Chapter 37 : The Ride to Ortensia
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The rain is letting up a bit, becoming less intense. The sound of the carriage wheels bumping over rocks and ruts in the muddy road becomes more noticeable to the people inside.

Kyrat stood up from his seat and opened the front window of the carriage, he spoke with the coachman.

"Coachman, how long until we get there?"

"We're halfway there, my lord!"

"Thank you."

Kyrat closes the window door and sits back down to the cushioned seat. Seated across from Kyrat inside the carriage were Munith and Rene.

Munith sits silently with her head down and her eyes closed, seemingly thinking about something. Her right hand supports her chin as her brows furrow.

"no, that won't work..." She mumbles.

Her other hand fidgets around on her lap as she continues her mumbling.

"that... should work... probably."

Rene leans against the carriage window, propping his head up with his hand as he gazes out at the mountains fly by as the carriage speeds across the road. His eyes follow their movements, but his expression is blank and distant. He's not mesmerized nor curious, but bored and restless instead.

Kyrat decided to strike up a conversation with Rene.

"So, Sir Rene, may I ask you a question?"


Rene tilts his head up from his hand and then properly sat straight.

"What is it Lord Sareid?"

"Please, call me Kyrat."

"Understood, Lord Kyrat," he said politely. "What is it that you wish to ask of me?"

Kyrat hesitated for a moment, sensing the tenseness inside the carriage. He wondered if Rene might not be interested in a conversation, but he decided to ask anyway, hoping to alleviate the tension.

"If I may ask, how did you become Princess Munith's personal bodyguard?"

"Oh? That? Well..." he trailed off, as if unsure of how to continue.

Rene looked outside the carriage window again as he answered.

"I was chosen, that's basically it."


"Yes, my Talents being the main factor."

"Is that so? What Talents do you have?"

"...I'm sorry, but I am not at liberty to discuss that with anyone."

Kyrat nodded, understanding Rene's statement. It was clear that Rene's Talents were of great importance in protecting Munith and that discussing them with a stranger like Kyrat was out of the question.

"I understand," Kyrat said with a small smile. "I won't pry any further. But I must say, you are very skilled at your job. The way you carry yourself and constantly survey our surroundings shows your experience."

Rene nodded in acknowledgement, still looking out the window.

"Thank you," he said, turning his head to face Kyrat again.

"I take my job very seriously. The safety of Princess Munith is of utmost importance."

Kyrat nodded in agreement, observing how Rene's posture shifted slightly when he mentioned the princess. It was evident that Rene held a great sense of duty towards Munith and was prepared to do whatever it took to ensure her safety. Kyrat felt there might be more to Rene's loyalty, but he didn't want to pry into it.

Kyrat looks at Munith who is still mumbling.

"About Princess Munith, if I may ask, is she always like this?"

Rene glanced over at the Princess and then back at Kyrat before answering.

"Only when a difficult situation comes up," he said "but that is rare and most of them involve the Queen, her mother."

Kyrat grew intrigued and asked,

"Why is that?"

"Regarding the Queen of Ortensia, Munith's mother, let's just say she's not very lenient," Rene replied.

"For even simple matters like buying a new dress, the Princess has to come up with multiple justifications to gain approval. However, I can't really say much beyond that."

"It must be hard for her."

Rene smiled slightly, perhaps with a hint of a smirk.


The carriage fell into silence again. Kyrat decided to ask another question.

"I noticed Munith hasn't been joining in on our conversations, is she that focused?"

Rene turned his gaze towards Munith, who was lost in thought, and replied with a small smile, "Yes, when she gets into her own thoughts, it's like the world around her ceases to exist." he said.

"So, unless you call her out or say something that caught her attention, she won't hear you."

"I never saw the Princess as a deep thinker, I guess I was wrong."

The atmosphere inside the carriage eased a bit and Kyrat took the opportunity to ask another question.

"By the way, is it true that Ortensia has an 'Arch Tactician'?"


At the mention of the Arch Tactician, both Rene and Munith turned their attention to Kyrat, surprised by his question.

"A-Ah... Forgive me. I shouldn't have asked tha-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Munith's face lit up with excitement.

"That's right!" she exclaimed, slamming her fist into her open palm as if she had just had a breakthrough.

"Princess?! What is it?" asked Rene.

Munith turned her body towards Rene and clasped his right hand with both of hers.

"Rene! I need you to go to war for me!!"

The carriage went into silence and it is soon broken by Rene's reaction to Munith's request.

"EH??! WHY?!"

"Just trust me on this!"

The carriage ride continued for a while longer, the once-quiet environment was now filled with Rene's panic and Munith's demands. Munith started explaining to Rene and Kyrat her plan to gain approval from The Queen.

While Kyrat watched the two of them from his seat. His mind wanders back to Feyt and Carine.

Carine, I'll save Feyt, I promise.

After half an hour, the carriage slowly stopped. 

"It seems we're at the border now." said Rene. Still a bit shocked with Munith's plans.

There is no physical barrier, such as a wall, separating the border between Setus and Ortensia. Instead, small military establishments are stationed at main roads, belonging to either Setus or Ortensia. This road in particular is guarded by Ortensian knights. It is chosen because it is the shortest way to get to Ortensia without any detours.

Kyrat could hear voices outside the carriage. It's the border patrol knights.

