Sitting in a relatively large sized tent are two figures. The tent is lit with a single lantern sitting in the middle of the tent. Feyt sits on his knees with the opening of the tent behind him, across from him is Lisenda, sitting with her arms and legs crossed.
Feyt sits with his head down as Lisenda observes him from head to toe with stern eyes, then, she spoke up.
"Have you been training?"
Feyt answered with energy, not because he was ordered to, but Lisenda has a vibe that makes him feel he should.
"What are you trained in? Sword? Spears?"
"S-Swords! I've been trained in swords!"
Feyt answers with little stammers at the start of his sentences. Lisenda's dominating aura is too pressuring for him to stay calm, especially knowing that she is willing to let him participate in the war.
"Swords, huh. Ask for one with the soldiers outside later."
"Y-Yes! I will!"
The tent fell into silence, with the commotion for the preparation outside the tent being the only sound they could hear. Feyt decided to ask a question.
"C-Can I ask something?"
"Hm? What?"
"Why am I here?" Feyt asked, trying to keep the plea out of his voice.
"No idea." Lisenda answered so with a shrug.
"Even if I know, I wouldn't tell you."
Lisenda looked to the side, averting her gaze from Feyt.
"My orders are to keep you on the battlefield. I don't know the reason or goal, and I don't need to."
Feyt's shoulders slumped. He feel like he's a pawn, being used for something that he doesn't even know.
"Don't worry, you won't die."
Feyt turned his head upwards to face Lisenda.
"The order did not specify that you must die. That means my order is to keep you fighting as long as possible, including preventing you from dying. But, I will also ensure you do not try to escape."
"Huh? R-Really?"
Feyt breathed a sigh of relief. If someone as powerful as Lisenda is protecting him, he might be able to survive. But, he wanted to know something.
"But, wouldn't helping me complicate things? That would mean you'll be staying at the back all the time, right?"
"Who said we're staying at the back? I'm the front-liner, and you're coming with me."
Oh... I'm screwed.
Lisenda stood up, her head nearly reaching the tent's roof. She towers over the sitting Feyt as she spoke.
"If you're tired, get some rest after you request for a sword. The battle will happen when tomorrow noon. Or is it technically today? No matter, it will happen in less than 24 hours."
"W-Wait, shouldn't I be helping the others outside?"
Feyt refers to the people carrying the boxes and helping around for the preparation outside.
"What's a kid like you gonna do? I doubt you'll be able to carry those boxes anyway. Just stay in the tent after you get the sword."
Lisenda walked towards the tent's flaps and opened it with her right hand. She looked back at Feyt as she was about to leave.
"Remember, although I will protect you. If I'm ever ordered to kill you, I won't hesitate."
She left the tent, leaving behind Feyt who can only sit in silence. His hopes of escaping is 0% with Lisenda by his side, so he can't go with the guys back at the carriage with their plan. No, he couldn't even go close to them when they carry out their plan, in fear that Lisenda will notice.
He pushed those thoughts aside and decide to just focus on the current situation.
"Right. I need to ask for a sword."
If I can't run, I just have to do my best.
Feyt stood up and left the tent.
Sat in a heavily guarded carriage is the King of Denta, Pilante Als Rudick. The carriage is on the way to the camp set up just before the land that serves as a bridge between Ortensia and Denta through Lake Hinder. This land will serve as the battlefield for the upcoming war, camps from both sides have been set up on opposite ends.
"How long till we get there?" Said Pilante.
"Just a few more minutes, Your Majesty." Replied the coachmen.
King Pilante's large muscular figure is barely able to fit his seat. So his bodyguards, 2 in number, and his strategist sat together on the other seat opposite of him.
His first bodyguard is a woman named Lydia, who has just recently joined the Denta force. She has jet black hair, so black one might think a void is sitting on her head if seen from afar. She styles it in a bob cut and she wears red eye makeup to contrast her pure black eyes. The King seems to have placed a huge trust onto her, one that might seem unnatural to others.
His second bodyguard is Tumiro, a man who has devoted his entire life into serving in the knights. And he has just been promoted to be the King's personal body guard. He has long spiky blonde hair with bright green eyes. His colorful appearance is a stark contrast to Lydia.
The strategist was just a scholar with basic knowledge of tactics, but he was chosen by the King due to him being one of his 'Yes-man'. The officers of Denta aren't concerned about this, because even if a genuine experienced strategist joined their battle, the King wouldn't listen to him and just follow his own ways.
Pilante asked the three people in front of him, "So, what do you guys think of our chances of winning?"
"Why, it's 95% at the minimum," said the strategist, "Once the group of soldiers we sent to flank from Lake Hinder attacked the village, we'll win, I'm sure of it."
"I believe so too," Said Lydia, "I have faith that your plan shall succeed, Your Majesty."
Lydia shifted the way she sat, she was seated between Tumiro and the strategist, so her seating space is small.
"Even if it fails somehow, I will call some of my 'friends' to help."
"Haha! That won't be necessary!" laughed Pilante.
"What about you?" Pilante shifted his gaze towards Tumiro.
"M-Me? I-I am not sure," said Tumiro, "I'm not well-versed in strategies, but, I shall support you no matter what happens, Your Majesty!"
Pilante was happy with the response.
"Good, good, I expect the three of you to work hard, got it?"
"Yes, Your Majesty!" the three of them saluted.
The carriage rode on as the sun is about to rise.
Thanks for the recap needed it hahaha
If you need anymore recaps for something specific, feel free to ask me!
I just found out about your story a few days ago from a friend, so lucky for me there was no delay.
Ill be blunt with you.
I absolutely adore the series and the journey you take us readers on.
I hope ill be able to follow you chapter after chapter until the end.
Take those, its a gift.
Hope you'll enjoy the journey as much as I do!
Wonder if Tia would get involved in Feyt's rescue again, it would be kinda funny, every time they meet is her saving his kidnapped self.
Lol, yeah, go sisterly love to the rescue!
Thx for the chap.
You can go in the glossary part and transfert all of this talk on the chara there too
I hope the character doesn't stray
thanks for the chapter
To be frank with you author...
I just need more and longer chapter-
I'll try my best!