Ironically, at least It was how she felt about it upon receiving her personal ship, it was the very same model of ship she had stolen when she and Torvil attempted to get off Earth, however it was a far more upscale model.
Luckily for her, her starship was significantly faster than the Lord Inquisitor’s Battleship especially since it came with it’s own warp drive which made her investigation far more effective since the strange feeling originated in the direction of where she had fought Ruin. Though there was no evidence that Apollyon had been correct assuming the other deities took notice of Ruin's demise, Morrigan knew she couldn't leave it to chance.
Instead of taking a week to arrive at Cyrill, it only took three days, but during those days of travel she and Apollyon sat in quiet contemplation. Skoll on the other hand laid on the luxurious sofa in the back as she piloted the ship, perfectly content with accompanying his master while she pondered just what she would say to one or more of the deities that created life in the universe; especially since by all rights, she was the one who would have to systematically destroy life in the universe to continue the cycle of existence.
That was something she had yet to come to terms with however, much like most things in her life, things had spiraled out of control and she needed to make some sort of decision. She was the new goddess of death, and she needed to decide what that meant.
However, there was a looming question at the back of her mind; what would the other deities say? Would they attempt to force her to take up Apollyon’s old position in the universe?
Upon arriving though something alarming caught her attention, the Malleus Die was no where in sight. In silent confusion, she wondered what had happened to the dreadnaught but considered the possibility that it had been salvaged by her people. On the other hand she knew the state of the ship and if anything, it should’ve crashed into the planet yet from her position she couldn't see an impact site on the surface. All that could be seen was a barren desert world with subtle spots of life peppered across the surface beyond the necrotic scarring Ruin caused, the half a dozen mile wide area of pure ruination that contrasted darkly against the beige world.
As she circled the planet searching for some form of evidence, the alluring pull of the feeling focused around that area of ruin which gave Apollyon’s suspicion credence. The issue for Morrigan was that despite having a clear view of the site from orbit, she couldn't see anything worth noting.
Having the entirety of Apollyon’s power, she knew she could resist whatever remained of the power Ruin wielded, perhaps even reversing it if given the time, however she didn't want to risk the ship or Skoll and brought the ship down about a quarter mile outside of the radius.
Skoll stood up as she left the cockpit as if ready to go, however she raised a hand to settle him and said, “It may be too dangerous for you buddy, I need you to stay here.”
The massive beast’s ears flattened as he let out a groan of objection and moved closer, the fact that he stood nearly as tall as she was made her feel bad given how small the starship was, however she knew she couldn't risk Skoll's life on unknowns such as toxic wastelands or potential deities of creation.
She ran her hands along his snout and brought his head down so she could press her forehead to his, “I know buddy but I let you come, however I don't know if the land is dangerous for you or not. I'll be fine but I don’t want you to come if I think it'll hurt you… Maybe once we figure out what's going on we can see if there's anything to hunt on this planet?”
Skoll let out a sharp breath of air from his nose, almost like a snort or a sigh. She knew Skoll could feel her anxiety and normally her anxiety made him quite obstinate. To her surprise, Skoll padded himself back to the sofa and plopped down, his hawkish eyes glued to her as she stood there watching him obey. Morrigan couldn’t help but give a weak smile towards the beast, thankful that she had brought him given her rising nerves.
Nerves aside, it was something she had to handle on her own but once she returned, she would happily give Skoll as much attention as he desired. Turning, she walked towards the side hatch and pressed the button that would lower the ramp and pulled on the lever that opened the door. A blast of fresh air wafted into the ship which brought a small semblance of relief.
Though she lived on artificial atmosphere for over a decade, nothing beat proper fresh air. Sealing the ship behind her and stepping off the ramp, the bright sun beat down across her vision as a gentle wind carried dust and sand across the world before her. Despite being a desert world, the air was a comfortable temperature which explained to her why the planet had been chosen for colonization.
