Ming Yang’s POV-Jogging
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Xixi was shy, timid, slim, and weak like the fragile china doll we play when we were little. A blow of wind would simply carry her away, I believe. Therefore, when Lang told me that she studied all day in house and seldom move, I decided to talk to her, not formally but on the dinner table. Summer day is really hot, so I suggested her to go swimming in the underground swimming pool of the right wing. But she told me that she was not comfortable because some sort of monthly sickness. At first, it confused me, but before I inquired further, she ran away with blushed face.

“Monthly sickness, what the hell is that? I asked myself. But suddenly it occurred to me. Oh my god, it means the monthly period of girls. That’s the problem of growing up with boys. That’s why Xixi escaped with red face. She was embarrassed and did not know how to explain that to me.

Monthly period usually lasted for about one week. Hence, I knocked Xixi’s door next Wednesday morning, at five o’clock. It took her five minutes to finally open the door, and she yawned with closed eyes. She looked like ghost in that white pajama. I asked her to get ready in 10 minutes for the jogging. It normally cost only 5 minutes for soldiers in the army, so 10 minutes would definitely enough. However, I was totally wrong. She got to the garden after 15 minutes. She was late but not a big deal. However, she seemed afraid of being blamed and kept apologizing.

“Warm up first, otherwise you would get hurt easily.” I asked her to stretch out the body just like I did. Her arms and legs are long, but a little bit awkward when it comes to work out. And she seemed already tired after the warm up. We hadn’t start yet! I sighed and said : “OK, Let’s go.”

I jogged slowly just like walking and Xixi followed. I could clearly hear her breathing heavily behind me after a few minutes. She was really not a sporty person. But she did not give up or complain, simply following behind. Surely she did not wear any perfume since she was woken up at such an early hour, but a scent of sweet smell still came out behind which really distracted me.

Sweat dripping down after half an hour, I checked the step meter and found we had only run for two kilometers in thirty minutes. It’s such a shame for me. Usually such a distance only cost about 10 to 13 minutes. I noticed the dying expression on Xixi’s face, so I slowed down as I found a bench.

“Take a rest and have some water” I passed the bottle to Xixi, who was gasping as if she was dying. This time, she forgot to say thank you. Maybe because she was too tired and thirsty, as she wolfed down half a bottle quickly. She even choked herself and started coughing. 2 kilometers had reached her limits. She did not recover from that even when I came back from another half an hour running. She’s too weak. She needs more practices, I think.

I was quite busy and had no time to supervise Xixi and urge her to work out every day. But she was a sweet kid showing great appreciation for other’s kindness. When I came back home half a month later, I found Xixi jogging in the community. She was still in that white gym suit with a bottle of water besides, but her moves looked more professional now. An energetic and young girl jogging on the street: what a grand view. I lowered the car window and greeted: “Xixi, why not jogging in the morning. The light is not bright enough at night.”

“Brother Yang, you are home now. But I cannot get up early in the morning and the sun is burning. I don’t want to get tanned. ”

Her answer shocked me. I had never thought of that before. Right, she was white, porcelain white. Most girls prefer being white because white is quite a standard of beauty in Asia. But she did say anything when I required her to go jogging in the morning last time.

“How long have you run today?”

“Half an hour, about four kilometers. Am I great?” she was proud of her great progresses.

“Yes, you are the best. Let’s run together next time.” I laughed.

“No, you run too fast, and I cannot catch up. ” she acted like a spoiled child.

It is the first time for me to see Xixi talk with me in such a close manner. Finally, she gets used to the house and us. It’s terrific. Father would also be delighted to know that.

“Ok, ok. ” I asked her to take the car and drove back home together.