Mo’Emori had left for work and the girls laughed and giggled upstairs. Morrigan finished her drink and set it on the counter before turning to see Xol standing between the staircases, his gaze focused on the door.
She looked at the time, realizing she still had an hour before the next item on her list demanded her attention.
You okay, Momma? Apollyon asked with mild concern within her head. She had recalled the deity as soon as it had given Skoll attention allowing an illusion of normalcy to settle in her home once more.
“Yeah, I'm okay,” she said lightly, “I do wish she would’ve said something sooner. Perhaps, if she had, we could have helped her more, maybe even help get her anger under control,” she said aloud as her eye caught the glint of light that reflected off the ring she wore and she smiled.
A year and a half after the Fall of the Federation, she and Mo’Emori had gotten married. It had been a grand celebration across the newly founded Imperium; Solomon having broadcast the ceremony across the galaxy. She personally had wanted to keep it low profile but Solomon insisted that it be a spectacle. Hearts were still heavy, whether they had been directly affected by the war or not, and the people, her people, needed something to celebrate.
It had been crazy, delegations of all three species meeting upon the Void Star to witness her union but it had also been a larger blessing than she had expected. Soon after her speech after the battle, nearly everyone departed to their worlds and began picking up the pieces of the aftermath; Morrigan too scrambled to understand what had happened that day and dove head first into piecing together the empire that had been thrust into her lap.
That day though, she had gotten to see everyone she had quickly grown to miss; well, almost everyone.
Unlikely. She’s almost an exact replica of you from the day we met, Apollyon said wistfully as if recalling the day she had nearly died and was saved by the deity of destruction.
Morrigan stepped by Xol and giving him a respectful hand on the shoulder, continued to her office. She smiled, both remembering the white Kêzi’kân’s looming presence that watched over her nearly all hours of every day but also how beautiful her daughters had become.
She never admonished who they had become, even Naestra’s anger problems but she loved them for who they were and tried her best to nurture whichever direction they found themselves heading. It would have been hypocritical if she painted her daughter’s anger as bad and she knew that full well.
Morrigan walked down the stairs letting out a relieving breath. Her anger had been a tool, one used for war but that time had passed and she had to learn to channel her rage into something more productive. That was what Naestra needed too, yet they hadn’t found the right thing for her. Morrigan hoped, with Mo’Emori’s plan regarding the young girl’s friends and their families, that maybe they'll see something new and bring them a step closer to steering Naestra in the right direction.
She pulled out her tablet and sent a quick message off to her other beloved, Nora and asked her to arrive to the meeting a little bit sooner if she could.
Expectedly, the pirate clans couldn’t continue their way of life raiding ships and planets anymore, however Morrigan didn’t want to take away the type of freedom they had grown accustomed to and though they had been brought into the fold of her empire, she respected their desires and wishes.
In her mind, they had sacrificed the most amongst her allies during the battle and earned to have their freedom preserved but instead of piracy, Morrigan suggested that the clans develop an independent, galactic-wide company that dabbled in both trade and transportation.
Nora had brought the idea forward to the pirates and to Morrigan’s surprise, the clans were amenable to the idea. After intense negotiations, a couple heated arguments and even a thrown punch by Nora, the Planetary Hauler Association, or P.H.A., had been created, and Nora became it’s head liaison when it came to political matters, such as the meeting they waited for.
“So, we’re stuck hosting?” Nora asked incredulously as she stared at Morrigan’s virtual image. Morrigan tightened her lips into a thin line knowing her other partner didn’t enjoy the last minute news. Nora may have been a party girl but what Morrigan had never known was that, without the war, Nora was actually rather anti-social; especially those she would have to restrain herself around.
“I know, love. Honestly I’m not a fan of this plan either. It’s a security risk but, it’s for Naestra…” Morrigan paused, making sure she understood what the point of the plan was, “She’s hurting, and she needs to feel normal.”
Nora scoffed at that, folding her arms against her chest. Between the three of them the parenting styles covered each side of the spectrum. Mo’Emori pampered the girls, whereas Nora believed in tough love leaving Morrigan in the center trying to uphold a balance that would let the girls shape into hardened yet compassionate women.
“Hurting is a part of life, she needs to learn how to cope with it,” Nora sniped.
Tilting her head, as if weighing her words, Morrigan shrugged, “As much as I agree with that… she’s not us, love. Neither of them are us, and they won’t go through the same things we went through, nor should they.”
Morrigan watched as her love’s eyes twitch, her shoulders rising slightly, “My entire purpose in making a better world is for them, so they won’t have to deal with all the shit we had to… granted, there will always be some things they’ll have to deal with…” Morrigan paused, sighing deeply at the thought in her mind, “They’ll never be normal. Royalty and half… deity? There are very few moments in their lives they'll have the chance to feel normal, and this is one of them.”