It didn't take long for her to reach the edge of ruin, the sand beneath her feet shifting from a golden brown to a wide landscape of greenish, near black ground solidified into what appeared to be dried dirt. Pausing, she reached down and touched the ruined ground and could easily feel the familiar sense of what was her new power. “I don't like this…” she muttered.
She could feel Apollyon nod in her mind, Yeah, I don’t blame you, and we have to go right to the heart of it.
Apollyon gave her what felt like a mental nudge and drew her attention to the radiating curiosity that was coming from the center of the area. She nodded and began walking, all the while trying to control her anxiety. “What should I expect if they really are here?”
Apollyon went quiet for a moment before it sighed, I honestly have no idea.
“What do you mean? They're your siblings,” Morrigan countered in annoyance. It wasn’t so much the answer that annoyed her, but how somber Apollyon felt about it.
I haven’t seen them in eons, hell for all I know they each found their own little minions to inherit their power. We could all be the same, just existing while the next generation takes over, or maybe not. The only thing I can be certain is if it is them, The Beginning will be quite annoying, Apollyon said with a slightly mocking tone mixed within all the calmness of the galaxy.
Morrigan walked on for a few minutes stewing on the deity's words before she let out a soft breath, “I can't become you, Apollyon… at least, not now.”
Apollyon didn't even pause, I get it. You have a family to take care of, an empire to run and a lot to let sink in, anyone would be a fool to think otherwise.
“Yeah but…” Morrigan paused, her emotions torn on multiple degrees as her subconscious tried to settle the gravity of her being. Like Apollyon said, she was essentially immortal now, which meant much more than taking on a job that would ensure the continuation of existence. Having the briefest moment to think about it made her want to break down and cry, to run away from the reality of it all.
Yeah, a lot to take in… the universe won’t collapse, Mori. I know it’s not ideal for you but you can still take the time you need, the universe can wait, Apollyon stated in an attempt to comfort her. She knew what Apollyon tried to say, but it didn't remove the reality that she would outlive everything; her children, her family, her empire and at some point, she would need to bring it all to a close.
Instead of falling into despair, Morrigan's attention was pulled to a large shard of metal that protruded from the ground, it's dull sheen barely reflecting the sunlight. Looking around, she could see more and more pieces of metal sticking up from the ground, and some that were merely lying on the ground. She picked up a small piece and felt it in her hand, her brow furrowing in confusion.
“This is from the Malleus Die,” she stated with certainty as she recognized the metal used in starships. Having lived on the Archangel for years and having torn apart many of the Federation's ships, she knew the feel and weight of human military grade ship hull. She looked up and searched the surrounding distance, “But where the hell is it?”
She dropped the metal and continued to walk, her eyes hovering each piece of hull she spotted. If the massive dreadnaught had crash landed like she suspected, it would have caused extensive damage to the planet regardless of how slow it had likely moved.
She then considered the possibility that the Lord Inquisitor ordered the destruction of the derelict ship, and that perhaps what she was finding were remnants of its destruction. If anything she considered that to be the more logical leap. “I'm going to have to read Clare's report after this…” she muttered to herself.
“But where was the rest?” she asked with sudden realization that while in orbit, there had been no wreckage at all, even the wreckage of the other ships that had been there, “What the hell is going on?”
Apollyon didn't have an answer, nor did she, however as the landscape became more uneven, mounds of ruined ground rising and lowering in the shape of previous dunes, she began to find ground coated in black powder.
She stopped to investigate that as well, scooping up some of the powder to be surprised by its weight and texture. She then realized that it was metal powder.
I think its them, Apollyon stated, I think they atomized the wreckage.
Morrigan shook her head, not in disagreement but in disbelief, “That would explain why it’s gone but not why?” Then again, it wasn't important to her; she was about to meet the creators of the universe and she sat there moronically pondering about things that didn't truly matter.
The Malleus Die didn't matter to her, and to think about it in such depth as if trying to figure out some cosmic mystery was nothing more than a way for her to procrastinate and she knew it. So with purpose, Morrigan walked the hills of ruination, as much as she avoided it, she had to remind herself that she was the new deity of destruction and she needed to solve the situation at hand.
