Chapter 50 – The calm after the storm ?
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The sea had calmed down, the sky was still gray but the waves were much smaller and the rain was only partial. The storm had passed even though the weather was still ugly and cold after the wrath of the ocean that the crew had to cross. The deck was littered with pieces of wood, broken barrels, water and a multitude of belongings all scattered around, once again a symbol of what they had been through.

Achi was leaning against the mast with Kali and Mysie who had come down, the two women helping her to cover herself so as not to be cold. Buggy and Douggy were lowering the sails, which luckily had not been torn, while Lucas and Edward were replacing the yardarm. Near the stairs, Joe was finishing his conversation with Hestia just before she dismissed him to walk briskly to the stairs leading to the hold.

Walking down the stairs, the Captain finally arrived at the place she rarely visited, her role on the ship not being really connected to the bottom of it. Her boots landed in a puddle of water but without worrying about it, the young woman continued straight ahead. Crossing at high speed, she ignored the debris, hammocks, tools and the rest scattered, heading for a small door at the bottom which she opened with haste.



The small passageway led to a very small room where Achi and the others had been sent to suffer as little as possible from the humidity and storm. A makeshift shelter had been made in a hurry, consisting of clothes, cloth, cushions and anything else that could prevent injury. Hestia couldn't help but scream, without realizing it, worried about what the others had become after all that had happened a short time ago.

Everything was a mess, things had been turned upside down in every direction, there was even a hole in the thin wooden wall the size of a poodle. But, once her eyes got a little more used to the darkness, the Captain could finally see the whole room. At the back of the room, the mother and her son were there, protected by the bodies of the two white tigers big enough to act as shields, as well as all the other animals.

"What happened here ?"

"Hiiiiisss hiiisss hiss hiiiisss~"

"I see."

Seth who was on top of Loki's head had jumped on Hestia hissing, seeming to summarize as best he could what had happened in his own language. She had mostly understood that they were okay and that was all that mattered at that moment, removing a mysterious weight that weighed on her mind. Approaching, Azeil finally looked up followed by Loki before feeling a hand stroke their heads gently in recognition.

"You did a good job."

Enjoying every second of this reward, the two strangely large tigers for their age separated to release the two between their fur. Against each other, covered in cloth and blankets, Ulysses and Katherine stood there, curled up. As if the light was finally returning to their eyes, they scratched them shyly before raising them and finally seeing, the one who had come to warn them that it was all over.

"The storm is are you okay ?"

The young Captain didn't really know how to react, not really paying much attention to the other animals beside them who seemed to be unharmed. The two beings hugged each other, didn't say anything, seemed a bit stunned but healthy. A heavy and awkward silence settled then in this small room which was suddenly broken by a noise coming from the belly of the small blond boy.


"Pfffhaha~...follow me"

Letting out a slight little smile that was very subdued, Hestia would open the door a little wider, motioning for absolutely everyone to follow her. They had resumed their journey on the Eldimar Sea and after what had happened, it was important to relax. The last few hours had been trying for everyone to varying degrees but the storm was behind them and with the sun came the appetite.

So, after a few seconds, while the exotic animals from the auction were rushing through the door to cross the hold and go back up on deck, the young blonde woman was waiting. Ulysses and his mother finally followed the same path, accompanied by the Captain herself, closing the march. Soon they were on the deck where everyone was gathered in silence, waiting, food having been brought out earlier.

"A lot of things spilled, but the food and water and alcohol barrels were the best secured, no damage on that side~"

Although still soaked, Mysie still wore a big smile as she waved to the three newcomers. She was smiling, but the others couldn't say the same, still shaken by the fear they'd had during their first hell at sea. Joe was leaning against the railing, Lucas was sitting on a barrel, Edward was bandaging his hands against the mast, Douggy and Buggy were sitting on the ground and Kali was standing in the middle.

"Perfect, the kid is hungry and I guess he's not the only one."

Taking off her coat and tricorn, sweating way too much despite the weather, Hestia was going to sit against the rail. Kali then beckoned Katherine and Ulysses to come closer so they could eat while all the animals felt drawn to the food as well. So, very quickly, the morale came back on the Cerberus as the bellies filled up even if the silence was still very present.

