Chapter 30: Impending Threat
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Reika was surprised upon seeing the mysterious lady, which was the dryad herself.

Woah! Who's that glowing lady behind him? And a beauty to boot!

"Ah, Miss Reika!" Alguis exclaimed.

"Uhhh... May I ask what's going on?" 

"We were still in the middle of a discussion. Would you like to join us, Miss Reika?" Silas asked her.

Seeing that Soru was present in the discussion, Reika got curious and nodded her head. She sat beside Soru, on which Veylir was perching at the table as well.

As she sat on the table, Alguis looked directly at her.

"Since you arrived just now, I will repeat the details I told them earlier..."

Alguis told her exactly what he said to Silas earlier. Reika was surprised upon hearing such news. He also told her about the concerns that involve the village people.

After he told her everything, Reika didn't respond right away. Seconds later, Reika let out a deep sigh.

"Indeed, it is hard to decide. We should consider both factors equally as well."

Alguis nods his head in agreement. Unbeknownst to him, Reika was hiding the fact that she couldn't provide any ideas and simply agreed with them.

I couldn't think of any ideas other than those two they said awhile ago...

Suddenly, Silas sighed in front of them.

"Although it is hard for me, I think we have no choice but to abandon—"

Silas was interrupted when he noticed the commotion outside. Seeing the situation, he excused himself and went outside the house.

There, he saw the villagers and realized that they were eavesdropping on their entire discussion all along. They are the group of people who managed the plantation that day and the same group who decided to apologize to Reika.

"What are you guys doing here?"

One of the villagers stepped up and confronted him.

"We heard everything, Mister Silas. And if you think that secretly discussing a situation that big without our notice is the right thing to do, then you are mistaken."

"That's right! Mister Alguis and his companions, Miss Reika and Mister Soru, already did several things for our sake: helping us cope with our loss, giving us protection, and lending us a settlement to live with."

"We couldn't do anything at all but only give them gratitude, which isn't enough as an exchange for their good deeds. And now that they're faced with a dilemma with our lives on the line, we don't want to sit by and let them do the heavy lifting by themselves again."

Alguis and Reika went outside to check the situation. Both of them saw the group talking to Silas. They noticed Reika and immediately went and faced her.

"Miss Reika, we apologize for our rude behavior earlier!"

Suddenly, all of them bowed in front of her.

"Ehhh? What is this about?"

"Initially, we came here to apologize to you personally. We treated your guests poorly, and throwing such criticism at them was simply unforgivable..."

"Ahhhh.. I-Is that so...? It's not really a big deal for me..." Reika murmurs while trying to hide her embarrassment.

So they came here just to apologize?

"...But after we heard that a monster wave was bound to happen, we were terrified just by looking at how serious you guys were..."

"And then we realize there's got to be a way to compensate not just you but Mister Alguis and his companions as well."

"That's why we decided to ease your burden by letting you all go. You already did enough for us; staying here for too long would endanger you."

"She's right, Miss Reika. You don't need to risk your lives for our sake. This time, we will handle this matter by ourselves. Terrifying as it may be, we will protect our newfound home with our lives, even if we... d-die..."

Reika could see their fears just by looking into their eyes, but they were determined to save her and the dwarves from the impending threat that they were about to face. Suddenly, Reika simply smiled at them.

"I lost my parents when I was young. Growing up without them was hard, of course, speaking from experience. Yet, I faced all those challenges with courage and determination and became what I am today."

"I may be too young to understand how harsh the world is to us, but I am not ignorant when it comes to the sufferings of a man."

Soru and Veylir heard her speech as they walked outside the door, along with the dryad and the dwarven guards. They stopped and listened in silence.

"That's why, allow me to share all your burden. I also want to repay you for everything you've done to us. Despite being an outsider, you welcomed us with open arms!"

And we're the ones who brought Veylir to their village, so I really should compensate them!

Reika noticed a familiar figure approaching her from the back of the group. It was Sylva.

"Are you sure, Reika? The fact that you're not really obliged to do so means that you are willing to risk your lives for us. Those monsters are a real deal, you know?"

After hearing her words, Reika paused for a moment. Then, she raised her eyebrows.

"We're basically living in the same place, no? Of course we'd risk our lives if we wanted to protect our home, no matter how dangerous those monsters are..."

All of them were surprised.

Don't tell me she's taking those disaster-grade monsters lightly!?