To her surprise, she watched a smirk grow across Nora’s lips until she caught the gleam in her eyes. “What does that make you?” Nora asked in amusement.
Morrigan snorted and rolled her eyes before her chin landed in her palm, her head tilting to the side as her arm held her head up, “The queen of catastrophe.”
Ooooh, I like that, Apollyon approved in her mind.
“You’re the queen of something,” Nora quipped, her mood lightening as she winged her eyebrows suggestively.
Nora watched as she rolled her eyes again a moment later with an indifferent breath. “Tell the peanut gallery to keep quiet, the grownups are talking,” Nora giggled fixing Morrigan with a challenging glare as if she could see the deity that raved in mock challenge in her head.
Nora didn’t dislike Apollyon, in fact when Morrigan had revealed it’s existence, Nora enjoyed harassing Apollyon knowing full well there was nothing the deity could do to stop her. Apollyon found the banter equally energizing.
Tell that smart-mouthed little shit I’ll take over her mind and drive her to madness until she paints the ceiling red! Apollyon complained, taking it to dark violence as it always had.
“Anyways!” Morrigan exclaimed with a huff before fixing Nora with a steady stare.
Her lover slumped, lifting her head high and letting out a drawn out groan, “Ughhhh! Fine!” She exclaimed in submission before adding, “Do I really need to be there?”
Morrigan shook her head, “No, mainly just me who has to be there though I’m sure Mo’Emori will ensure she’s there too.”
Nora perked up, her cheery disposition returning as if the conversation never happened, “Oh, well then by all means.”
Both women chuckled lightly until a chime rang out over the virtual call signaling someone else had entered into the conference. A moment later, the familiar reptilian form of Xitzocl strode into the space. The female Kêzi’kân standing tall in regal demeanor as she eyed both women curiously.
“I’m not… interfering, am I?” she inquired.
Morrigan shook her head meanwhile Nora nodded playfully, “Naestra is having a playdate at our home soon, I was just letting Nora know so it didn’t come as a surprise.”
Xitzocl hummed thoughtfully, “I see. maybe once my eggs hatch, your children can hunt with mine in the wilds of Tik’Taq’To.”
Both human women looked at each other with surprised looks. “Eggs? I didn’t realize you had been pregnant…” Morrigan noted in shock.
A long row of sharp teeth showed as Xitzocl smiled, “Yes, it has been…” Xitzocl paused deep in thought, “Nearly six months since we last talked.”
Morrigan’s face fell. “I’m sorry,” she said sullenly. Her schedule was so chaotic, it was hard for her to keep track of everything she did on a day to day basis. Most of her days were buried in paperwork sent from dozens of planets for her approval, legislation mostly, but also reviewing cases of dispute that local governments found to touchy for them to decide.
Outside of that she spent a considerable amount of time working with the Inquisition, going through data as well as working with various subsection of Void Star government to fine tune whatever it was they requested.
The conference that was about to begin though, was part of the former.
Xitzocl acknowledged her apology with a respectful bow of her head, “It is quite alright. You are a busy woman.”
A tight lipped smile formed on Morrigan’s face, “Well, Naestra would love that but I think Arahan would enjoy her time spending it with your scholars, and Ancient Lakai, if he would be willing to see her.”
Xitzocl nodded sagely, having met the twins on their tenth birthday when she had journeyed to the Void Star as an emissary to discuss trade for the Marmuro’k.
“I will be sure to inquire, but for now, are we ready?” Xitzocl asked.
Both women nodded. Xitzocl made a gesture with her hand, both women unable to see the room that surrounded the Kêzi’kân and in front of the trio, two figures appeared.
One was a male Kêzi’kân standing tall with its arms crossed, it’s form holding its brooding anger back as it glanced at the person next to it. The other was a tall portly man, his attire professional, clean and standing at attention patiently as his image snapped into existence before them.
There was a low hiss from the Kêzi’kân, but was ignored as Nora cleared her throat. Both of them looked to those who stood as judges for their tribunal, the Kêzi’kân dropping to one knee and bowing his head, “Mirina Sor!”
The other man bowed gracefully in the direction of Morrigan, and Xitzocl who stood next to her, “Empress Morrigan, and Lady Xitzocl.”
Xitzocl cast an amused glance at Morrigan as the other woman read the document in front of her.
Having read it over for a ninth time Morrigan began, “Aster Donivvan, you stand accused of improper trading practices involving your company’s, DHL Enterprises, fusion based power packs on the home world of the Marmuro’k, Tik’Taq’To, is that correct?”
The man’s face was smug, a sly smile spreading across his lips as he lifted his chin with his hands held behind his back, “That does appear to be the case, your Highness.”
