Arc:1 chapter:1 sunlight!
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I woke up again. This is starting to become a theme.

This time however I woke up slowly, and I woke up fully rested. I feel full of energy like I got exactly 8 hours of sleep. Is this what it's like to be a morning person?

Now onto the next piece of news. I can't feel my body. More specifically I don't understand what I'm feeling. I remember that voice said I'd be a weed but I was too preoccupied with the falling at impossible speeds thing to think about it.

I can feel something, but I don't know what it means. Other than my unknown sense, I'm blind and deaf.

So, since I can't do anything else I might as well do the oldest Isekai trope in the books.



Nothing happened.

What? Why isn't it working?

Wait maybe they use a different keyword. What did the voice say again?

Sliver of AKHASHA!

Right away I feel something different. It's like a wave on the beach. Washing over me and flowing back to where it came, gently pulling on me.

It was a wave of information, knowledge. It told me the things I should have already known. The things I can do and the meaning of what I'm feeling.

I'm a seed.

I am a gods damned seed.

And I'm starving.

Turns out seeds can't support the full processing power of a sentient mind. I'm burning through my energy reserves in realtime.

The good news is that when I get my roots and leaves set up I should hit equilibrium quickly. Once I do I should be able to expand more without going into the red.

The first thing to do is to break out of my shell. Now GROW!


I don't have any ways to keep track of time right now, so I've been counting the seconds. I've lost track a few times but I managed to keep an approximate. It has been somewhere around 250,000 seconds since I started growing. That is almost three days! I was never very good at math but with three days of mind numbing boredom in a void of sensation where the only thing I can feel is my own roots growing, the only thing I could do was mental exercise.

Moving on, I've started to feel something new! AKHASHA tells me it's sunlight! I can feel the sun! I'm so hungry. It's not the same hunger that I used to have. It's more like a tiredness spread throughout my entire body. AKHASHA tells me I don't have much time left before I start dying.

Now that I have access to sunlight I can grow my leaves! I don't want to go hungry ever again.

Ok, now that my starvation is no longer inevitable I can start thinking about what I need. The three things that plants need are sunlight, water and soil right? So I have sunlight, I have soil, but since I'm on a cliff I'll only get water when it rains. New priority then, get a reliable source of water.

I'm on a cliff, and water always goes down, so depending on the height of the cliff it could take weeks to grow my roots all the way down there. Even when I do, what if there is no river or stream nearby? Should I try to dig to the water table? Can I dig that deep?

This isn't the time to worry about that. I need to start growing my leaves now.



I finally have food! My leaves have already started photosynthesizing and the hunger is going away. It's now time to start growing roots down. I'm going to have to wait for a while to get to the edge of this ledge I'm on.

Now that I no longer need to keep track of time by counting the seconds I can begin training in a new mental skill! The lack of sight has started to get to me, so I'm going to create a mental world. I've seen it in a few stories, where the main character gets the ability to create a world inside their mind. I think it will help me stay sane if I can look at something, even if it's only my imagination.

Oh, it's getting dark. I'm starting to feel tired. I didn't know plants could sleep. I guess I'll start training tomorrow.
