The last Light
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I got to work quickly, a Lord of Annihilation is something not to joke about. After all, this is something capable of destroying a star system.

"Seria, you handle the defense, make sure to make a path leading to the trap."

"Got it~", Seria saluted me and went to work.

"Mitsuki, how is the bottom?", I asked my friend.

"The iceberg is just fine!!", Mitsuki replied, getting out of the water, the cold didn't bother her anyway.

She was constructing an iceberg that surrounds Prydwen. The Starlight Droplet doesn't go well against ice for some reason so its hard for their Corruption to take root.

And for the main firepower...

"Fthaggua, I leave it up to you.", I turned to Hoa in her true form - a human-shaped flame.

"Hmph, I have to repay this humiliation.", she huffed, crossing her arms.

"And Utopia, how are you feeling?"

"[I am fine now, Your Majesty. Stella Negata Protocol is more powerful than calculated, for now I can operate all ten parts of Prydwen and Argent Alexandria.]", he reported.

That is enough for me right now... but doesn't that mean he was suffered more than ninety-nine percent damage? He only needs less than one percent to observe Earth.

A Knight hides his pain in front of his mistress, a tale as old as time.

"All preparations are complete.", I stab my lance into the floor, "Utopia, Castle Mode."

"[As you Command, Your Majesty.]"

The ship began to transform, mechanical gears and nanomachines shifted around me, reforming its entire structure.

A fortress with dozens of artillery guns, machine guns, and missiles, most came from the infinite armory that is Ouroboros Omniscia. So much gun it would make an American blush.

"Oh wow...", Seria is blushing as she flies around after seeing the sheer amount of firepower.

Enna is also up there, handling aerial recon, had to stop and marvel at the grand silver castle of mine.

I was bodied by The Starlight Droplet, I couldn't do anything without most of my equipment. I wore Solomon on me now, Galatine in its holster on my hip, wielding both Quirinus and Walpurgis Festival.

I already activated Justice and Delusion for maximum penetration... I don't want to kill The Starlight Droplet, if they were any other Eldritch God I would but with this one...

Being so close to Earth, they would probably pop back in after four hundred years or so. That's the time it takes to travel from Earth to Polaris at light speed.

I need to seal it, and luckily, in all of humanity's horrific creations, there are hundreds of those.

"Alright! I'm done!!", Seria landed back down, "So, what are you going to do next?"

I didn't answer her, taking out Anima Lacero I took a deep breath. Then I ripped a chord.

The ice beneath the castle expanded, and Hoa's flame burned more violently.

A kilometer-thick layer of ice, this should do it for now.

I held my left hand out, summoning the Book of Akasha, "Keyword: Seal, Star, Frozen."

The pages began to flip, displaying images of countless objects and their description.

"Pandora Replica, Tenmei, and Zodia."

Reverie Sludge poured out of the book, and then three items formed from the goo. A wooden box decorated with golden vines, a golden seal in the shape of a chrysanthemum flower, and a star compass in the form of a gyroscope.

"Deconstruct.", Pandora Replica and Tenmei shattered, their pieces held in the air by electricity.

"Reforge.", and they smashed together, combined into a golden treasure chest that sparkled brightly.

This will do it.

"Seria, summon as much Demon as you can.", I commanded.

"Sure, sure~" she turned around with a smile.

"What about me?", Mitsuki asked after finishing drying herself. Oh, she's naked right now.

She doesn't feel that embarrassed being naked in the middle of the ocean, on top of a heavily armed castle. My shamelessness overshadowed Mitsuki, after all.

"Put your clothes on and rest. You did everything you could.", I turned to the sea...


A seagull landed on my shoulder.

"Too much. Visitor. Strong. Three million. Dead.", it spoke to me.

Avalon is having a hard time, huh...

Just then...

"[Your Majesty, The Starlight Droplet had reached the surface.]", Utopia warned me.

"Seria!!", I yelled at her.

