Right at that moment, Reika felt shivers in her spine. Unlike before, she could feel his gaze on her back.
When she turned around, what she saw was a fist approaching at incredible speed. In desperation to avoid such an imminent attack, she had no choice but to use an offensive ability to shrug him off.
<Gale Cleave!>
A compressed wind quickly emerged from the tip of her spear. As the attack should only have grazed him intentionally, Soru quickly vanished once more. At that moment, Reika finally realizes the pattern of his unusual movement.
I see, he was teleporting now instead of moving at high speeds!
To counter him, she unleashes several Gale Cleaves to break his rhythm. But no matter how she does it, Soru is still unfazed and continues to attack her relentlessly.
"Hah! It looks like my training wasn't enough!"
I admit it. I couldn't compete with that annoying ability of his!
The crowds watched the intense fight without blinking twice. They were eager to see the conclusion of their match. To them, they are powerful individuals trying to prove their strength.
Just then, Soru noticed a flaw in her movements. He decided to end it once and for all.
I can see it...
Soru teleported behind and stretched his arms wide, trying to restrict her hands by grabbing them. Reika was about to unleash another attack, but she immediately realized that their gap was too close for her plan to work.
If I hit him with a Gale Cleave, I will suffer its damage instead!
Although it was a hard decision, Reika had no choice but to push him away with her spear. But to her surprise, Soru grabbed it with his hands.
Reika tugged it with all her might, but Soru wouldn't let go of her spear.
"Why won't you...!"
While observing the match, Veylir noticed that Reika was releasing her aura due to a sudden surge of emotions. Her eyes widened upon recognizing the aura, which is the "Draconic Aura".
If she unleashes her Draconic Aura here, the crowd will collapse and get suffocated by it!
"Master Reika—"
"Pardon my interruption, but this bout should be halted immediately."
Reika's aura quickly dissipated upon hearing the familiar voice. Both of them stopped immediately.
The dwarve's eyes widened upon seeing the figure that suddenly appeared during the match. The crowd was also surprised by its arrival.
"Wait. Isn't that the dryad that we saw weeks ago?" One of them asked.
Veylir approached the dryad and asked her.
"Speak. What brings you here?"
The dryad didn't respond and simply looked at the dragon. Veylir quickly realized why she arrived unnanounced, and her eyes widened.
Everyone present at the scene understood Veylir's sudden change and shuddered in fear upon learning the bitter realization. To them, the Dryad's arrival only meant one thing, a moment that they feared the most. The monster wave finally commences.
"Units, Assume your positions!" Alguis quickly ordered as he screamed at the top of his lungs.
All the women present in the scene picked up their child with haste. Others ran to their children, who were playing together near the well.
"Swordsman Unit! Gather the children and the elderly first and hide them at the large house!" Aeden exclaimed.
"Yes, Ma'am!"
The dwarves prepared their weapons and immediately went at the Dryad, who is still discussing it with Veylir, Soru, and Reika.
"What's the situation?" Alguis asked them.
"The Tyrant of the Lake, Gargantua, began to take action by mobilizing its massive monster horde. The wave already dealt casualties, destroying a tribe within the lake's vicinity," The dryad told them.
"A tribe?" Alguis asked while confused.
"I forgot to mention it earlier, but there are other three settlements residing in this forest beside yours, which are the Goblin Tribe, Ogre Tribe, and Orc Tribe."
Everyone was surprised after learning about the existence of these tribes.
"Did you inform them about the monster wave?" Alguis asked the dryad.
"My sisters already warned them a month ago. But they refused to abandon their settlement, stating that they have nowhere else to go. They are prepared to die even if it means protecting their home."
The dwarves sighed upon hearing the dryad's response.
"Well, we couldn't blame them," Alguis murmured.
"We should let them seek refuge here! Staying there while Gargantua is on the run will wipe out their entire tribe!" Reika exclaimed.
Aeden was surprised and tried to stop her.
"But Miss Reika, letting them stay here is too—"
"If we let them join our ranks, our chances of repelling those monsters will increase, and more lives would be saved if we gathered in one place!"
Alguis's eyes widened, and he agreed.
"...Alright," Alguis replied hesitantly.
"Miss Dryad, please guide them here to seek refuge," Reika pleaded with the dryad.
"Do what she says," Veylir added.
The dryad nods in agreement with her order. Just then, one of her sister dryads appeared beside the dryad.
"I have a report, eldest sister."
"The Lord of Variance, Adeptus, began to take action. It seems like it noticed Gargantua's movements and decided to advance."
Except for Soru, the rest of them trembled in fear and disbelief.
"N-No way..." Völun muttered with a shaky tone.
"We already expected that outcome. All we needed to do was strengthen our resolve!" Alguis exclaimed.
All of them nod to Alguis's encouraging words.
