Update from Storymask and a Sneak Peek of Book 2 of Wylla
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Hello Fellow Avid Readers,

I hope everyone is doing well and are in good health. Well, as for me, it’s been quite some time since I’ve last posted anything (about 3 weeks or so now) and as such, I wanted to send out a quick message for those of you interested in where I’m at in my reading and writing. As well as share a sneak peek of what will be a very early chapter of Book 2 of Wylla (For those that hate spoilers please skip it since it will be posted at the bottom of this message and clearly titled :) So with that out of the way, here goes...

  1. I’ve been binge-reading a ton of web novels and Kindle books. Greatly enjoying them as I look and jot down notes on the parts that I enjoy and words that catch my attention.

    A few of my current web novels are Fields of Gold (a foodie tale), Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear (a light-hearted isekai game story that’s been picked up for publishing), Nine Star Burden (an action slice of life post-apocalyptic story), and The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl (a really fun Wuxia story with a strong female lead but the chapter releases have slowed down greatly at the moment…)

    As for Kindle novels I’m on Book 2 of Rebirth Apocalypse (a post-apocalyptic lit RPG wuxia novel), Adapt (the second book in the series), Born of Water (mermaids… a little slow but I’m halfway done so I’ll finish it.), Tales of a Northblood (a lit RPG story which I like more than dislike), and Hush Money (a tale of superhero powers).

  2. As for my writings… I’ll start with Book 1.5 Amaranthe Hearts Guild Side Stories. Rori’s Side Tale is halfway done and I have the ending thought out so that should be the first tale to arrive by this weekend… I think. Koko’s Side Tale is about 35% done and almost fully thought out. So her story may be second… but not sure yet since inspiration may strike and lead me to finish one of the other girl’s loosely outlined stories first.

    Book 2 of Wylla: As I’ve been thinking about and writing Book 1.5 lots of thoughts and ideas have come up for Wylla Book 2. So much so that I have already written over 83 pages of notes, scenes, and dialogs. As well as having the plot set and the sequence of major events figured out. I’m really liking the direction of book 2… it’s going to be such fluffy light-hearted fun with more action and character interactions than the first.

    Book 1 of I Thought It Was a Game is now at the 39-page mark and more importantly, the plot of what happens in book 1 has been fully written out. I still have some more world-building elements to solve before writing the story in earnest… but I’m really enjoying writing this darker, more… mature tale.

So there it is… what I’ve been up too while in lockdown? As for my fantastic Illustrator, my niece Kaylin Marroquin, she just sent me an email letting me know that she’s down the home stretch of college with finals and such so she’ll soon be able to work on her illustrations of Tundri, Ceri, Yabi, and Wylla’s third and final familiar… to be revealed in Book 2! Yay!

Well, that about does it for now, until next update… happy tales and I hope you enjoy the sneak peek below.

– Storymask.com

Sneak Peek – Book 2

Chapter ??

Wylla's Nightmare in Elmrise

Wylla soon arrived at the tall iron gates of Elmrise, happy that the nearly 7-mile long journey along the Bluryn River from her home at Lake Sylki had been without incident, thereby only taking a little over two hours.

For a moment there, she thought the various active beasties moving about on the open fields, made up of small hill-like mounds covered in meadowy flora and wild grasses, between the Aetheria Forest's treeline and Elmrise's tall walls, would have attacked her; But thankfully, she was able to escape notice thanks to her camouflage ability.

She walked up to the line waiting to enter Elmrise; A line made up of merchants, hunters, adventurers, and a mix of other fellow travelers.

Many of the boys and men, and a few of the girls, near her periodically glanced her way... repeatedly. They whispered amongst each other as Wylla's eyes looked toward the tall walls which seemed to be made of a mix of reddish wood, tan earthen blocks, and dark roundish stones.

A top the story and half high walls walked a half dozen guards holding ranged weapons of bows, crossbows, and a kind of rifle gun that Wylla had only seen in the Steampunk mangas her little sister Rori loved and read.

