[Luna POV]
Time has passed and now Tamamo and I, along with everyone else from my party and a few others are sitting on a small island with a backdrop of waterfalls. Some fall normally while others flow upwards. Most notably out of all those present is a group that I only recently managed to find. It was Apollo and the rest of his party. They were invited to today’s special event, Ophidia and Skadi’s wedding.
At this current moment, all we were doing was sitting here while today’s main couple were getting ready. It was mostly quiet if you didn’t count the sounds of waterfalls, but I could hear the nervous teeth chattering coming from Jarl, Zan and Gief. Their reaction to all of this, especially when I first kidnapped them here, was and still is quite funny, but I was being respectful of today’s event and kept my laughter to myself.
{Luna, you need to calm down more, your tails are twitching all over the place.}
“I know and I’m trying to, but the reaction from those three combined with my excitement for Skadi and Ophidia is making me unable to stay still.”
{Ufufu. I know you’re happy for them, so try a little harder.}
I closed my eyes to try and calm down and as an extra precaution I wrapped a few of my tails around Tamamo’s.
“Big sis, I realize this isn’t the time, but I thought I’d tell you that Velvet and I are having our wedding next month. I don’t know how you are going to show up if you even can, but I thought I’d at least let you know.” (Soleil)
“Alright. I have a plan, but I’ll need to run it by someone first to see if I can even put it into practice or not. And if I can, then that open us a lot of doors for not just me, but a lot of gods as well.” (Luna)
“I look forward to it, big sis. Knowing you it’ll be fun, at least for us.” (Soleil)
Before I could continue my chat with Soleil, the sound of the waterfalls seemed to stop. When I looked around, I saw that all the water had stopped moving making it seem like time had completely stopped. I glanced in the direction of Skadi’s mother, Ina, and saw that she was the one that was doing this. The next moment someone started to rise out of the water like they were climbing stairs. Once they were all the way visible, the person was revealed to be Skadi.
She was wearing a beautiful deep blue dress that went all the way down to the ground and seemed to merge completely with the water. She wore a tiara that looked to be made of some glass like material. She looked completely stunning.
“Skadi should take her hat off more often. She looks so good.” (Luna)
{I agree.}
A moment later, I felt space behind us shift letting me know that Ophidia had arrived. Slowly making her way towards Skadi, Ophidia passed by all of us onlookers. Her dress was a blue green color that reminded me of a shallow sea to contrast with Skadi’s deep blue one that was more reminiscent of the ocean. All the way up to Skadi she had one of the brightest smiles I’ve ever seen on her face. Skadi had a similar smile as she waited for Ophidia to join her. When the two of them stood one if front of the other, the grasped hands.
“Ophidia, Apostle of Space and Ancient Serpent, I, Skadi, Demigod of the Sea, take you as my wife, from now unto eternity and beyond.” (Skadi)
“Skadi, Demigod of the Sea, I, Ophidia, Apostle of Space and Ancient Serpent, take you as my wife, from now unto eternity and beyond.” (Ophidia)
““I swear upon Chaos and Order that I will pursue your happiness above all else and to love you forever more.”” (Both)
Their vows finished, they sealed their marriage with a kiss. The moment their lips met, all of the water in the area began moving again. This, along with the time of day it was now created a wonderful spectacle. The sparkling water falling from the sky and the rainbows caused by the waterfalls framed this scene like the area was created for this moment.
I secretly used a domain to capture this scene so that Soleil could paint it later seeing as she had that look in her eyes. I also gripped Tamamo’s hand that I was holding tighter. Seeing two people I’m very close to this happy was infectious. It was even so beautiful that I saw Apollo tearing up some, though he was doing his best to hide it.
“Miss Luna, can you do what you did at your own wedding and teleport all of us away so we can give those two some space?” (Ina)
“Where do you want us to go?” (Luna)
“I’ll leave that up to your discretion.” (Ina)
Along with that request, I teleported all spectators to Tamamo and I’s place. The spot we ended up in was a clearing in a wisteria forest that I finally managed to turn the place into after a while of practicing. My Hanging Gardens of Babylon floated above us in all their glory.
“Thank you, Miss Luna.” (Ina)
“It’s not a problem. Also, welcome to the family. I don’t really know what kind of in-law it makes us since Ophidia isn’t really related to me in any physical way, but similar to Soleil, Velvet, and Mio I think of her as family, and since she’s now married to Skadi, that extends to Skadi’s family as well.” (Luna)
{Indeed, Ina, welcome to our family. I look forward to seeing you around more.}
She smiled at that and walked trying to hide her embarrassment. It was then that Apollo walked over to the two of us.
“Long time no see, Luna. And it’s a pleasure to meet you in person, Lady Tamamo.” (Apollo)
“Good to see you too, Apollo. You and the other three are a difficult group to track down. You all missed my wedding after all.” (Luna)
“Wasn’t my or the other’s intention.” (Apollo)
“I know, I don’t hold it against any of you, though I’d like it if the other three would snap out of it already. They were funny at first, but them being like that during the ceremony was a bit rude.” (Luna)
“Can you blame them, one second they are sitting at a bar celebrating another completed quest and then next second they are sitting in a place in the Divine Domain and being spoken to by someone they know that became a goddess. It’s a bit much to take in all at once. Then you throw in the fact that they were invited to a wedding here of all things, and they can’t help but be a bit spaced out.” (Apollo)
{Don’t worry, something that will snap them out of it is coming.}
“True. Maybe a little bit more shock will finally snap them out of it.” (Luna)
“Wha-” (Apollo)
Bounding through the trees and in our direction was Cerberus. When she finally made it into the clearing, she ran directly for me and Tamamo before sliding to a stop and sniffing the air. Her three heads then turned in the direction of the people that had never been here before. She quickly moved over to them and before any of them could react, she started sniffing and licking them. They snapped out of their stupors but were powerless to stop her.
“I’m going to ask about this later, but for now I’m going to rescue my party.” (Apollo)
Me, Tamamo, and the rest of us just laughed when space was disturbed and the two most important people of the day arrived. The walked over to us hand in hand and with the biggest smiles on their faces to date.
“Congrats, you two.” (Luna)
{Congratulations. It was a beautiful ceremony.}
“Was it? All I saw was Skadi, so I’d appreciate it if you could somehow show it to me again later, master.” (Ophidia)
“Can do, but first.” (Luna)
I walked closer to the two of them and gave them a big hug with my arms and tails.
“I’m so happy for the both of you.” (Luna)
I felt them hug me back before I let go so they could go around and talk a little with everyone present.
{I’m really happy our family is expanding, Luna. We’ll never be bored with when we’re all together.}
“I agree.”
Tamamo and I smiled at each other before walking over and joining the party once more.
Chaos Realm:
Order: Payto, what were you off doing? We misses Skadi and Ophidia's wedding.
Sorry, some business that was really important needed taking care of. But hey, we're gonna get some more entertainment soon.
Order: We should still at least congratulate them the next time we see them.
That was the plan.
Astraea: Papa!
Hey, my little one. How are you?
Astraea: Good! Look, Evelyn made me a pretty necklace!
It IS really pretty. Are you going to make one for her now too?
Astraea: Yep! Mama is helping me.
Order: Yep. Now sit back down so we can continue.
Astraea: Ok.
Cerberus really is just an overgrown puppy ?. Can it visit the chaos realm too? I can just see Astraea riding on it's back
Lemme guess, chaos was busy with a certain other main character that you recently started writing
@Paytoechip Yeah, imma follow you. This should not have been the first time I heard that the new fic was posted