"That's right! We should focus on how to deal with this dangerous situation instead," Reika said to them, filled with determination.
Soru noticed the old man Silas approaching, along with a guard that was trained under the dwarves's guidance.
"Sir Alguis, all of those who are incapable of participating in the defense are already gathered inside."
"The Swordsman Unit is also stationed at their designated location, waiting for your orders!" The guard told them.
"Umu. Wait until then. We're still in the middle of our urgent meeting," Aeden replied.
"Miss Dryad, do you know the routes that Adeptus and Gargantua will take?" Alguis asked them.
The dryad, who was the eldest among them, nodded her head.
"According to our estimation, Gargantua's path is expected to pass the Ogre Tribe and this human settlement. Judging by its pace, it would take at least five hours before it arrives here."
"That short?!" All of them exclaimed in unison except Soru.
"...And Adeptus's arrival should be two hours at best, considering that he's alone and his distance is longer compared to Gargantua. Along its path, the Orc and Goblin Tribes will suffer from its rampage," the other one added.
"Wait. The Goblin Tribe as well?" Reika asked with a worried tone.
All of them got distracted for a moment when a familiar figure came rushing in their direction. He was covered with blood, gushing out from his wounds. Alguis recognized him immediately.
Gobuchiki arrived at them and immediately collaped on Reika's arms.
"What happened to you?"
"M-Miss Reika..." Gobuchiki replied while his voice was shaking.
Suddenly, several green orbs of light appeared and quickly went on his injuries, healing them completely. The dwarves were surprised that Reika could also perform life-type abilities such as "Heal".
Gobuchiki tried to stand up on his own, but he accidentally held Reika's chest. He tried to feel it and got confused.
"Hm? I thought I was still in Miss Reika's arms. Why am I beside a wall now?"
The dwarves got awkward and gulped.
"Am I just hallucinating? But I'm certain that—GHAAAAK!!"
Gobuchiki was sent flying when Reika kicked him angrily. Then, she blushed out of embarrassment.
"If you have time to feel my chest and throw an insult, it means your injuries weren't enough!" Reika exclaimed while rushing towards him.
Gobuchiki quickly realized his mistake and immediately groveled in front of her.
"I'm sorry, Miss Reika! I got confused and didn't know it was yours!"
Reika's anger increased upon hearing his apology.
So this idiot has truly mistaken my chest for a wall?!
"M-Miss Reika, just forgive him for his impudence," Alguis pleaded.
Reika looked towards Gobuchiki and saw him nodding in desperation. She sighed and closed her eyes to calm down.
Veylir approached Gobuchiki and asked him about his sudden arrival.
"Why are you here? Don't tell me you were chased by a pack of Rabid Wolves and went here?"
Hearing her question, Gobuchiki finally remembered his purpose for coming to the settlement. His fear suddenly flooded his mind, and he shivered in horror.
"W-We were just minding our everyday business in our village when suddenly a group of orcs arrived with several injuries on their bodies. They took refuge in our village and warned us about this weird-looking monster that attacked their tribe."
"So Adeptus has successfully passed the Orc's settlement. His pace is fast!" The younger dryad muttered.
"Just when we were about to evacuate, that monster arrived and wiped our houses like leaves! W-We couldn't help but watch our fellow goblins and the orcs getting tossed by t-that monster!" Gobuchiki exclaimed while trembling in fear.
"So your injuries earlier were caused by Adeptus's rampage?" Reika asked him.
"No. I tripped many times while running here, that's why I was covered by several wounds."
So he got those injuries just because he ran like an idiot?! All of them thought at the same time.
Suddenly, they got startled when Gobuchiki clapped his hands and proceeded to plead in front of them.
"Please! Help me save my fellow goblins—including those orcs! If we stay there longer, we would all die!" Gobuchiki pleaded while crying.
Everyone was puzzled and didn't know what to do.
"Is your village far from here? It might take us several hours to reach there. We couldn't risk leaving this settlement!" Aeden asked him.
"It is. But...!"
"Let Soru come along with him," Reika told her, which made everyone surprised.
Völun confronted Reika about her reckless plan.
"M-Miss Reika? Sir Soru couldn't handle protecting those stranded individuals alone, not to mention..."
"Then that sister dryad will accompany him to guide those who are stranded in their village. Soru's job is to stall Adeptus while they escape."
Reika looked in Soru's direction with a serious look.
"Can you handle it?"
Soru simply nods his head. Seeing that he agreed to the request, the eldest dryad stepped forward.
"In that case, my sister will accompany this gentleman named Soru along with this goblin here."
The eldest dryad looked at her sister. The younger dryad lowers her head as a response.
Without saying a word, Gobuchiki followed the younger dryad and left. Soru was about to follow them when Reika stopped him and whispered on his ear.
"We'll continue our match next time..."
Reika smiled at him and went back to the group. Soru then left without saying another word.
