Evil and Madness
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Frankly, Seria did not want to fight Charlotte at all. Despite their usual bickering, they get along pretty well.

Fighting Charlotte was just an excuse to get out of America. Though she was pretty angry at the girl for stealing two warships.

All of that vanished right after her trump card got overwritten.

There Charlotte stood with a smile, the pressure of her Soul was crushing, to say the least. This is the full power of the Akasha, of the girl who claims to be the Ruler of Humanity itself.

"This will hurt a lot~", her voice was joyful, yet her gaze was as sharp as ever.

In an instant, before Seria can do anything, Charlotte stabbed her lance into her chest.

Immediately, she applied Freedom from the spikes and moved away. But Charlotte's halo lit up the black light of Reverie and Justice's dark blue.

Black sludge foamed up from the chalk and sand, and then thin arms made of sludge came at Seria who was moving far away.

The arms crashed into each other, and more arms burst out from the impact. They chased after Seria who was flying in the sky.

"Satanic Crown - Hell Flame!!"

Spears of crimson fire burst out from around Seria, burning the arms as they inch ever closer, cutting them down at the base - collapsing them entirely.

"Satanic Ritual - Gate of Pandemonium."

Above her, a gate formed in the air, bearing sigils and marks in the form of demonic statues. It opened, and Demons began to pour out in droves. They clashed with the rising arms, destroying themselves and the Monarch's constructs at the same time.

Seria glanced back down at Charlotte— her halo was fully red.


In an instant, Charlotte reached Seria and left a trail of fire behind. Seria immediately summoned a staff, deflecting Charlotte's thrust.

It was heavy.

Her halo flickered again, this time Red and Magenta. Charlotte's body burst into white flame and crystallized into armor.

"Sanity Beat: Crescendo.", she announced.

Without another warning, Charlotte performed a front flip and kicked Seria into the ground—

"ARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!", a guttural scream escaped from her as all the pain she caused rushed in at once.

Charlotte landed in front of her, "How does it feel, Seria?"

Seria was struggling to get up, her breath became rugged. Tears began to trickle down her eyes.

"All those people you killed, all those people who despaired because of you.", a smile bloomed on her face, "How do you feel?"

"...", she did not answer.

"Tell me, Mom, would you do it all over again?", it was a simple question.

Seria took a deep breath, then she smiled, "Yes."

"I would do it all over again— no, do it a hundred— a thousand times even.", she giggles, her crimson eyes staring straight at the Argent Monarch, "Charlotte, I am not a good person. In this peaceful time, I want to hear more screams."

She slowly stood up, crackling to herself, "Hahahahaha!! I want to rip open a father in front of his wife and child, I want to burn down everything they cherished in front of their eyes. So that their last memory may be... absolute despair."

The Absolute Evil, she feels no remorse about other people, she cares for nothing but herself and America.

"Charlotte, have you ever seen a child's eyes losing its innocence? Filling his mind with revenge? How good it is to snuff that fire out?"

A staff and a sword dyed in crimson red appeared in her hands.

"I don't feel guilty about anything, nor do I want redemption or any of that sob shits!!", Seria pointed her sword at Charlotte, "Come on, let's dance!!"

Charlotte dashed her sword aside and went for a thrust. Seria deflected it with her staff, but the impact almost broke her arm.

Before she could nullify the cracks with Freedom, Charlotte kicked her in the stomach. Her halo flickered, every point glowed silver, the light of her Ambition.

"Manifest Destiny."


Before Seria realized it, she was pierced in the stomach. Charlotte stares at her, eyes sparking with electricity. Not stopping, Charlotte swiped her legs, knocking Seria down, and pinned the lance into the ground, with the General still impaled by it.

It was too fast. Her thoughts and actions are one, the moment she imagined where her lance would reach, it was already there. Moving at the speed of her own thought, Seria inwardly laughed at the absurdity of the Argent Monarch.

With the amount of drugs in her system, her attacks seemed like they were moving at the speed of light.

"Do you feel it?", Charlotte tilted her head, "Your strength slowly drains away, death coming ever closer~"

It was creepy, and indeed Seria did feel her strength going away every second. But most of all... the hot sand was burning through her Freedom.

"I guess I should end it here, now..."

"What are you..."

Charlotte raised the skull in her right hand, its eyesockets flickered the golden flame of the desert.

