Prologue: A Test
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The young girl trembled in the stark white empty room.
"C'mon, 02. Open a rift for us."
"I think she's spent for the day."
"Nah, I can get one more trial out of her. ... Hey, 02. Don't you want to see your brother again? Just open a rift, and we'll let you visit him tonight."
"Haha, low blow."
She raised a hand, trembling, and focused... black sparks appeared in front of her, and coalesced into...
... nothing. She was sure they were about to form something, but they suddenly faded, and she dropped to her knees with a gasp.
"Okay, now she's spent."
Her vision swam with tears, and rough hands grabbed her by the shoulder. Moments later, not quite aware of what had happened in between, she was back in her cell.
Definitely a mysterious start, I don't have much context for what's going on
But I have faith context will arrive in due time , as that's kind of how most stories work
We get context little by little
It is mysterious indeed! Prologues get to be overdramatic like that.