It didn't take long until she heard something that gave her pause. Like an echo on the wind it scraped across her mind, yet she couldn't make sense of it as if she was too distant to actually hear it, but as she began to crest a massive mound, she could see clearly something she never truly expected.
Standing in a circle were three massive beings. Morrigan found them hard to comprehend as her vision focused. Two of them stood nearly 20 feet tall by her estimation, one a monochromatic hue of blue in a form that was reminiscent of the Eskarii species, as another took on an eerily similar shape except hued yellow. There was no real detail to either, but more of an awkward basic shape as if they were chiseled from stone half way through their creation. Then it dawned on Morrigan of the stories of the Eskarii goddesses, and concluded that it had to be Apollyon’s sisters.
Then there was the other, a massive being of brightly hued green who appeared humanoid in form however entirely designed out of crystal. What smooth shapes the other two were designed of were a stark contrast against the cubic, rough cut shape of the other.
Well shit, it’s them, Apollyon said, breaking the somber tone with a touch of annoyed venom.
Morrigan wanted to turn and walk away but she knew she couldn’t. Instead, she steeled her nerve and crested the ridge. She needed to figure out what they wanted and send them on their way, not ignore them like she desired.
As she drew closer, the whispers on the wind began to take form and make sense, but with that came a pressure on her mind that nearly made her stagger.
Perhaps The End of All Things has returned? Came a feminine voice laced with longing.
Morrigan watched as the tall, green statue shook its head. No, it wouldn’t make sense to destroy a creation made in their infinite image, the green one said, a deep masculine tone ringing through her head.
But nothing should have been able to kill our creation but the end of everything! The last one spoke though Morrigan couldn’t tell which sister was which as the shrill voice spoke with such panic. The only thing Morrigan was certain of was that each time either spoke, it felt like her brain went numb.
Morrigan approached though it seemed to make little difference to the beings’ circular train of thought as they continued to try and make sense of Ruin’s death.
But it must have, nothing else could have done this… Stated blue.
Green nodded though it’s next words, or thoughts, betrayed the agreement, Perhaps not, your creations have grown exponentially, a brilliant contrast to the reptilian species. Perhaps one of them managed such a feat.
Morrigan looked up between them, partially fascinated by them, partially in awe at their impressive forms and equally irritated to be ignored as they continued to squabble above her. She looked down at the crumpled, disfigured form of Ruin who had begun to rot some time ago and sneered viciously at the body of the one who threatened her people.
“Hello? I think the person you want to be questioning is me,” Morrigan stated, nearly shouting.
Her blood ran cold for a moment as they all turned their gazes towards her, looking down from their impressive statures but steeled her nerve as she reminded herself that they may be significantly larger than her, she was their equal.
A creature! Green exclaimed before cocking it’s crystalline head to the side, I do not recognize it… this is not one of ours. Fascinating!
No, no, that’s impossible! We are the creators! Yellow nearly screamed in Morrigan’s mind, causing her to retract slightly as she watched the yellow “Eskarii goddess” shift behind the blue one.
Perhaps the End of All Things has created it as it did this one? Maybe it is akin to our dearly missed creations? Blue said with a sense of sadness, letting Morrigan recall the story Apollyon had told her so many years ago. By their tones she could piece together who was who, loosely, by the primary emotion they encompassed.
Listen, if you don’t say something they will just keep going on circles. There’s a reason I was the one who figured out the cycle of life, Apollyon stated in annoyance, however once Apollyon spoke within her head, their attentions where glued to Morrigan.
The End of All Things!
Why does it wear a new form?
This isn’t right! No, not right, this is a trick!
Apollyon and Morrigan groaned in unison. She was partially glad that they could hear Apollyon but that came with added difficulty to trying to separate four different voices in her head; three of which pressed upon her psyche in an uncomfortable way.
“Now hold on…” Morrigan began as she tried to recover thoughts, however Apollyon stepped in.
Yeah, yeah it’s a big happy family reunion. Now that that’s out of the way, we would really appreciate it if you all fucked off back where you came from and let us do our thing.