Morrigan ground her teeth. Despite being named Empress, and living with the title for over a decade, the regal formalities still annoyed her to no end. She looked down at the name on the paper next.
“Sh’hilletheras of Clan Hex’xl, you may state your claim,” she ordered.
The Marmuro’k, who still been kneeling, rose to his feet and began speaking a long string of Marmuro’k, to which Xitzocl translated for those present who didn’t understand.
“This human, began trade on our world offering its little energy boxes that we have grown accustomed to using. However, like the disgraceful… being, it is,” Xitzocl said, unsure how to translate the slur the Kêzi’kân used, “Refused to take any trade offered. Instead, they demand credits.”
The man next to him rolled his eyes, catching both Morrigan and Nora’s attention.
“Do you have something to add?” Nora demanded, beating Morrigan to the punch. Even though Nora rarely took anything to heart, living her life as loosely as possible except for her relationship to her family, Nora had given her heart to her job. Her job after all, continued the success of her people.
Even though Imperial trade was outside of her jurisdiction, the man’s company was large and held a majority of its business on the orbital trading stations throughout the galaxy owned by Nora’s ex-pirate clans, including the one that hung above one of Tik’Taq’To’s moons.
“I don’t see what the issue even is,” the man said haughtily, “They pay in credits on trade station Atlas.”
Morrigan narrowed her eyes at the man while the Kêzi’kân next to him hissed and spat in vehemence.
“You are aware that trade on a species home world is only permitted if you abide by all of the world’s customs, including importation laws, exportation laws and even their economic systems?” Morrigan demanded.
“Well, yes,” the man stated with a tinge of uncertainty.
Nora looked down at her notes before adding, “The Marmuro’k, had only recently began trading outside of their worlds, and Tik’Taq’To only began accepting trade less then a year ago.” She looked to Xitzocl who needed in confirmation, “So, their use of technology that requires independent power sources, such as lamps, food processing equipment, tools and so on, and yet you find that you have the right to open up shop and demand payment that contradicts their customs?”
The man shrugged in a nonchalant manner, “I don't see why not? They need power, and I can bring it to them directly instead of having to travel to the station. With their rise in technological use, their need will grow and I think it's fair for me to ask for proper payment for my product.”
Proactively, the Kêzi’kân next to him flew into a massive tirade at the man, a silent one since Xitzocl had muted him.
“I think there's been some confusion,” Morrigan growled, “Tik’Taq’To uses a value based barter system. Yet you think it's acceptable to impose Imperium trade on the Marmuro’k, whose home world you opened your business on.”
The man scoffed at that. Nora letting out a stained, quiet breath at the man's stupidity as he seemed to forget whose presence he stood before.
“I have no use for baubles and pieces of metal. Besides, it's not like we have a home world,” he stated pointedly causing Nora to slap her palm to her forehead as she glanced to see the fire burning in Morrigan's eyes. Yet he continued, “So, these rules are imbalanced and favor the Marmuro’k and Eskarii over us humans.”
“These are laws by Imperial decree,” Morrigan bit out furiously, “Whether you find them fair or not is beyond the point.”
The man looked taken aback , as if his point wasn't the trump card he expected it to be, “Xitzocl, how would the Marmuro’k of Tik’Taq’To normally handle this situation?” Morrigan asked.
Xitzocl smiled, “We take the hands of dishonorable Marmuro’k.”
The man's face paled as Morrigan purposefully expressed her consideration before looking at Nora. “Ms. Flannigan, seeing as DHL Enterprises has primary business within the P.H.A. and you hold jurisdiction in this case, do you have an alternative option?”
Nora smiled contently before leaning on her palm in contemplation. She knew of the company and recalled their products that moved through the association’s stations. They mostly dealt in power sources though they had recently begun selling products that paired with their power sources. Her content smile spread into a grin as she stared into the man’s pleading eyes, the thought of losing his hands grave in his opinion.
“I say, we remove Mr. Donivvan's business from the surface of Tik’Taq’To. Also, he is to hand over the schematics of his devices he tried to sell to that one smart S’randin…” she paused, glancing at Morrigan as she tried to recall the creature’s name, “Izden.”
The man’s eyes nearly became wider than naturally possible, “No way! Those designs are company secrets!”
Morrigan grinned viciously as she straightened, “As Empress of the Imperium, my verdict is that you are guilty, Mr. Donivvan. As punishment, I will allow you to choose between the two options laid out before you. Lose the proprietary ownership of your product, or lose your hands.”
The man looked as if he would feint as the Kêzi’kân next to him relaxed, looking towards Xitzocl for translation. As Xitzocl explained to the other Marmuro’k what Morrigan had decided, Morrigan glared at the man for an answer.
