"Welcome te Kabara Basaree Illusion magic skol," Memel begins, and I notice that she has a bit of an accent, but then she stiffens, clears her throat, and the accent disappears. "The school is mostly empty as it is vacation time, but when classes are on, this entrance is packed with students of all kinds."
Ah, nostalgia. This reminds me of Rabanara's magic school.
"I'm eager to see it. It brings back nostalgic memories," I wistfully remark.
And Resh politely follows up, "Of course. Your Highness is a Scholar of Rabanara while Her Highness Roxanne is a Scholar of Xane, correct?"
I hum with a nod. "Exactly."
"I have a lot of fond memories of the girls and me traveling from the dorms to the classes," Roxanne also remarks, though there's something else besides nostalgia in her tone.
So, Hana immediately reads her mind. "Lewd memories," she remarks smugly.
"Yeah. Going in an alley when it struck our fancy to lick some pussy was always fun," the succubus wistfully hums and sighs as her gaze loses focus.
I ask Gify, and she very kindly helps us all relive her memories in exchange for a chocolate buffet, but Roxanne has licked so many pussies that it's a fair trade. It's unfortunate that we can't fuck while reminiscing, but that'll just make the sex later even wilder.
"What about getting licked?" Alissa curiously remarks after noticing something about the memories.
And Roxanne becomes so embarrassed that she actually blushes, which is rare for this shameless bitch. "I… didn't do that often, at least not in the streets. Mithra loved to have me lick her in front of others, though."
"Spoken like a real bottom," Hana teasingly remarks.
"Well, I never claimed to be a top," she answers with a shrug.
"It's more fun to be under someone strong," Alissa wisely states.
Aoi, Poosh, Osaria, and Nono all nod, and Lina silently agrees while Ciel looks away. I can't hear Mimi's or Thea's thoughts, but I bet both of them also agree; it's just that the former is too kuu and the latter too bratty to admit it.
Memel is blushing adorably, so that's enough lewd talk for now because it wouldn't be good to completely mind-break our guide before the tour has even started.
"Let's continue," I request, then turn to her, and she immediately nods, her feather-hairs raising again just from eye contact, but she does seem to be growing more confident.
Anyway, the gates to the school are made of a solid, scintillating rainbow crystal that seems to be enchanted. As we approach, it suddenly starts to reflect our outlines, but they grow and gain a fuzzy shape that kind of makes us look like we have wings. Well, Ciel has wings, but I mean big ones and not the chibi ones currently at her back.
It's a neat effect, but not even the most striking thing that we can see. The gates are open, so we see everything ahead of us, and the path forward has been enchanted to look like a golden carpet as fountains of super sparkly water flank the sides and ethereal blue butterflies fly above us while pink petals float down. The effect is enhanced further as we make our way in because our surroundings become dark, and I've gotta admit, it does make it look pretty awesome.
It'd be sweet to have some enchantments like these back at home to create a romantic atmosphere for the girls. Maybe I'll contact Toroo back in Rabanara to prepare some special effects for our café as it feels like it'd be fitting for a king, though we'd change the golden carpet for a white one as that's more pious.
Then we take a look at the facilities. Everything is made of sturdy stone and clay tiles, but the estekabar are experts in [Jaleowzeh Magic], which alters reality so that the illusions are almost real, but not completely, so what we see is the estekabar sense of style turned to eleven. And it hurts our eyes.
Everything shines, everything glows, everything moves. They're all subtle effects individually, but together, they make us feel uneasy, though neither Resh nor Memel seem to be affected.
The Holy Diplomat notices our discomfort as she kindly suggests, "Let's stop here to give them time to adapt."
I release her arm, then turn around and stare at an illusionary, sparkly little brooklet because it seems to be the least annoying enchantment around. Yunia stops beside me, having the same idea because she's an elf, so nature calls to her, even if it's fake.
"Don't you find this excessive?" Ciel questions the Diplomat, frowning as the sparkliness bothers her eyes.
"It is, but the excess is a lie," Resh replies matter-of-factly.
I hold back a meme.
"What? So it doesn't look pretty to your eyes?" Ciel continues confusedly.
But Resh gently shakes her head and then gracefully motions to the enchantments around us as she confidently answers with a smile, "The point isn't to look pretty; it is to impress and humble."
