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Hey everyone!


as you can see, I went on an entire writing binge last weekend lol

but i just wanted to follow up;


as you can see, the end of the war was not truly the end even though the first book's description alludes to it however, there is more to Morrigan's story than originally expressed.


there are two more things that have been left unanswered, one of them being noted within the series, and one some people may have wondered about... but perhaps not. Either way, i hope you enjoy the conclusion to Morrigan's Inquisitorial history!


with that being said, i originally intended for this series to contain 5 books given the costs for ISBNs and covers however, due to Amazon's ridiculous page limits, its very possible this arc will be added into either a novella, or into an entire full length book... depending on how close i can manage to meet the parameters.

Currently, this book alone is sitting at 1057 pages and i believe Black Water Sleeps had come out to 1100 or so pages before i had to work some magic on the formatting (and that was a royal pain) but, we shall see.


regardless, since we're so close to the end of his series I wanted to inform you all that I have been thinking about a standalone two book series that ties into the ICR universe, though there are some highly technical things i still need to figure out before i can begin plotting it out.

So for those wondering, what's next? it's likely that but we shall see. i also have a cyberpunk book i started a while back i may work on more, or i do have an idea for a Bloonborne-esque book in mind too. it could go either way.


anyways, its late and i'm rambling. i hope you all have a good night/day!