"State your business," one of the knights demanded.

The coachman responded,

"Yes, we're in a hurry to cross the border."

"And for what reason?"

"It would be better if we just show you," the coachman replied.

The coachman then got off his seat and walked towards the carriage door with the knight following closely behind. As the coachman opened the door, the knight's eyes widened and he immediately kneeled, despite the muddy road.

"P-Princess Munith!" he stammered.

The knight then stood up and assumed a formal posture.

"W-What brings you here, Your Highness?"

Munith acknowledged the knight and replied with a gentle voice,

"Thank you for your hard work. Even in the dead of night, you remain dutiful."

"T-Thank you, Your Highness!"

"I have come for a single reason."

"What is it, Your Highness?" the knight asked.

"I need to save my friend from a war he's not supposed to be in. Can you let us through as soon as possible?"

"Of course! Right away!" the knight exclaimed.

He quickly rushed ahead and instructed the other knights to let the carriage through, explaining that the Princess was inside and in a hurry to cross the border.

The other knights were skeptical at first but quickly moved out of the carriage's way.

The carriage started moving again, Munith looked outside the carriage window to see the knights all saluting towards the carriage.

"Thank you! Goodbye~"

She waved and said goodbyes to them as the carriage passed through the gate.

"It seems bringing the Princess was a good idea after all," said Kyrat.

"This was one of my main reasons for joining the journey, after all," replied Munith.

"But let us not forget, we won't fulfill our task until we save Feyt," she continued.


After another hour, the carriage finally came to a stop. The rain had ceased completely by then.

"We have arrived," announced Rene.

"My lord! We've reached the Ortensia capital city," the coachman exclaimed from outside the carriage, validating Rene's claim.

Rene picked up an unoccupied lantern from beneath his seat and lit it with a match. He opened the door and stepped outside, holding the lantern in his right hand.

"Please follow me."

Kyrat nodded and rose from his seat, with Munith following suit.

Once they're all outside, a shout rang out from atop the large stone wall separating the city from the outside.

"Please state your identities!"

"My name is Rene Alsaric! I have arrived with Princess Munith on an emergency!" Rene shouted back.

The wall fell silent for a few moments before a reply came.

"We will descend to confirm your identities! Please wait a moment!"

Rene nodded and motioned for Kyrat and Munith to wait by the side of the road.

"We'll just wait here for a moment," he said.

"But the road is so sticky! My dress will be ruined," Munith complained.

"It's just for a little while, Princess. We can always buy you a new dress afterwards," Rene reassured her.

"But I love this one," Munith pouted.

"Well, then you can buy a similar one,"

"But it won't be the same," Munith protested.

Kyrat wondered if Munith was using this argument to lighten the mood as he observed the friendly banter between Rene and the princess.

After a few minutes, a group of guards approached them from the city gate. One of the guards stepped forward and asked Rene to state their names and identities. The knight bears a Talent called [Truth Seeker], which allowed them to sense if someone was lying in any part of their statements. As eye contact was required for the Talent to work, and the low visibility of the night made it difficult, the guard had to come down to the city gate to confirm the identities of Rene, Munith, and Kyrat.

"Please state your name and identities."

"My name is Rene Alsaric, the personal bodyguard of the First Princess of Ortensia."

The knight nodded and moved his gaze towards Munith.

"My name is Munith Alstrad, the First Princess of Ortensia."

Rene motioned Kyrat to introduce himself the same way as they did.

"My name is Kyrat Sareid of the Sareid house. I've come here to save my student from the drafting."

The knight wrote down on his note and nodded.

"We have confirmed your identities. We apologize for the inconvenience and delay, Your Highness. Please follow us to the palace. As for the carriage and the coachmen,"

"Ah, me? I'll head back to Setus."

The coachmen was ready to turn the carriage around and head back to Setus, but Kyrat stopped him

"Coachmen, before you leave."

Kyrat approached him,

"Thank you for your help," he said, handing over an envelope.

The coachman looked at it quizzically, "What's this?" he asked.

Kyrat replied, "It's for the King of Setus, to compensate for the additional efforts you've made."

"T-thank you, my lord!" the coachman replied gratefully as he clutched the envelope.

"Safe travels back home," said Kyrat, giving the coachman a nod of farewell.

He watched as the coachman climbed back onto his seat and urged the horses forward. As the carriage disappeared into the distance, Kyrat turned to Rene.

"Shall we?"

Rene nodded and led the way, with Kyrat and Munith following closely behind.

As they traversed the city, Kyrat couldn't help but observe the striking distinctions between Setus and Ortensia. The buildings were towering, the streets were broader, and there was a palpable air of grandeur and sophistication. The cleanliness of the streets only added to the elite and refined ambiance of the city.

This is not to say that Setus is unclean, but the atmosphere in Ortensia's capital city felt more imposing and formal, in contrast to the casual and welcoming vibe of Setus's capital city.

The streets were eerily quiet, with the only sounds being the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant barks of a dog. It is in the middle of the night, after all.

Finally, they arrived at the palace gates. The guards recognized Princess Munith and allowed them entry without question. Kyrat took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the negotiations to come.

As they approached the palace, they were greeted by a grand courtyard filled with well-manicured gardens and fountains. Guards stood at attention, watching as the group approached the palace doors.