Our priestess is becoming increasingly concerned, but she hides her disapproval to not offend our kind host. "It feels like the point is to inspire pride, especially considering the 'competition' going on with the other races that manage the town," she cautiously questions.
"But it's fake," Resh tersely replies.
"The feathers and colors you wear aren't fake," Ciel points out.
And the peacock woman proudly pulls on her feathery cape, rustling them so that their subtle metallic sheen reflects the sparkliness of the enchantments around us. "They aren't, for I'm a Holy person, and I deserve to wear such an excessive outfit. The illusions are to remind us that we don't actually live in such a lavish environment, and it can all disappear in the blink of an eye if we don't fuel it with mana."
"Hmm…" Ciel hums as she narrows her eyes in skepticism at the purity of this philosophy. "Yet you reap the rewards of living in excess."
"As long as we don't forget that they're illusions, then we're well within the teachings of Creation," Resh calmly replies again with trained confidence as if she's had this very argument many times before.
Ciel knows that the Diplomat isn't a priest, so there's no point in having philosophical discussions, but Resh's confidence in her statement irks our devoted priestess. It isn't like Ciel is an authority on all things pious, so the people she disagrees with aren't exactly wrong, but maybe they should take a close look at their philosophies.
"Back in Xane, we used to say that excess is fine until it becomes excessive," Roxanne suddenly chimes in.
"What a wise saying," Resh replies, and the two share a smile.
"That doesn't make sense," Ciel retorts, still skeptical.
"Of course, it does," Roxanne smugly continues. This is the one moment she can flex her piety against the priestess, so there's no way she'll miss this chance. "Sex is a part of me, but I can't let it become me. Us demons are all flawed, but our flaws can't control our Threads."
"Okay, now that makes sense," Hana hums in understanding.
"Surprisingly deep," Yunia follows up, and both of their remarks completely disarm Ciel.
"On the first day of the month of Prayer, we turn off the illusions to remind us of the truth under the surface," Resh adds, sounding oddly oblivious of Ciel's reservations.
"One day a year…" our pious angel stiffly repeats.
And the hot birb nods. "One day is enough."
I don't think she's messing with Ciel; she really sees absolutely zero issues with her philosophy. Not that it's a bad thing, but religious differences are something new for us as we're used to the Humanoid Gods being respected the most, and they have a more strict philosophy than the distant and hands-off Gods of Origin.
We do eventually get used to the assault upon our eyes, though it still feels straining to walk across the school. They have nice facilities, though, so it isn't all bad. Gyms for sports and duels, an indoor pool, an elevator that takes you to the sea below, actually unenchanted gardens, enchanted gardens, and an area for practicing magic that has everything a mage could ever want. It's the last one that interests Roxanne because they have obscure magic tools that not even we have heard about.
"You're interested in research, Your Highness Roxanne?" Memel curiously asks, happy that we're now talking about something she can actually participate in.
And the succubus answers earnestly for once, "I am. I need to refresh my scholarly knowledge to help me with some important research that I've been having trouble with."
"That can easily be arranged," our slender guide states reassuringly.
I believe that it's time to broach a sensitive topic, so I soberly interject, "I believe that Osaria has already mentioned this, but it's important that we 'blend in' as we don't want to attract attention to ourselves."
"We have students of all ages and backgrounds. Her Highness Roxanne could easily disguise herself as a foreign researcher since she already has a scholar Title," Memel continues with a refreshing amount of confidence.
And Roxanne continues as she wants to confirm what she needs, "I'd like to enter some classes about advanced magical theory. Avgin scholars are too focused on leveling system magic skills to be helpful to me anymore."
"We have a few different classes geared specifically towards raising magic researchers," the slender birb replies.
"I look forward to them," Roxanne huskily replies just to poke at the birb's composure.
And after a couple of seconds soaking in succubi charm, I soberly continue to give her a bit of whiplash, "I want to pretend to be a student, so I'll need a private room for Alissa and me."
"Not me, too?" Roxanne questions with a pout like a little girl, the sensuous charm from before gone in the blink of an eye.
"I want to pretend Alissa is betrothed to me while I seduce you, then bring you to my room," I calmly explain. Thea raises her eyebrows in disbelief, and Resh seems mildly surprised at the depths of my depravity, but Osaria seems skeptical.
