Extra: Truth 1 [Hah.]
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A little April Fool's Chapter. There's quite a lot going on behind the scenes in this chapter. See if you can accurately tell what's going on.


Weeks before the Hero Summoning


You know, I realized, with you here listening to my story, that a part of you had already started to make assumptions about me. With what incomplete information I gave you, and from what you’ve heard from dear ol’ Daddy, you started to fill in the blanks with your own dull imagination.


How much of what I told you is your own assumption, and how much of what I said is really true? 


I’ll admit, I added a few lies here and there, y’know? Most of it was to protect myself. 


But I assure you, what I say here is pure honest truth.




You don’t know me. Don’t even pretend to. 


I bet you had it all figured out. The moment I wore this name, you grew cocky because you thought you solved me. The reason I have this name, what person I’m obsessed with based off of this name, these were all just simple questions to you. Like the good little psychiatrist you are.


You were so close, so close to the truth, but alas, you missed one very important question. Off by a centimeter of a mark.


Why am I obsessed? 


You asked the “what”, but you didn’t ask the “why”.


Oh quit whimpering. You knew what you were getting yourself into.


...Oh, oh, you didn’t. Wow, you surround yourself with deceivers...and yet you still thought you’d be able to beat me?


I pity you. I am the queen of treachery and deceit.


Quit struggling. Trust me, if the binds come off, you’d be even worse off than what you are now. If you’d just stop crying, you’d be able to hear the boiling underneath your feet.


You know, when she was taken from me, I felt like something stabbed me in the heart. It was the first time I ever felt anything as...painful as that. The torture, the burns, the whiplashes from dear old Pop had nothing compared to when I lost her.


The moment I lost her, I went to Father. To my brothers and sisters. To You. I went to my family to rely on them, on you. 


And what do I get? A spitting. Bruises. A beating.


It’s funny how Father had the audacity to try and kill me when I threatened to leave. 


Huh? About big sis? That’s just rude. You shouldn’t blame me for things I didn’t do. Besides...


I assure you her death didn’t influence Father’s decision to try and kill me. Why do I think that? Oh c’mon! He’s a kidnapper. A child-beater. A mad scientist with a hard-on fetish for torturing people. You really think he’d be grief-stricken over losing one of his ‘children’?


You’re an idiot if you think otherwise.


Where am I going with this? I honestly have no clue. A part of me, I suppose, just wants you to understand.


Or maybe the more nihilistic part of me gave up and is just having a soliloquy with an audience of three. I dunno. 


In the words of our dearest youngest sister, “Noooo fuuuuuukiiiiin clue!” I don’t have much of a hidden agenda in telling you this. [Hah.]


Oh please, don’t look at me with pity in your eyes. 


Seeing that look on your face is kinda...gross.




Hm? Ahh, the cavalry has arrived to save you. How’d they even-oh, you have a tracker on you. Of course, you let yourself get trapped. Very smart.


They won’t be able to get in here for at least a few minutes though, so I’m not too worried. Though I really should get going.


Thanks for listening to me, little sis. But,




I must bid your friend adieu. 





Hope you enjoyed this little short.

I have this undying cough that's been stuck with me for a good month and a half, and now with the whole pandemic, everyone hates me. Not a good time to have a cough.

Stay safe people, stay healthy.