Chapter 44: The Third Prince’s new Strategist
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"Will you teach me about the ways of war?"



That thought lingered in my mind as I process Carine's request.

Ways of war?! Why would a young girl like her need that?! It had to be the reason why she had gone to the library in the first place. The books surrounding her were all about war, no doubt about it.

Am I really willing to teach war tactics to a young girl?

But still, she seemed determined. It's almost like this is life or death to her. Could it be that her father's involvement in the war had something to do with it? After all, he's currently heading to Ortensia for battle.

I'm not particularly confident in my ability to command a battlefield since... I never commanded one. However, I can certainly help her in theorizing and strategizing. Hopefully, that will prove helpful enough.

I regained my composure, smiled gently and replied, "I would be more than willing to help. However, I must tell you that I don't really have experience in the field. I can only help you with theories, so please, take my suggestions with a grain of salt."

Carine nodded. I could sense that there was more to her request, but I didn't want to press her further. If she wanted to share, she would do so already.

"But, I must advise you," I continued, "once your father returns, it would be best to seek his guidance on tactics. He has firsthand experience and certainly knows more about it than me."

"I understand." Carine nodded once again.

Kyrat Sareid might not have extensive experience in commanding wars, but he had at least commanded a few, unlike me who had never done any.

For the battles he lead, I had heard nothing but praises for him. Of course, they were only small-scaled battles, such as quelling large camps of bandits and what not, but his skill in leadership still shines through the reports.

It's a shame that he stepped down as a commander. If he had remained in that role, he would have become a candidate to be my strategist. However, I'm still searching for one, even today.

But, I can understand his desire to continue his family's lineage of swordsmanship by becoming a teacher. Many noble houses send their kids to the Sareid household to have their kids learn the ways of the Sareid swordsmanship. There was no other sword style more renowned than Sareid's. So it's clear he has talent as a teacher as well.

A great commander, swordsman and a teacher. Kyrat Sareid is a man of great potential.

Now here I am, in front of the daughter of such a man. What potential can she have? Would she possess similar or even greater potential than her father? This is the chance for me to see it for myself.

I straightened my posture as I clasped my hands together.

"Now, in terms of helping you, would you like assistance specifically with the books you're reading or with war tactics in general?"

Carine hesitated for a moment before answering,

"I-If possible, war tactics in general. Anything that can help someone survive."

Help someone survive? That seems... strangely specific.

"Survive, as in, healing someone of injuries or?"

"N-No, I meant surviving in the midst of battle."

"I see," I replied, "So, you're asking for strategies to ensure the survival of the most troops?"

"Yes, but also what an individual soldier should do to increase their chances of survival," Carine added.

Again, very specific. There's a specific emphasis on survival, but why? I should help her with what I can at the moment.

"Then we will explore strategies and techniques that can aid in survival. We'll begin with general theories and expand from there."

"Yes, thank you!" Carine nodded, a glimmer of determination shining in her eyes. I could tell that she was eager to learn.

"Before we dive in, let's make sure we have everything we need," I suggested, reaching into my bag. Pulling out the bag of cookies from Anna, I placed it on the table.

"I thought having some snacks would keep our energy up and help us focus," I explained, extending the offer to Carine.

"O-Oh, thank you," Carine replied with a hesitant smile.

With the atmosphere lightened with the cookies and tea, we turned our attention to the task at hand.

"Alright, let's start!"

I straightened my posture as I leaned forward.

"First things first, one of the most crucial aspects of staying alive in war is not just winning battles against opponents, but having a good grasp of the terrain," I explained. "When you understand the lay of the land, you gain valuable advantages. Knowing where the high ground is allows for easier information gathering, and identifying areas that are hard for enemies to reach can provide a safe haven for rest. Navigating the battlefield becomes much easier when you have a solid understanding of the terrain."

Curiosity sparked in Carine's eyes as she absorbed my words, prompting her to ask a question.

"So, does that mean I need to study maps?" she inquired, seeking clarification.

"Yes, studying maps will definitely help you gain a better understanding," I confirmed. "Luckily, this library should have a map of the specific area where the battle between Ortensia and Denta is taking place."

Carine's eyes turned to her maid, Leila, who had been patiently by her side throughout our conversation.

"Leila, can you help find the map?" Carine requested.

"Of course, Lady Carine. I'll find it right away," Leila responded with a gentle smile. She turned to me, seeking further details. "May I know what kind of map I should be searching for?"

"We are looking for a map specifically representing the 'Bridge of Hinder', the land that connects Ortensia and Denta. There should be at least one map depicting that area," I replied.

Leila nodded. "Very well, I shall commence the search without delay."

Leila swiftly made her way through the shelves, scanning the titles and searching for the map that would aid Carine in her quest for knowledge. After a few moments of diligent searching, she pulled out a rolled-up parchment and carefully unfurled it on the table.

"I believe this is the map you're looking for, Lady Carine," Leila said, her voice as gentle as ever. She then moved back to Carine's side, prepared to fulfill any further requests that may arise.

Carine leaned over the table, her eyes seemed hyper-focused on studying the detailed depiction of the Bridge of Hinder and its surrounding areas. Her eyes traced the contours of the land, the markings denoting key locations, and the routes connecting Ortensia and Denta.

I don't think I've ever seen someone focus so intensely on a map before.

"I think I understand the layout," said Carine matter-of-factly.

Wait, what? It was barely 15 seconds since since the map was spread out.

"A-Are you sure?" I asked, "That wasn't much time to study such a detailed map."

"Yes, I'm sure... I think?" Carine placed a hand on her chin. "Well, I have [Enhanced Sight], so I can read the map quite fast."

[Enhanced Sight]? That's one of the most common Talent one can have. Surely its effects don't let someone to understand such a large map in just a couple of seconds. Just to be sure, I'll ask her a few questions.

