Things had been going well for Norman, right until he went public.
He knew it was a risk. What he didn’t know was he would be found, arrested, and held without counsel within an hour of his press release.
Harry hadn’t even come to help him. He had taken the folder on the Iron Patriot program and left and the little shit hadn't even gotten him a lawyer.
Not that one would have helped. Pamela Hawley came to see him and Norman hated her even before his arrest.
She was a stickler for rules, uncorruptable, a fucking lesbian, and a family woman. If Norman had his way, she would have been kicked off the Council years ago. But while he paid Malik, greased the palms of the more influenceable members, she was the one who came out on top. And Norman hated that.
He was in a bright orange jumpsuit, handcuffed to a desk when she strode into his interrogation room. She was immaculate. A neat greying blonde bob, pressed tan tweed suit and skirt. Even her perfume was light, floral but not offensive. She gave off an air of authority, one that she deserved. Considering she was now in charge of the planet, Norman knew better than to push his luck with her. He might think she was a bitch, but he wouldn't be saying that to her face.
Pamela sat on the other side of the tale from Nrma, casting a critical eye over him. “No refreshments I’m afraid, not until we get the unpleasantness out of the way.” She raised a hand and a guard behind her handed her a folder.
“You see, when Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr cloned themselves they did so legally. They created new identities for the clones, set wills and trusts up.” She laid out several photocopied documents, and Norman could see they were all for the pair of men. Hydra had files on them but he didn’t give a rats ass about mutie filth. If they moved against him, he would have levelled that pit of scum school. “So, when they moved on,” she showed two death certificates, ”they were legal entities.”
Norman wanted to sneer, but kept his face blank.
“You on the other hand probably killed the original Norman.” He was about to refute that when she raised a hand. ”We can’t prove it, but we can prove you are a clone.” More papers came out, “Medical records from the Skrulls, the Asgardians, and Xavier. Cloning leaves markers, which you didn’t know about.”
Norman wanted to curse. He was a geneticist, he should have known. Shaw must have done something to make him ignorant to that fact, or maybe the process wasn’t perfect.
“But, we now have a problem.” Pamela gathered up the papers and slid them back into the folder, and handed it back to the guard. She sat at the desk, clasping her hands in front of her. “If we reveal your monumental screw up, we have to reveal the cloning process. And while we will eventually, it creates several problems we cannot deal with right now.”
Norman snorted, “So? that's not my problem.”
Pamela frowned, “Oh but it is. Right now, under the World Security Council ruling, all illegal cloning is to be destroyed. You, Xavier, and anyone else would be euthanized. Which then leads to a whole new set of problems. Are you Norman Osborn, reborn so to speak, are you a new person, or are you a thing. And to be honest, I have enough on my plate right now that tying up the WSC in red tape would be detrimental.”
Norman shrugged, and leant forward, “I don’t fucking care. Either kill me or set me free.”
“I was getting to that,“ Pamela huffed, “An affidavit, one declaring you Norman Osborn. But it comes with several caveats.”
Norman raised an eyebrow, “Sorry, but I prefer my women a lot less dykie.”
“I can just have you shot, you know. You are a non-entity right now. Talking meat, not a person, not even an animal. You will be pleasant, you will be polite, or I will leave and they will seal this box and let you suffocate.” Pamela’s face hardened as she spoke.
Norman raised his hands in surrender as far as he could, the chain between them wasn’t that long, “I apologise. I lost my cool and will make sure I don’t make the same mistake again.”
“Yes, I doubt that,” Pamela clasped her hands together. “You are a misogynistic egotistical prick, and believe me I would love to have you shot. But, as I said, it creates problems. If you had stayed in the shadows I could have removed you quietly. A press release squashed that plan. So, I have another.”
Raising a hand and motioning with her finger, a guard handed Pamela another folder.
“You will be monitored by us. You will work in the Alien Administration Offices, acting as liaison between worlds.”
Norman frowned but motioned to see the file.
Yes, I can work with this, he thought to himself. Access to aliens, offworld visits, and technology acquisition. It would be a start.
Pamela hid the small smirk on her face as she baited a hook and watched as Norman Osborn swallowed it. He didn't know there was a subsectional rider attached to that department. If he stole, insulted, or worked against the WSC or Earth, it was treason, and she could happily have him shot.
Arcee and Jocasta were sitting in the penthouse. Downstairs was slowly being torn apart to make space for the newer Homes.
"I am unsure as to why I am here, however. Is the reformatting of your homeworld proceeding well?" Jocasta asked.
"It is...slow," Arcee replied. "Without the Soul Stone, we are limited in our numbers. We have Decepticon Sparks, but are reluctant to use them."
"Understandable. We have asked the WSC if they can send work crews, but the conditions on Cybertron." She was interrupted as Peter excitedly barged into what was soon to be everyone's home.
"Sorry, sorry. Miguel just got back to me, and I have a surprise." Peter held in one hand a huge canister, which he held up. "Well, I hope it's a surprise, 'cause if I'm wrong, then uh, yeah, let's not go there."
"Peter, I believe you cannot be any more irritating if you tried. We have tolerated you so far, there is nothing you can do that would change that," Jocasta said. Arcee tried to hide the small smile but failed.