He noticed ahead that Gobuchiki and the dryad were waiting for him to catch up. When he arrived, the two of them ran as fast as they could while being guided by the dryad that was hovering above the ground.
While running back to his village, Gobuchiki's worry grew with each step they took.
Oh no! If we only ran this slowly, I'm afraid that our village was done the moment we arrived!
The three of them noticed ahead that a group was running in their direction. Gobuchiki recognized some of them.
"My fellow goblins! And the orcs!"
"There are orcs in the group as well..." The dryad murmurs.
They halted to check the group's condition. All of them are women and children, with some injured men groaning in pain from the wounds they received from the fight.
Gobuchiki noticed the chief of their village, who was leading the group, covered in wounds.
The two of them were discussing a language that Soru didn't understand. Moments later, Gobuchiki ran in his direction with fear in his eyes.
"There are several orcs and goblins left in our village. Those who can still fight remained and stalled the monster to buy them some time to escape. We should save them!"
Suddenly, a goblin held his arms and stopped him from going back. It was one of his friends that Soru saw accompanying Gobuchiki.
"Don't go... dangerous, there!"
Gobuchiki unhanded his hand and stood up.
"Don't try to stop me."
Filled with determination, Gobuchiki went to the dryad and asked her a favor.
"Miss Dryad, please guide them back to the human's settlement. Mister Soru and I will rescue the rest by ourselves."
Seeing the state of the goblins and orcs, the younger dryad has no choice but to accept his request.
Gobuchiki ordered the group to follow the dryad. Knowing that no one could stop him from risking his life to save those who'd still remained in their village, they agreed and wished him to be safe.
"Sir Soru, let's go!"
Soru nodded his head and followed Gobuchiki in silence.
"Spread out! Spread out!"
Several orcs and goblins were shouting as they were trying to subdue the monster in front of them, the Lord of Variance, Adeptus.
"Sir! We managed to deal heavy damage to its skin, but it keeps healing back!" one of the orcs shouted.
The orc that he was talking to was the current orc chief of the Orc Tribe, "Geruldo". That name was bestowed upon him by his entire tribe after being appointed as a chief.
"Keep attacking! Once the last group escapes safely, we will scatter in all directions to confuse this damned monster!" Geruldo shouted as he gripped his weapon tightly.
"But sir! At this rate, our armor and weapons will be destroyed!"
"Just... hold on!"
Except for Geruldo, who wears sturdy armor that was passed down by his ancestors, the goblins and orcs only wore leather armor as protection. Goblins wield rusty swords, while the orcs use clubs in order to fend Adeptus. Although they managed to injure the monster, it didn't suffered permanent damage thanks to its regenerative ability.
Geruldo noticed that the monster Adeptus stopped attacking and raised its arm in the sky. At that moment, he realizes that the monster will unleash a big move.
Everyone dispersed and ran in all directions. They exerted all their remaining strength just to avoid Adeptus's incoming attack.
All of them was flung up into the sky. Their ears rang due to the shockwave of the impact, followed by several crackling sounds due to the ground and trees breaking. Geruldo was only knocked back and rolled several meters.
"Hahh... Hahh..."
Geruldo checked his steel armor to see if it suffered damages. He saw several bents on the armor, accumulated from the battle earlier.
Ancestors, I apologize that I ruined our family heirloom. Once I survive this battle, I will get it fix...
As the dust settled, Geruldo saw the destruction that Adeptus had caused. With just a single punch, the entire goblin village was destroyed and formed a large crater on the ground.
Geruldo slowly stepped away, his legs shaking uncontrollably. He was stunned upon seeing the horror caused by the monster, Adeptus.
"Sir Geruldo...!"
Geruldo heard his name and looked behind. He was stunned when he saw all the goblins and his fellow orcs covered in blood.
"Sir! Behind you!"
Geruldo noticed a shadow cast on the ground. He quickly turned his head and saw a large fist approaching in his direction. He looked around and searched for his club, but his weapon was nowhere to be seen.
Unable to escape his fate, Geruldo gave up and kneeled in front of Adeptus.
To think that I would die on the battlefield instead of on my deathbed...
Geruldo noticed that Adeptus's fist didn't land on his arm. Instead, he saw a young man standing in front of him. He blocked the monster's fist using his hands only.
To Geruldo's surprise, Adeptus was flung away after it met the young man's hand. It rolled several meters on the ground before landing on a tree. Geruldo was stunned by what he witnessed.
The young man he saw was none other than Soru. Luckily, both of them arrived in time and saved the orc chief.
"Mister Soru, I-I will take care of them by myself. Please help me divert that monster's attention away from us!" Gobuchiki exclaimed.
Soru nods his head and instantly vanishes from their sight. Perplexed by his arrival, Geruldo wondered who's that mysterious human that saved him.
"Who... Who is he?"