Enemy of Time
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Though I did go to Mu, I encountered quite a few problems.

Some corporations, fearing for their own existence or trying to get revenge on me, tried to sink Prydwen. But they didn't account for five warships lurking around here; Indianapolis, North Carolina, Yamato, Zuikaku, and my main ship.

Every single ship or cruise ship got sunk by the overwhelming firepower. Of course, I published the footage.

Showing that fighting me is futile, there is nothing one can do. I am humanity itself, after all.

Anyway, Darkovah had basically become a place crawling with Beasts of Tindalos. I can see them hiding in every shadow, every corner.

John Titor really pissed Time itself off, huh.

Although the Beasts of Tindalos only attack time travelers, that doesn't mean people would be fine around them. Monsters that look like low polygons and corrupt 3D models roam around at night, moving erratically from shadow to shadow. I can hardly blame the people.

At least it isn't the Lord of Tindalos, that was scary. I think I have PTSD.

But they are still avoiding sunlight - Shemiss Aluqdim's gaze. The quickest way to deal with them is to call down The Pale Court.

Well, I can do that now since Darkovah was evacuated long ago. But it would be in my best interest to destroy this place? Eh, I don't care.

Summoning Ouroboros Omniscia, I began to carpet-bomb the city. This is an anti-nation weapon, after all.

The missile rain descend upon the city, blowing everything up in my sight. Every building, every establishment that was built from the end of the Great War, all reduced to rubble. But one place remain the same, Ataraxia Academy, it is still rebuilding itself.


The moment the Beasts of Tindalos rematerialized from the shadows, pillars of golden flame carrying Judgement erupted everywhere, burning the Beasts of Tindalos.

The Lord of Tindalos itself won't do anything, but I'm scared that having a time traveler living for so long... it would come personally.

A true born of the universe itself, The Lord of Tindalos, the Universal Truth that is Time.

As I was thinking about what to do, a voice came from behind me.

"We meet again, child.", countless voices resonated with each other, carrying thousands of different emotions.

I turned back, seeing a tall handsome man with glowing white hair and blazing golden eyes, wearing a white formal three piece suit with golden chains hanging. Shemiss Aluqdim the Pale Court...

"What brings you here, Shemiss Aluqdim.", I greeted the Sun.

"It is nothing for you to worry about, some pests showed up.", they walked past me toward Ataraxia, "But we admit, there is a reason to meet you here, child."

I followed them, dragging Ouroboros Omniscia along.

"What reason?", I asked.

"With the Third sleeping soundly, the activities of the Guests had become bolder. You may not take responsibility for your actions, the scale of that act is too much for you to bear all alone, after all. But this affects the prosperity of this planet. For that reason, expulsion of all Guests is a must, with no exception."

Because without Tiamat awake, the world may be destroy... yes, this is the consequence of my action.

But do I regret it? Never.

But there is a bigger problem.

"Does my servants count?", I asked, crossing my arms.

"They do, but they are far more powerful and entail more consequences than worth the trouble. Though an acquaintance of ours has another idea."

Acquaintance? I frowned a bit. Not another Harbinger? I thought this psychopathic mass of personalities was universally disliked.

"Who?", I voiced my question.

A smile crept up on their face, "Someone who is not a Harbinger of Life, yet stood by our side to the end, even after our imprisonment. Alnajam Qatayra the Starlight Droplet, or as this world came to know, The North Star."

The North Star, The Guiding Star has been intertwined with humanity itself since the beginning... although I hate to admit it, I don't think making an enemy of someone Shemiss Aluqdim's view positively is a good idea.

"Hmm, I'll deal with it.", I hid my concern with a shrug.

"That you will.", they nodded, "Now, we shall deal with the pests as per our obligation as this world's Light."

Immediately, hundreds of golden pillars erupted all around me, killing even more Beasts of Tindalos which had come out of cracks in reality.

"That child, Tiamat, can close the Rifts. But we do not possess the power to do so.", their gaze turned to Ataraxia, "So, Argent Monarch, we have a request for you."

They said it was a request but... hehahaha... the pressure is more like a demand. I hate this.

"What do you want?", I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

"We are averse to ending Life on this planet, so we will not give eternal rest to one of our Children.", Shemiss Aluqdim's gaze turned to me, "We request you to end the Time Breaker."

Time Breaker? Not a Time Traveller?

"So you want me to kill John.", I crossed my arms.

They nodded.

Right... Sinclair said she wanted to kill him. But I don't go out of my way to kill people directly... ah.

