Chamber 5. Just a the figment of the mind.
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Pretty cool dream today. The plot was:

 I went to so family gathering or event. Then slowly I started to notice things were off. And then dinner happened, the plate of food I ate was average, but had a weird taste. So I got up, and right as turned the corner a kitchen was there — I knew there shouldn’t have been one there — so I went in. There was obsessed cook spouting some weird crap while cooking “Mud, dirt, and blood. Yes that was fine dish.” Then he turned; his face was neutral then to shock. He began to trudge towards me, his foot steps dented. I turned tailed, and ran. His voice reverberated behind me — I spared glance backwards, and he got fatter, and more …demonic — “How was the dish? Oh how was it, It was made of dirt and bone.” My stomach twisted at that, but I to focused in running to throw up. But when I turned my head forwards again the kitchen look longer — not much, but looked like I was a lot more paces then I was before — this is we’re I ran, and got to a the end of the kitchen, grass was one step away, taking a sharp turn I was back at the dinner table, that was outside, and way longer then before. At this moment I was confused on not noticing these weird abnormalities. I continued those thoughts as I glanced behind me (Still there). I turned back to the dinner table, and everyone was looking at me. I froze up. (Why the f-word are they looking at me) I took a rigid step — every muscle of me was clenching — then a few more, till I reached the table. Which shouldn’t have been that hard since it was only few feet away, but with everyone looking at me I felt a weird pressure crushing me down. But enough of that. I slowly sat down, but just ended up drop straight down with hard thump on the wood bench. Just like magic, all the tensing in me melted away. Weird thoughts filled my mind (Everything is normal) (Eat) (Look at the family) The last one was the only one I followed. I looked up to see everything back to normal, the table was normal sized, but we were still outside. (Huh maybe it was just me daydreamin- Yeah, no! I already know I don’t have those kind of skills in daydreaming. What the H-E-Two hockeys sticks are they doing to me? Are they bra-) “More fooood~” A eerily familiar voice spoke behind me; it’s breath was moist a it was exhaled on my neck. A shiver ran down my back, the combination of those two breaking me out of my thoughts. I slowly turned around, speaking before I fully turned “No thank yo…uuu” It was the chef, his face worn a smile they reach from ear to ear, and it was a few inches away from mine. I silently scream, and out without much thought I turned forward like lighting. (F*ck! That gave me hard attack. Why is he here?) “You sure? Its gooood~ You should eat” He exhaled, his breath wetting my neck. Then a weird slopping sound came behind me. (Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t look!) Then a plate with perfectly normal lasagna (No way that’s what he was doing behind me, and he didn’t have that on him when he came out… What he say before in the kitchen. . . Mud, dirt, and bone!) I glanced behind me then downwards to see a chunk of dirt and grass ripped out. (They are doing some witch crafting bullsh*it, and/or they are using mind altering stuff on me. Maybe it’s the table, I did get those weird thoughts when I sat down, well, before I curb-stopped them down like bad memory.) “Um I- uh-uh… Like I said I’m not hungry!” I stuttered, but at the end I found some conviction in my words. Behind me I could feel the Chef stuttering, like he was at a lost of words. “You should eat!” He proclaimed. “Sorry, but no, I lost appetite.” I urged more hoping for this demon Chef to get the hint and leave. But he didn’t, and more slopping came from behind me. More food was serve infront of me. (Screw this!) I glanced up, scouring the table for anywhere away from the Chef. (Found it!) It was spot on the other side of the table, maybe 5 or 10 spots away, and it was between one teen and little girl. Putting both hands on the table I shot up, and moved towards it. The chef followed behind, I could tell from his metal-denting stomps and the slopping sounds. I quickened my pace, and sat down as fast as I could, just trying to blend in the crowd to get away from him. The two pair of kids look slightly shocked to see me. They both opened their mouths to speak, but quickly shut them up with ‘Shhh’ and finger too my lips. Surprising enough I wasn’t found, the chef just walked past me, (Safe), but even though I thought this I was still clench my cheeks. And I waited long enough for me to began to feel truly safe. I let out sigh of relief, but that cut short with plate of food slamming down on the table — and as unlucky as I can be, some got in my mouth. I reflexively gulped, and then notice food was in my mouth (Sh*t! I swallowed some!) I turned around to see the Chef smiling “Youuuuu~ Ate~!” Then a wall of tiredness slammed into me. (Did they drug me?) And the metaphorical blanket of the void welcomed me.

