Feyt and Lisenda found a clearing which led them back to Ortensian front lines. Advancing any longer would prove too dangerous, after all.
During the journey back, however, the ruins never left Feyt's mind. Why could he read Aetherian? What is it that is so captivating about that spear? Who are those Gods? All those questions kept hovering around his mind as he ran with Lisenda.
"Hey," Lisenda shouted. "Focus up! Don't daydream in the middle of a war."
"Ah, yes! Sorry!"
Feyt shook his head as he began picking up his pace to try and keep up with Lisenda.
As they ran, an ecstatic shout reached their ears.
"Lisendaaa!~ Finally found you!"
They looked uphill where the voice came from, and they saw a woman riding... something. Her figure was obscured by the sun behind her.
"Citri, why are you here?" Lisenda asked.
The figure uses her ride to slide down the slope. As Feyt's eyes adjusted to the light, he could finally see the figure. It was a woman with short wavy black hair. She wore light armor on top of leather. Below her, she was saddled to...
"A bear?!" Feyt shouted.
The bear, brown in fur, growled at him. Citri placed her hand on the bear's cheeks, caressing it. "Calm down! He's harmless!"
"Sergea-- no, Captain Citri, why are you here? Shouldn't you be leading the Beast Tamer squad?"
"Yep, I did! But when I heard your squad went missing I looked for you! Left them all on their own!"
"Idiot!" A powerful shout came from Lisenda. "You abandoned your squad just for that?! What kind of captain are you?!"
Citri seemed unfazed, no, she looked rather entertained. "Well, I am kinda new to this whole captain thing... Ehe!" She stuck her tongue out.
"Why you--" Lisenda was about to charge to Citri.
"Wait wait wait! I was joking! A joke! A joke!" Citri waved her hand in a panic. "My squad was pulled from the frontlines and was assigned to carry the injured back to the camp! Finding you was a coincidence!"
Though Feyt sensed some truth in Citri's words, he also detected a hint of deception.
Lisenda lowered her fist. "Tch, another one of that joke and I'll--"
"Yeah, yeah, you'll use me as a practice target. I heard that already. Sorry bout' that, won't happen again!"
"Hmph, well then, both of us don't need to be carried back to the camp."
"Really? What about that kid?" Citri looked at Feyt. "You okay there, buddy?"
As Feyt was about to answer her question, Lisenda threw her hands in front of him. "My orders were to keep him on the frontlines at all times. I can't have you send him back to camp. You focus on finding others, some of my squad might still be in the forest."
"Ugh, really? What are you planning on doing after this?"
"Assist the rest of the frontlines. Please relay the information that the enemy's main group is far behind--"
"Right, the archers and mages, huh? The other squads already reported them."
"I see, good. Then go, do your job."
"Well, fine, you still have potions with you, right?"
Lisenda nodded, patting a leather bag strapped to her waist. "Haven't used a single one."
"Good." Citri turned her head toward Feyt again. "By the way, what's your name?"
"I-it's Feyt."
"Ah! Feyt, you don't need to worry about getting hurt when you're near Lis! She might look scary, but she's actually a total softie--!"
"Citri!!" Lisenda's warning was sharp.
"Okay, okay, I'll leave you two. See you later, Feyt, Lis!"
With a wave, Citri and her bear vanished over the high slope, leaving Feyt bewildered.
Riding bears in a war... Am I hallucinating? He rubbed his eyes to dispel any illusions, reminding himself that this wasn't Carine's Enhanced Sight.
"We should get going, the other squads are probably in disarray at the moment."
Feyt didn't really want to go, but what choice does he have? He reluctantly nodded.
Citri rode her bear across the slope until she found a clear opening. Her bear jumped down, landing gracefully, and Citri rode deep into the forest, searching for any signs of Lisenda's squad.
"Heyyo! Anyone there?!" she shouted with her hands cupped. "Captain Citri from the Beast Tamer squad here! Anyone need a ride?!"
Her shouts reverberated across the forest. No response came.
"That's... weird," she murmured.
Citri continued shouting as her bear trudged forward.
As Citri rode deeper, she stumbled upon several crude but effective snares and traps. Her heart sank as she found signs of struggle—broken branches, dropped weapons—but no bodies. The enemy had been thorough.
"They were ready for us," she muttered, realizing how lucky Lisenda and Feyt had been to evade capture. The ruin's location on the forest's outskirts had spared them from the worst of the traps that had ensnared the rest of their squad.
