost in my thoughts, I wondered many ‘what if’s’, ‘but’s’ and ‘maybe’s’…
In the end though, I couldn’t help but see that I feared staying in the palace. I feared that Owen might have come up with something and had gotten rid of us somehow.
Was there anything else that I could do? All I’ve done is write letters but…
Why do I feel so useless!
Walking into a room, I see that it was like a mini room of like the one I had in the palace.
There was one chair, obviously less luxurious then the one in the palace, then there was space for people to stand in front of me but on a lower surface.
It seems that this room beforehand was more of a meeting room, as there was a table to the back and to the side, with chairs stacked up against it. There was also a screen that could come down behind the ‘throne’ chair, where I’m guessing it would be used to show people of what they had ‘seen’…Actually, it is a bit freaky about how much cameras were hidden away…I guess not all of the cameras were from The Surveillance Pack…
But, apparently, this was the room I was going to use today, to speak to the Alpha’s.
We had news that we did indeed get to find Alpha Brown, before he had left to go see Owen, and he had arrived in the night, to sleep the rest of it here after arriving.
I hadn’t seen him yet, but I’ve been told that he is not being rude and had willingly applied himself to the ‘King’s’ letter, doing what he was supposed to do. To me though, Alpha Brown was someone who liked rules and had worked pretty hard and was pretty patient to get where he is now…I guess he didn’t want to lose it and thought that accepting the ‘King’s’ words would be more beneficial to him then ‘Beta Owen’s’ words…Hell, maybe it was more of a tough choice then I thought, how could I forget all those years that I was not taken so easily as King and was never told what I needed to be told…Even though I had the name of ‘King’, I really hadn’t been much of a King, so these Alpha’s, it might be hard to choose, I suppose…
…Well then, thank you Alpha Brown, for taking a chance on this King!
Damien came to inform me that a new Alpha had been initiated into The History Pack within the last two days and that Alpha had not come here and had instead went to the palace.
The Treasury Pack’s Alpha was the one that had gone ahead beforehand and still did not come to us, even though it’s said that he received the King’s letter upon leaving the palace…It was pretty obvious where his allegiance lied…
The Driller’s Pack Alpha was bound to come soon, but he could already be here…I wasn’t sure.
So, out of all the Alpha’s who were supposed to attend, we lost two, haven’t heard from one and the rest were already here or on their way.
The Heed and Call Pack…I remembered choosing a new Alpha a few months ago. Why, why hadn’t he come?
Damien had not heard any news about outside of The Heed and Call Pack but Locky had gone there a few hours ago and had not informed anything new since.
Sitting down upon the minor ‘throne’, I sighed.
It was only a matter of time that I had to tell the Alpha’s that came that I was better once again. My mind was back to normal and I had to somehow show that Owen wasn’t needed anymore.
Damien had been brainstorming all night upon the best way to approach these Alpha’s and what we knew was what we had figured out the day before, which was to state that I was mentally aware again but not walking just yet.
I was going to state that I had feeling back into my legs and that I had been able to let what happened go, which would be obvious because I would act ‘normal’ once again. Not only will the doctor state that I had gotten better when I got feeling back into my legs, but it seems the plane crash had also woken me up as well.
I had taken ‘at least two weeks to get better’, from the plane crash, and that was why I had not spoken to them beforehand.
Then, I was to tell them something along the lines of knowing Owen had ordered them to do a blood pact with him but to tell these Alpha’s that I didn’t want them to do any type of blood pact at all…That a blood pact shouldn’t be needed.
Damien hoped that I could gain trust within them, even though I was still somewhat lying to them about being well and even pregnant.
The fact that I was an Omega had still yet to be addressed personally, instead of that of rumours, and Damien also thought that it would be better to try not to talk about that just yet but…To me, it was always so obvious and to them it’ll become obvious very soon!
It would be blatantly continuing to lie, from when I had first become King, and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible!
…So, not bringing up the fact that I was an Omega and admitting to it, I didn’t like it!
If we weren’t going to tell them now, then, when were we?
The idea of today, was to get the Alpha’s on my side but…I really…Why am I lying to then!?
I wanted to tell them what Owen is doing! I wanted to state that I left the palace because I feared for my safety, as well as that of the safety of Chance, especially when I wasn’t walking very well for a while! I wanted to tell them that Owen was in fact my step, brother in law and that he has a son that is, granted, of royal blood!
I wanted to tell them outright that I was an Omega and that I was better and even pregnant! I wanted them to know where I stood and that I did not want to be a King and stand behind lies to uphold my power!
But…Could I do that!?
I had two pups now to take care of and honestly, I loved them too dearly and thought that doing things Damien’s way might be smarter.
The problem was…I had been living like this for so long!
Lying and scared of people knowing the truth!
If I stood up, they’d probably know, hell…If they had known my scent before, they would know that it had changed!
…I was really walking on thin ice!
For me, this was just too dangerous!
Lying and not lying, both of them were too dangerous!
And since it was like that, I wanted to choose right from wrong…I wanted to tell them everything and let them make up their own minds!
I wanted the Alpha’s to know that Owen had something against me and that he will try to make me look bad, somehow. I wanted them to know that yes, the Elementalist’s had stopped attacking me and that I wanted them even to return to this continent because they are in danger on the other continent!
I wanted all the cards out on the table and to let them know that I wasn’t just their ‘King’, but someone that was wanting to start fresh and obtain their trust once again. Someone that wanted them to know of the dangers and of what Owen has done, especially with paying off so many elders!
What am I to do?
The Omega in me wants to submit all truths, whether they are believed or not. The ‘King’ in me wants whatever is best for the Shifters and would willingly lie…
Thanks for the chapter
Cuuuute. Even when he's dealing with complicated issues, he's so pure. Uwah! Me liiike!
He really didn't fit into royal life did he lol