While I was talking with Prince Julient about the map, a sudden voice woke Feyt up.
"It's all... muddy?" said a familiar female voice.
I opened my eyes as Feyt and saw Lisenda looking out of the carriage window.
I rubbed my eyes a bit and looked out to see what she was confused about.
Before me, in the distance, stood two colossal tusks, which meant we had already reached 'The Bridge of Hinder.' But something was off...
I focused my attention on the map spread out in front of Carine. It depicted a lush expanse of greenery, teeming with grass and foliage. Yet, what I see in front of Feyt contradicted that entirely.
Mud. Mud as far as the eye could see. There's a few occasional patches of grass, but the vast majority—around 80%—of the land stretching into the distance was engulfed in mud. What happened here?
Ah, right! The rain from last night!
But, if the land's this muddy, and what the Prince said about the cavalry is true, won't Ortensia be in huge trouble? I mean, I'm fighting for them here! If they lose, I'll die!
I brought up the issue with Prince Julient, hoping he knows what to do. He acknowledged that heavy rain could indeed render the land muddy if it had rained there.
"That is possible, but even so, the ground can't be completely muddy," he claims.
But still, this amount of mud is abnormal, at least compared to what I'm seeing on the map. I pressed on how much of the land was covered in mud, hoping the Prince would know the severity of it.
"All of it is muddy. At least 80% of it!"
The Prince appeared initially puzzled, but his brow furrowed abruptly, as if a realization had just struck him.
After a few seconds of silence, filled with the Prince looking at the map intensely, he closed his eyes and nodded his head.
"Carine, you are remarkable..."
What? What does that have to do with anything?
This is life or death for me damn it! Don't flatter me out of nowhere!
"Forgive me, but I was wrong before. The land is most likely covered from head to toe in mud. However, there's no need to worry about Ortensia, I believe."
"Why is that?" I asked.
"Ortensia have a certain someone with the title of 'Arch Tactician'. Surely, someone with that kind of title can predict the effects of the rain on the land. I'm sure they have countermeasures."
"Well then" the Prince exclaimed, leaning forward. "Now that's settled, let's continue our discussion about the map."
He went back to informing me about the importance of learning maps, but this time, he seems more... cheerful? He was gentle and polite before, but now, his face looks like he's more interested in me?
I don't know why, but it's kinda creepy.
While passively listening to his teachings, a voice brought my attention somewhere else.
"So, you're finally awake," said Lisenda.
"Y-Yeah..." I answered meekly.
The carriage we're in is still moving, rocking back and forth as the wheels ran over some rocks on the road. But, it certainly feels slow, probably due to the treacherous mud.
"We're almost at the front camp. Once we arrive, you'll need to stay in the tent until I give the signal," Lisenda reminded me.
Right, she didn't want me to meet dad at the camp since it might interfere with her 'mission'. But I couldn't help but worry about him. I needed to know if he was alright, at the very least.
"Can you please check on him, just to make sure?" I pleaded.
"That's not part of my mission," Lisenda replied curtly.
I lowered my head in despair. I worry about dad more than I do about me. While I had Lisenda to protect me, Dad had no one.
I noticed Lisenda's intense gaze fixed on me.
Oh no, she's going to chew me out for complaining, isn't she?
I immediately straighten my posture.
"S-Sorry," I stammered.
She remained silent for a moment, her expression unreadable.
"...No matter," she responded, her attention returning to the view outside the carriage window.
I wonder what's she's thinking about.
After that exchange, the carriage ride resumed in silence. I focused back my attention to Carine.
"Now that you understand the map, we should move on to general tactics," said the Prince. "Let's start with some of the books you have around you."
"Of course," I responded.
"Are these the books you haven't read yet?" the Prince asked, pointing at the stack of books on the right side of my table.
"Yes, I haven't gotten to any of them."
"Alright, let's start with one of them then."
The Prince reached out and selected a book at random from the stack. To his surprise, it turned out to be written in a foreign language.
"Uh... Why is this book here?"
"...I don't know," I answered genuinely.
He set it down next to the stack, and I picked it up, examining the cover.
Written in large bold letters are two words. 'Lekinia Malo'.
Definitely a foreign language.
"Forgive me, Lady Carine," Leila interjected with a bow. "I asked the librarian for recommendations, and she included a few books in foreign languages. She seemed quite enthusiastic about them, so I thought it would be prudent to bring them to you, just in case. Forgive me."
"N-No, it's alright, Leila! I'm sure it's... huh?" I paused, realizing something... weird.
When I looked at the book again, I seemed to understand it, albeit only a little.
The title, 'Lekinia Malo,' translated to 'The King's Words.' Well, not a literal translation, but more like "The words of someone with authority." But shortening it to 'The King's Words' seemed fitting...
Wait, how do I know this stuff??
"Carine? Is everything alright?" the Prince's question snapped me back to reality.
"Y-Yes, I'm fine."
I cleared my mind and opened the book, hoping I can understand the contents of it.
Unfortunately, I can only understand a few words. I looked at it in disappointment.
"I can't read this..."
"Well, reading the 'Aetherian' language won't be easy," the Prince said, resting his head on his hand.
Aetherian? That word feels familiar to me.
"What's an 'Aetherian' language?" I asked.
"Well, it's an ancient language used by long-lost kingdoms. There are a few books that can aid in its understanding, but only true book enthusiasts can read it fluently, and I truly do mean true enthusiasts." The Prince shifted his gaze back to the librarian, who nervously sat behind the counter at the front of the library.
