Night 2- Military Expansion
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Standing on the deck of the ship Jane looks through a telescope.

“Boss there it is.” She hands Cirrus the telescope.

“Mmm.” He looks through it to see several camps with the Sorshana flag. “Dock nearby. Jane, Bann your with me. Robert you’re in charge until I come back.

“Can’t I stay on board boss?” said Bann, a rough and tough looking man in his 20s with dark brown hair.

“No, you need to get use to faking it with authorities.”

“Uggggh…” he dragged himself behind Cirrus.

The ship docked and they went down. They walked through the camp with many eyes on Cirrus as he was the most eye-catching. A solder goes up to them.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“I am Zephyr, I was ordered by your king to meet with the general at this post, is he not here?”

“Zephyr? Hah! I heard he was 6 feet tall! Mask is good but their supposed-“

Cirrus pulls him down to his eye level.

“Where. Is. Your. Superior. Before I show you price of pissing me off.”

He lets go of the soldier.

“R-right this way sir!” he quickly led the way a bit scared.

They went to a large tent with two guards stationed. The moment they saw the mask and antler’s they immediately stepped aside.

“Thanks for leading the way.”

“Yes sir!” He saluted and quickly left.

Cirrus, Jane, and Bann enter.

“We are in a stalemate! Barbatio! They have level ones stationed on the front lines! Our men can’t fight them!” said a man.

“We need to retreat!” said another.

“No! the king sent word that Demon will be coming here to help!” Barbatio shouted.

“You believe that! that’s just rumor to bring up-“

“Did I come in at a bad time?” Cirrus said.

“!!” everyone turned to him.

His mask and golden antler’s slightly sent shivers down their backs.

‘The rumors have spread that well, but I would like the soldier’s to not be scared of me.’

“Ah! Zephyr the Demon!” Barbatio said with a big grin on his face. “I thought you be taller!”

“So where do you want us? Or do you just want me and my crew to be the battering ram breaking through their line?” Cirrus was looking at their map.

The map detailed the Low Northern theater which was one of 3 sections Mid Northern and High Northern. The Low Northern theater was considered the most unwinnable as only a single general was in charge of an army of 900. It helped that there were few vital points in the section which made it possible for them to last as long as they did. Nevertheless it was a losing war meant only for attrition.

Barbatio grin turned to a serious one.

“I want you to go and slaughter them. My men will be right behind you.”


Cirrus didn’t like that look on his face. He was full of frustration and now that the tool needed to pay back the ones who caused him no end of problems fell on his lap.

‘No matter. What happens, happens.’

“Jane go back to the ship and inform them. Bann stay here and get any information on the other points of interest. We might as well hit them as much as we can.”

“Got it boss.” They both said.


While Jane left to inform the crew Bann stayed behind and gathered information on anything else to raid while they were active. Cirrus himself was standing up on a dune with Nox flying down and landing on his antlers.

“Have you checked their formation?” Cirrus looked out into the desert.

‘I have. The formation is really lacking. I assume it’s because they never had a challenge before. Some were even getting drunk.’

“Easy for us.”

Coming up from behind him Bann came up.

“Boss there are 2 outposts that we could hit um…who were you talking to?”

“Who else but Nox.”

Nox turns her head 360 degrees at Bann.

“O…kay. I see Jane and the other’s coming up.”

Cirrus turns to see the ship’s coming along the side. Cirrus turns to the camp to see the army moving about.

“Let’s move.”


Sailing through the desert sand Cirrus saw the enemy camp with the telescope.

“There it is. Jane in your in charge, once the smoke goes up you go in.”

“Got it boss. Men!! At arms!!”


Cirrus walked to the bow of the ship and his mask disappeared as he cover his face with his hand.

Fuuu~” he let out a long breath before taking a deep breath. “(Exousía, Adorn: Stymphalian).”

The armor adorns him and with a flap of his wings he was off.

Nox flying high in the sky and in opposite of her was Cirrus flying low on the ground leaving a large trail of dust in his wake.

“Hey what’s?” said a drunk stationed soldier looking at the cloud of dust.

“Huh?” another drunk soldier turns to look at the dust. “Ah it’s just a small sandstorm don’t worry about it.”

“Really?” he wobbled a bit. “It’s coming right here?”

They look at it for a bit and see it actually was coming at them.

They could see a large dull metallic bird coming at them leading the dust.


They eyes widen as under the light of the full moon the bird disappeared. They saw the face of a beautiful young girl before a deer mask donned on her and they saw the golden antler’s.

At least the last thing they saw was something pretty.

Their blood began to turned cold as their drunken minds began to quickly sober up that the Golden-Horned Demon was rushing towards their doorsteps.

“Sound the-!?”

Before he could finish yelling a spear found itself in the soldier’s back.

“H-Hiiiiiiii!!!” the other soldier screamed in fear.

A few of the drunken soldier drunkenly wobbled their way over to see Golden-Horned Demon killing the other soldier with a spear.

Blood stained the mask and blood was slowly dripping from the golden antler’s.

“Boo.” Cirrus kicked off the ground beginning the slaughter.


After a minute he threw one of the sticks from the campfires onto a tent and it caught fire. Jane and the other’s quickly sailed in.

“Kill them all!!” Jane commanded drawing her curved sword. “Take their shit!!!”



From afar Barbatio and his men watch as they sail closer.

Barbatio smiles as the smoke rises and the screams of his enemies are carried to his ears from the wind.

“Ahh~ music to my ears. Faster!! We have blood to shed!!”

“Ho!! Ho!! Ho!! Ho!! Ho!! Ho!! Ho!! Ho!!” The soldiers clang their weapons in unison.

“That’s what I like to hear!!”


They retook three posts all under one night. And in the second one they pushed back the Israfan army all the way to the start of the war and even bit more then it.