Suddenly, Sylva chuckled. Her sudden laughter made Reika wonder.

"Pft. Calling this place "your home" means that you'd be one of us, you know that?"

Reika smiled at her.

"Of course! All of you are like family to me!"

Sylva was surprised when Reika called them her family.

"If that's the case..."

Sylva raised her arms and opened them widely.

"Welcome to the family, Miss Reika!" Sylva exclaimed and smiled.

Reika's eyes widened in surprise. She smiled back in response and hugged Sylva tightly. Then, the villagers, including Silas, surrounded them and hugged the two ladies. The air was filled with laughter as they continued to hug each other as a group.

"What a sight, Master. Humans really are social beings," the dryad said to Veylir.

"Umu. It's probably the exact reason that their race flourished over thousands of years. Their unusually strong bond is what makes them unique."

Alguis observed their joyful interaction and was amazed by Reika's performance.

I could see it... She's a natural-born leader! Her sincerity and kindness draw the masses, which is one of the qualities that a true leader possesses!

Alguis approached them and lowered his head while placing his hand on his chest.

"As one of her retainers, I will assist Miss Reika in her ambitions."

I will teach her the art of leading people. She has great potential to be one!

Seeing that Alguis had made a bold move, Veylir frantically made her way beside Reika, drawing all their attention towards her.

"O-Of course it applies to me as well! I will fulfill Miss Reika's wishes. I... I am her familiar, after all!" 

The villager's eyes widened, and their expression brightened further.

"Thank you very much! We hope we could help you in any way, in exchange for your generosity over us!" All of them shouted in unison.

"Now, how should we address the problem? Since we decided to stay in this settlement, we should prepare for some countermeasures... right?" Völun asked them.

Their expression changed to a serious look upon hearing his words. They remembered that they had a problem that needed to be resolved. Reika stepped out and faced them.

"That's why we need to discuss them right now."


Except for the village people, only Silas went inside the house, along with Reika, the dwarves, the dryad, Veylir, and Soru. Upon taking a seat, they began their discussion.

"Since we decided on not abandoning this place, we have no other option but to defend it. With that in mind, I propose to train our people on how to fight the monsters. Although they have basic knowledge on how to eliminate one, their knowledge isn't sufficient enough," Alguis told them.

"That's why Völun and Aeden will be the ones who train those men on how to efficiently fight those monsters. I will be the one who's in charge of their progress and provide them assistance in fortifying our defenses around the settlement."

Aeden and Völum stood up and lowered their heads.

"We will follow your orders, Sir Alguis!"

"I will handle the villagers's affairs. We need to pack our things if the worst happens, just in case," Silas said to them.

"...Not that I doubt your skills, Sir Alguis! It's just—"

"It's alright. A backup plan is efficient to ensure our survival, after all. Suggesting it was the right thing to do."

Silas nods his head in response.

"Then allow me to handle that affair by myself, Sir Alguis."

"I will help Sir Silas and protect the village people. I would also provide some assistance in combat and fortify our defenses as well. And if the worst comes to worst, we will help you guys face those disaster-grade monsters," Reika said to them.

"Are you sure you can handle by yourself, Miss Reika? It might be too much of a burden for you," Alguis told her.

Not to mention, we don't have sufficient power to deal with those disaster-grade monsters...

"It's alright. My familiar will help me as well. With the two of us, we could provide support with ease!"

"That's good to hear, then. I will entrust you with that task, Miss Reika!"

Alguis took a glance at Soru.

Ah, that's right. Mister Soru's with us. He could probably deal with those monsters if we couldn't handle them by ourselves...

"The dryad could provide us updated information regarding the monster's movements. I presume you can handle it?" Veylir asked the dryad.

"The dryads can handle such a task. Leave it to us!"

"Mhm." Veylir said, nodding in agreement.

"Now that we're assigned to our respective roles, we will proceed with the plan right away." Alguis told them.

"I suggest we shouldn't begin the plan right away this evening. We should start tomorrow instead." Reika told Alguis.

"But Miss Reika, what if—"

"I understand your concern, Sir Alguis, but we should save our strength for the time. Besides, we should also consider the mental state of those people as well. We should give them a little bit of breather, right?"

Alguis lowered his head and sighed.

"You're right, Miss Reika. We'll do it by tomorrow morning."

With nothing else to be discussed, the meeting was dismissed. They left the room and went outside to take a dinner that was prepared by the village people.