I awoke to the feeling of me being dragged across tile. (Were am I… I was at a gathering? Then kitchen… Chef! Drugs!) I jogged my memory, then with that, I opened my eyes to see a man dragging me. I didn’t speak to him, and just began thrashing. “Oh! Your up? Well, great! You’ll be seeing what’ll you become” He spoke. The words drilled dread into me (Become?) and the bricks began filling my pants. And I continued to thrash and get away, but this mana grip wasn’t normal; it was like a vice was clenching my legs. (These people can’t be human… Are they going to eat me? No! He said I’ll become something… I don’t wanna be in this f’ing crap! … We stopped) I looked up to see a door of steel. “Well, have fun!” Then he threw the door open, and chucked me in. I heard the sound of the steel door slamming shut behind me. Then I landed on the ground HARD. A cackled filled the room “So it’s my turn to become one.” A voice spoke “No, it’ll be mine!” Another spoke, and this one sound more nasally. The the room was bathed in light, blind me for few moments. Then after the splotches of light cleared I saw a massive fleshy thing with two heads — imagine Jabba the Hutt, but uglier, fatter, who’s a  demon, and is sickly grey. But that was all I saw before being eaten. “I will be in control brother, only one can.” The voice spoke, and I felt my body contort and become something else. Then blanked out. I awoke to void. “Human! You there?” A strange voice spoke all around me, I tried to speak, but nothing happened. “Ah you are, great! Great! It worked!” The voice said again, still echoing. I tried to respond “Well, I think you are saying ‘Why am I here, what happened, why is black’. Since your begging for answers I’ll tell, since I’m so great and all” The now annoying voice spoke… wait was it even annoying, I think so. “So it short your my host, and my kind need host to do thing! So unlucky you. Pretty much I’ll be using you to lure in more hosts. And you’ll be my chatting buddy, but I don’t need you to have any of your emotions since that make it impossible to speak to you. You’ll be crying, and blah blah blah, stupid human stuff. So I kept the cool side of your brain active.” The voice rambled again. I kinda tired I’m going to sleep, then jolt of something hit me, it was anger and the feeling of ‘Wanna punch loud moth for being annoying’. “Damn, maybe this is why the elder truly meant by ‘Don’t keep the humans conscious, bad this will happen’ “ The voice raised its pitch on the last part. “Hm, you must be wonder what the jolt of probably pain was. It was just me opening more part for our brain so you don’t go all sleepy on me. Weird that you guys need your memories and some of your emotions to be interesting.” I know now with all my being this voice was annoying. 


Dream break. I woke up. . . I fell back to sleep


  After a few months I was able to gain control over my body once again, and I gain a lot more information on what’s happening, and that is why I have a bow and shoot tree’s and animals. How I gained control over my body was a lot more simple than you would think, due to him leaving me awake it left a metaphorical crack in his control over my body, so all I had to do is over rule him and dominate his will. And unlike him I fully sealed his mind away, which was just like constantly curb-stopping a memory. So back to it, why I am shooting arrows at tree’s and small animals, it’s because I’m destroying there sentries, and scouts in a way, and also breaking down the world they built; leaving small cracks in the illusionary world of false matter. False matter is just a stupid term I use for the world — it’s like normal till you try to attack or escape, then it becomes being of static and energy that’ll kill you or bring you back to the guards. This probably why the Chef was able to make the food out of thin air, he was just shaping the false matter into other forms (Or maybe he was actually using real dirt and using mind control to make me believe it was real. Or I would have been gutted from inside by the false matter to get out.) Im more hoping that eating false matter does make it think your trying to destroy it, because the thought of me actually eating what the Chef said makes me want to hurl. Damn I suck at staying on track of one thought. So why am I using bow, it’s because of they can’t feel my intent to destroy them up to certain distance — around 30 feet — and the can’t get relays from other false matter telling them they are in trouble due to my status as a guard. Just another bonus to the for  mention accident. Finishing up my daily quote of False matter hunter I head back to the main zone. (Breath in and breath out, get your sh*t eating grin, and best how mayI help you today master act on.) Yeah, the most recent batch of host are coming in. I originally tried to save a few when I first gain control, but I failed and was almost found out. Even if I could save them — which I can’t — I don’t know how to get out of here. The main zone is in shape of hotel and super mall fused together. Three targets, and