"Betrothed only but sleep in the same room? Nobody is going to believe that someone like you is capable of that," she points out.
"What? You just have to not fuck. A hymen inspection will reveal the truth," Yunia retorts.
"You fucked the first boy that made you wet. You don't get to opine on this," the succubus banters back.
"Excuse me?" the elven Queen replies heatedly.
But this time, they just get into a staring contest as they internally imagine raping the other in a battle of willpower.
Since there's a lull in the conversation, I broach an important topic with Resh so that I'm not consumed by their horniness, "There's also a very specific request I must make. We need a secluded location for ourselves, but we must have absolute authority there, for any disruptions will be considered a threat to us."
And the experienced Holy Diplomat immediately answers reassuringly, "I believe I know what you're talking about, but have no fear, Your Highnesses. We're extremely honored by your presence, and we wish you to consider Kabara Basaree as an ally."
"Would the other magic schools attempt to interfere?" I question further.
So she reassures me again as she shakes her head, "Our competitiveness ends at the border of our administrative sector. The Basaree Complex is too important to get swept up in interracial politics. It's the center of demonic magical knowledge, after all."
So I politely request, "Very well, then I wish to begin preparing this area."
The dormitories for the Complex are set all over the mountainside, and we get the ones up high, which are for the higher-class kids as they have the best sights. But our secret area is set far, far down the mountain, even below sea level.
You see, [Gate] scrubbers are used everywhere to prevent security breaches, so we need a safe place to put down our second [Eternal Gate]. Not only do we want it far away from any stray scrubbers since it's our lifeline back to our home, but we also don't want anyone to find it as it's connected directly to the inside of the castle and is quite a significant vulnerability of ours.
It also won't be the only [Eternal Gate] we'll put down. We'll rent a warehouse in the "unregulated" district and put another there, but that one will connect to somewhere in Escanso proper rather than inside our castle. It's a big diplomatic faux pas to do this, but we need a backup in case shit hits the fan, and the estekabar have a vague idea about what's going on.
This has been a surprisingly interesting tour, but Resh is far from succumbing to pleasure yet, so we've gotta stall a bit.
I turn to Memel and innocently request, "Now, how about you show us some of the prettier areas? I wish to take my wives on private dates while in disguise."
"Very well," she answers with a nod, seemingly catching on to my meaning without a hint of suspicion about our real intentions.
We return to the Magical Complex, but as we pass by a dormitory, Alissa suddenly senses something odd. There's a spirit walking on two feet somewhere in there.
"I sense a spirit inside the girl's dormitory," she immediately warns everyone.
But Memel reassures her, "Must be one of the bodyguards. They've suddenly become popular, and many dead adventurers are deciding to become one."
"Oh?" I blurt out, and it'd be considered a mistake as I'm in the presence of someone adept at [Acting], but this time it's fine.
And Resh smiles as she takes over the explanation, "Word of your army of spirit Chimeras is spreading fast among the Holy. They attempt to ignore your actions because you're favored by the Humanoid Gods, but their approval means that the Gods of Origin also implicitly approve."
Then I hum as I caress her arm, deep in thought. Alissa detects her feather-hairs attempting to rise up, which makes me even more comfortable and relaxed as I reflect upon things.
We knew that this was going to happen, but it's surprising that we're already seeing it on another continent. I'm not sure if we've even seen any in Escanso yet, but I guess it makes sense that a more religiously liberal place would adopt this practice sooner.
Alissa now focuses her [Sense Presence] on the spirit and realizes that it's actually an armored person standing guard at a doorway. It's curious that a man is inside a girls' dorm, but this place is high-class, so the princesses need protection. It wouldn't surprise me if he's getting some, too, since this is Rupegia.
Memel takes us to an observation area, which actually goes under the sea, and it's made entirely of glass, allowing us to see the fishes as they swim through the surprisingly clear seawater. We take our seats on a comfy bench, and I notice that there doesn't seem to be any mer here now, so this is quite the out-of-sight little corner, which means that I get to molest Resh as much as I want.
My clawed hand starts to wander a bit as I savor the view, and I caress Resh's forearm all over, but I need to go further. I'm using my free hand to do this, but my arm that's entwined with hers is still free, so I land this hand on her thigh.
