Third Person
Quickly, Damien returned Owen’s blood to him and sighed.
It would have been nice to see the blood pact work!
But...Damien wasn't so surprised to see that it hadn't worked, because Owen was quite set into his own ways and probably never had loyalty to His Majesty in the first place!
"I don't regret making a blood pact with His Majesty, the King...I was hoping that if I could get Beta Owen's loyalty, then he'd be loyal to the King and easier to get into a cell..." Damien muttered. He didn't know why he was explaining himself...
Silence came after Damien’s little rant, until a much-needed question was finally brought up…
“Alpha Rendall, where is His Majesty?”
Alpha Lorez knew that the metal object had been pushed over the mountain, but…Had anyone gone to retrieve it yet!? Or, even if it can’t be retrieved, was anyone there protecting it!?
Damien nodded, turning to Alpha Lorez, “Get them off the mountain and find him. Keep a minimum of five on Owen! I’m going to help…One.”
With that, Damien scooted off and some followed him, while the others that stayed behind got ready to leave and go down the mountain. Many of them couldn’t help but be happy to get off this area, especially when there had been a fight not long ago and there were even a few dead Shifter’s on the ground too, making it hard to forget and stay focused upon leaving…
The Queen had sheltered Chance’s eyes for most of this time, but he didn’t have to see to feel nervous and scared. As it was, he still didn’t like the dark and felt uneasy this entire time, even though he hadn’t seen anything at all.
Otherwise, there were a few women and children that had let out gasps and scared looks upon what they had or still see here on the mountains…
Even though the fight had somewhat ended here on the mountain, where Shifter’s were slowly decreasing in numbers as they left the area, the next problem was...When Damien went halfway down the mountain, and he could see the bottom of the hill better…Rock golems was all that remained…And they were still quite large, just roaming around on the ground beneath them. If the rock golems weren’t a threat, Damien felt like they could be useful, simply because of how large they were!
They’d easily frighten rogues into getting them back into a pack, and his job would be so much easier! Hell, the rock golems might even become good combat lessons!
Damien tried to focus, he’d been having trouble doing it since he had felt Ethan get hurt and now it was strange to always use his head…Perhaps…Perhaps he hadn’t minded becoming a zombie for a while, not thinking was a lot easier to get through the days but again…He had to remind himself to bloody focus!
The best way down the mountain was this way, because it takes more time to go around, so…Damien wondered how to destroy these rock golems…Since his son had disappeared completely!
Now that he had stopped for a time, others came to stand beside and behind him and Damien was really at a loss on what to do...
“They are bigger than us…If we break them…” Damien muttered, as he continued to watch the big rock golems wander around a small area, yet they don’t seem to have any type of reaction to them being there half way up the mountain at present.
Frowning in thought…Damien was sure that One had done enough to stop another summoning so…These rock golems may be because the big one got hit.
If that was right, and they attack these rock golems, then wouldn’t these turn into other rock golems?
Scratching his head, Damien still could not come up with a plan!
Shifters had left from the other side of the mountain already anyway, having scattered a bit and assumingly returning to their packs, but…They couldn’t just leave these bastards here forever!
Damien turned to Simon and remembered the girl, “How is she?”
“Getting seen by a doctor, she hasn’t woken up…” Simon simply stated.
Sighing, a bit worried that she really was Ethan’s sister, Damien looked back down to the rock golems, “It seems that One is the best way to defeat these rock golems, go and tell everyone else that they will have to vacate the mountain in the other direction.”
Simon left without needing another word. It was normal after all, they could talk in their minds if there’s more information or any more commands.
Turning to the rest of the Shifter’s that had followed him, which were mainly his own pack, Damien looked at them before speaking, “We will stay here and make sure that this road is safe and that the rock golems don’t go after them. I’ll get those of our pack that aren’t here, to help secure the safety of those leaving the mountain, so stay vigilant!”
Easily accepting Damien’s words, even though it stated that they were being left here for god knows how long and without any back up, the Shifters moved to a spot to where they could keep an eye on the rock golems and be a bit more comfortable. Beta Locky, whom had come to help, went off for food, while Simon was to bring back water and so…They were ready to stay there until further notice. Luckily, they weren’t humans, because a nasty, cold easterly wind was blowing, even though they were only halfway up the mountain…
Looking back at the rock golems, Damien then looked at the area around them, hoping to find One but…He was nowhere in sight!
All he could do was rely his message to his pack, making sure that they knew to keep an eye on Beta Owen at all times, and then watch to make sure that this road does not get overrun by rock golems, while Shifters vacated the mountain from the other side!