two tag alongs that weren’t originally targets, but became so. (Why not have more people to find out quicker by scheming together, but noooo the bastard were greedy.) I wasn’t mad because more work, but because more people means harder it is for me to stay under cover. I only got the info packets of the main three, and if I was a normal guard I would have just gotten a update to my info packet from the hive mind — but I said f*ck that after finding out  how to divert it. So I only turn it on when they send out “notification” that’ll they be sending out the info pacts — which it’s more a overwhelming feeling then actually words. Why do they do that, it’s because they know a lot of guards hate having there mind always filled with knowledge on their breaks. But the demons know when a guard isn’t on the hive mind, so having one that’s always off would make them suspicious — like I said I found a way to diverge it, but make it look like I’m on the hive mind constantly. Which had some benefits, like, making look like I’m not slacking off by being of the hive mind. That one me some points with the elders. But this all wraps back around to ‘why didn’t I just turn the hive mind back on to get the update?’ It because the update would rifle through my mind to update the packet, which in turn I would be found out because my mind is not the demon supposed to be controlling me blah blah blah, in short bad sh*t would happen. Oh I’m finally here. I shrunk my false matter bow down into a small orb, and tucked it into my pocket. This thing is awesome. And since I asked for it for my guard weapon no one suspects much from me compared to a gunshots popping off every time I’m on my patrols, another bonus the arrows are part of the bow so they dissolved and are reabsorbed back into it. I reach forward and touch the cement wall, sending a out mental probe for entry. . . A mental probe came back asking for my “mind”-ID, I grab a part of the demons mind that held it and sent a copy out. . . A ‘Access approved’ filled mind-message was sent out, and the wall wiggle like jelly, and open up a oval hole the size of my body. I step through to see the guard on wall duty “Hey.” I spoke in monotone voice. The demon looked up, and spoke in also monotone voice “Any damages? Or cracks In are defense?” (How should I saw this…) “None from what I could see. I don’t think the soon-to-be host can do anything to get out, we are superior than them in every way.” I put a pompous tone in my voice, mimicking the original demon as much as I could feasible do. (Yeah, stocking their ego’s goes long way) “No, you may not know this since you new to being a guard, but those humans might be physically weak, but are quite cunning. We don’t want another incident 5-B” The guard spoke in serious tone. I fake shivered at his words. Incident 5-B is just code name for a human killing all but one of the elders after stealing his body back from a powerful demon, and then escaping with the other human of that harvesting; that’s also why the rule of fully sealing your host’s mind away became thing … Kinda like I’m doing, but using more brains than smarts. “Augh, that’ll never happened. With the elder we have strengthen are protocols, and even who would be stupid enough to leave host’s mind open.” I stated (Yeah, I wonder who would be stupid enough to do that, I can’t believe any demon who do so.) “It’s always better safe than sorry or whatever the humans call it. And enough of this chitchat, no slacking off get back to work. The humans are at living quarters.” I could sense the guard emitting the feeling of pride for using so many human slangs. I steadfast speed I made my way down to the human living quarters. (Who will I go to. Probably just go to the rich lady first, she probably give me task that take forever but will be easy. F*ck working with the two teens from the packet the are the ‘F*ck America’ type, and the try to act independent, but fail horribly.) I turned a corner, and froze. “Hello, Ms.Agentt! How may I help you today?” I internally gaged at chipper tone. “How did you know my name? … Oh your one of those servants? I need you to fix a small problem for me.” She spoke. (Damn shouldn’t have said her name, but those mishaps are fixed by the passive mind control.) “I will do so! Just lead me to it and I will fix it!” Oops,I let some malice slip in my ‘I’ (The mind control will fix it anyways.) “Oh you charmer, it’s nothing like that.” She blushed and looked away. . . (Da’F*ck! What did she just think I said. Time to sense her emotions) I reached out with my mind, probing just trying to sense anything feelings she would be radiating (Damn, this is why demons are easier. They have more simple emotions. It’s either pride, and mostly pride, and/or very little emotional or Very emotional.) There! I felts wisp of emotion . Dialing in my mental sense in that location I sent a stronger mental probe… I felt the emotion… it has some memory attached to it… she thought I was hitting on her. “No, no, no, it was nothing like that miss. I’m just good at my job.” I tried