Hmm, is she still the little sister? Or am I? Shaking her head, Wylla muttered, “It's okay... it's only for a little while. Soon I'll be me again and everything will go back to normal... whatever that means now that there's a real Goddess in our world and all of this...”

“Next,” The guard, in red and gold chain mail, said to Wylla as her thoughts returned to the task at hand, of entering Elmrise and making her way to the Drunken Swan tavern where big sister Cara and Irene were waiting for her.

“Hello,” Wylla said to the guard, not knowing what she needed to do to enter Elmrise while the guard stood before her, foot tapping the ground, waiting for her to present something to him. “Uhm, I'd like to enter. My big sister and friend are waiting for me at a tavern called the Drunken Swan so... if you could point me in the right direction and let me through...”

The guard looked down at Wylla, a bit disgruntled that this girl had not paid attention to the others that had entered before her to learn the process of entering; For if she had, she would have realized that she had to show him a certain small something before she could enter... something that by the looks of her confused tilted face, she didn't have.

Sighing heavily at the extra work he was going to have to do, he contented himself with the knowledge that he was going to be able to spend a little more time with this cute spellcaster newbie; After all, with that beautiful staff in her hand and lovely faery-like dress on her body, what else would she be.

With wolf-like eyes staring a little more intently than she'd like, he spoke in a warm soothing voice, “That's all fine and dandy little miss but you've yet to show me what I need to see... your identification card. None may enter without one.”

“Oh, I'm sorry but I don't have one. I just arrived today so if you could point me as to where I can pick one up...”

“Can do. Just step on out of line and follow me to the new visitor kiosk just inside.” The guard turned his head and called out to another guard, “Kili, come take over my spot at the gate for a moment while I help this cute new visitor.”

“Humph! Did you ever hear of the word jailbait Logan? You just stay right there at your post and let me take care of her needs before you end up on the wrong side of the bars... or worse.” The half-giant female guard walked up to Wylla, and then guided her away, leaving a frowning Logan behind.

“Pay'em no nevermind little sprout, I'll help you and get you on your way. So you be needing a new ID card right?”

“Y-yes, please,” Wylla said, slightly intimidated by the strong, tall, sunset hair woman guard leading the way. Ah, she's not only good looking in an S kind of way, but very athletic... I bet she could play linebacker on any football team out there and dominate.

“Here we are, wait right here a sec while I go around back and enter.” Kili disappeared around the back of the kiosk and opened the back door to enter. “There we go. So what I'm going to make for you here is a temporary ID card that you can use to enter. It'll cost 50 Lyr...”

Gulp, “How much? Isn't that a lot for an ID?” Wylla asked a bit shocked. “Especially one that's just temporary...”

She only had 100 Lyr on her and had hoped to be able to buy some clothes that she could feed to her Sylbiote so that it could transform into a new outfit and she could stop walking around in this beautiful girly dress of hers; A dress that drew much too much attention to her... judging by how that Logan guard just acted.

And she was really looking forward to picking up some dark pants and a light long-sleeved tunic to dress like her old self again. As well as buying some clothes to sleep in.

“Yes. That's correct. 50 Lyr,” Kili eyed Wylla, stopping a moment to note her traveler bag and large belly pouch. “If you don't have the Lyr then maybe you have some items in those bags of yours that you could sell at the Elmrise General Store right across the road from here.” Kili pointed at the tall three-story building with the tree-shaped sign hanging by the front green door.

“No, it's okay. I have enough... it just took me by surprise is all. What with the card just being temporary and all,” Wylla muttered, reaching for the Lyr within her belly pouch to pay. “I mean, will I even be able to afford a permanent one if this one costs this muc...”

“Oh no, I think you're getting the wrong idea. See, the card I'm going to make you is temporary but you can use it in one of 7 locations to trade for your permanent ID card... at no extra cost.” She said with a smile.

