What is a Yokai? Internationally speaking, it's a type of ghost made from a build-up of Imprints, but that's not it either. Yokai is a general term for supernatural creatures from Japan.
The world and its inhabitants are too complex to define with just a single word.
"Who are you to come?", the Yokai before me spoke in a calm tone.
"The chains you have on you are interesting.", I circle around it, poking the chains as I duck and step over them.
These chains... are a mass of Imprints. Thirty-two people sacrificed their lives to make these chains in the first place, and many more to maintain them.
It would be difficult to cut these chains made from Souls, but what about the power to directly harm the soul?
Justice Mist gathered into a combat knife, deep blue from the sheer density of the mist.
Like cutting butter with a red hot knife, the chain was easily cut through.
"Answer me, I know you are not a normal human... you are too... perfect.", the Yokai kept on talking.
But I didn't respond, instead, I cut another chain. Hmm, does this count as killing humans? No, to be a human you need three components, and these chains are missing two.
How much death would unleashing the Parade cause? I predict about a hundred or a little more than that because my presence made everyone go on high alert.
"Not the talkative kind, are you?", the Yokai mused.
No, in fact, I am the very talkative type. I just don't want to interact with such a filthy being.
I cut another chain, staring at it as it was vanishing. Hmm, should I make something like this? Certainly, I can, but cutting my soul? Well, I had more than enough of that already. Plus, I can make stronger chains - like Teardrop Andromeda, which I used to bind Terra. It's better to use something that can stop the Ego of the World itself than some cheaper alternatives, even for a moment.
"Youngsters these days—"
"Argent Overdrive."
The Nuraihyon shut up and bent down, it was struggling, and everything around trembled. The water parted in a circle, not one drop touching where I stood, the chains rattling as if desperately trying to get away from me. This is the weight of my Soul, manifested in the physical world.
"G-Grrr...", the Yokai grasps, staring at me with a desperate look.
It is heavy, right?
"I might be young, but this very soul of mine...", I smile as I touch my chest, "...It is far more than anything you can handle."
With that statement, I turn off Argent Overdrive.
It was enough for him to shut up.
I swung the knife once again, cutting off another chain. Two more left, which I quickly cut without idling any further.
"Nuraihyon, Japan's strongest monster, I give you two choices.", Justice Mist formed a chair for me to sit, "Either start the Parade of the One Hundred Demons or die here."
"You don't leave me with a lot of choices, Lady.", it chuckled, then it drew its sword, "But might as well host one last Parade."
"Hmm? How can you be so sure this will be your last?", I asked, curious about what it feels.
The Nuraihyon looked up, "Over the years, although I cannot see the sky, those Onmyojis go down here every year. Every year, I feel the essence of the world changing, becoming more foreign to me.", then it stared at me, "You whose power I cannot hope to comprehend, I am just a pawn in your schemes."
"I might die in the end, but I would rather fight to the end than to rot here or die a dog's death.", it declared.
"Suit yourself, Nuraihyon.", I don't care about a ghost's life.
There is something amazing about sipping some coffee while sitting on top of the Kyoto Tower, right at the tippy top. The others should finish soon.
Enna and Hoa can fly, and Mitsuki can do some weird shits with the things she got from The Golden Order.
Everything is going smoothly... too smoothly. Like the calm before the storm, and I am that very storm.
Two days had passed since I released the Nuraihyon, the Onmyojis and the entirety of Japan is trying to track me down. They also have to deal with corruption being rooted out so fast there is nobody to replace the officials.
I preach the freedom of individuals, after all. It is time for the people of Japan to not think of the collective, but of themselves.
I swirl my cup of coffee, thick and syrupy, just how I like it.
Oh, Hoa is already here.
"How many shrines did you break?", I asked my friend.
"Thirty-five shrines, it wasn't that difficult. Why did you only break one shrine?", she grumbled.
"I broke the most important one, that's what counts.", I shrugged with a grin.
She grabbed my hand, sucking my energy for a brief moment then let go.
"Why did you do that?", I look at my hand, it was pale for a bit before quickly regaining its color.
"It isn't every day that I can taste something so premium.", she looked at her own hand, "It is quite refreshing."
