Chapter 60: Caravan
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Pair of a disciple and master remained standing in that small room. Both were glad and nostalgic about the little girl who was only a brief friend in their paths. It was Triston who made her his master's student. It did not include some profound knowledge. Terg is an energy user, but it was not something he talked about very often
He was willing to take her as his disciple the same way as Triston, but she did not truly deserve it by his standards. Unfortunately to him, it was met with retaliation and absolute dominating will... and the simple stubbornness of Sarey who would not back away because she was told no.
Triston sighed.
“Is it fine, master?”
“It is not up to us. You must remember that this is just a minor episode on our paths. I have lived for more than 300 years. Energy is breathtaking so I will not stop at anything else but continued my path. You wanted to become like me, so you will have to follow through or fall short in the future. It all depends on many factors which are out of your reach. This war that is about to happen is something like that.”
“I agree with everything you say. Although, I am talking about Sarey's future and recent issues. I thought you had prepared some introductory lessons on energy for her... perhaps even get her tested.”
“I've tested her.” Terg said, and shook his head in helplessness.
“W-what? That... is unfortunate.”
“As for what you are probably meaning with this talk. It is a hand of fate? Who knows? The boy is not something of this world. That I am most confident in.”
“I am not. It... was a very strange meeting. Almost a mild feeling of threat and something else.”
“Well, he seems like a trustworthy person, Sarey thoughts so too. It is not our problem any longer.” Terg argues with his vast amount of experience and words what Triston unconditionally trusted.
“But she asked for my help. If I won't stop with that, what was the point?”
“Quit it before you can't. Remember my teaching!”
“Yes, Master!” Triston bowed in approval.
“Action cause consequences. I remember.” Triston said calmly.
“Good, there is so much left, what I want to reach. Sarey is just...”
“It is fine Master. I was doing what I thought was right, but there is no right or wrong. They are just occurrences that are happening millions of times every moment in the vast space.”
“Exactly, You made sure about it yourself, did you not?”
“It was for her sake. That boy will live on. Maybe you will meet with them one day. No one knows.” Terg implied the encompassing truth of fate that even he does not understand in the slightest.
“Yes. Time will tell, as always.” Triston said.
Outside, Sarey was walking silently with her chin resting on the wooden box. Inside was something she wanted, but her thoughts were wandering to other places. She liked the years she spent with them. Initially, Triston's master was reluctant to teach her anything.
Only after persuasion of days and weeks, did he agree on some learning lessons for her sake. At that time, Triston was younger, much younger, and made some mistakes. He unwillingly muttered the existence of his Master who was old and wise. He did not even leave out his master's energy.
It was something he regrets to this day but was eventually forgiven by his master. Sarey's presence enhanced their lives, but everything was subject to end one day or another. Such a day was precisely what happened today. With farewell and a gift, that is not even for her.
It was normal for Sarey to be reminiscent of the time she spent with them. There was nothing she regret.
“I hope I will see them again, one day.” She thought to herself.
With this being done, she was momentarily taken aback that she got everything from a single visit. Sarey wanted to only ask for some way to get them. She did not even know if Fiery Tulip was in the market. Luckily, her teacher was a kind person and gave her exactly what she needed. It was not something very expensive. At least it seemed that way to her. It was more of a pain, about how to find it and get it.
Now, Sarey does not need to go anywhere else. If 36 will need more, she could always try to try to look for them again. Taking this problem to the future herself is the best thought she had at the moment.
With how heavy this box was, this should be plenty enough for a long time. Although, it depends on what it will be used for.
“It is used with military intentions? I wonder how my teacher had so much on him. I guess the world of energy users is far beyond my common senses.” She kept walking back to her home. Earlier than she expected, but at least successful.
On her way, she watched the caravan of merchants reaching their homes as well. They went on a more firm road. With a long way around the distant roads which led around the whole wild forests around the Griontesse city.
As she got around, a wooden cottage appeared around a corner. In front of it was standing Allan, with a tall pole in his hand. It was something he made today for himself. He used it as an extension of his being, and it was easier to move around.
With it, he poked his surroundings for some obstacles. It was not the greatest thing he came up with, but it was sufficient.
“Who is there?” He turned around. In the direction of walking Sarey.
“Who do you think it is? What are you doing here, standing for nothing?” Sarey said in worry.