"If it's alright with you, I'd like to ask you a few questions about the land, just to double-check."

"Of course, please go ahead."

"First, what are the major landmarks or key points of interest in the area?"

"The main landmarks are the Twin Tusks in the northeast, the Hinder Lake to the north, and the Ruins of Rucora in the south, near the sea," she answered confidently, her voice steady.

That's... correct.

The Twin Tusks referred to the peculiar sight of two towering tusks of an unknown creature, standing upright on the northeastern side of the 'Bridge of Hinder,' just within Denta's borders. The Hinder Lake lay to the north, while the sea stretched out to the south, forming the bridge-like land in-between, hence the name 'Bridge of Hinder'. And as for the Ruins of Rucora, my knowledge was limited, but from what I recalled from my time studying in the academy, they were once a sacred site where people worshipped a god thousands of years ago.

"Good job! Alright, next question. Can you describe any natural advantages or disadvantages in the terrain?"

"The land in the 'Bridge of Hinder' is wide and open," she started, her voice measured. "This allows for great visibility. But, that also means that there are not many cover options, making it harder to hide and rest. There are some forests here and there, but they're not that dense."

Her analysis aligned with my own understanding of the terrain. The open expanse of the land provided clear lines of sight, allowing for better observation and coordination of forces. The chances of doing a sneak attack here is small, aside from the forests.

The forests are more dense on the eastern side, where the Denta main camp is probably located. This would make it quite hard for the Ortensian soldiers to locate and launch an ambush.

"Hmm, this seems like a good time for a small quiz," I remarked, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms.

"A-A quiz?" Carine asked while tilting her head in confusion.

"Alright, a quick question," I continued. "What type of troops would be best suited for this terrain?"

Carine hesitated for a moment before answering, "Uhh... Cavalry?"

"That's right! Horses would move through this land quite easily. That's why Ortensia would likely employ a significant number of cavalry."

Denta, from reports I've read, rely mostly on infantry. They may have some cavalry, but the reports of their past battles show their reliance on their infantry's brute force.

"Are there any other details you noticed?"

"Oh, right. The land near the lake to the north is muddy. That might slow some troops down, right? Especially cavalry..." Carine asked.

"Yes, it could potentially slow down troops, making them more vulnerable to attacks. But, the area affected by the mud is small, so there's no need to worry about that."


Her observation was astute. The presence of muddy terrain was noted with a darker shade of color on the map. But it's only located at the land bordering on the lake. So the impact it has on the overall war should be minimal.

As we continued our discussion, analyzing the terrain's nuances over tea and cookies, Carine suddenly fell silent.

"Feyt's awake," she mumbled softly, her attention shifting elsewhere.


After a brief pause, her attention seemed to return and she looked up at me, her gaze filled with a mixture of determination and concern.

"Your Highness, what if..." she hesitated, searching for the right words, "...what if the lands are all muddy from the rain?"

The rain? The heavy rain from last night? It's highly likely that the 'Bridge of Hinder' was affected by the downpour. With that amount of rain, the land might be somewhat muddy here and there, but it won't have a significant impact on the overall war.

"That is possible, but even so, the ground can't be completely muddy."

But Carine interrupted with a determined tone, "All of it is muddy. At least, 80% of it!"

Her confidence took me by surprise. Why is she so sure? It's as if she's at the location herself.

Wait a moment...

The rain from last night... It wouldn't necessarily have the same impact on every region. No, I shouldn't look at it from a regional perspective. I should focus on the specific area itself.

I observed the map a little more. I pulled up every single theories I've learned in the academy in order to help me understand.

Firstly, the presence of the lake creates a unique micro-climate in the surrounding area. In simple terms, when there's a lake nearby, it affects the weather in a unique way. The water in the lake heats up and cools down more slowly than the land, making the air there cooler than other areas. And then there's the sea to the south of the land. The sea's moisture-laden air can converge with the land's cooler air, forming convective clouds. This makes the weather more unstable there.

Moreover, considering the wide and open nature of the 'Bridge of Hinder' and the lack of significant natural drainage, it made sense that the water would have difficulty flowing away, resulting in flooding and muddy conditions in that specific area.

So, it would be natural if the land is muddy throughout.

It took me a while to fully grasp this, but for Carine, she understood it almost instantly, as if she were physically present at the 'Bridge of Hinder' itself.

I see, I understand now. It wouldn't be wrong to say that she does.

She must have immersed herself in the land the moment she saw the map, imagining the terrain, the air, the view, all within her mind.

I couldn't deny it any longer. Carine possessed the qualities of a true strategist, with an innate understanding of the battlefield, just from looking at a single map. Her astute observations, quick thinking, and unwavering determination made it clear that she had the potential to become a great commander. Perhaps even surpassing Kyrat, her father.

A thought crossed my mind: could I recruit her? Among all my strategist candidates, no one can read a map and understand the terrain as quickly and in such detail as she can. Not to mention, she's still young, her potential for growth is still significant.

But before delving into those possibilities, I redirected my focus back to the muddy terrain dilemma.

If the land was indeed muddy from the previous night's heavy rain, would the enigmatic 'Arch Tactician' of Ortensia anticipate and plan accordingly? It seemed likely. A strategist of such caliber would consider the potential impact of weather conditions on the battlefield. However, the unexpected intensity of the rain might have thrown a wrench into their plans.

For me, it would be preferable if Ortensia wins the war. Since most of our resources and troops are being sent to help them, if they were to lose, we would lose everything. So I hope this 'Arch Tactician' of theirs lives up to their title.

But no matter the outcome, after the war, Setus's doors will be open for easy invasions. I still need to devise a countermeasure for that.

Perhaps... Carine can help me?