Only the Captain was not eating, watching everyone, even Achi who had finally given in to her hunger despite the shame that was still slightly present. Lucas accompanied by his fox, Kali by her lynx, Mysie by her monkey, Edward by his cat and Joe by his orangutan made the atmosphere more lively. While everyone was eating calmly, Hestia suddenly spoke up and asked a direct question

"Kiddo, where's your damn golden poodle ?"

"Cough cough ! I...I don't know..."

Flinching in surprise and not expecting her to speak, the young noblewoman began to cough before answering truthfully. The dog that had come out in the middle of the storm was not present and no one knew where it was. Not answering anything to Achi, Hestia tied her long blond hair and shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't care anyway, while Lucas also suddenly raised his voice.

"You still call her 'kiddo' after you called her Achi for the first time earlier ?"

"I didn't call her Achi."

Lying down a little more on the deck and crossing her legs, the Captain wore both hands behind her head as she answered right away. Totally denying what had happened to tease the girl, Hestia was trying to pass on this irritation that had not passed. Obviously, Achi hearing these words straightened up immediately forgetting her embarrassment, letting her personality resurface as she exclaimed.

"Yes you called me Achi !"

"I did ? That's weird because all I remember is a petulant little kid trying to play shrimp at the bottom of the ocean before I fished her out."

"Technically, you got fished out by Edward too"


Suddenly, the sound of the sea wind sweeping away the last of the drops could be heard while everyone had almost stopped eating. Only Ulysses was still eating happily watching from the corner of his eye while Katherine didn't understand what they were talking about. Straightening up despite her exhausted look, Hestia stared at Achi with threatening eyes as if she was ready to devour her at any moment before answering with a contemptuous tone.

"Do I have a face that needs to be fished out ? Kids these days ! You save them from drowning and all they can do is disrespect you. I should have let her drown it would have been less of a drag...tch"

Sliding the rest of her back completely onto the deck, the Captain then closed her eyes preferring to cut off the conversation to avoid committing murder. She almost regretted jumping in the water and felt strangely more irritated than usual, strangely weak and dizzy. Mysie then looked up at the before biting into her banana, which she gave to her little monkey on her shoulder before placing her hand on Achi's.

"Don't worry, she doesn't mean it."

"OF COURSE I MEAN IT ! Fucking walking germ...tch whatever..."

Having heard these words, Hestia retorted the second grabbing her tricorn to put it on her face, choosing to keep quiet to soothe her head that had begun to spin. As Mysie was recounting the events of the deck during the storm to Katherine and her son, suddenly a noise drew attention. Edward had opened a bottle of rum to splash on his injured body and hands after the physical ordeal he had experienced.


"Mmmh I-I'm not sure that's mmmh...the best solution, Ed."

Without listening to Kali, the young man continued to disinfect the wounds he had here and there, letting the liquid run down his body and then onto the deck. During the storm, pieces of wood turned into projectiles had hit him in various places not to mention his hands. He was not as tall as Lucas but was very muscular, with old and new scars and tattoos on his body just like his Captain and his blood was all over the deck.

"I hope it was your share of rum because if not I know one might kill you from rage-related insanity..."

Lucas watching his friend treat his wounds with the pure rum couldn't help but think of Hestia whom he considered an alcoholic. He and the others knew that there were three things more important to her than gold : meat, alcohol and women. Thus, it was hard to believe that the young woman would not turn red with rage if Edward had used her share of rum to disinfect his wounds.

"Captain ?"

At the First Mate's words, the others too thought it was odd that the Captain still hadn't protested or at least threatened her friend. Joe, who was closest to her, had approached the sleeping one, calling out to her, hoping for an answer or reaction. Yet Hestia was not moving which alerted her Sailing Master, kneeling down to touch her before his hands froze on her skin.

"She's boiling, breathing hard and pale, what's going on ? Everything was fine just a few seconds ago and now...she..."

"Let me see that !"

Without waiting a second, as Kali, Edward and Mysie straightened up alerted, Lucas approached to examine the young woman more closely. He had been used to treating her for a while now, she who he said was a risk and danger freak. His eyes changed to a light blue symbol of a great reflection in which he immersed himself, looking first for the slightest sign of injury.

"She has a serious fever, her whole body is burning but only in her belly is the temperature's freezing"

"B-But why ?"

"That's what we need to find out"

Everyone was gathered around Hestia watching their friend try to figure out what was going on. Katherine and Ulysses were a little further back but had a view of the scene, hoping nothing bad happened but not knowing what they could do to help. Loki, Azeil followed by Seth, were leaving their share of food to also rush to their Mistress with a strangely determined look on their faces.

