Chapter 31
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Ethan’s POV


Thirty minutes later, we were all ready to jump from the plane in order, one after another.

Beta Locky seemed really confident, perhaps he was the only one who had done this before, but me…As I walked up to the edge, I widened my eyes and swallowed…

“It’s time, Precious.” Damien said loudly, so that I could hear him.

I nodded and jumped, knowing that I just had no other choice.

I wasn’t about to let this get to me either, I had gone through hell to become a King…Why would jumping out of something…So high up in the air…Be scary!?

Oh…But it was!

I forgot what I had to do for a moment and literally felt the pain of air getting into my eyes, making me close them. After I had closed my eyes, I felt extremely uneasy and I opened them again, only to get scared and move my body in reflex…

My heart was beating frantically, and I heard something soft, then a voice in my head that helped me calm down.


Taking a breath, then another breath, I tried to steady myself and I was finally in control.

Remembering what I was told, I freaked out to when the parachute opened and felt like I got whiplash!

Holding tightly to the two handles that ‘guided’ me, I found that I was far from where I was supposed to be and tried to get back into line but was too scared to pull on the handles too hard…

Please be over soon, please be over soon!

‘Calm down, Precious! Do you remember how to land?’

I blinked a few times and felt a bit better, hearing Damien’s soothing, patient voice in my head.

How do I land again?

Remembering what Beta Locky said, I nodded my head bravely, ‘I remember!’

‘Good, calm down. Chance is fine and when I last looked back, the Queen was fine too. Don’t panic and try to get back in line a bit more ok?’

I nodded again.

I can do this!


When I finally took in the scene around me, looking at how nice it was, I had calmed down but…The landing was getting closer and closer and Damien continuously felt panicked just because I did…I felt it! It really was a double panic and I honestly could hardly handle it!

Austorious was getting mad at me as well because how I was dealing with this new experience, but I knew that he wasn’t that great either! Both of us seemed to prefer to have our feet on the ground!

Since I was always told what I had to do with landing, simple because of Damien’s continuous voice in my head, I did what I was told and found myself covered, only feeling slight pain in my knees.

…I guess I did alright after all!

Getting out of the parachute, I look around and found Damien a decent distance away…And also Beta Locky, whom even was coming closer to where I was, his parachute already packed up into a big ball.


We were to leave the parachutes here, and the pilot was going to pick them up on his own way back, and I found myself wondering how he would carry them all!

They weren’t just a simple backpack anymore, they were big and bulky, with…

‘Focus, precious!’

Looking up, to see Damien about to land, I shifted into my wolf form and went towards Beta Locky, whom shifted as well.

Now, we were in enemy territory again…Just a different type of enemy territory. Owen was one of our own, but his hidden agenda was really just as scary as The Elementalist’s.

To be honest…I don’t know which one is worse. One could change from that of an old family type figure, to an assassin in moments, and the other enemy has the power to move earth…


Seeing myself, through Damien’s eyes, I heard him say that Chance was behind him and the Queen was also running now too. The doctor was just getting out of his parachute, so he won’t be far behind now as well.

I guess things worked out for the moment and for a while, we all ran at Chance’s pace in a long line towards The Watcher’s Pack.

We had found ourselves close to The History Pack, which is what we thought anyway, so we would have to run to what felt like two hours, maybe less, but in that two hours…

I looked around, but continued my pace…

I didn’t know what was worse, the palace or here!

The Elementalist’s could pop up at any time!

Knowing that they could just spring up out of the ground…And I was completely surrounded by ground…

I felt like I should go slower, because I didn’t trust this place at all! But really, I knew being faster was also good, because then we would be closer to our destination.


My heart was pounding in my chest, my eyes were nervously looking around and I was also keeping an eye on everyone else at the same time…It really was…A long journey!

Seconds felt like minutes and small things moving scared me…Even if it was a bird flying away that we had ourselves startled!

And just as I feared, the Elementalist did come! It was a good hour of being tensed up, running and nervous but none of us were surprised to the sudden attempted burial.

…But we were surprised for another reason, and that was…I wasn’t the target, no…This time it was my boy!



Damien’s POV


A noise made me look back and I couldn’t help but have a terrible feeling overcome me.

Having turned around, I rushed back, not holding back my speed at all and found the Queen had shifted back to human and was crying, digging through the earth.

I remember vividly what this meant!

‘Get him out, Damien! Please get him out!’

I shifted and quickly started to dig along with the Queen, but I saw that Ethan had turned around and started to come back towards us. ‘Go back, go to The Watcher’s Pack!’

‘You really think that I would run off when my child is buried alive!?’

I got angry to his anger, but I was not able to focus on that right now!

I had to get Chance outta there!

This plan, I knew it wouldn’t work! I should have not listened to my precious mate and just said no! Those eyes of his and his obvious flirts were just too damned agreeable!