"How are you doing this, Your Highness?" she suddenly questions, her tone carefully curated to not sound threatening.
I calmly turn my head to her and smile gently as I innocently ask back, "What do you mean?"
"I figured out that your touch arouses me, but I don't know how, as I haven't sensed even the smallest of spells," she answers with genuine curiosity.
"Why should I reveal my secrets?" I cheekily reply, making her narrow her eyes like a stern mother.
Alissa walks up to the glass so that she can take a closer look at the fishies, but in truth, she just wants to take a glimpse at Resh's bikini bottoms, which have a small wet spot from her quickly rising arousal.
"Perhaps you should if you wish for this to progress further," the hot birb daringly replies.
So I turn on my charm and fight back, "Wouldn't it be more interesting if you got a taste of it and then tried to make assumptions?"
And she remains silent, staring at me as she seriously considers my words, so I let her stew for a couple of seconds, but then my hand on her thigh starts to caress her deliciously dark skin. She's not really thick, but I'm still eager to get a grip on dem slender legs and spread her cheeks apart.
"You aren't afraid of using your powers on someone like me?" she sternly questions, being confrontational to measure my response. You have to be like that with nobility like me, or else we'll be all over you and then cum all over you.
"Aren't you afraid of meeting privately with someone like me? Osaria told you what I'm like," I ask the obvious.
"She did…" Resh quietly answers, and now I'm unsure if she's being shy or if she's simply too prideful to admit why she, specifically, was sent to greet me.
So I have to point out the obvious to make sure that there's no doubt. "That's like dangling a steak in front of a dragon… and I'm a very hungry dragon," I whisper huskily as I move my face closer, and she tenses up, but I don't kiss her. Instead, I stop caressing her forearm and humanize my hand, then touch the wet patch on her bottoms.
She inhales loudly, finally caught off-guard, and I quickly find the most likely location of her clit. Then I push my soul towards it, making her feather-hairs rise and join the crown of feathers she has. She's keeping her face stern, making her look upset, but every other part of her body is screaming about how much pleasure she's experiencing.
Estekabar may be prideful, but, as she said, it sometimes feels good to relax and let it fall away for a moment. So I start to massage her pussy, and she suddenly looks forward, unable to keep staring at me due to the heavy pressure of my [Sexual Charm].
Her gaze gradually loses focus as the wet patch grows, but I feel like I need to constantly push forward, so I stop and push my hand under her bottoms, brushing past her trimmed pubes, and then touch her moist pussy lips. They're tastefully meaty, just like Klein's, and I spread her slimy arousal all over my hand so that I can put both lips between my fingers and then slide along them.
Now she closes her eyes and lets out a weak breath, the [Acting] mask starting to break, so Roxanne removes her crown and pulls her back, making her open them again in surprise, but my diligent succubus is merely helping her lay down on the bench. I also help her lay down, but I lift her (juicy) ass up and pull down her bottoms, a string of lewd juice connecting them to her pussy for a second.
Memel simply stares, frozen again, but her dark brown feather-hairs rise up completely in extreme arousal. I could have Alissa molest her, too, but I think I'll leave that for a later date.
Then I spread Resh's legs apart, opening her delicious lips to me, and I immediately dig in, now using a bit of soul touch on my tongue. She has a lot of flesh to play with, so I give her lips a long lick, then nibble and pull on each of them, making her adorably wince twice.
I'll never get tired of making gorgeous, tall, strong women turn into adorable little puddles of moans and whines.
Next, I chomp onto her clit and begin licking it desperately, and she grabs my horns to steady herself while her legs tremble, threatening to close up from over-stimulation. I pull back a bit, as I'm just having fun, and then I penetrate her pussy with my tongue and slowly but strongly lick her lips again, making her shiver.
"Your Highness… this is-…" she begins with a trembling tone.
But I interrupt her by sending a tentacle out of my tongue so that it vibrates her G-spot.
"Ahn~…!" she lets out a deliciously high-pitched moan.
I want to savor her flavor, so I pull back again and slow down my pussy eating a bit. Then Roxanne undoes her bra and immediately begins an upside-down deep French kiss so that she can't cover herself. Resh is a tall, reasonably thin woman with large, teardrop-shaped tits, which is a rather unique build I've never tasted before.