"Got it!", she raised her right hand to the sky, "Satanic Crown - Gate of Hell!!"

The sky turned blood red as Demons, creatures from Hell, poured out like a flood. They made contact with the blurry figure of the Eldritch God at the edge of this land of ice.

Then I realized something...

Corruption is self-explanatory, it corrupts things.

But what about Salvation?

"Utopia, explain to me what does the attribute Salvation do?", I asked.

"[It is the antithesis to Entropy, attacks that meant for pure destruction will not work on an Eldritch God— I see.]", he stopped for a moment, "[Your Majesty, I will switch out the ammunition to non-lethal.]"

So that's why The Stellar Gateway was so tough. But non-lethal attacks, huh... I dislike using them. What's the point of being non-lethal when a fucking Eldritch God capable of destroying an entire star system is right in front of me?

I know how to panic too, thank you very much.


An explosion rang out, shattering the Demons around it.

"Satanic Crown - Summon: Zadkiel."

Seria summoned her sword, getting ready to fight. But crystal arms grabbed her in the air, the arms from the combination of Reverie and Euphoria.

I switched, after all. Justice and Delusion just scream lethal.

"Lethal attacks won't work.", I shook my head, "Just handle the traps."

I let go of Walpurgis Festival and took the gyroscope, Zodia.

"Enna, hold this for me.", I pointed my lance at the treasure chest, "When I give the signal, point it at The Starlight Droplet."

Enna landed before me, "Got it, Your Majesty."

"Utopia, fire."

At my command, the guns began to shoot rubber bullets at high speed. A normal person would die under this barrage but to The Starlight Droplet? They were staggered by the rain.

Looking at them, I see them more tattered than before. Avalon said they used three million bodies in an attempt to kill Alnajam Qatayra... the result was not good for me.


I widened my eyes, the Corruption lines were traveling in the air. Utopia noticed it and stopped the firing. Only then, the circuit-like Corruption stop and crumble.

"Fthaggua, follow me."

I hopped down from the top of the castle. Hoa followed me down.

The Reverie Sludge spread beneath my feet, and the crystal arms popped out and shaped themselves into a massive funnel made to focus Hoa's firepower.

Hoa stepped forward, her fire blazing up, revealing a fraction of her true strength. The flame was hot, I was even sweating.

"With my flame, I offer the Lord of Annihilation to you, my Lord and Flame.", she raised her hands.

More crystal arms came out from the puddle, encasing Hoa in a magenta crystal dome.

Then I held out Zodia, "O' Stars, answer me."

The night sky above us cleared up, and the starry night sky shone beautifully. The Starlight Droplet stopped for a moment, looking up at the stars... at the North Star.

"What a beautiful view you have shone me.", they muttered.

"I request the Light of the Eternal Watchers, to borrow the Power of the Cosmos.", the gyroscope began to spin in my palm, glowing a blue light.

A school of Magic is Astrology, which borrows the powers of the Stars. It is classified internationally as a form of Heavenly Edict, requesting the help of the universe itself. But in reality, it is about collecting the Light of the Eldritch Gods to create miracles. Usually by using a conduit, as the human body cannot handle the power of millions of Eldritch Gods at once.

Zodia is such an item, it collects the Lights of Stars and through this gyroscope channels the energy of millions of Eldritch Gods. It is powerful, but to collect so much energy, I can only use it once.

"The pressure is optimal, I will fire soon.", Hoa notified me, her voice muffled and warped due to the wall and the heat inside.

I nodded, "By the Light of the Stars, I request Divine Retribution."


The makeshift cannon fired a lazer beam, ripping through the air at the speed of light. The Starlight Droplet saw it and attempted to move.

But the moment they tried to side-step the beam, but demonic chains burst out from the opposite side and reeled them back in the line of fire.

My fire won't have any effect on Alnajam Qatayra, it is full of desire to kill and destroy. But the raging flame of the Regent? It was as pure as fire can get.

