Hellschool – Clans Pt.2
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As Francesca stared at the photo, she felt nothing but shame well in her heart, looking up at the trio her deep solemn frown was held with a sense of melancholy that hadn't been shown before. Licking her lips Francesca spoke with a quiver which before hadn't been present but now deeply contrasted the once exuberant demeanor she projected.


"Around two months ago Before the dome went up, we were still just members of the Diversity Science club there were two other members, but it was obvious they only came to hit on us. We planned to make a name for ourselves by taking out some of the popular kids after hearing they formed a clan." Fidgeting with her fingers Francesca began looking down at her hand as she continued. 


"We hinged on their ego hoping they'd be too cocky to think of a plan beforehand and we were right, but we didn't count on one of their members to be as careful as they were. He was able to meticulously aide his friends until they were disqualified and even then, he was able to take advantage of one of our items. In the end, we didn't want to suffer a penalty for losing so we surrendered but I’ll never forget him". 


Gripping the table Francesca’s knuckles slowly turned white as her face contorted inch by inch into a crumpled visage of rage " that's petulant little whelp nothing more than an errand boy for his popular "friends" ugh. I hate him. His names Daniel, we'll write down the rest for you tomorrow. Just make sure if you find him, you kill him the first chance you get". 


With that, the trio was allowed to rest in the Melior walls on the condition that Tasha stayed with Francesca for the night which was subject of great debate until it was inevitably conceded, yet as Max laid in the darkened office space across the room she couldn't help but feel anxious. She didn't know if it was the fact that they were in enemy territory or the looming threat of the raid, but unease swept around her choking her to sleep like a thick fog. 


Her vision grew hazy until the once barren office room slowly took on a tint of brown and red while stringy tendrils sprouted from the walls before her. bloodied arms and limbs began to slide across the ceiling as the room's interior began to almost radiate a warm wet heat that pulsated in a continuous rhythm, and just beyond the door through the clouded glass window, she watched as a silhouette came into view.


 The figure stood perfectly still beyond the glass she could see the makings of what she thought was a mask but was too frightened to make any attempts at investigation. Disappearing from the window a small slip of paper slid under the doorway landing right at the end of Max's small cot, peering through the window again the figure waved almost mockingly before disappearing from view causing the room to slowly detract from its grisly visage and return to normal. 


Finally releasing the breath she held Max eyed the note cautiously occasionally glancing at the window in case the masked figure returned. When a fair amount of time had passed Max finally grasped the note finding it to be written on a clean white notecard a rare thing in this time of dilapidation, yet as she flipped it over she only felt more defeated since all that was written on the notecard was a single word. “Surrender”. 


Crumpling the note in her hands' Max could hear the sound of shattered glass sprinkling the inner halls of her body as her heart splintered like a ceramic dove hitting the concrete. 'Was there any real hope for this endeavor? will finding basic information about this guy actually give us an advantage?' As questions of this nature swarmed Maxs conscience until she silently stood in the darkness and began swiping at the darkness with her knife.


As daybreak came the fates delivered on their promise giving Max three relatively clean sheets of copy paper detailing everything, they knew about the rat king or rather Daniel Erisson. Pocketing the notes for later Max left the library as so as possible with Victor close behind. Yet as Tasha lagged behind them bogged down by the over-affectionate embrace of Francesca, the duo plotted their next course debating between whether it'd be better to go to the MVPs or the pops first.


“I'm telling you, Vic, if we go to the MVPs, we'll be ripped to pieces it'll be much safer if we just go to the pops first”


“The pops are freaking harpies at least with the MVPs well have some sense of security”


“Victor did you forget the MVPs work for the committee unless we want ourselves on their radar or in their debt at least with the pops well be able to easily trade for the info we want”


Breezing towards them quickly Tasha visibly disheveled and distressed began pushing the pair forward whispering “Go! Go! Go!” in a harsh tone until they were deep into the halls of the school. Straitening herself Tasha eyed Max and Victor waving her hand to their curious faces “don't ask”. Beginning their aimless stroll through the school Max decided it was time to read the information they'd been given finding it to be displayed in a more professional fashion than shed have expected.



 Daniel Willem Errison

















Assumed position: support/ attacker

Spells used

  • Desecrated dome
  • Crimson cocoon
  • Electro web
  • Psycho drain
  • Righteous dominion
  • Charge burst



  • A level 4 berrus (assumed to still be at magma pup stage)


Aside from the initial page, the rest was a series of data stacks gauging his attack power and previous skills while compiling his farming methods and fighting strategies which while indeed useful still didn't shed much light unto who Daniel was. Taking a detour into the now decimated bathrooms the trio collected their thoughts standing amidst the defaced stalls and ruined toilets allowing the stench of piss and shit to waft about them. Munching on the meager rations they brought with them Tasha the self-appointed guide began laying out the plan for where they should go next.


“So you too know where we're going right”


Turning to each other and them back at Tasha it was clear what their answer was and in tandem, they flatly exclaimed "No." Sighing Tasha unfolded her list showing it to her companions show that just under the Melior were the pops. Groaning in aggravation Victor vigorously ran his hand through his hair " why the pops, they're whores. Literally. They sell themselves and each other for supplies, why would we go to them for info?!"


Rolling her eyes Tasha stared at Victor flatly and began explaining. " to put it simply there are 3 reasons: one. Since Max and I are girls were more likely to gain their trust just like how we with the Meliors.”


“Yeah, yeah, but do you remember how I got my ass handed to me almost every 5 minutes I'm not going through that again”


“Victor I’ll protect you this time, okay it'll be fine”


Letting out a reluctant sigh Victor patted Max's back and hung his head and in a long drawn out groan said “okay”


Clearing her throat Tasha continued with her explanation “ two. Unlike the MVPs whore essentially under the committee's thumb the pops are free reign and hold a deep-seated network of connections and favors due to their ‘services’, and finally it’s the fact that one of the clans' members seems to be especially close with our enigmatic rat king.”




“Jessica Rowley”


“Really I mean I expected her to be a squeaky-clean little snitch sticking with her clique, but I didn't expect her to be colluding with a rat”


“Well you better believe it Max saw it herself”


“Huh, well let's get our asses over there”


Packing up their materials Max couldn't help but watch as the folded note fell to the floor beside her, its contents sparking her mind like hot iron struck by a mallet. Yet with a small smile, she kicked the note into the putrid shit-filled stalls and followed her friends renewed in her conviction and steady in the idea of protecting her clan. Though as the restroom door slammed shut a single pale arm gripped the note pulling it from the sticky piss-stained floor their snickering deeply muffled by the item covering their face.


Carrying themselves through the halls Max noticed the lack of people roaming around most either cowering with their clan or more likely strategizing for the upcoming battle. The few residents who did roam the halls moved in packs their eyes constantly shifting eyeing passers-by as possible threats until they were far-flung from one another. Max was used to the harsh accusatory glances but what unnerved her was the lack of rats. 


Usually, rats would quietly watch from their little corners or huddle together by the sidewalls but now they were completely gone, not a single one remained, and it scared her. Pushing the group onward they reached the gym eying the doors the group came to an impasse. Thanks to the numerous pep rallies, science fairs, and job fairs the gym was expanded and separated by lone wall essentially turning it into two rooms with both acting as gyms for different periods but now they served to harbor the two most influential groups in the school.


 Staring at the large double doors Max could feel a chill run the length of her spine, they were slowly running out of time. Though as she glanced behind her gazing down the hallway, she couldn't help but feel as if they were being followed.