“Oh, Sarey. You are rather early. Barely a few hours passed.”
“I was gone for just over an hour. You seriously lack the common sense.”
“Well... I can't stand it... it is for some practice I am doing. Were you successful?” He said embarrassed and tried to change the topic. It was a good thing she did not see him doing the movement practice earlier. Who knows what she would think? Sarey only came after he was thinking about his moves.
“I was done early. This is a gift from my teacher. I will not be seeing him anymore.” She said with a heavy tone, but a firm meaning.
“Your teacher? Is it because of me? You don't have to do so much for me. Studying yourself is a good thing to consider when you are young.”
“You sound like Triston right now. Heh heh.” She giggled.
“In a good or bad way?”
“Who knows. I've seen a caravan coming here. Father's promises are something he always carefully does, so expect to have what you wanted later today.”
“I am very thankful, I swear I will make it up for both of you.”
“You don't have to. I think, focusing on your training wat 36 told us is more than enough.”
“What is enough? I have no idea about what sort of things are enough for the future.”
“Whatever, don't end yourself,” Sarey said as she opened the front door with her elbow.
“Do you want to go inside? If not, the backyard will be a much better place to do whatever you were doing.”
“I guess,” Allan answered with hesitation but still did what Sarey proposed.
“How is it? Is your body getting well at least?” She asked and lead him into the backyard.
“Nothing strange, I could feel myself becoming a little stronger. Slowly but surely.”
“That is not bad, I will have a pleasant surprise for you. I am not sure if it's going to happen today or tomorrow, but make sure you are in a good condition.”
“What? Are you scheming something again?” Allan wondered.
“Something extra for you. You will need some more practice. If what 36 said is true, combat will take a big part in 1 year.”
“Heh. Alright. I won't be defeated that easily.”
“I sure hope so,” Sarey said with a smile on her face.
She opened the back door to the big courtyard. It had another building where they had some firewood and a stable for horses. Zigmund found some corners inside that could be a good place for some forging equipment to be stationed.
Allan couldn't calm his excitement. He wanted to wield the hammer once more. It did not matter to him if he was blind or not. This was something he wished for.
As he waited, Allan returned to his practice. Wielding his pole, he danced around like a madman. Extending it and striking the empty air. It was regular shadow fighting. A method that his father taught him to preserve and figure out the mind and body at once. But, Allan made it somewhat extreme, his opponent was himself this time. His lack of vision made it very hard to predict anything. He found out he could get accustomed to the feeling of the vibration of the earth, gust of wind, and shimmers of sounds that were never-ending.
Allan needed to adjust his senses to care about what mattered, and he needed a sparring partner for that. He already started with this form of fighting with Sarey, but she had a hard time taking it easy on him. She was most likely still upset about how Allan managed her after his running.
Allan of course did not forget to do the exercises 36 tasked him with. He was efficient with most of them, apart from running. His legs were the weakest part of him. After he took it more seriously, Allan began to understand more about his body than in the past.
Previously, he could never consider what muscles are used for what. Which are hard, soft, and difficult to train. All of this was written on page 36 and given to Sarey. She read it out loud to him several times already in the past few days. This time, she did not leave out much more.
It was a regular human anatomy lesson, but for someone who had never heard of this before, it was not that easy. Only after experiencing it firsthand did Allan find out some issues and things that he needed to think about.
For example, what are the most important features of human arms, back, and skeleton? 36 words from yesterday made it very clear that the pathway he decided to walk on, was not an easy one.
“Body forging, Bone forging, Blood forging. I will call them the Three Bees technique. Hehe.” He muttered in silence as he finished his push-ups.
“I don't know yet, what kind of stuff I will need to endure to finish both parts but from their names alone, I can see a lot of potentials. I would even guess that Blood forging is the one I need to pay the most attention to. Blood is the most important life essence of the human body.”
“If you lose some, it is not that bad, but if you lose more and more, your body will cease to move. Eventually, it is almost certain death from blood loss. Even a few dozens percent of blood loss is fatal. That is something I found out about in the library. Experiencing it is something I don't even want to think about.” Allan assumed since it is mostly what he could do.
Overthinking his issue, finding solutions,s and figuring them out as time goes on is something very exciting for him. Although in a different way, he finds the current time to be somewhat exciting and interesting.