07 – Well, let’s call it …
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When Hares opened his eyes again, the sky had already turned dark. Noting this, Hares sweated.
He had slept in such an open place. If any creature had appeared he would have been killed!

"Graaww" (tiger)

Noticing that Hares had woken, the tiger roared at him.
When Hares looked at the tiger, he smiled wryly.

Okay, what kind of creature would approach this guy here?

Hares got up and looked at the tiger who rose up in a moment. He looked at the tiger's body and saw the wounds he did and felt sick. Although he was struggling to survive, now the tiger was his subordinate, he could not leave him like this.

"Let's go" (Hares)

Hares called as he walked and the tiger followed obediently.
They entered an empty house to settle down at night and Hares began to tinker inside his backpack.
He took two pots of [Medicinal Powder], three rolls of bandages and a bottle of water, and began to treat the wounds of the tiger.
The tiger dutifully let Hares treat him. He did not resist at all if Hares wanted to harm him now would be extremely easy, but Hares did not.
After he had finished treating his wounds, Hares took a few sips in the water bottle and looked at the tiger.

"well then. From now on we'll be together so we have to introduce ourselves, right? "(Hares)

Hares spoke and the tiger nodded.
Seeing him nod, Hares was surprised, after all, though he had said those words he never expected an answer. He knew that tiger was intelligent, but did not expect that he was able to even understand human speech.
Seeing the intelligence of the tiger, Hares felt he had hit the jack-point. Not only was the tiger insanely powerful but he was also incredibly intelligent!

"My name is Hares, your master, do you understand?" (Hares)
"Graww" (tiger)

The tiger snarled and nodded his understanding.

"Now that you're with me, I do not feel like calling you a tiger. You'll need a name "(Hares)

Hares put his hand on his chin as he began to think.
As he weighed, Hares glanced at the status of the tiger to see if any ideas would come into his mind and he was surprised to see that the tiger's status window had changed.

[Infernal Tiger]
Level 5
Type: Unique
Race: Infernal Tiger
Gender: Female
Age: 0
Owner: Hares
Loyalty: 100% (will not go down)
Strength: 33
Resistance: 28
Agility: 30
Intelligence: 10
Vitality: 35

In status, the statistics for gender, age, owner, race, and loyalty were added.
Hares did not understand why he had changed, but he had no idea why. That aside, Hares did not expect the tiger to be a woman.

"Well, it seems like all the names I thought are useless now" (Hares)

Hares murmured with a wry smile. He had already thought of some names for the tiger, but they were all male names.
Hares were even good at thinking of male names, but when it came to female names ...
Hares let out a sigh.
He then looked at the tiger again and then thought of something.

"Well, let's call it Tigress" (Hares)
"Graaww" (Tigress)

Tigress seemed to be dissatisfied with the name, but still, he did not seem to dislike it.
In the end, Hares just changed the name of Tigre to call her Tigress. Hares felt like an idiot. He was saying that it did not feel good to be calling him Tiger, but what was the difference between calling him Tiger and Tigress?
Suddenly, the body of the Tigress shone with white light and a message appeared in front of Hares.

[You named the [Infernal Tiger] as [Tigress]. After receiving a name from its owner [Tigress] evolved into a named monster and its stats increased.]

Looking at the message, Hares was surprised, but soon smiled happily. He immediately opened Tigress status to see the change.

Level 5
Type: Nominated
Race: Infernal Tiger
Gender: Female
Age: 0
Owner: Hares
Loyalty: 120% (will not go down)
Strength: 43
Resistance: 38
Agility: 40
Intelligence: 20
Vitality: 45

Incredibly, all of their status increased by 10. Another thing that changed was that their "type" changed and "single" to "named". In addition, loyalty that was already 100% for some reason reached 120%!
Hares was exalted, but the next moment, Hares felt a powerful headache and can not help shouting

"AAAAHHHH !!!!" (Hares)

Hares put his hand on his head and began to squirm with pain on the floor. He was feeling as if his head were literally bursting into pieces.

"Graaw" (Tigress)

Tigress who saw Hares begin to scream in pain and squirm on the ground suddenly rose concerned, but there was nothing she could do other than to see Hares in agony.
Hares did not know why this headache suddenly attacked him, he did not even have any clue for it, he did not have time to think about it either. The pain was too great, Hares felt as if he were going mad because of the excruciating pain. Because of this, his mind, to protect himself, made Hares lose consciousness.
When Hares regained consciousness, he noticed that it was already day. His body was lying on top of the Tigress who was wrapped around him as if to protect him.
When Tigress felt the movements in Hares' body, she awoke and looked at him.

"Graaw" (Tigress)

She gave a worried roar as if wondering if he was all right.
Hares looked at his ex-enemy and smiled. He rubbed his head to comfort her and noticed that there was a message in the corner of his eyes.

