John was having a hard time, all because of Charlotte.
He cannot rewind time freely due to the Ego being asleep, there is nobody to stop the Beasts of Tindalos from ripping reality open to get him. And worst of all, he cannot see into the future because of Charlotte's existence as the Anchor.
The Anchor of Reality is given to the Akasha, when it appeared, he cannot see the future due to the Anchor making the future unpredictable. Like what is globally known as the Grand Decree of the Argent Monarch (Charlotte named it herself), John did not see that coming at all.
So he kept on running down his tower, the clocks in his eyes ticked backward as he rewind a few seconds back into the past to avoid the Beasts of Tindalos... he knew that his existence could summon a greater danger to the World.
But he cannot help but want to live. Is that not the most basic instinct of humanity?
He eventually escaped the building, yet his plight was not over yet.
"O' Souls of Divinity, May you be Forgotten."
John felt reality cracking around him, the Time Beasts too stopped their pursuit to inspect around, roaring and speaking incomprehensible words.
"O' Spirits of Nature, May you return to Nothing."
He felt an incredible pressure around him as if reality was crashing down. His carefully crafted time reversal magic was becoming undone at the seam.
"To you Beasts who devour Time... May your Existence be denied."
He looked up, seeing a pair of heterochromatic eyes— no, two azure eyes, the right one carrying a golden Rose Compass, while the left carried a silver one. But her silver hair cannot be mistaken for anyone.
"Charlotte Silvi...", he muttered her name.
And the world around him shattered.
"Phantasmal Denial."
Hope and Ambition, it is a deadly combo. The light of salvation at the end and the road of pain leading to the exit. Two opposite ends of the star, combine to create an amazing harmony.
The result is in front of me, with the corpses of the Beasts of Tindalos shimmering, vanishing from existence, Ataraxia was completely destroyed and not a single trace of it remains.
Yet there is someone still alive, a man with brown hair who looks disheveled, his clothes tattered and dyed with his blood. His eyes ticked, staring at me.
"You know you really fucked up when The Pale Court wants you dead.", I stated.
Then I turned back, walking away.
"Aren't you... going to finish me off?", he chuckled, holding his wounds.
"There is no need to. You are already dead.", I hummed a tune as Rifts opened up everywhere, "Plus, I have another appointment."
I deactivated the combination. Phantasmal Denial had erased his power to manipulate time, but that does not erase the smell of a Time Traveller... whatever that is.
Kortigern stood up, staggering from the effects of the poison. He ignored me and rushed in to fend off the Beasts.
"John!! Come with me!!", he winced as he grabbed John with his draconic hand and flew away.
I pointed my hand as a gun toward the flying Dragon, "Bang."
Artillery shells fired off from Prydwen, consuming Kortigern in fire. His wings were ripped open, making him fall, still, he clutched John in his arms to protect the meal of the Beasts.
It is a wonderful sign of friendship, between a Dragon and a human...
John Titor, the man who went above and beyond to help humanity, was one of the people who dispelled the prejudice against Gem Holders, reforming Christianity to be better, rewinding time again and again for the best outcome.
Can all of those actions for humanity really outweigh the crimes against Time itself?
No, never.
However, I am happy.
A human who defied Time, living his own way to the end. Even if he earned the ire of the Sun. This is what it means to be human.
I watch as the Beasts of Tindalos crawl onto Kortigern, tearing him apart.
I pulled out my phone, checking the ongoing Trial... huh, it's surprisingly tight. People are fairly divided on John.
Searching John Titor on Utube, I found a few videos explaining the effects of his power on reality. Oh, a collaboration between an astronomer and an astrologist is also on here.
Hmm? There are some streamers sneaking into Darkovah to get a better view— their videos got corrupted the moment a Beast of Tindalos appeared on the screen.
Why was my phone fine? Was it because I didn't try to film it?
Opening the Book of Akasha, I summoned a digital camera and pointed it at the swarm— boom! My camera exploded before I could get a decent shot.
Not trying that again.
I took out a cigarette and smoked, "Utopia, reformat Yamato into a storage vault."
"[As you Command, Your Majesty.]", he complied and headed back before me.
I am going to raid Novah's Vault, reclaiming what is rightfully mine. The God Slayers made to destroy the world, there were a few that caught my interest.
I could recreate them with Reverie and the Book of Akasha, but it's way more fun to just steal things.
Utopia landed the Enterprise half of Prydwen onto the city, and I entered it.
And almost immediately, my phone rang.
"What is it, Mom?", I asked.
[Charlotte, would you mind explaining why is CV-6 in the middle of Darkovah?], Seria sounds a bit angry.
"Because I stole it?", I answered nonchalantly.
[You know it was going to be modified into a museum, right?]
Ah, right. When I stole this one, it was in the process of being hollowed out.
"Well, I also stole North Carolina, it was surprisingly easy too."
I just went in the middle of the night and opened the Gate of Akasha, teleporting the entire ship to Utopia. Same as Enterprise.
[Charlotte, tell me, did you steal any other ships?], her anger was rising.
"Just some sunken ships, aside from the Bismarck, ten in total.", I chuckled, "All scatter around the ocean."
It is impossible to find them if I want them to be so. But I just let on the signal jam and fog creation for people to be able to find them.
[That's it, I'm heading over to Mu right now!!], ah, it finally burst.
She also ended the call.
"Hah...", I sighed, "Tell the other two to enjoy themselves, I'm going to Novah right now."
I turned to the hangar of the ship, where several fighter jets were on standby.
"Transform.", I snapped my finger.
All the planes transformed under my command, turning into robots. 10-meter-tall robots knights, 88 robots in total.
They are retrofitted with AI, not Artificial Intelligence, but Algorithmic Intelligence. They obey in a framework like a machine should.
This is my Knight Order, ready to raid Novah's Vault.
I went back outside, followed by my knights.
"Deconstruct.", I tapped my foot, breaking the floor into pieces. I made a hole big enough for the knights to go down.
I jumped in followed by twenty knights.
The underground city, the capital of Mu, and where all of humanity's worst creations are held, Novah.