"Love you too Jo, but this is a bit different." Placing the canister on the table he twisted the top and lifted off the handle. Gas hissed as the pressure was released and lifted, Peter pulled out a secondary canister. "Right, so, uh." he took a breath, "Everyone is kinda hoping for kids, and I uh, well." With a twist, the smaller canister split in two.
"We are aware we cannot procreate Peter. This does not change our relationship," Jocasta said, but Arcee looked upset.
"We require the Soul Stone. No new Cybertronians can be created unless you find a way to release it. I forgave you Peter, but I am painfully aware of the problems it is now causing."
Peter nodded, "Which is why I asked Miguel and he asked a few of his Spiders, and well, we now have this.”
Peter handed the smaller canisters to each of them. They broke off the outer shell revealing a silvery liquid inside.
"Created using Sentinel memory metal, Cybertronium, and a Reality Stone. I asked Earth-2008 Thor if we could borrow theirs. Sorry, but he didn't think the Soul Stone would work."
Jocasta looked unimpressed as she tilted the canister from side to side. The metal inside slowly flowed up the sides, like thick molasses.
"It's a living metal, well, it's an upgrade to make any metallic lifeform more, well, living."
"Am I to understand from your rambling that if we absorb this, we will be capable of reproduction?" Jocasta asked. Peter grinned and nodded. "If you want, I mean, We have four samples. Miguel took two for Tony-2008 and gave me two. His Jarvis is like our Vision now, and he's hoping he can wield the Infinity Stones without harming anyone."
"This...this will allow us to make more Sparks?" Arcee asked as she stared in wonder at the liquid, "How?"
"Well, when a man loves his robot gal, he sticks his," Peter started but Arcee glared at him.
"Now is not the time, later will be the time, for now. How!"
"Uh, you just drink it but wait!" he shouted as Arcee began to unscrew the lid, "You cannot be bonded. If you are, it will act like the hybridisation formula but worse, there will be a complete fusing. No take backs and no more Arcee or Reboot, only Arceeboot, or Recee. Nah, Arceeboot sounds better, but uh, I would prefer not that. Hell, it doesn't even have to be you. Give it to Optimus or, uh," Peter froze as Arcee glared at him with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, you can drink it, it's fine," he said with a smile.
"Shuri entrusted me with Jhalia, Peter. I cannot simply give away." Jocasta paused, "Jhalia will happily move to Okoye. Please summon her as I wish to ingest this immediately." She paused, “no. I will wait. Please make sure I have two more containers. One for Vision and Friday.”
Peter nodded. This was another upgrade but an important one. While it looked like they were absorbing powers, it was the X-Gene. Miguel and Jessica were more than capable of branching that out. Now, it could absorb any form of DNA to create new life.
"Reboot has asked that I pick another Cybertronian. She had already indicated she prefers my metallic body to host," Arcee stated. "I believe Optimus would be open and Reboot wishes to create another. Do we need permission?"
Peter shrugged, "Does she think I need permission to have kids?" Arcee shook her head, "then that's your answer."
"Then like Jocasta, I wish to return to Cybertron to begin the process. Do we know how long it will take," she had a small smile on her face, "to transform?"
"No idea. The sample took a few days but it was an empty Cybertronian chassis. You're made of the same stuff the metal is, so probably the same." He looked at Jocasta, "No idea, Cybertronium is a lot different than Vibranium."
"Then I wish to return to Cybertron immediately. This is important to the survival of my species." Arcee stood, "May I request a portal to Wakanda?" Arcee paused, "I am sorry Peter. Please, do not think badly of me."
Peter froze as he lifted himself off the couch, "Uh, why?"
"For not saying thank you. For only thinking of myself." Arcee transformed into her humanoid form, letting Reboot coat her. "I can wait, if you wish to ravish me."
Peter stood and dialled his phone, "How about we leave the ravishing until after you've changed." he shrugged as an orange portal swirled next to him, "Who knows, maybe it'll be different afterwards."
Acree paused but then laughed. She transformed back into her robot form, "No, I think I will still enjoy you interfacing with my exhaust port."
Peter laughed as Wanda took Arcee back to the Space Bridge.
“And what of me Peter?” Jocasta asked, “I will accept your proposal, but under the current law, we would be criminals.”
Peter's good mood evaporated, "Uh, what?"
"As eloquent as that was, it is forbidden to create artificial life. If I am capable, it would still be illegal," Jocasta explained.
Peter shook his head, "Nope, not happening. I'm not making waves just so some pencil pusher says no." he took out his phone, "Pepper usually comes round every few days, but I think she'll want to deal with this as soon as she can."
Jocasta nodded, "Then allow me. While it is enjoyable to watch you pleasure Miss Potts, I believe that we will be working. This is my responsibility Peter, but do not worry. I will be in capable hands." Jocasta copied Pepper's phone number and tapped on her phone. "She agrees and wishes to start immediately." Jocasta looked at Peter, "I am sorry but I will also be leaving." Unlike Arcee, Jocasta used the door, leaving Peter alone in his apartment.
He had expected a small celebration. It wasn't every day you made a minor miracle. He was sitting on his couch when there was a small knock at the door,
MJ, Gwen, Natasha, and Hela all walked in, "Yeah, Jo said you needed a reward. Something about making her a new body," Felicia said. "No idea what the hell that means but we figured it was a great excuse for sex." The rest were already stripping, as was Peter, "not that we ever need an excuse for sex."