There was a pregnant pause as they all stared down at her giving Morrigan long enough to form a coherent thought, “Yeah, like I was trying to say, I’m Morrigan, and yes Apollyon is currently residing in my mind and recently I killed Ruin,” she said gesturing to the corpse.
Apollyon? Green said with rapt interest.
Meanwhile Blue looked up towards the others, It calls the End of All Things, Apollyon.
No, no, it speaks to us! It understands us! It holds our counterpart in prison, what if it wishes to imprison us!
Morrigan held her hands up to try and gain their attention but the effort was futile.
It says it’s people? Then there are more, more capable beyond its own measure, Green added.
It cannot hold us, but why does the End of All Things house itself within this creature? Blue asked.
It’s dangerous! Yellow screeched as it hid behind Blue.
“Would you shut the fuck up for a moment!” Morrigan roared, crossing her arms in offense as she looked up at the trio. “I’m standing right here! Yes, The End of All Things lives inside me and with Ruin dead, Apollyon’s creation, I will take her place as the death of life so the cycle can continue…”
Yeah, it’s true. She is my replacement, Apollyon stated in agreement.
That can’t be true… Yellow whispered.
Green, Apollyon’s brother, let out a psychic chuckle as it looked down, No, we cannot have this. Come, the End of All Things, we shall design a new body for you to inhabit and remove you from this mortal prison that has confounded you.
An overwhelming sense of panic flooded Morrigan instantly as the thought reached her mind, but it wasn’t only her panic, but Apollyon’s as well, and a titanic wave of destructive energy flooded outwards causing each of Apollyon’s siblings to stagger back.
“You will not!” she roared defiantly as she prepared to defend herself, and by extension Apollyon. She wasn’t certain why the thought of Apollyon leaving her body hit a cord so hard, if anything she expected it to happen one day, but the idea of losing Apollyon terrified her, and not only that, it hurt.
Fuck you, you arrogant prick! I’m not going anywhere. Mori and I are a package deal! Apollyon stated forcefully in her head, easing the tension in her muscles in the slightest as she stared up at the crystalline behemoth.
It wields the energy! Yellow cried out before running and taking to the skies.
Blue stepped back, equally cautious but instead of crying out something, Apollyon’s sister let out a sob as if the worst thing in history was about to happen.
Enough of this foolishness, this creature cannot be equal to us, nothing can, Apollyon’s brother, the Beginning of Creation, stated with a dark tone as it stood to it’s full height, Nothing can compare to us for we are everything. This creature and it’s kind must cease to exist before it breaks the cycle and you must return to your place!
The spike of panic that ran through Morrigan quickly shifted to rage fueled adrenaline. Not only did Apollyon’s brother threaten to take Apollyon from her, but it also threatened her and her people just as Ruin and that filled her with a deep seeded anger she hasn’t reached ever since she and Apollyon came together.
Wings burst from her back in a brilliant display, however they weren’t her usual crimson skeletal wings she always had. No, these were different. Large, elegant blades of something she didn’t recognize made up the feathers, each glinting a dull red glow underneath the beating sun as if they were made of crystalized blood.
But she couldn’t think about the development, she knew she had to act and strike first otherwise Apollyon’s siblings would try and kill her and take Apollyon away from her.
With a mighty thrust, Morrigan launched towards Green, her entire arm crackling in a dazzling display of energy as she hauled her fist back and struck the being square in the head; sending the giant sprawling back as a thunderclap echoed across the world.
Ha! That’s right girl, kick his ass! This has been a long time coming! Apollyon cheered in her head, a sense of glee spreading through her body.
“No one is breaking us apart,” she told Apollyon, a wry smile flicking across her features at the feat she accomplished only solidifying her position as a goddess.
Damn straight, it’s you and me forever.
For an split moment Morrigan flushed at Apollyon’s words but was quickly brought back to reality by the creaking sound of crystal grinding together as she watched Green pull itself back to its feet.
