Chapter 1 The awakening of the hero.
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A man lying on the ground slept in an ancient forest, full of tree, with trunk as wide as a man and black as coal whose branches appeared from five meters with leaf marine blue, soft as a feather. Here if a man raised his head he would see a huge canopy hiding most of the clear sky. The rays of the sun nimbered this place with a soothing light with the help of green fireflies that rested the wings during the day, on thick roots coming out of the ground at the feet of the trees, to be able to fly again during the night.

You could walk freely between the trees where the roots did not go, this flat ground was made of green grass, robust of vitality and still wet by the morning dew. The forest stretched in a circle for miles as far as the eye could see, the trees were almost all of the same height giving the one who climbed to the top of one of them, a breathtaking panorama, resembling an immense sea of vegetation where the wind became visible by forming waves propagating freely in all possible directions.

Stones naturally inked in the ground confirmed the wildness of this still virgin forest of the man, bushes with small black bay pushed in group around the rocks, feeding the birds in search of breakfast. A green-haired bird left the feast to indulge its group on the fruit to approach slowly by making a small leap in the grass, the sleeping man.

The man had long black hair, wet and plastered back, his young man's face was as white as a statue of sandstone with fine features worthy of a Greek artist, he wore a peaceful expression, his outfit stood composed of a white long-sleeved top with a brown linen doublet, a golden stocking like wheat and high leather shoes. The man was undeniably elegant in appearance and paid attention to his image.

As the person in his sleep calmly breathed, the volatile person began to sing to see if he was still alive. The man awoke with a start, then saw the bird that had woken him, he made it run away from his hand because he did not like a revival so brutal, he looked around him and understood that he was alone and lost.

The man got up without difficulty, he had no physical injuries but he did not remember anything, where he had ever lived, nor the reason for his presence here, it was as if these memories were veiled by a persistent haze, only to subsist his name, his name was Jack.

Jack thought he was dreaming and approached a firefly, it flew away before he could touch it, surprised he pulled his hand away as if he was going to get burned and then turned to the birds pecking at the berries he leaned over to take one, it looked delicious. A bird saw him do it and stole the bay before he had time to swallow it, then the bird rested on the bush watchful of the movements of the man. Jack recognized it was the one who had woken him, he looked at it provocatively, then made a feint on the right by moving his arm and his leg in the manner of a swordman to grab a bay, the bird made likewise slamming the air out of its beak to warn him that it could pinch him. Jack on the other side seizing his chance but the bird had surpassed him in a hurry.

Jack did not give up and continued the same feints always moving the bird in all directions to protect its berries from the man. Jack suddenly turned around, catching the bird who did not know if it had really won the battle, its opponent looked very militant and it ended up having fun with him. Jack took a step forward, feigning a farewell to the green bird that emitted a quizzical sound while watching it wide-eyed, jerking its head.

Jack turned around he had his hand full of berry, the bird had been fooled all along the man had managed to take fruit from his other hand while occupying the bird with the other. Jack swallowed them all at once, the bird could not stop him and looked at him with pity, Jack victorious of his fight thinking to humiliate his opponent in this way, except that he felt a pain in the chest. In a few seconds Jack fainted. The bird turned its back to him, then resumed its breakfast, this time it would not wake him, it was a double punishment for Jack.

Jack woke up at dusk, there was only the last rays of sun, he got up hastily, not knowing if he was really in a dream with what had happened, suddenly he saw a green light clearing an aura even stronger than the light of day, he decided to follow this direction. The more Jack walked, the more he became aware of what light was, it was fireflies that gathered to perform an aerial dance in the forest.

The place was a place open to the sky, at its center Jack noticed a black scepter in the shape of a candlestick, three pike bent like brambles supporting an orb bigger than a knight's helmet, making Jack think of a rose. Jack felt that this mysterious orb was the reason for his presence in this forest, he walked among the fireflies that flew calmly in all this place.