Chapter 28
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The magic circles he must have carved on the glove were really complicated. And it took him a whole 4 days to work them out purely for popes, and Viego was literally awake during that time. He took breaks to eat, sleep, have sex, or serve customers who exchanged armor fragments.

And during those days nothing interesting happened. Except for a short visit from Loki who came to buy fortifications for his green armor. And ask what Vi would need to create his weapon.

Another interesting fact is the new offer that Viego added. He announced it early on Monday morning, when the number of clients was highest. Well, to mention fragments of armor that you must have a significant damage to the armor purchased in his company. Confirmation that a given armor was forged by Vi's company is the seal that he marks each product. So the verification of the goods is not difficult.

And because of the fact that among students of two academies, the exchange of fragments is a real hit. And even among ordinary Asgardian guards or professional soldiers. The very option of destruction when replacing fragments. In addition, Jasna Stal, Mithrill and Black Omnium Steel have been recently added to the offer, which are valuable even for the fragments. So most of the customers, to save even more gold in the future, really started selling armor to Vi and buying brand new armor sets from him.

As a result, profits increased and the gold in the magic chest began to increase.

Overall, Viego found out from Loki that Odin would probably want to meet him. Because Loki started describing Vi in great detail. I mean, by Loki's standards. Who insulted the dwarves by saying that the true God of the Blacksmiths would be born soon, and that poor creatures like the Dwarves would not be needed. Apparently, Loki showed some artifacts ie "Creepers of the Triaorg" and "Touch of Surur" which borrowed about two guards who happened to be stationed in the throne room. Apart from Loki's ridiculous but pleasant idea, to exterminate the Dwarves and put their blacksmith station on a fallen star in Vi's hands. Odin showed a great deal of interest because, as the Rune God, he himself sensed violations of his divine domain. And his own love of runes, and more specifically spells, aroused the interest of the ruler of the 9 worlds.

However, according to Loki, it is really unknown when Odin will find time. Probably Odin will summon him to the palace. Because the visit of ambassadors, not only from the Greek Pantheon, but also from Egyptian and Christians. More specifically from the Demons. Although the latter will not arrive until next week. They do not allow Odin to spend time with him. Generally, Asgard and the abassadors sign trade treaties to exchange goods.

But these are just rumors Viego managed to get from Loki's long, really long speech. However, Viego himself had no other source of information. Because recently, he hardly leaves his studio.

Because the glove itself was designed to passively train his magic core and magical power. Now viego regrets that he did not do it in the form of an armband to be able to use it constantly. However, the project is there and only the imposition of runes. So there was no point in stopping.

When, two days later, Viego was completing the first runic-circle on the gauntlet. It takes two days to get one of the 7 exactly. Minus 5 hours for sleep, food and customer service.

He thought about Boost gear, Issei. The thought flashed through his mind as he remembered again that the Devil's ambassadors would be arriving exactly tomorrow. Viego found out it was Serafall Leviathan and two more devils. Again it was Loki who provided some materials Vie asked for and a specific pattern of what the two daggers should look like.

Well, Issei's Gauntlet is a really complicated toy. Viego thought about kidnapping Issei if he could track him down. And do a section on him to figure out how "Boost" affects his magic core. But at the moment, Viego doesn't know if Issei was even born. Because he hadn't heard anything about Midgart. recreate it.

Well, the Gauntlet of Issei somehow increases the user's power by a factor of two. And depending on how much the user can endure, so much "Boost" is able to increase his power. Viego also remembered that because of excess or something, Issei sacrificed his hand and turned it into a dragon energy. So maybe the key was dragon energy, maybe it has properties which allow the core capacity to be temporarily increased, because after using the excess power, Issei would return to his normal state.

Maybe the green orbs are the cores that carry the Ddriarga mane. Whose soul enchanted in the object still produces dragon power. And then it would make sense. Viego then decided that he would have to obtain a dragon core. However, Viego wasn't sure if he could use any core or just steal one from Issei. To have access to a fragment of this particular dragon.

For now, Viego decided to leave this idea, but he decided to participate in auctions and try to buy a core. And if not, in the future, if he becomes strong enough, he will hunt the dragon himself.

Back to Viego's work. The process of applying all the runes you need to the gloves, plus two adjustments after trying to activate. It lasted exactly 8 days, exactly 157 hours. Time for sleep, business and girls is down.

Viego himself was shocked by the frenzy he had fallen into recently. What he felt, he himself cannot describe now. He didn't even know how time could pass so quickly. However, he had to admit that the number of runes he used for this gauntlet was comically high. Viego had to accurately describe the mana flow from the glove core, all over his body. Generally the glove works as follows.

This is generally the training method of the Queen of Asgard. However, heavily modified and requires no user attention. Not counting the occasional aches and pains while buffing your mana core. Generally, at the very beginning, the user fills the glove core with their own mana. And this is where the need for user attention ends. Because the rest is done by the glove itself. Well, when the mana in the user's core regenerates.

The glove will initiate a process during which the excess mana is, of course, in a safe amount. It balances the user's mana system and the core itself, although it is full. It stretches and minimally increases each time excess flows through the user's mana core. And when it returns to the gauntlet, mana is enriched again by a high-quality core with a strong attribute of the Fire Element. And repeats the whole process again.

The circulation of excess mana is slow to maximize the gains of this technique. Because according to Queen Frigga's method, the slower it takes one cycle of excess over the mana system. The training is more efficient and the profits are greater. But focusing on it is really hard. And even the Queen of Asgard, the longest training session lasted half an hour. However, Viego emphasized the process and thanks to the glove, it takes one hour to circulate excess mana. And it is repeated until the user decides to stop.

To take off the gloves, the excess must be retained before lowering the glove. And do a spell until the excess is gone. Luckily, Viego added a simple Fire Ball spell to the gauntlet. As a result, the glove has an additional combat element, but it was required to be able to remove the gloves at all.

And because this is Vi's first personal artifact. He has secured the artifact so that no one can steal it and use it. Even if someone could steal it and overcome a strong paralyzing spell. Viego could track him down himself. This effect was obtained by Vi by using a spell that the Asgardian Mothers had. They use on their children so that if they get lost, they can find them. So just a simple tracking spell.

The name remained the problem. It is undoubtedly a training tool, but due to the properties of the core and the spell of the Fireball. Which is much stronger thanks to the core. Choosing the right name is really hard. The temporary name Viego chose is "Power Cultivation Gauntlet." It's not an ambitious name, but Viego couldn't think of anything specific. So he chose simplicity.

The important point is that Viego did not take the glove off during the day and the cultivation process lasted exactly from 9am to 10pm, because the rough metallic structure makes it difficult to sex and sleep.

But this Tuesday morning, to Vi's shop. During rush hours, specifically in the shop part. The King's Guard came in, specifically Valkiria, the dark-skinned Viego he knew as one of his regular customers. She ordered a meeting with Viego to Vera. Who, having heard the order through the wall, himself went out to meet the royal guard.