Taking in the last of the magic, One dropped the human that no longer held any magic to the ground and breathed out…It had taken a lot longer than he had thought!
Last time, there wasn’t so many warlocks and it had been easier to get the magic back!
This time, he had to fight off spells, chase and couldn’t concentrate, in which took longer! And on top of all that, he had to grasp the magic with his own magic, as there hadn’t been any other way to gain it unless he was able to use fire elemental power to grasp fire magic, or likewise with any other elemental and magic that were similar…
He felt weak, as the intended spell that he wanted to use on his father, had been used on him!
Life steal was an interesting concept and One really hated the fact that years had been taken off his life when he’d only just been reborn!
How dare they use one of my favorite spells against me! He thought.
Why else had he lived for such a long time, even though he had been a Shifter!
Back in his day, all the Shifters that were giving the death sentence had become his life! It didn’t happen all that much, but it was enough to gain a few hundred years!
Oh, how he couldn’t wait to see if there were Shifters that were on the death penalty, so that he could use the spell and get his life back!
Looking down at the now normal human near his feet, One pouted, he didn’t kill the Warlocks, well…He hadn’t killed all of them…If only he could just take the life from this meager human…
Sighing, One wondered if he had the right to take a little bit…Yeah, just a little bit…
Thinking that there was the continent with more warlocks, and he would be able to exact revenge and gain his life back even more, made One feel better immediately!
But, finally, there were no longer any Warlocks left, well at least there were no warlocks here participating in the war on Sollace…He now had all the elemental power and some of the magic, which made him smile like a silly child!
He wanted a pat on the back, or head, wherever, and that would make him feel even better!
Letting out a satisfied ‘Ah’, One stretched and turned back to the mountains in the far distance. They had nearly made it halfway to the edge of the continent from where the mountains were!
“What a pain!” One stated, as he used air to fly back to where his father was.
Now, that he was getting closer, One wondered how it was going with the Shifters…What if…
Nah, his father was an Alpha and, for some reason, he felt eager to have faith in him to survive and deal with the situation. He wanted to think that his father was no push over and that he’d die fighting to his last breath, taking out hundreds of Shifters and would stand there on top of a mountain, bloodied and triumphant!
Yeah, that would be his father!
Coming to land, right before his father, One goofily smiled at him and lowered his head.
Again, somehow, this type of behaviour was used not only now, but back in his last life’s. He was known as an adorable, powerful person and many didn’t know how it could be so until they had met One personally, whom had made it somehow work! Of course, back then, One had been the first of the Shifters and the population of Shifters was very low in those days, so…It wasn’t hard to accept that this strange person was the King!
“Are you hurt?” Damien asked, feeling strange over One’s behavior, yet still protective. Hexxah was one hundred percent certain now, over this adult Alpha being theirs, and he was too bloody annoying at how proud he was!
“No!” One stated, still lowering his head…He was ready!
Pat me, pat me!
Damien frowned and blinked at the strange behavior, then said, “Good! Ethan was pushed off the mountain, go and make sure he’s alright, heal him though, if you are able to!”
Looking up, One pouted, then suddenly understood what his father had said, “What!? Pushed all the way off the mountain! Holy crap! Where, where is he!?”
Damien pointed and One disappeared, leaving Damien to continue to watch the rock golems, in which he should have asked to get rid of first…
One raced to find his beloved father, seeing the metal object on the ground and a few Shifters around, some dead, some alive.
Landing on the ground, One touched the metal and focused to see inside, to see that his father was still alive but…How could this happen!?
Who dared to push his father down the mountain!?
Sighing, One closed his eyes and tried to focus, he wanted to know if he had enough magic to use the life steal spell, to help heal his father…
His magic balled itself up in some space that no one else would understand or see, and One frowned…Was it enough?
He had taken magic from at least ten warlocks, maybe twenty, but he hadn’t counted…Was it enough?
Opening his eyes and looking down at the metal, wanting to bring his father out of it, One took a deep breath and decided to give it a go!
With one hand, he took in the metal, earth and fire, quickly putting his other hand through the opening and touched his father inside. Straight away, he casted the spell and frowned when more life was being taken from him, to have the spell work…
This can’t do!
He already lost more than he should have!
Seeing Shifters, that seemed to be dead because of falling down the mountain, but on their last breaths, One put out a hand, casting life steal from then, only to have casted it for a few seconds before their life had indeed gone completely.
This wasn’t fair!
Noticing that he really should have thought about this better first, One narrowed his eyes and looked further around, only able to finish the lives of two others, before One completely stopped casting the spell…
Thanks for the chapter
Another silly cute! Ah! I love hiiim!