Around the deity, metal dust began to swirl around until it held out it’s hand. Molecules of metal melted together before her eyes to form the most basic shape of a club, perfectly smooth and conical and held firmly within the crystalline deity’s grip.
Enough of this, Green said as it raised the club, taking a step forward before bringing it down.
The blow was slow and Morrigan’s wings curled around her defensively as she worked her shield of energy into existence around her. Given the very recent changes she wasn’t sure what would appear to but to her delighted surprise the very shield she had originally created appeared around her; only stronger and laced with far more raw power than before.
The impact sent a shockwave across the land sending metal dust, debris and whatever else that laid beneath the ruined sands flying. The gigantic metal club survived though to her surprise, repelled by the blast as it was, but that ricochet gave her an opening to attack and she took it. Morrigan launched herself forward unaware of just how fast the deity was as mid-recoil, the crystalline giant shifted the momentum of the weapon and instantly swung at her.
Morrigan didn’t have time to react as the massive club the size of her body connected with enough force she shouldn’t have survived. But she wasn’t mortal anyone and instead of dying instantly, she shot across the landscape like a missile and impacted a blackened dune of sand.
“Fucking hell,” she groaned as her body merely ached.
Don’t worry, you got this, Apollyon said encouragingly knowing full well that it’s siblings were not veterans of combat like she was.
She knew it too, but she was still surprised at the speed such a massive being could possess, but as she tried herself out of the dune, she knew what to expect. At least she thought.
The moment her vision focused ahead of her, the crystal giant loomed above her poised to strike. To her estimation she had to have had flown over a mile and yet it stood before her as if it never left her vicinity. The shock of her situation gave her pause but before either she or Apollyon’s brother could move, an ear splitting howl pierced the air and a maelstrom of lightning struck the massive giant.
Above the crack of channeled energy Morrigan could hear the Beginning grunt in pain and as her vision cleared of the blinding light, she could see Skoll latched onto the giant’s hardened arm kicking his claws as it held on with his mighty jaws.
Before Green could react, another torrent of lightning emitted from Skoll and cascaded across its crystalline form. That wasn’t enough to stop the giant though as it reached its free hand towards the beast and tore it from its arm leaving large, impossible gouges in its arm before it threw the beast across the ruined zone.
“Skoll!” Morrigan screamed as energy unleashed from her core in a violent maelstrom, her legs and wings pushing off the ground and slamming her into the behemoth’s chest.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” she screamed as the giant collapsed under the strike, Morrigan punching into its chest with thunderous strikes.
There was a lazy swipe with the club that Morrigan caught, her fingers digging into the perfectly formed metal as she wrenched it from the deity’s hand and with an agonized roar of rage, she drove the perfect spike through the deity’s arm, shattering the arm completely.
It wasn’t enough though. It had hurt Skoll, her most beloved and loyal companion, and nothing that threatened her or her own could be allowed to live. That was her rage, all who hurt those she loved must pay in blood, and blood she would take.
Morrigan drew her hands back, lost in the insanity of her frenzy as her heart broke at the thought of Skoll being hurt, and claws grew from her hands. She didn’t notice the sinuous carapace that grew from her flesh, turning her perfect sculpted hands that were once stained by cosmic tattoos into something inhumane, slender and deadly.
Someone else noticed and with a shout within her head, Mori, wait! Apollyon knew what was to happen if she struck but it was too late as Morrigan’s clawed hand pierced the giant’s chest.
The crystal parted like nothing, much like anything else she ever tried to destroy. It was familiar, sensuous and all to desired by Morrigan as she focused on the kill but what came afterwards was something far beyond an agony she could have ever fathomed.
Her hand plunged into the Beginning of Creation’s chest and it’s power laced up her arm like a moth to a flame. She screamed, a sound so pure that it shook the cosmos to its very core; pain wracking her body so intensely that bones shattered and organs ruptured and what was far worse… her mind shattered.
Uhhh.. whoops? Guess Morrigan gets to be the beginning AND end now, one big ol cycle.
Yeahhhh, pretty obvious huh? xP