"Just ask for permission next time.", I rolled my eyes.
"So, what is the real reason to unleash a calamity?", Hoa changed the topic.
"There is one thing I want to see.", yes, to accelerate the fall of current Japan is just an afterthought, the real reason...
"I want to see the being who is described as the Absolute Good in the universe, the Giant of Light."
Isn't it fascinating? There are countless people preaching truth, justice, and goodness, but who actually follows through with that? Even me, who speak of justice, it is just a stepping stone for my era.
But what about someone recognized by the universe as the absolute force of good?
Humans are inherently evil, to be cruel is far easier than doing the right thing. I am no different. So would the Giant of Light find me repulsive? Or would they try to drag me out of this abyss I chose myself?
"Fthaggua, have you ever fought a Giant of Light?", I turned to Hoa, using her real name.
After a moment of silence, she spoke, "Yes, a Giant of Light named Quazar, we fought on a tidally locked planet..."
"Did you win?", I urge her to reveal more.
"It was a draw, he can absorb and turn sunlight into energy at an insane rate, to the point where I cannot drain him as fast as he can generate. My firepower was stronger so he couldn't get a proper hit on me.", she sighed, "We were only stopped when the Eldritch God of that Star had enough and was chased out. It was one of the Wayfarer of the Abyss, so I had no choice."
Wayfarer of the Abyss...
"Who are they?", I asked her.
"They who witness the history of the universe, that's what the Wayfarers of the Abyss introduced themselves as. And there is one watching us right now.", she smiled, getting pleasure from knowing something I don't know.
"Who is watching me?", I look to the orange sky of the sunset.
"The Eyes Beyond the Veil, The Watcher of Nathamoor. They held the First Seat of the Wayfarers, and more importantly, a Voidborn - a direct offspring of The Original One.", she also looked up to the sky.
Huh, so that was what I felt every time when I used Delusion, I could feel the gaze... I don't like dealing with Eldritch Beings. Being up close to the Lord of Tindalos was stressful enough.
We chat for a bit more, waiting for the other two to come but...
I heard music as the sun slowly sank into the horizon. Drums, trumpets, string instruments...
In the street, I can see people running away from something...
"Gigigigigigig!", a massive ten meters skeleton crawled out from the corner, on its back was a shrine containing a few Yokais.
A flaming wheel with a head inside rolls around, destroying buildings and roads everywhere it goes.
A humanoid monk Yokai with hundreds of weapons stabbed in its back.
A blue oni roared in excitement.
A woman with a long neck laughing.
A seven-tailed white fox crawls on the buildings.
And many, many more.
With the one leading this carnage... the Nuraihyon.
I can't help but spread a wicked grin.
"The Parade of the One Hundred Demons has begun."
"Answer me, I know you are not a normal human... you are too... perfect.", the Yokai kept on talking.
It is interesting that only now that other people start to highlight Charlotte inhumanness, before it was mostly herself quoting that she is "the embodiment of human and the most inhuman".
Before someone quote human are inherently flaw, yes we are. The reason I'm pointing this out is more of a speculation, of could this be why human and most other normal creatures cannot ever reach the star (the Pale Order want it). This is also a contradiction, of the philosophy that perfection halt further progress, thus kinda interesting idea at play.
This is why Earth's Cycle of Violence is so important, it has the best chance to produce a civilization capable of conquering the stars via Survival of the Fittest. By weeding out the weakest, later down the line humanity may be able to develop space farring technology, but it also has the greatest chance of self-destructing at later stages.
Charlotte, being the Akasha and perfect, is essentially kicked out of the system. Does she know this? Maybe, but the main point is that she can only affect humanity externally, like a natural disaster. People can only adapt to her, nothing more.
"The Eyes Beyond the Veil, The Watcher of Nathamoor. They held the First Seat of the Wayfarers, and more importantly, a Voidborn - a direct offspring of The Original One.", she also looked up to the sky.
Wait is that us???!!

What is a reader to a story but an eldritch horror beyond comprehension

Can I get the new cover art in higher quality?
Here you go
@Rhaps Thanks!