Her dark nipples look very suckable, so I have Lina and Alissa suck them for me while I continue eating my meaty meal. I just love pulling on her lips because of the sounds she makes, but this also causes the girls' pussies to tingle, too, as they begin to wish they were in Resh's place.
My Cock pulsates with arousal as I focus back on her clit. I just want to nibble hard on her, but she isn't Hana and would likely let out a horrific cry of pain if I bit as hard as I want to. So Hana pulls my Cock out and milks me while I eat so that I can keep myself under control, and I quickly cum all over the bench, but Resh doesn't even notice it, though Memel does.
I'm loving this dark pussy so much that I don't even care that I'm not fucking her right now because her reactions are simply to die for. Fucking new women that aren't connected to me by [Bind] is something else, like a dark, perverted pleasure… as if I didn't have enough of them already.
And I bite her meaty lips again, then lightly pull. Her wince becomes even higher pitched and more adorable, causing the dragon to roar, but I won't let him take control right now since he might accidentally rip them off.
"Just fuck her already!" Hana shouts, more desperate than I am to feel what it's like to be inside Resh. The girls are so gay and so used to feeling me fuck another woman that they now desire it too, and Hana is the one who loves it most of all.
But the dragon's roar joins with her thirst, and I decide to end my pussy eating streak before she goes crazy. Resh breaks the kiss with Roxanne and raises her head, confused at why I stopped, but then she sees my massive Cock, still dripping with cum, and goes speechless.
I don't even wait for a reaction from her. I just line it up with her wet cunt and push it in. She gasps loudly, and her toes curl while I groan in delight as her pussy spasms and squeezes my Cock surprisingly tightly.
Now the girls pull back so that I can begin the fucking, and I grip her squeezable tits, then kiss her and start moving my hips. Her absolutely perfect bob cut quickly becomes ruined as I slam myself against her, and this is a rare look for a woman like her that only a few privileged people like me can see, so I add it to my collection of favorite memories.
This goddamn dark-skinned beauty is so hot that I'm almost cumming again already. Her tits are to die for, but right now, I'm slamming her pussy, so I'll leave the titjob for last.
Oh, fuck yes!
I pick up speed and slam harder, getting into it and finally letting the dragon out, but this will probably ruin Resh because she doesn't have the sexual stamina to keep up with me, so I slow down and savor it a bit more. Her tongue is also losing power, so I also break the kiss and just stare at her gorgeous face as her brain gradually melts from pleasure.
She soon begins to cum, and I don't want to waste this opportunity to break her completely, so I activate the lewd tentacles and let them go wild. I also release her breasts so that I can see them jiggle while her nipples are sucked by tentacles, and though they do have a pretty good bounce to them, they're nowhere near Ciel's, of course.
Memel is still standing, but her hand has disappeared down her skirt, and she's furiously fingering herself as she watches us fuck. She's ignoring the rest of the girls as the lesbian orgy begins, so I think she's pretty straight, but so is pasta until it gets wet.
Her eyes seem to focus on my massive Cock as it goes in and out of Resh's dripping pussy. Her hand even picks up speed once she notices that I've cum inside the Diplomat and that the cum is spreading everywhere. She's now completely out of breath from extreme arousal, while Resh is struggling to recover hers from exhaustion.
My toy is almost broken, though, so I pull back and let the tentacles continue the mindfuck while I move up and press her breasts against my Cock, then begin a titjob. Resh doesn't seem to care about what I'm doing to her, so I keep one tentacle inside her surprisingly stretched asshole, but when I cum all over her face, it seems to finally be the straw that breaks the whore's mind.
But now I'm all worked up, and I've barely cum enough, so I choose my breeding rabbit next.
Hall of Fame of Patrons
The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:
Prince Sakari Saastamoinen.
Lord Andrew Meyers.
Lord Maurice.
Lord Paul Daval.
Lord d3235.
Noble Aclys.
Santa's gift have come
It lives again!
(Esto ya lo sabía porque a veces lo veía subiendo cosas a su patreon, pero me alegro que haya vuelto aquí.)
Welcome back. I’m reading again from chapter one.
Merry christmas
Well I'll be dammed... Santa brought me as a present new chapters from one of my most cherished novels in the HUB that was on hiatus... only to find out that he also brought me two new chapters from another of my most cherished novels in the HUB too.