Fire does not judge, it only burns.

The result was clear, a hole in The Starlight Droplet's chest. But contrary to my expectations... they just look down at the hole.

"You do know that this body is just an Avatar, correct?", they tilted their head, "To kill a Lord of Annihilation, it will take more than that."

Then more traps were activated forcefully, binding them in place. In a flash of light, I found myself right in front of them.

I shattered the gyroscope.

Then thousands of white spears pierced The Starlight Droplet in an instant.

"This is...", they looked down at their body, "Quite interesting, really."

I really hate this nonchalant speech...

"Do it now, Ennael!!", I commanded.

Enna rushed in as I backed away, opening the chest pointed at The Starlight Droplet.



A purple lazer beam hit Enna and destroyed the treasure chest. I quickly caught her in a flash of lightning.

"This is no proper way to treat a Guest.", two voices came from the sky, speaking in unison.

Landing between us and The Starlight Droplet was a massive black mecha, standing 6 meters in height. Its purple visor stared straight at me... but it was not a stare of hostility...

"Judas Iscariot, what brings you here?", I demand an answer.

The chest opens up, revealing a mechanical girl in white and red wrapped in mechanical tendrils. She stares at me with a calm smile as she walks out.

"Greetings, Argent Monarch of Humanity.", her mechanical eyes flickered toward me, and then she bowed, "I am the Sinner half of Judas Iscariot, the Saint of Betrayal, you can call me Iscariot."

"I am here to resolve the problem with The Starlight Droplet.", she turned to the Eldritch God, "Earth is currently in lockdown state, all Foreigners must be eliminated or surrendered until The Stellar Express arrives. However, seeing that you had interfered with the operation of a resident and threatened them, you must be eliminated."

"But she has with her a Grand Array, a creation of The Almighty, and that.", they looked at the dome Hoa was in, despite still being bound by millions of spears.


Another shot was fired, and Judas Iscariot immediately dodged to the side, both of them. The dome also burst from the pressure. The beam of fire pierced through the left eye of The Starlight Droplet.

Hoa stood there, floating in the air.

"So your Corruption is like that, huh.", she spoke without minding Judas.

"What have you found?", I asked my friend.

This atmosphere had become more chilling...

"What's in front of you is not just a single Star, but a Tertiary Star System. The Starlight Droplet's two eyes... they are two other Eldritch Gods.", she explained, "Honestly, I'm going back. I hate dealing with the Lords of Annihilation, they are even worse than the Council of Entropy folks."

Just like that, she flew away, back to the ship.

Now, what's in front of me is three Eldritch Gods in one. Their left eye hadn't healed so it's safe to assume Hoa killed one.

"That is a surprising revelation, but no matter.", Iscariot clapped her hands, "Miss Argent Monarch here was granted exception, any and all Guests under her command are excluded from the elimination, so long as she is alive."

"My Lord and Light may dissuade us Juries from provoking you, but some lines must never be crossed.", she turned to me, "For the price of thirty silvers, I will solve your problem."

Iscariot approached me, holding her hand out. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it, completing the deal.

I also open the Book of Akasha, dropping thirty silver coins onto her hand.

"Payment complete.", she grabbed the coins, which vanished in her palm.

Then I felt a burst of energy as if I was being scrutinized by the very cosmos itself. All eyes were on me... but I don't hate it, I love the attention.

Still... this is the Blessing of the Pale Court...

The giant mecha's legs opened up, revealing two rotating weapon racks. Iscariot picked out a hammer and an axe—

Both of them vanished. I can only see them from the calculations, even with Argent Overdrive active I can hardly make out their presence. If I can't properly see them, what can The Starlight Droplet do?

Judging from their remaining eye, they are darting around to find the Saint of Betrayal. Then from behind, a loud bang knocked on their head.

Then a swing of an axe cut off their right arm. Next was a powerful purple lazer...

I heard them chant, first was Iscariot.