Being on edge for days now, I felt completely exhausted, but I knew it really was no time to show this!


The earth that had covered our boy was not hard and we couldn’t just step on it either, but in the process of digging, I felt like I was getting nowhere!

Sobbing from the Queen wasn’t helping me either! I wish she would just shut the fuck up!

She was so desperate, yelling out ‘Chance’ and tears were dropping after drops to the ground, where her dirty hands were.


But what was worse, was when I saw Ethan’s scenery, showing an Elementalist right in front of him, right in between us!

I got up and turned around, seeing right in front of my eyes of Ethan stopping and shifting into his human form.

“Get my boy outta there!”

Ethan’s yell was followed by a run towards the Elementalist and Hexxah and I freaked out to Ethan’s unconcerned rush towards an enemy!


Was he insane!? He looked like one of those sports guys charging at someone with a ball!

Before I could get mad at Ethan for doing something so extremely dangerous though, I heard noise behind me and found the earth erupting out, spilling over the Queen and making me step back.

Chance came before our eyes and the Queen quickly dashed towards him and picked him up.


Looking back at Ethan, I see him suddenly stop and I felt his relief, as he looked at Chance…Only to see him disappear!

My breathing stopped and I felt like my future was tumbling away from me!

No! This can’t happen, I won’t let it!

Those two…I couldn’t live without them!

“You dare try to bury me!?”


I had never heard Ethan so angry before, making me completely startled…He was raging inside! Hell, I was angry too! How dare they! How dare rocks try to bury my precious and pup!?

…If it wasn’t a life-threatening situation, I would be all over him, saying that he was cute with his all ‘so powerful and crazy’ question towards the Elementalist!

…I saw the Elementalist tremble, remembering to breathe again, and I shifted to my wolf, ready to go and pounce on it!

“Get me outta here!” I heard Ethan’s yell and I stopped in my tracks, when I saw Ethan come out of the hole!

What…Was going on!?


Seeing the Elementalist tremble once again, I was completely dumbfounded…

“Why do you keep doing this!?” Ethan stated, pointing at the Elementalist’s with a shaking finger.

I felt his curiosity, but…His anger was a lot easier to distinguish!

But what happened next, moved me straight into panic once again!

Suddenly, Ethan was surrounded by a piece of earth that had a glowing vein in it…Then I saw words forming in Ethan’s head. ‘Revenge’.


“…What Revenge?” Ethan’s answer didn’t come straight away…No, both of us had been stunned to what the Elementalist was doing.

Pictures, actually…Memories filled our heads and I stood stock still as I saw someone with these Elementalist’s and demanding them to go.

There were…More…

…I didn’t know how to take it in!

The danger we had was because of one Elementalist, but in this ‘memory’ there were closer to fifty of them and…They were different…

How could they ever fight against so many of them!?


Memories evaded us once again, as we saw the Elementalist’s be coaxed into doing something that had killed a few of the Shifters and that was why they were demanded to ‘go’. It seems…A Shifter had demanded them to go to the continent of Gorde…

Silence once again went over the area, only to be filled with one scream after a moment, “Chance! Chance!?”

Turning around, I shifted and saw Chance being slapped lightly on the cheek by a tearing Queen.


I ran up to them and tried to focus on Chance, and not on the memories that Ethan was still currently seeing.

With a scary thought, because of seeing Chance not moving, the Queen rectified it, “Breath! My baby, please breath for mummy!”

Widening my eyes, I swallowed and put a hand to the small boy’s nose and found that it was indeed right…Chance wasn’t breathing!

Dammit! Come on, Chance!

“Come on, Buddy. Breath!”

Taking the boy and laying him down, I tried to do CPR on him, to then find that the doctor was approaching in a rush, “Quick, he’s not breathing!”

I moved both the Queen and I to the side, making room for the doctor. The Queen was trying to push me out of the way, but I kept her by my side, a good meter away from Chance.

If there was any way that Chance would still make it, she had to let the doctor do his job!

“Wait! Just…Trust the doctor!” Was all I could say, as I turned back to the doctor and held my breath…

My god, today had to be the most scariest day of my life!


The doctor shifted and landed in a hurry beside Chance and opened his mouth and breathed into Chance, then did some chest pumps, and repeated the process. It wasn’t like that of doing CPR to an adult, it was a child’s CPR and I was glad that I hadn’t done this myself, what if I hadn’t thought of this!? I could have done more damage than good!

I let out a sigh of relief to a doctor being close by and knowing all this stuff!

“Ple…ease…Chance! Don’t…Don’t go!”

I patted the Queen and watched for Chance, unable to stop myself from feeling a bit of sadness overwhelm me. “Come on, Buddy! Look…Look your mum is crying, stop her from crying!”