He looked as if he truly balanced the two options in his mind, highlighting the ever-present issue of greed within humanity and it made her roll her eyes. As much as she felt her verdict was fair for such blatant disrespect towards to the Marmuro’k, as well as her own law, but the fact that his greed caused him pause to such lengths infuriated her.
“Your decision, now. Or I will make it for you,” she stated slowly in a menacin
g tone.
Somehow Aster paled into an even brighter shade of white as he stared at his hands. He had been silent for several long minutes to which Nora sighed in contempt, and Morrigan’s patience wore out.
“Fine, as punishment you will turn over the schematics, the real ones, and lose one hand,” Morrigan stated with finality.
“Wait, no! I'll give them the schematics!” he cried out, however Morrigan ended the conference before she could hear, her anger boiling as she let out a contempt sigh and the vision of her office came into focus as she stomped off the platform.
Before she could do much more, a chime sounded from the data-slate on her desk. Grabbing it, she saw a message from Nora and opened it.
“Nice one, love. We’re pretty sure the guy shit himself. Anyways, we’re both good with that. The guy was a dick. I’ll see you tonight! And tell Dora to break out my secret stash, I’m going to show these kids how to party.”
Morrigan smiled, her anger bleeding from her body as she shook her head. Nora may have been wild, chaotic and sometimes completely unhinged; but she always knew how to cheer her up.
The graduation party went off perfectly. Morrigan and her family had waited until the festivities had began to limit the shock and awe of their regal arrival. Morrigan had rode through the Void Star on Skoll’s back, along with her daughters behind her, to bring smiles to her people. She always hated the limelight, but to see the excitement of the average citizens always made it worth it to her besides, Arahan always enjoyed the happiness their presence brought too, despite her sister’s reluctance.
Upon arriving at Pandora’s Grace, the latest creation proposed by Dora that Morrigan had signed off on, the spotlight quickly shifted to the royal family. The banquet hall was massive and regularly used for all sorts of celebration, including Morrigan and Mo’Emori’s wedding which had been Dora’s first ever event in his new establishment.
The students and their families cheered at their arrival, delighted to see she made good on her promise to attend but we’re promptly cut off by Skoll’s daunting howl that echoed throughout the streets. Skoll’s howl was met with another round of cheers that made Morrigan laugh as she hopped down from the massive beast and greeted those who rushed up to meet her.
It had been a pleasant experience, especially when the focus shifted from her to the playful Skoll who vied for as much attention as he could get. She loved her people, but she hated the attention. Yet, she was thankful that Skoll was so well behaved and took the brunt of it for her.
“Good boy,” she thought to herself only to receive a proud jolt of emotion from him.
Dora approached with a grandeur spread of his arms, “There’s my diamond in the rough!”
That made her snort as she grinned and moved forward to accept his hug, “Hey Dora,” she said in amusement.
Dora had dressed to the nines for the event, a tailored three piece black velvet suit that held blue and red glitter within its texture, and contrasting sparkling gold eyeshadow that caused his green eyes to pop. “How is our darling Empress doing these days?” he purred with equal amusement.
“Oh I'm fine,” she said waving him off before adding, “Busy as always.”
“Oh I know, I certainly miss you at my bar though I do get an earful from that little minx you keep,” he said with a smile.
As if speaking the devil’s name, Nora sidle up beside him out of thin air and asked impatiently, “Did you bring it?”
He and Morrigan rolled their eyes before he smiled and reached into the satchel he had slung over his shoulder. What he pulled out was a weathered, label-less bottle and said with an exasperated sigh, “1967 rum, as requested.”
Nora grinned and stole it from his hand with blinding speed, “You’re the best!” she chirped and leaned up to kiss his cheek. He laughed as he accepted the token of gratitude.
The next moment, she waded into the gathering of students and family raising the bottle cheering, “Whose ready for a real party!” and Morrigan sighed shaking her head, unable to hold back the smile on her face.
“Why do you encourage her?” she asked in a knowing tone.
Dora snorted and looked back to watch Nora disappear in the crowd that encircled her, their curiosity piqued by her challenge. “She needs no encouragement. Besides, it keeps her from getting into the stuff I have stashed away in this place,” he said wistfully.
“Like guns?” she asked, her memory pulling up the story of he and Solomon fending off the marines that had been in Pandora’s Box.
Dora merely grinned before holding out his arm, “Well, now that the children are sorted out, shall we head to the bar?”
Morrigan snickered at his comment and took his arm, quickly scoping out where her two daughters had ran off to before nodding.
The rest of the party had gone smoothly, even Nora’s drinking contest that would leave many students with the galaxy’s worst hangovers. Morrigan had caught up with Dora until her mother and stepfather had arrived, wrangled her children and spent much needed family time that had been long overdue. It felt good to see everything come together; everyone was happy, and that was all Morrigan had ever wanted.