Hellschool – Student-teacher conference
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Hey sorry about the delayed chapters. I wanted to post these last week but what I had at that point wasn't my best. I didn't want the ending to be haphazardly rushed and come out as a mess, though I don't know how I feel about this version either. So I'd like to see how you guys feel about it so I can see about writing a better ending next time. Also thank you for reading this far I really love that your taking the time to read my semi-coherent trainwreck of a story. - Systema_BLK


The bodies weren't the most pleasing to look at, their flesh had turned a pale gray while limps of pale maggots slithered across their skin. They were truly disgusting yet Daniel carefully watched as each body was dragged from the red room and laid throughout the hall. Brushing aside the layers of worms and maggots Daniel gagged at the thick smell of fecal decay. Black rot set across their bodies leaving Daniel to move for a window for fresh air.


Sighing with relief Daniel watched as max shuttered at a pair of corpses. Freezing for a moment before nudging their bodies away with her foot. Sorting through each corpse Daniel opted to keep the freshest ones nearby, for once being thankful for Sadie’s' obsessive pension for being “crazy”. Arranging the corpses of the MVPs Daniel felt his phone buzz and as he rifled through his messages he knew the committee would be coming soon.


<Administrator Message>

“The committee will meet you in the central hall at 5:30 please be ready to negotiate”


Brimming with anticipation Daniel strolled to the front of the school examining the forking pathways of the entrance hall ‘it's perfect’ he thought. As the last few corpses were positioned on classrooms with a few spares left in lockers Daniel watched as the committee rounded the corner and abandoned whatever hole they sheltered themselves in. The pair weren't grotesque but their attempts to look professional made them look as if they were mere beggars on the street, as an oil slick sheen glimmered against their skin and the mild flabbiness of their stomachs marked them as being nicely fed.


Grimacing slightly Daniel shook away his scowl as a lone thought ran through his head ‘this is it!’ Glancing at his skill list Daniel sighed in relief as he confided in his new skills, while the teachers stood together staring at their new trade partner.


Though as Mr. Margrove poured over their newest’ partner something made his skin crawl. Passing a quick whisper to his partner he said “something about this kid rubs me the wrong way, are you sure we can trust him?” though as those words left his mouth Mr. Margrove felt something warm and soft squish against his back


“Oh calm down Thomas,” Mrs. Vowers said incredulously “this school is full of strange kids, and besides does it matter were protecting them from the outside world”. Mr. Margrove shot a glare to the annoying woman always preaching about safety and wholesomeness while sporting breasts that he believed were eighty percent silicone, it was annoying. He was confident that if she wasn't the administrator he’d have treated her like all the other slutty girls in this school.


Pushing his thoughts aside Mr. Margrove cleared his throat before starting his pitch “listen, kid, it’s plain to see that your clan beat our main men in an all-out fight so we’d like to offer you what they had and more”. Pausing Mr. Margrove gauged the kid's reaction to see if he was listening but still received the same eerie feeling he felt before. “Now if I were a smart guy” he continued “then this would be the best day of my life now I'm sending you an invite to work under us all you gotta do is do as we say and its smooth sailing for you and your friends”. Opening his menu Mr. Margrove carefully read the kid's id before sending the link only the find the kid standing frozen in place motionless.


Waiting in anxious silence Mr. Margrove was prepared to begin harassing the child until a rough dry voice broke his concentration “so, there aren't other committee members then”


The question seemed tame at first but Mr. Margrove could tell what he was asking, if the committee was only the two of them then there would be nothing to stop this kid from simply killing them and taking their place. This question was one he had prepared for as its validity would mean their demise. Leaving him with one option. Forcing a blatant lie through his yellowed teeth Mr. Margrove boasted “of course there are other members you little twerp, were just the ones her to deliver the message. What do you think you’re special or something?!”