"It is time for a special Trial.", I smiled, "I won't kill him, it is not my duty to judge someone since I had transferred the right of Judgement to the people."

I can't kill a human with my own hands.

I stare at The Pale Court, "Would you like to witness the Judgement of over eight billion humans?"

"Do as you like, Child.", they smiled, and the voices seemed to carry amusement.

"Utopia, my dear knight...", I took a step forward, standing at the gates of Ataraxia, "Let us begin the Trial of John Titor."

I open the Book of Akasha, flipping through its pages with a smile. Utopia in his 3 meters form landed behind me, and he showed dozens of holographic screens around me. I was a bit nervous about The Pale Court being here, but it doesn't seem like they have anything against Utopia.

"John Titor, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, let the world Judge you."

A notification was given to everyone in the world.

[Argent Alexandria Special Program: Trial of the Apostle]
[John Titor, the First Gem Holder, is on trial for abuse of power]

"Hello everyone, what a wonderful day to meet you all.", I spread my arms out, "As all of you know, I am Charlotte Silvi, your beloved Argent Monarch of Humanity."

"Today, we are deciding the fate of Ataraxia's Principal. Whose actions caused untold harm to Darkovah."

The camera pans around, making sure not to capture Shemiss Aluqdim, capturing the destruction of Darkovah.

"So, my dearest citizens, I request your Judgement upon the Apostle of Jesus Christ. You can view his past deeds since he is older than the allowed time."

I was also sending another message, that only I, the Argent Monarch, can start the Trial to judge any and all Immortals.




"After 24 hours, the Judgement will be decided. Until then... good luck."

The screens vanished, and I summon my lance. What landed before me was a pure white Dragon, Kortigern, the White Dragon of Saxon.

"So you chose to protect a threat to the World?", I taunted him.

"No.", his voice boomed, "I am here to protect my friend."

I nodded, acknowledging it. There is nothing wrong with protecting a friend, but they stand in my way and are a threat to the World. Wasn't Akasha created to protect the World in the first place?

Shemiss Aluqdim stepped forward, "Do not mind us, Children."

And they vanished. I turned back to the Dragon.

"You know his very existence is a danger to the World, and is abandoning your job the right thing to do?", they are supposed to be guardians of the World.

He shook his head, "I am containing the Rifts as best I could, but with the Ego sleeping, I cannot fully close any."

"[With the Elimination of the Time Breaker, the Rifts will be repaired by the Beasts of Tindalos.]", Utopia responded, making Kortigern flinched.

Should I team up with the Beasts of Tindalos? That would help me not violate my no-kill rule.


Ouroboros Omniscia opened up, and the spears laced with poisons popped out... I also summon the Emblem of Monte Cristo, lighting the spears with green flame.

"Manifest Destiny."

I pressed the spears into Kortigern's chest with a wide grin, and then I launched the spears into his body, impaling him with poisoned spears and burning him with soul-eating flame.

The Dragon tried to pull me away, but it was far too late. I appeared behind him, leisurely walking toward the mess that is Ataraxia.

Kortigern tried to turn back and attack me, but he collapsed. That poison was something Dragon Slayers used to kill Fafnir regularly, it was made specifically to kill Dragons. He will survive, being a Western Dragon and all.

"Beasts who live in the stream of Time!! Come forth and enjoy your meal!!", I shouted, my voice enhanced by Euphoria and Ambition.

As soon as I said that, hundreds of low polygon monsters swarmed the academy, pillars of golden light erupted everywhere as The Pale Court tried to eliminate them, but the stronger ones moved faster and could survive a few more hits, going forward.

Hmm, I can see a few yellow blocky spiders opening more Rifts, Shemiss Aluqdim didn't attack them, since they are probably what repairs the Rifts in the first place.

I walk calmly together with the Time Beasts. These things can bypass my Domination and touch me, so I don't want to antagonize them, but even if I do, they won't go out of their way to attack me up to a certain point.

I am the Anchor of the Present, time is stable within this planet when I am around.

Heh, seeing the Time Beasts swarming the tower is pretty cool, like out of an apocalyptic movie. Yeah, I wouldn't want to be in his situation.

First Gem Holder, John the Apostle, who had angered Time itself. Let's see how you deal with this situation.

An interesting thought I had a few days ago, what Original Sins does each points of Akasha resemble?

Here is my answer:

Survive - Pride

Hope - Gluttony

Euphoria - Lust

Delusion - Envy

Reverie - Sloth

Ambition - Vanity

Malice - Wrath

Justice - Greed