“Phew, that's great. I might still be able to buy a new outfit then.”

A confused Kili looked her up and down. “Why would you want to do that? Your dress is beautiful. I doubt you could find better. Not unless your willing to spend an exorbitant amount of Lyr. And even then, at most, it'll look as good as what you have on now.”

“No... it's not that at all. It's quite the opposite. This dress is simply too eye-catching and I'd rather not have so many people watching me...” Wylla said, her voice getting smaller towards the end.

“Ahaha-haha... I'm sorry little one. But I don't think just changing clothes is going to stop that from happening. Even if you were wearing rags, people would stop to look at your beauty.” Wylla frowned as Kili wiped the tears from her eyes. “Now then, like I was saying, once I hand you your temporary card, all you need to do is take it to one of the 7 pillars of Elmrise.

Those pillars being Elmrise Pantheon Hall where all the shrines of the deities of Abrynth reside. Elmrise Cityworks Hall where you can find the various town officials, including the mayor. Elmrise Guardian Headquarters where those of us who guard and patrol the streets report too.

Then there are the Merchant and Adventurer guilds. And last but not least, the Bounty Hunter and Craftswork Artisan Associations. For information on the guilds and associations, I recommend visiting them and getting that knowledge first hand. I'd hate to misinform you as to their workings since that may lead to future problems... and potentially costly ones at that.

Anyways, if you're wondering where each place is located within Elmrise, just study the map on the bulletin board right over yonder by the general store.” Kili said, pointing at a tall, wide, and sturdy wooden structure near the general store.

And with that, Wylla answered the questions that needed to be answered to receive her temp ID card, said her thanks and goodbye as a certain frowning guard watched her walk up to the bulletin board, to study the map for a short while before she disappeared into the crowd heading towards her meeting with big sis.

The sights and sounds of the hustle and bustle of the large town... or was it a small city, either way, the shops and the various faces of different races of people captured her full attention as she looked about wide-eyed... unaware of the chatter taking place around her. Hmm, there are so many people around... I think it's best I unsummon my staff before I cause an accident with it. With the staff now safely stored away inside her Trinity Core, she continued walking...

“Hey, hey... look over there, at that green-haired girl in the rose-red dress by that women's shop... isn't that little beauty Wylla?...”

“Oh, you're right... it is her! But where's her little fluffy troupe of cuties?...”

More and more people stopped to stare as Wylla walked by, their whispers swimming past her when suddenly... a short scruffy-looking red-haired beastkin boy stepped out in front of her, blocking her path, hiding his hands behind his back.

Distracted by both her thoughts of the very soon to come meeting with big sis Cara and the search for the tavern, Wylla nearly walked right into him, but luckily his red-colored hair and ears and wagging tail caught her attention just in time as she came to a stop before barreling into him.

Startled, she quickly took a short hop back, putting distance between them. What the? This... foxkin or is it wolfkin... whatever, doesn't matter. What does, is that he popped up at of nowhere... why? And why is he hiding his hands behind his back... unless... “What are you doing blocking the sidewalk in front of me with your hands hiding behind your back... Are you trying to rob me in broad daylight!?!” Wylla asked fiercely, glaring at the boy, her words startling him as her wand appeared in her hand.

“Ahha.a..a...” the boy stuttered, as he stumbled back a few steps.

A crowd of onlookers started forming a circle around the pair. “Hey look... it's her, Wylla...”

“Are you sure it's her... hey, don't roll your eyes at me, I'm just asking if you're sure! After all, I don't see her adorable fluffy angels anywhere...”

“Oh please, who else looks as cute and pretty as her? And look at the wand... see the purple lotus spider at the tip...”

“Ah, yes. I see now... it really is her. Sigh, she really is much too cute... she's going to be absolutely stunning when she grows up...”