"But traps aren't something Denta is known for..." She paused, thinking about the strategic placement of the mages and archers that had caught the frontline off guard. "This is not like Denta at all... Is this even Denta's work?"
Suddenly, her bear growled and lunged to the side, sensing danger. Citri was taken by surprise, barely managing to hold on.
"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down!"
The boar continued to growl as it turned back. When Citri followed the bear's gaze to where they had been standing, she saw a woman clad all in black emerging from the shadows with a bundle of strings in her hands.
"Bears, huh? Didn't expect that."
Citri tightened her grip on her spear, her instincts on high alert. "Who are you? What do you want?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.
"Forgive my manners, oh Beast Tamer." The woman bowed deeply. "My name is Lydia, currently the bodyguard of His Majesty, King Pilante."
"Bodyguard?!" Citri's grip on her spear tightened, her instincts on high alert.
Lydia chuckled softly. "Calm down, calm down. I'm not entirely interested in this whole war thing. I was bored and I'm just collecting some puppets I could use in the meantime."
Citri glared at the woman, her eyes darting between Lydia and the bundle of strings in her hands. "Puppets?"
Lydia's smile widened. "Oh, just some tools for entertainment. You see, I have a... unique kind of magic. But, that's a show for another time."
Citri's mind raced with questions, but she kept her focus on Lydia, her spear still at the ready. "What do you want from me?"
"No, nothing from you. I have no interest in a Beast Tamer at the moment," Lydia chuckled. "But, I suppose I can't just let you go, can I? Bringing you, a captain of the new squad, to the king would definitely increase my chances of snaring him, just in case helping him win the war isn't enough."
Where did she learn of my status?! Citri panicked, but her grip remained firm.
"Well, now if you could just put down your spear, I can bring you to—"
"Now!!" Citri shouted.
The bear lunged forward at Lydia with a ferocious roar. Lydia reacted instantly, pulling her hands down. As if by magic, she shot up into the trees, the strings she had previously set up now acting as a bungee propelling her upwards.
"What?!" Citri exclaimed, watching in disbelief as Lydia moved fluidly through the air and landed gracefully on top of one of the branches.
Lydia looked down with a smirk. "Tell me, can bears fly?"
"Hmph, why don't I show you? Come on, Brutus!" Citri led her bear to climb the trees, its powerful claws digging into the bark as it ascended with surprising agility.
Lydia’s eyes widened slightly, impressed by the bear's unexpected skill. "Well, this should be interesting," she chuckled.

Probably some of the best ideas plus writing executions I have seen yet
If those other novels that have been turned anime such as campfire cooking in another world and reincarnated as a sword
Your writing I thing can be ranked up there among some that can be industry standard for anime productions
once you fix everything up like you say and complete the thing try giving a copy to a animation studio cus I am sure that an anime version of this would be great
And also I just really Real enjoy reading this
Keep going Strong
I love your story
. Though, one thing I'd like to point out is not to use too much "as"... 
Quote from Cogito on Writing Forums, I read from having similar problem: "One thing you should always watch out for is that as, used as a conjunction this way, really means concurrent actions. That means they occur at the same time throughout both actions."
Also using too much "as" creates confusion or disrupt the narrative flow by suggesting that too many actions are happening simultaneously, which can be difficult for us (readers) to follow. At its worst, it might even make your story feel repetitive and monotonous.
I promise you, the reading experience becomes so much better when you get creative with your way of continuing the story.
Thank for the chapter ??
Thanks for the chapter
Thx for the chap
Do the reboot will be really different or not ? If that's just some small change on part, having a chapter to resume the change made for anyone who don't want to read it from the beginning again just to search what part isn't the same anymore would be cool.
If you really made so much change than it's basically not the 'same' story anymore so say it for the reader to know than rereading would be better
The core story will remain largely the same, but there will be adjustments in the timing and sequence of events to better fit the narrative and fix plot holes. There will be major character adjustments as well, especially for those I felt were lacking. (Also fixed Fait's name, it's Fray now, cuz I'm so original)
The way the story is told will be significantly different. I'll be removing unnecessary POV jumps, focusing on consistency, and adding more characterization. A big new change will be the inclusion of illustrations and potentially character sheets. I'm discussing this with the artist, and we might also get per-volume covers!
Given these changes, I recommend a reread, as it will feel like a fresh new experience (not to mention the potential illustrations for chapters).
@Zinless Will illustration even work here ? I don't think I ever seen a novel with some, unless I don't remember because there are really few of them
@Stonelight Yup they do. Check this one out, has loads of images
@Wheelwander Oh indeed, I saw them in spoiler before but not like that