"Oh fuck..."

"W-What's that? ??"

Lucas had lifted his Captain's shirt revealing her belly but right at her abs, a huge mark had formed. Going all the way around her belly, passing through her back, the area had turned her skin a dark purple color. It was like a wound with an infection that was spreading, but this time the strange thing was that there was no apparent injury there.

Her skin had no recent marks if we disregard her tattoos and old scars that dotted her body. Only this purple stain was there, seeming to get a little darker as time went by. Unfortunately, how to know what it was or how it was caused ? How to find a way to cure something if the very nature of the problem was completely unknown ?

"Did the rope around her waist do this ? I-It's in the exact same place..."

"I...I don't that's totally impossible. There's not even any blood or any visible marks, yet her skin is icy cold not to mention that strange color. Bring me some water and..."


Suddenly, as the First Mate answered Kali who was panicking, a white snake leapt over Hestia's body onto her chest as the two tigers forced their way through. Seth had arrived from nowhere but his arrival had pushed Lucas away, pushed by Loki and Azeil. Hestia's three animals were close to her and while everyone was wondering why, the snake opened his mouth wide revealing two huge fangs ready to bite.




But the others didn't have time to step in to intervene as the two white tigers stood against them snarling. In this atmosphere of incomprehension, they showed their fangs, threatening, their golden eyes shining wildly preventing any movement. The next second, Seth planted his two huge fangs in Hestia's purple skin without worrying about what was happening around.

No one understood the scene and wondered if the Captain's three animals had gone completely mad. She was lying on the ground, as if peacefully asleep, if we disregarded the signs that indicated that something was wrong. She was sweating, everything else on her body untouched by the mark was boiling and despite the threat there was no way she was going to stand there and do nothing.

"You leave us no choice..."

Lucas had gotten up and grabbed a rope from the rail and was showing it to the two beasts to dissuade them from interfering, but to no avail. Edward was also approaching, followed by Joe to help their friend subdue those who were preventing any rescue. Kali, Mysie said nothing and couldn't help but look at Seth who for some unknown reason had decided to bite Hestia worse at a critical moment.

"W-WAIT !"

As the three men were about to pounce on the two tigers determined to protect the white snake, a small voice stopped them all. It came from behind them, a little further away, from a little boy who was still holding the hand of his mother who had urged him to speak. The little Ulysses stammered but in his eyes too a serious gleam shone in spite of his impressed and shy side as he started to speak again as best he could.

"I-It was poison that...that made this mark...I think. And...and in some cases what can n-neutralize a's another poison. have to let the snake do what it heal H-Hestia.."

At his words, Katherine who believed in her son nodded her head slightly afraid to have interfered but supporting the one she trusted the most despite his age. At that moment, everyone was looking at the little boy plus the snake in turn understanding little by little the reaction of the tigers. But it was not enough so everyone turned to Joe who had straightened up before answering and nodding before addressing Ulysses.

"Yes, it's true, he is right. But how can you know for sure that it is poison, do you know what caused it ? How ?"

"I-I have...I already have a mark exactly l-like this in a book of our...our former Master. I...I'm not sure what it means but...but it was talking about a poison that passes through the...the blood chilling the affected organs before ne-...necra-...necrota-...necrotizing them within the hour. 'Injecting a different kind of venom in small doses kills the virus if the injector knows what he's doing' was written at the end...of the page"

The little blond boy wasn't sure what he was saying but repeated what he had read almost perfectly, which was pretty amazing for a seven-year-old boy. After a few speechless seconds, everyone looked at the snake again, noticing that the mark on Hestia's belly was a little smaller. Ulysses was right, not to mention Seth, who knew right away what to do, and Loki and Azeil acting in a coordinated fashion to help him.

"What the hell happened when she was underwater then ?"

As the pressure came down, Mysie dropped to the floor in relief, asking out loud the question that was on everyone's mind. The Captain was out of danger, but no one yet knew how it had happened or the creature involved. Taking her courage in both hands and taking a cue from her son, Katherine suddenly spoke up feeling that maybe he could help even more than he thought.

"Ulysses dear, do you remember reading in your book about the thing that causes this ?"

"Y-Yes mommy...I know what caused this…"