"Shemiss Aluqdim, They who create Life.
Every life is under your authority, your design.
A tyrant to all, who Judged others for their flaws,
Yet to your Children, you are kind and benevolent.
By the Judgement of your Pale Court,
Countless realms were silenced."

The Starlight Droplet was then mashed into the ground by a massive fist, Judas continued the chant.

"Shemiss Aluqdim, The Ancient Light.
Your light is one of warmth and comfort,
Your light is one of destruction and misery.
To your Children a gentle yet unknown Guardian,
To those Fakes a cruel yet just Warmonger.
You who were Feared by the Cosmos,
You who Inspired the Lords of Life."

Both of them spoke.

"Shemiss Aluqdim, The Court of Judgement.
Template of Life in your grasp,
A Father protecting their Children,
A Mother caring for their Borns.
Judge those who desecrate Life,
Burn them down with your Verdict."

Then both of them appeared, standing on both sides of the Eldritch God.

"Shemiss Aluqdim, My Lord and Light.
Grant them their Sentence,
For I shall be Their Finality."

Judas' chest glows brighter, ready to unleash a devastating beam. Iscariot raised her axe, ready to cut down the Eldritch God.

I can sense the power of Judgement within them, rising up more and more. Judgement, the power to pierce souls.

Hm? What?

The Eldritch energy was decreasing dramatically.

"It seems like our Lord and Light had deemed you unfit for the Sentence.", Judas spoke first, then Iscariot followed, "The Friend of our Lord and Light, you who defended Shemiss Aluqdim all those cycles ago, Alnajam Qatayra the Starlight Droplet, your love for our Lord and Light had granted you this exception."

And the last spear vanished from The Starlight Droplet. Iscariot immediately raised her axe to the Eldritch God's throat.

"However, you cannot interfere with what humanity and their servant do.", Iscariot looks at me, her mask split and revealing her smile, "Especially her, the Argent Monarch of Humanity."

"Do you agree with her actions?", The Starlight Droplet asked, their tone was still neutral, "To covet everything for herself, control everything in her favor. That level of irresponsibility is distasteful."

"Some Juries may have issues with her, like the King of Four Corners and the Golden War Host. But most don't care about what she is doing, in fact, some even enjoy it!", Iscariot clapped by herself, standing there awkwardly, "Yes, people know this is a dictatorship."

She tilted her head, looking at me, "But dictators aren't always so bad, wasn't Julius Caesar well-beloved? And Miss Silvi is being a good dictator! A fun personality, flashy, consistent, and she is pretty fair with all of her Judgements."

"Thank you.", I nodded with a smile, then I turned serious, "Now that everything is done, let's return to where we came from—"

Before I got to finish, the ice floor trembled. From the water, a white Allosaurus jumped out with a sword in its mouth. The sword glows faintly with a white aura—

Before I knew it, Berthan threw the sword at The Starlight Droplet, splitting them in half. Then it landed, letting out a fearsome roar that broke the ice.

My halo switched to Justice and formed wings on my back, letting me fly up.

The other Dino King got out of the water, looked around, and chirped, "What did we miss?"

"Well, we will get going now.", Iscariot got into Judas' chest, running away.

"We will be going now.", Judas nodded at me.

Then he turned invisible, completely vanished. I turned to Chica and Brethan, staring at them awkwardly.

"I'll get going too.", inky arms stretched out from my wings from the combination of Justice and Reverie.

Using my hands, I grabbed Enna who was stuck in the water.

The Dino King let out one final triumphant roar before swimming away.

"So, what was that about?", Seria approached me with her arms crossed, smiling.

"The Starlight Droplet died, killed by a dinosaur. That's about it.", I shrugged, "We are still going to Greece."

"What are you doing in Greece, anyway?", Seria tilted her head.

"I'm helping my sister who is about to give birth, and I have an appointment with Cadmus.", to get something...

My rightful inheritance...

The Sword of Heroes.