to fix it, I didn’t need one of them swooning over me, while I try to plan a way to destroy these demons. “Oh, yes! Y-you gotta stay at the top of your game.” She turned around and began walking. I followed behind, sensing that her emotions got worst in my favor. (Damn the mind control! Making my life harder as is!) In short we walked, she tried to chat with me but I shut her down, and the little emotion sensing training on her was barely worth it. Now I stood infront of door way into a nameless store, two teens standing infront of it, along with one … butler? I turned to her “What do you want me to do?” She jumped I slowly turned to me, fiddling with her hands “Um. It’s just better to show you—“ She spoke then a voice of one of the teens shouted over whatever she wanted to say “She dropped a lot of rolls of something, it feels tingly when you touch it. Oh it’s also gold.” (That’s doesn’t sound good.) “I’ll go fix it, you can—“ I tried to send them back, but no, the same teen said “Nah! We’ll help, I kinda wanna know what it is.” (Did they break free? Or starting… This could be good.) “Well if you insist I won’t stop you. Ms. Agentt do you wish to help?”. “N-n-no, I will be heading back to my room. Dél come.” She spoke, turned around, and began speed walking away her arms swaying in tandem with her legs. Dél the butler was behind her, his emotions read pure contentment. (Lucky you for being happy) “Well, let’s go or did you change you mind.” I glared at the two teens. “We’ll go” They said together. I walked towards the door, and opened it… and mouth ‘Sh*t’ (They got into the false matter repair station, why wasn’t it guarded… Why am I worried, I don’t care, this was actually perfect! I can destroy the source, and then blame it on the teens.) I reached into my pocket and grabbed my false matter bow — that I may or may haven’t modified it to remove certain features, and add more features. Like, destroying all the eavesdropping features, and added this — and I urged the orb to break off some of it, that piece of false matter turned into a hand sized scalpel like object. Yup, I made it able to change into anything, well, I modified the summon arrow feature; if I tried to change the main bow form that would have caused a lot of problems, but the summon arrow feature who gives crap about it. 

(This wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t completely removed it from it’s hive mind, and override it to only link it to me, so Bowy let’s get this done.) Me and Bowy set off to the piles of false matter used to repair this illusion. I walked forward grabbed a few of the unraveled rolls of false matter. Ever two I rolled up I would destroy one. This repeated till my pile was done. In total I rolled twenty back up and destroyed ten. Getting up I walked over to the pile of false matter, noticing it had barely decreased I looked over to the teens they only finished rolling up two each. Since they we focused on rolling it back up I grabbed more, and destroyed all of them. Then I walked out of the store, well, only after destroy another twenty or so, and rolled up a few more to make it look like I did actual work; also to lay a coverup story I asked both teens if they needed help before I left to tell my boss. (Time to fine a truck-pumper) I went around the store trying to find a truck going up and down… there! (Truck-pumper most quick to anger towards humans, and isn’t all that bright, sucks more than me at mind sensing crap, and he is soon to be a elder.) “Hey.” I spoke to get his attention. “W-H-A-T” Truck-pumper said between huff’s of breath. “The humans got into the repair station. And they recked it.” After I said that the truck Truck-pumper was using as barbell dropped on him. “What!” He scream, the truck still on him. “I said they-“ Truck-pumper interrupted me “I know! Why did you leave them there by themselves!” That’s another trait he had, he always yells. “I tried to guide them away, but they declined, and I tried to fix it but was only able to get very little done. And I decided to rush over here before anything got worse.” I spoke in quite tone, trying Imamate a guilty person. “Why come to me! Why not alert a normal guard!” He yelled. “I didn’t want people to think it was my fault because it was my shift, even though the room wasn’t being guarded, like it should!” I murmured out, but shouting at the end to show outrage. Truck-pumper threw the truck of him, and stomped towards me. I winced as he made his way towards me, not fake one, but a real one. I was surprised when he laid a hand on my shoulder “You didn’t do anything wrong, a new recruit wouldn’t even know what to do anyways, you did better than most boy. But the ones supposed to be guarding it are going to have “talk” me.” Then some coiled around him, and formed into straw hat around his head. (A elder guard tool.) The thing that I tried to mimic with my modified summon arrow feature. Truck-pumper barreled his way to the repair station, and I was on his heels. Internally grinning the whole way there.


This is where my dream ended.
