Hey everyone!
I know it's been a little bit since I've posted and the truth is I've been struggling with the final arc of this series. Not so much with what I want but how much I can put given the limited amount of space I have to fill it in order to meet Amazon's criteria >,.,>
That being said, personally I feel things have moved quickly but still hold enough information to give everyone a general idea of what has happened within past 14 years of Morrigan building her empire. However, that's me. This coming arc regarding Ruin is also going a lot faster than I originally intended as well which I'm not entirely happy about... But until I complete the book I won't know exactly how much wiggle room, if any, I have.
In the end, I may have to just bite the bullet and (to my own annoyance) divide the last book into two smaller books (which I would do my best to price accordingly) but the expenses that costs is kind of ridiculous, mainly the ISBN and cover costs.
Sadly, I don't really have enough of a story to build up on to just create an entire 6th book but at the end of this is a poll asking your opinions regarding the speed of the story (and I suppose it's detail). I know my own feelings on it, as well as Tibbit's feelings on the matter as my quality editor but I'm turning to those who have read up to this point as well (which I appreciate all of those who have held onto this series to reach it this far!)
I appreciate all of your opinions and if there is anything I've left unanswered that you want to know please feel free to put it in a comment and I'll see if I can add it to the series. Though I don't believe I've really left anything out of the story, that doesn't mean I haven't.
Until then I will try and work on the series and manage what I can but if enough of you believe it's gone too fast I will begin rewriting everything past the Story Conclusion.
So, let me know and I thank you all for your support!
Yes Votes: 0 0.0%
No Votes: 5 83.3%
Yes but not terribly so Votes: 1 16.7%
Pretty sure it's been reasonably well paced so far, I mean considering the major conflicts are all over and this has only really shown up now as good closure not only on the fate of the federation but also for Apollyon.. as little character arc as they have had in the grand scheme-
To not tangent myself too much, so far there hasn't been much we have lost to the pace, sure it cooould get worse the more there is to get through, the biggest victim I could see being the development of Ruin as a character, unless they are just a... force, a phenomenon, and we only really need to see how Morrigan applies cosmic antifungal before we can call it good.
So yeah!
Cosmic antifungal? XD that's great. Plus I really hope so, granted I figured I could currently downsize the font a tick to free up about 100 pages but that's not accounting the actually page formatting... It's going to be difficult. I originally had a different idea on how to introduce Ruin but it was drawn out and honestly kinda pointless plus it actually has nothing to do with the Malleus Die, so it's kinda nice having a good answer to what happened with that.
I have to agree with RaelDeer. the last chapters felt quite well, pacing wise.
But that is as the introduction to the new arc, were i feel that if you rush the arc to much, next to Ruin's character development, her impact might also suffer. What i mean with that is that she feels so far as the a bit of a cosmic certainty, at least over the last idk. Eons?.
And if to rushed i fear her impact feels of and weak, but i can also see that somewhat working if you lean further into her "humanaty" and have her in the end undefeated but convinced.
In the end i feel the arc is on a good track and if you continue the pacing as is you are on the good way.
But what do i know im just a random gal on the internet spewing out mad ramblings. ^^
That is another good perspective to hear though it does make me wonder about the next chapter I have written ? waiting on Tibbit to read it but what you've said does give me an idea on how to handle it's pace and, well, as you said, Ruin's impact as a whole. The are a few avenues I can go but I'll have to take the time to consider them all and see which suits the situation the best.