Silas announced to the village people about the possibility of the monster wave. Some of them panicked, fearing for their safety. But similar to the group of people who came before, they decided to remain in the settlement and defend it.

They ate their food while discussing their plans, which Silas simply relayed to them earlier. They listened to him eagerly, not sparing a single detail.

After Soru finished his food, he immediately left the scene. He went to the large house and sat on a wooden bench he saw earlier near the main door, which Alguis made earlier this morning. He observed the people that were left eating, along with Silas and Alguis.

Moments later, he saw Reika approaching him. He didn't stare at her for too long and continued watching the children as they were being called by their parents to go inside their houses.

"Hey, Soru!"

Soru didn't respond. Instead, he simply took a glance at her. Reika didn't mind it, and she sat beside him.

"Remember what I told you days ago about protecting them or some stuff?"

"Yes, I do remember you saying that."

Reika turned her head and watched the people in the distance.

"You see, I'm striving to become a strong person. I'll train so hard until I am capable of protecting those I cherish the most. I need it if I want to protect them, after all!" Reika exclaimed with confidence.

Soru didn't respond and simply listened to her. A gentle breeze passed on them, and Reika breathed deep to feel the cold air in her nostrils.

"Honestly, I don't quite understand your actions. Sometimes you won't even bat an eye on those around you, yet you'd randomly help others in times of their need..."

"But that's a good thing. Possessing such free will is the essence of an individual, unfettered by the controls of others."

Soru took a glance at her. He saw Reika smile at him.

"And that's what makes you, "you."

Reika saw Veylir in the distance. Her actions make it look like she's looking for someone. She stood up and looked towards Soru.

"What I'm trying to say is, whether you'd help these people or not on the upcoming wave, it is up to you. Even if you refuse, I won't force you to oblige, and it's fine with me..."

Reika stared at him with a confident look.

"Because I realized that being overly dependent on others would hinder my path to becoming stronger!"

After Reika said those words, she simply left and went to Veylir. Soru took a glance at her as she left and went back to observe the surroundings.

Seeing that the sky wasn't clear enough for the stars to be visible in the heavens, Soru stood up and went to the back of the large house in order to view it clearly. There, he gazed at the scenery above him.

Even though the tranquil heavens lay before his eyes, what Reika said to him earlier still lingers in his mind. Pondering her words while staring at the night sky at the same time, a memory from his childhood slipped into his mind.


"Why did that chick fall from its nest?" A young Soru said while pointing at the poor chick, still chirping on the ground.

The woman beside him looked in the direction he was pointing.

"Ah, it was practicing to fly on its own. It's adorable, isn't it?"

The woman that Shin Soru was talking to was his mother. They were sitting on a public bench inside the park, where some people gather to take some leisure time.

His mother had dark hair similar to his and brown eyes that reflected her kind and warm personality.

Soru didn't respond right away because his attention was diverted upon seeing a large bird land on the nest where the chick came from.

A large bird. That's probably its mama...

Soru quietly observed the large bird and the poor chick on the ground. He saw that the chick was trying to climb back to the nest on its own.

"What was that chick doing?"

Soru's mother became restless due to his unending questions.

For a four-year-old child, he sure likes to ask questions a lot!

"It's climbing back to its nest and attempting to fly once more."

"Why was that mama bird only staring at her chick? It is easier if she helps it by carrying on her beak."

"She's not only staring, you know? Mama bird helps the chick by protecting it from someone who'll hurt it during its attempt to fly..."

Soru asked several questions, while his mother eagerly answered them all with a smile. After minutes of seemingly endless conversation, Soru finally stopped asking her.

Despite all of his questions being answered by his mother, the young Soru still couldn't understand the point of the mama bird's not constantly helping her chick. For him, it is an efficient and faster method if she would carry her chick and guide it with every step it would take.

Even though his face didn't show any change, his mother knew that he was still conflicted by it. She simply smiled and looked toward the nest. 

His mother pointed to the chick, which finally arrived on the nest and tried to flap its wings for the second time.

"Hey, Soru. Look over there!"

Soru looked at where his mother's finger was pointing and saw the chick from before.

The chick flapped its wings faster and stronger compared to the previous attempt. With its willingness to soar above the sky, the chick managed to hover above its nest and fly above the ground. The chick's mother chirped happily upon seeing her child's success.

"See? I knew it'd fly on its own even without the mama bird's guidance!"