"I believe our librarian here is one of them."
Ah, I see. She wants to show off.
I can imagine her smugly saying, "Look, I can understand this as easily as any other book! Aren't I great?"
I wasn't sure why, but that was the impression I had of her thought process when recommending these books to Leila.
But still, something is bothering me.
This 'Aetherian' language, it felt as if I had spoken them before... but where?
Whenever I tried to understand the meaning of the unfamiliar words, it felt like trying to pull memories hidden behind a dense thick fog that I can't get through.
Like, I know it's there, but I can't grasp it...
"...Carine? Hello?" The Prince's question startled me back to reality. "Are you really alright? You seem out of it," he added concernedly.
"I-I'm fine! Really!"
I placed the book down and took a sip of the warm tea to calm my thoughts down.
"Well, if you say so, let's just focus on books we can actually understand first," the Prince suggested.
"Yes, let's."
The Prince picked out a book from the stack, this time, it's something we can actually read.
"Okay, 'Strategic Symphony', we can work with this."
He started explaining the contents of the book as I read them, I can listen to his teachings passively as I focus my attention back to Feyt, since something is happening back at the carriage.
The carriage came to a halt.
"We've arrived," announced Lisenda.
Lisenda opened the carriage door and gracefully stepped out, bowing her head to avoid hitting it on the door frame. I followed suit, bowing my head slightly.
The moment I stepped on the ground, I heard an audible squelch. Mud has taken over the place completely. I can hear several people slipping on the mud in the distance.
This front camp seems similar to the main camp. Tents, crates, knights, etc. Just with more mud and a bit smaller.
Lisenda firmly took hold of my arm and pulled me along as we walked through the mucky terrain.
"Follow me," she commanded.
I don't think this counts as 'following', she's basically just dragging me along.
After a short walk, we arrived at a tent guarded by three knights who saluted Lisenda upon her approach.
"Keep this boy inside until I give the order," Lisenda instructed, pushing me forward.
"Yes, Captain!" the three knights responded in unison.
They guided me inside by gripping my shoulder.
Once inside, I watched as Lisenda left the entrance of the tent as the knights swiftly closed the flaps, sealing me inside.
I observed my surroundings. The interior of the tent contained a small wooden table, a few shelves filled with scrolls, and several leather bags piled up in the corner. It seems this is the supply tent.
Surprisingly, the carpeted floor felt clean and free of mud. Is this magic? Or are they just good at cleaning?
Well, I guess I'll be waiting here until the war starts... What should I do in the mean time?
I can hear some chatter outside the tent. Maybe I could gather some information from them?
I closed my eyes, fully focusing on sorting out all the chatter whilst listening to the Prince's teachings as Carine. I can multitask my focus between Feyt and Carine a bit better recently, especially now. Is it because we spent some time separately? Or is it just me getting used to things? Either way, this is an improvement I welcome.
Amidst the various sounds, I picked up Lisenda's voice conversing with one of the knights.
"...So, can you do it?" Lisenda asked, her voice sounding as intimidating as always.
"Y-Yes, Captain, of course! Forgive me for asking but, may I ask for the reason?" responded a male voice, presumably one of the knights.
"We need to strengthen our defense in case the enemy manages to break through, correct?" Lisenda answered confidently.
"I-I see. Then, which group from the drafted villagers should we left behind?"
Lisenda fell silent for a moment before answering, "The ones from that group. I'm confident that muscular one can hold the line quite well."
"Understood, Captain!"
I heard the sound of the knight stomping his boots on the muddy ground as Lisenda's footsteps gradually faded away.
What was she up to?
After that exchange, I try to hear the chatter between the other knights and some of the drafted villagers. But, most of them seem uninteresting. The knights mostly talk about supplies, while the drafted villagers are mumbling in despair...
Ugh, I just hope this war turns in our favor and end as quickly as possible. I don't know how much longer I can stomach this.
Suddenly, I heard Lisenda's voice again, this time speaking to someone new.
"Captain Lisenda, you've arrived," greeted a grumpy yet young male voice.
"Commander," Lisenda responded. I could hear the sound of her knee pads making contact with the muddy ground. Which means she's kneeling.
"Put your head up, Captain," the commander instructed.
"Yes, Commander." The clanks of Lisenda's armor reached my ears as she stood back up.
There was a brief moment of silence before the man spoke again. "I assume you are following the orders from Sir Ulricar?"
"Of course, Commander."
"Good, don't you ever disobey it. You do know what happens if you go against the nobles, right?"
"...Yes," Lisenda answered meekly, her voice that used to carry intimidation, gone.
"...Then fall back with your squad. Thank you for reporting."
"Yes... Commander..." Her voice trailed off as she started to walk away from the man.
As Lisenda moved away, I could hear the man mumble to himself.
"You've become a perfect knight, dear sister."
I can hear rustling sounds, as if he's rising from what I assume to be his seat.
"Well, I guess it's time to get started."
Sorry if the chapter's a bit late, been sick for the past 3 days. My head's pounding like crazy...
Congrats on trending.
Thank you! I can't believe it myself.
Rest more if you need
@Stonelight I will rest as much as I can, thank you for the comment!
@Zinless I misread that as resist, and was very concerned.
@Cipiteca396 Well, I did write this chapter while fighting the urge to pass out...