The sand and sandstone of the Inner World began to float up, separating themselves from the chalk. Seria watched in horror as the pieces of the Inner World began to condense, smashing into each other and forming... a pyramid.

"Are you going to smash that into Darkovah?!", Seria widens her eyes, she tries to pull Quirinus out, even if it means getting stabbed by the red spikes.

Although she would survive having a pyramid slam into her, it would still hurt a lot.

Charlotte chuckled, lowering the skull and ending Argent Overdrive. The pyramid and the Argent World of Chalk vanished from thin air.

"Heh, that is enough testing for today.", Charlotte pulled the lance out.

Seria's wound healed in an instant, she quickly stood up and grimaced at her shirt, which was torn apart.

"Fucking Hell, all of this for a test?", Seria frowned, "You are as extra as always."

"I won't destroy a city just for a bit of fun.", Charlotte shrugged.

The General narrowed her eyes, "You destroyed Haiti, Somalia, China, and up next is Mongolia, young lady."

"Hmm.", Charlotte closed her eyes and nodded, "I merely give them some fun... ideas, it is not my fault everything fell to ruin."

In a flash of electricity, both the lance and skull vanished. Charlotte brushed her hair with her fingers as she turn around, and Seria saw them.

The magnetic earrings she gave Charlotte. Seria smiled, walking behind Charlotte.

"Why are you following me?", Charlotte clicked her tongue.

"Why~? Can't a mother follow her own daughter?", Seria chuckled, "Besides, I don't want to work."

"Fine, I'm done here anyway. I have another location in mind.", Charlotte took out her phone, checking the date, "I have to visit Cadmus."

Seria tilted her head, "But John escaped."

Charlotte stopped, "What?"

"Yeah, Kortigern managed to use some magic and teleported him to who knows where~", she shrugged with a sly smile, "Why? Is it that important that he needs to be dead?"

"You know, even The Pale Court wanted him dead.", Charlotte looked at the sun, her azure eyes glimmering and sparks electricity, "Really, what the fuck did he do to warrant such a reaction?"

"Damn.", Seria paid no mind to it, "Well, I guess Britain is going to get two new Dragons."

"Right... Western Dragons, Dragon's Curse.", Charlotte sighed, "Vortigern and Kortigern are going to revive."

Vortigern, the Red Dragon of Briton, and the uncle of the Pendragon.

Kortigern, the White Dragon of Saxon, is the eternal rival of the Red Dragon.

Their fate is tied together, it is only natural that they will fight once again.

"Forget it. Are you coming with me or not?", she shook her head and put on her glasses, "Fu... this is going to be a tough one."

"I'm going to wait for you on the ship!!", Seria ran past Charlotte, heading toward the Enterprise, "Oh, and I'm still mad about you stealing Enterprise and North Carolina."

"Hmm, I should've taken more German ships.", Charlotte sighed as she muttered.

With that, Charlotte vanished from thin air in crackling electricity.




Somewhere in Jerusalem, Israel.

John staggered as he held his wounds, clawed and touched by the clutch of the Time Beasts, he was aged years - previously held back by his powers.

Wandering the alley with blurred vision, he soon collapsed.

"Well well~ what do we have here for ourselves?", a feminine voice spoke up.

John struggled to open his eyes, but he eventually did after what seemed like an eternity. There he saw a white metallic maiden with a glowing red cross on her chest. Her red eyes stared at him, and she was smiling.

"Ju...das?", he muttered.

"This Sinner goes by Iscariot. You had seen better days, my friend. What brings an old man like you here, to travel all the way from that silly little island to your home?", Iscariot titled her head, "Our Lord and Light want you dead, what did you do to warrant such treatment?"

"Are you... going to kill me...?", he chuckled inwardly, trying to remain calm in front of a world destroyer.

"That is incorrect, John.", she shook her head, "I devote myself to my Lord and Light, Shemiss Aluqdim the Pale Court of Order and Judgement. But that does not mean I want to kill my sole remaining friend."

Iscariot helped John up and supported him, "Come on, now. I'll get you to safety."

Her crimson eyes narrowed as she looked back, seeing something moving in the darkness.

"I... am not... your friend...", that was the last thing he said before passing out.

"Hmph, suit yourself, you fool.", she hurled him on her shoulder and walked away.