Yet the kid stood unphased his face barely shifting from its violently stagnant deadpan. Hesitant Mr. Margrove fought to think of another rebuttal to layer on until Mrs. Vowers keyed in beside him “young man please consider your friends the people who now rely on you. Those who care for you” for a moment Mr. Margrove though he saw the kid clench his teeth at her statement yet the glimmer of emotion dissipated as fast as it arrived. “They rely on your leadership, we have resources that you need so please for their sake accept our offer so we can all continue to live in peace and safety”.


Mr. Margove instinctually winced as Mrs. Vowers finished her sentence, he knew she was a twisted optimist but in this instance, it was clear that she shouldn't be the one talking. Though Mr. Margrove saw the kid's demeanor had finally changed, yet it wasn't in his favor. His face was twisted in a stark grimace, with the hood making his rage indecipherable until he calmed. Taking a deep breath the kid's anger seemed to fade away in favor of a smile, one that held none of the joy that he would hope to see. A cold sarcastic laugh escaped the boy's lips while his smile sat like an old ornament that had been long retired.


“You know I find it funny that you talk about friends and those who care about me as if any are truly here. You think these people care about me they're… they're just parasites! Metastasizing mind worms gnawing on my last bit patience as I'm forced away from those who do care about me” as the kid spoke his words fell out at random as if he was venting with a long-overdue rant “and if you think I care about these fuckwits then you’re dead wrong! They cling to me like a messiah just because I can use my brain, and actually think! But you wanna know something, your peace and safety is nothing but a fucking daydream. So wake up!”


Hunching over, the kid let out soft pants as if all his energy was drained just by talking, yet as he slowly slipped his phone from his pocket Mr. Margrove swiftly grabbed his own. ‘It was obvious the kid was going to try something’ Mr. Margrove thought ‘ but how could he be so stupid, does he really think he can win without his class or any special weapons?’


Searching for the perfect spell Mr. Margrove watched as the kid stood up, his face still frozen in the figment of a smile. “I get it though, you want everything to be a perfect little utopia when it suits you but would you like to see how your former partners feel about this deal?”


With a puzzled expression, Mr. Margrove tried to piece together what the kid was saying asking “what do you mean?”


Though his words went ignored as the kid's antics continued “You see that little level cap of yours isn't absolute and I got a new spell that I saved just for you. DEAD RINGER!”


The hall was quiet for a moment leaving Mr. Margrove to think the whole act was a bluff until the resounding clang of metal cooed from down the hall. His body twisted against his will his sadistic curiosity playing with his mind though as his stomach retched at the sight his eyes wouldn't turn away. The bodies fell out of the lockers their grey skin slapping against the linoleum floor arms and heads were twisted, shoulders and legs were broken all in a hasty attempt to make them fit. With yawning maws, strangled breaths clawed against their throats coming out as dry wheezing gasps. Their bones let out hollow pops twisting around and locking in place. Three of the six corpses stood. Their pale green eyes rolling around the room before fixing on the sight of Mr. Margrove. Breaching their jaws a pale screech ripped through the air as they began charging down the hall.


Mr. Margrove jumped as they neared, running through his spells to find one that worked his eyes darted to his partner to find her doing the same. Finding a spell Mr. Margrove hastily yelled “PALM FLA-?!” only for nothing to escape his lips. He couldn't move. His mouth wouldn't close, his legs wouldn't shift. The most he could do was move his eyes and see that Mrs. Vowers had suffered the same fate. ‘Is this another spell’ he thought ‘no he didn't say anything but there shouldn't be any skills to do stuff like this unless-’ and then it clicked.


The corpses tackled the two teachers while the slower few began to near their target. Their yellow teeth drilled through Mr. Margrove's skin tearing chunks of sticky red meat. Blood gushed from his arms like a sweet jelly filling as his gooey intestines were spilled across the floor. Mr. Margrove let out a shaky breath, with each one nearing his last yet his eyes were fixed on one thing. A smile. The genuine look of joy and pleasure stretched across the kid's face.


It was horrifying.