[Because of his resistance to the overuse of his mental energy, his Intelligence increased by 1.]

Hares were shocked.
She quickly opened her status and in fact, her intelligence that was 7 before had increased to 8.
He looked at the message again and tried to understand what had led to it.

Mental energy ... Resistance ...

Hares thought for a moment and then remembered the description of each of the attributes he had read in that dark place.
There, it was said that intelligence was the value of his mental strength. Mental strength and mental energy, the two were pretty much the same.
Hares still did not quite understand what mental energy was, so he could only guess. As to why this increased, Hares looked at the word "resistance" and tried to think.

Resistance ... Mental energy ... That's it!

In an instant Hares had understood. The pain he had felt before! That pain was probably brought on by the overuse of his mental energy, and the fact that he had managed to resist her without going mad because of the pain increased his mental energy by raising 1 intelligence.
But now Hares was confused about how he used his mental energy to such an extent.
Hares sat on the floor with his hand on his chin to think, but no matter how he thought he could not come up with an answer.

"Whatever!" (Hares)

Hares lost his temper and decided to give up thinking. Now he had other things to do. Now Hares needed to face yet another divine battle as difficult as defeating a God.
Hares opened the backpack and took out a nutritional bar ...

"... I really will end up dying someday ..." (Hares)

Hares murmured as he prepared for the hour of the roast- "It's time to eat."
When Tigress felt the smell of the nutritional bar, he immediately pulled away 10 meters away from Hares and began looking at Hares with a strange look.

"what are you looking at!? Do you think I would like to eat this thing!? "(Hares)

Looking at how the tigress was looking at him, Hares felt like sticking the nutritional bar in his throat!
When Tigress saw Hares begin to eat the nutritional bar she looked at Hares with respect, but further away from Hares ...
Finishing his meal, Hares continued his way through the city. The difference this time is that he was accompanied by a large red tiger who walked loyally a step behind him.
Today was the fourth day of Hares in this world. Yesterday for Hares was awful, so he hoped today was a good day. Although he could not believe it considering his luck so far.
Hares was at least grateful that there was no sun. Although the sky emitted rays of light, these rays of light were not as hot as the sun's rays. So unless Hares was exposed to these rays of light for a long time he would not feel so hot.
While they were walking, suddenly a cockroach came crashing down the street. Looking down, Hares thought about killing her to earn EXP. But before she could act, the Tigress advanced forward and slapped the cockroach on the floor. The cockroach did not have time to react before it was crushed in the middle of the road by Tigress.
As soon as the Tigress killed the cockroach, a message appeared in the corner of Hares' vision.

[[Tigress] killed [Roach] level 2 and you gained 10 from EXP].

Glancing at the message, Hares' eyes flashed. Usually, he earned 20 EXP when he killed cockroaches, but now he had only gained 10. But that was not the problem, the problem was that whoever killed the cockroach was Tigresa and yet he received EXP for it, even if it was only the half.
Looking at this Hares learned something else. When your subordinates kill an enemy the master will receive half of the EXP. When what the subordinate receives, Hares did not know if it was the whole value or just the other half.
After killing the cockroach, Tigress opened her mouth and began to eat it.
Seeing this, Hares felt like throwing up but remembered that she had also hunted the praying mantis to eat.

It seems she can eat anything ...

Hares thought with a wry smile.

At least I do not have to worry about your meals ...

After that, Hares and Tigress continued to walk through the deserted city. After walking for so long for three days (note: the first day he did not leave the place) and find no one else, Hares began to doubt that there really were other humans here beside him.
Besides, walking through the streets, although it was only four days, Hares was beginning to wonder the size of this abandoned city.
On the way, Hares encountered some other monsters. Most of them were cheap, but now, whenever cockroaches see Hares and Tigress, they run away in terror. There were rats too, these guys could only be called reckless. Even if they were the weaker creatures Hares had encountered so far, whenever these rats see Hares and the Tigress they advance as if willing to commit suicide.
On the way, Hares also encountered a new type of monster. Of course, new just by being face to face with them because Hares had already seen them on the first day. They were the dogs that had eaten the man on the first day alive.
Remembering the man, Hares realized that he really was not alone in this world.

Maybe this town is just too big and we're all well spread out which has made it difficult for us to meet.

Hares thought.
Although Hares had found all these creatures and killed most of them, he still had not risen.
Hares was depressed. Besides walking, Hares had nothing to do. Cockroaches and mice were very weak and the EXP they gave was very low. Hares estimated that he would have to kill dozens of them in order to level up. As for dogs, they are not so common and do not show up much.
Tigress, on the other hand, was completely calm. Although she has high intelligence, she is still an animal. The feeling of boredom does not affect her very much.

"Well, I can only move on ..." (Hares)

Hares murmured as he continued to walk.