A normal visit
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I went back to Athens after a few days, the other three were in a hotel, paid for by me, of course. Utopia, although still damaged, can control the world again so my credit card is still flowing.

Mitsuki generally let me do my own things, this matter is even more special since this is a family visit. Hoa is just using me to not deal with the Juries. Enna went somewhere again, I don't really care.

I stare at my sister's house...

Hah... I opened the door and walked inside. I saw my sister's husband, Kratos, walking out of the kitchen area with a fresh loaf of bread.

"Welcome, Charlotte.", he smile faintly, "Take off your shoes and hang your coat, Deliah is waiting for you."

"Thanks.", I nodded.

I slide off my shoes, putting my trench coat on the coat hanger. I did a little stretch, cracking my neck. This is my house too, after all, even though I live on a city-size ship.

I walked up the stairs. Hmm, the smell of paint was gone. Everything seemed to have been cleaned out for her health.

"Hello, Charlotte.", Deliah, my sister, stared at me with a smile.

Fake as always.

I rolled my eyes, "How are you doing?"

"Heavy.", she massaged her pregnant stomach, poking it with interest, "So, is there anything you can help with?"

"You endured it for almost 9 months, and you complained to me?", I chuckled, sitting my the bed.

I also massaged her stomach. Inside, there was a life in the making, a child of my sister. For me, who can never experience this kind of thing, this is... fascinating.

"Have you given them a name?", I asked, staring at her.

She doesn't flinch from my Eyes of Judgement. She just kept on smiling, "I've been thinking about it, if it's a boy then Cyrus, if this is a girl, Anastasia."

"Not giving Greek names?", I tilt my head.

"No, I don't really have an interest in naming my child after traditions. Yours is a French name, after all.", then she pointed at herself, "I am Deliah, named after our aunt."

"Speaking of which, where is our aunt?", I asked. I haven't seen Athen lately.

"She is around, but work is piling up so she doesn't stay at home very often."

Right, Greece is still in the aftermath of the civil war. Then my Grand Decree came in.

"Anyway, here is my credit card.", I gave her my silver card, "Buy as much as you want, maybe a new house—"

"No.", her voice was chilling, but she still took my card.

"Alright, suit yourself.", I shrugged.

"What have you been up to, lately, Argent Monarch of Humanity?", she spoke with sarcasm.

"Nothing much, just going around causing as much chaos as possible.", I stated, opening the Book of Akasha, "There are a few interesting things too, want to hear it?"

"Of course.", she nodded.

I began to retell my stories, of El Dorado, fighting against Leviathans on the sea, giving out the location of destructive Relics to random people for fun, and dealing with unspeakable horrors beyond imagination. Things that are fun, uneventful for me...

In turn, she shared stories about our parents, her memory is good, about our aunt. Athen has a habit of cursing a lot but tries to keep it tame. She doesn't talk much about the war against the resurrected gods or the civil war that followed. Even for a psychopath who doesn't care about others, she lost both of her parents and she thought her little sister, me, was dead for a long time, maybe that was when she developed her psychopathy.

We talked, like sisters, taking jabs at each other. We talked a lot, it was fun...

By the time we realized it, it was dinner time.

Kratos walked up to bring us food. He preferred to let us eat with each other since I rarely got here.

To be alone with family...

This is fun.




"See you tomorrow, Charlotte.", Deliah waved at me as she got cozy with her blanket.

I got downstairs, where Kratos was watching some news on the sofa. He noticed me and nodded.

"How did you guys meet?", I got up close and sat on the opposite side of the sofa.

"It was about midsummer in 2007.", he picked up a bottle of wine, pouring it out into a glass, "I met her when she was running away from some people, likely other scavengers. I saved her and let her stay for the night at my hideout."

He took a sip of wine.

"It was just a passing night, I didn't think about her after that. For a while, after the civil war ended, I was running a bakery. A mundane yet peaceful life.", he swirls the glass, staring at it, "But she found me, stalked me even."

"So Stockholm syndrome?", that's pretty crazy.

"No, she is just obsessive. Despite her cheerful appearance, she is someone who would commit murder if she can get away with it."

"That's not a very nice thing to say about your wife.", I got up from the sofa, going to the kitchen.

"Even so, I grew to love her.", he spoke with a tone of nostalgia, "Charlotte, gods have a very different way of seeing the world, age does not matter to us."

That is how Greek gods are, they never age, physically or mentally. A god from thousands of years ago is the same as today. Thus, they view the world differently.

I grabbed a wine glass from the cupboard.

"I don't really care.", I poured myself a glass of wine, "I can never understand affection between people anyway, I have no right to judge your relationship."

I am the Akasha, after all. I am the most human of all humans, that makes me the most inhuman.

I sipped the wine, hmm, sour.




Yet as Charlotte enjoys her time of peace, the world keeps spinning.

At the bottom of the sea, the two halves of The Starlight Droplet merged together and reformed. Though their left eye was still missing, being that it is another Eldritch God.

"It takes more than a simple slash to kill a Lord of Annihilation.", they simply stated to nobody in particular.

Being eaten alive, pierced by the strongest fire, stabbed by countless lights, received Judgement, and sliced in half. This was nothing Alnajam Qatayra cannot handle.

Though their singular eye landed on something interesting. It was a tentacle— no, a fragment of a desecrated Eldritch God in this world.

They grabbed it, Corrupting the tentacle with circuit lines. Then The Starlight Droplet turned it into an eyeball, purple in color.

Putting the eyeball back into the empty socket, blinking.

"This is a decent enough replacement.", they nodded before walking along the ocean floor, with their hands behind their back.

As they walked, observing and killing any sea creature that got too close - being ravaged by millions of fish was more than enough of a lesson - with nothing particular on their mind. The Starlight Droplet stopped at a certain point.

They saw something interesting in front of them. A white sphere the size of a sea mine, surrounded by golden rings and wings. There was a mouth on it, opening and closing as it suck in the water and expels it.

Curious, The Starlight Droplet got in closer— and they Corrupted the strange creature. It floats in the water motionless.

They walk around it, studying every bit of the creature.

"So that one is here.", they spoke in revelation, with a squeeze, they destroyed the creature, "What do you say? To let them be or annihilation?"

Their blue right eye pulsed, communicating to The Starlight Droplet. They nodded.

"Very well."

And they walked away.

Hello hello! It's that time again, I'll be on a 2 weeks break. Until then, this has been Infinity in the Void - Freedom in the Abyss, remember to get up and move around before you return to read another story, get that blood moving to stay healthy. If it's late, get to bed because you deserve it for getting this far!! And most importantly, touch grass!!!

See you again!