Meanwhile, other people were 'whispering' similar things throughout the crowd, most if not all recognizing Wylla, telling her how much they love her and her fluffy cuties, as Wylla's eyes jolted about, scanning all the unknown faces of the growing crowd surrounding her and her would-be red-headed mugger.

Just how popular are my live stream videos? I really should have checked online before coming back. I think it may be a good idea to hide myself by buying a hooded cloak... hooded cloak... Hmm, didn't I get one of those from those creeps that attacked us when we first entered Abrynth?

I'm fairly certain Tundri looted some; I'll have to find a place to summon him so he can pass it to me... Ah, I forgot I left them all behind to help protect the village along with the ranger twins. Darn it.

Hmm... Maybe I can find one for cheap in one of these stores, that is if I can get to one...

“Ah, I'm... I'm sorry for jumping in front of you and almost making you walk into me... but... it's just that I... that is to say, I'm not robbing you, not hiding a... a weapon behind my back. I just wanted to ask you... before I lost the nerve... wanted to ask if you'd go da.. date with me? Please...” The boy's face turned as red as his hair as his trembling hands moved from his back, revealing a small bundle of wildflowers.

Wylla froze like a deer caught in headlights!

“EEEHHHH!?! Da... date? You... me?” Wylla sputtered, taking small steps back, eyes jolting about, looking for an opening in the crowd to escape from this... this nightmare! The growing ring of onlookers all hushed and leaned in with bated breaths, awaiting her answer. “Nooo...no no no... noo... I'm not dating... you, or anyboy...”

“I think she meant anybody...” A male-sounding voice whispered loudly from the crowd.

“How do you know what she meant, maybe she doesn't like boys but prefers us girls....” Another voice responded, this one obviously female.

“Isn't she too young to be dating anyone? And for that matter, isn't that boy too young as well?...”

“Ah, they sure do grow up faster and faster nowadays... I blame the internet...”

Wylla ignored most of the whispers from the crowd, but for that second to the last one, which she latched onto like a drowning person out in the middle of a stormy sea would do when thrown a lifesaver.

She looked back at the foxkin?... Uhm wolfkin?... either way, the dogkin boy who's hands were shaking as they continued to hold out the bundle of wildflowers for her to take, his eyes watery, and heart clearing breaking.

“I can't... can't date you... or anyone else,” Wylla said, her hands held up in front of her as if signaling someone to slow down while shaking her head side to side. “Mother said so, I'm too young to... to date. So, sorry but the answer is no.”

“Ah, it's... it's okay then, I can wait. We can be friends until your mom says its oka...”

But before he could finish, Wylla had already shifted into her powerful Syldrake form and... jumped over the heads of the crowd, landing onto the back of an empty wagon that was rolling by on the street.

She landed with a thump, startling the wagon driver, but she was already gone by the time the old man turned to look for the cause of the commotion as his wagon shook.

Syldrake Wylla quickly wended her way through the alley between the shops and buildings of Main Street, coming to a stop in a dark area where she caught her breath, calmed her heart and nerves... then shifted back to her sylven form.

Thinking of what to do, her hair lengthened and blended in with the surroundings. Now in stealth mode, she carefully made her way to a shop she happened upon, just off Main Street.

A shop tailored for those of the stealthy profession.

After browsing for a few moments, she found what she needed and purchased the simple green hooded cloak.

She wasn't happy about having to spend 30 Lyr to get it... but if it would protect her from something as embarrassing as that happening again then it was definitely worth it!

Now hidden within her cloak, she wended her way back to Main Street and continued her trek to meet up with her big sister Cara and Irene.

Meanwhile, on a certain Online Livestream Network, a brand new video titled 'Noboy! Or Nobody?' starring a certain pretty green-haired loli was rocketing its way up the Top Video of the Day chart; And setting the forums ablaze with a heated debate of: Is She or Isn't She... Yuri?

The first reply of the red hot thread read:

“If she's Yuri... then I want to be too!” Posted by: Harry Down Under