Chapter 197: Days of Peace – Part 2
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Okay, now I'm fine.

I pull out of Poosh, the last one that I've decided to Ravage, then I do a big, pleasant stretch while Alissa cleans my Cock with her mouth. I look to the side and see that Memel is on the floor, sitting on a pool of her own fluids and looking pretty exhausted. It seems she had some fun.

The rest of the girls moan softly as they do aftercare to each other, and Resh is still recovering, so I dress up then walk out and spend some time giving attention to the Companions. They're all understandably horny, but I can soothe them a bit with my voice, so I start up a conversation while my girls recover.

"Do any of you girls want a snack or a drink? I know that you're on duty, but this place has some good unique food that could be worth trying out," I soothingly ask, and they instantly brighten up, which is just beautiful to see (even though they're wearing helmets).


Intermission – Idera Soberano


Everyone has already assembled, so I decide to show my face at the meeting. I rise up from the bed of pillows and then slowly dress myself. The cool linens smoothly slide across my dark, hairless skin as not a single blemish is there to impede its path, and I feel a pleasant chill caused by its gentle caress.

"Let me dress you, Your Highness," one of my concubines obediently requests. I can't see her face very well in the twilight of the setting sun, so I don't remember her name.

I snort and spread my arms. I thought they were all asleep but there's at least someone who isn't lazy here. She's also very good at dressing me, so I believe it must be Lazeia. It isn't a coincidence that she's the first concubine.

But I care not for anything she has to say right now, so I leave the recreation room and start my journey across the palace. I'm on the third floor, so I get a view of the city, and the golden sheen of the hateful sun is purposely tainted by the colorful sheets and tapestries hanging from the houses, making me smile, but then a dark thought ruins my mood.

It feels like it's pressure has been increasing, lately.

A bad omen, I believe, but anything has become a bad omen ever since the Ryders appeared. Their existence is an offense to elvenkind, and it disgusts me that the Elder Council even allowed them to proceed with their outrageous claim.

The Soberano royal family is dead, but the Soberano ruler family has survived. We shouldn't let foreigners taint the name of our rulers like that. What are these Humanoid Gods even thinking?

What good there is in change that destroys our past?

But these are thoughts that I had a thousand times, so I feel nothing about them anymore, and after a refreshing walk, I enter the meeting room. The conversation instantly stops as everyone stands up and bows, but I notice that they seem oddly tense, so I already expect bad news.

This is already enough to sour my mood, so I take my seat and immediately order, "At ease. I want the news."

But they hesitate and stare at each other for an annoyingly long couple of seconds.

"We found Luor. He has joined the Ryders as a knight," General Danses finds his balls first.

And I slam my hand against the armrest of my throne in anger, but I can't be seen throwing a tantrum, so I hold it in and relegate myself to merely hiss as I seethe, "Traitorous bastard."

"May we… attempt to kill him?" General Olgano hesitantly suggests, sounding tense but eager, the bloodthirsty fool.

I wish I could… I really wish I could, but not after everything his father did for us. "No… we must contact him and bring him back," I retort, showing better composure than my men.

"Your Highness…" Olgano attempts to insist.

But I wave him away. "Save it. I know what he did, but let nobody say that I'm without honor and mercy."

"Very well, Your Highness," he replies impassively, likely angered, but he'd never show it to me.

"Now, what other news do you have?" I magnanimously move on so that he has the opportunity to be forgotten.

Danses answers me, taking the lead over them, "That's what we've been discussing. What we heard makes no sense, but the message is clear. Wolf Ryder has announced that he's a Realm-Traveler, and the Avgin Temple has confirmed it."

Then silence befalls us.

"A… what?" I repeat, absolutely flabbergasted.

"There's no miscommunication, the temple confirms that he has come from another Realm," General Toreo soberly continues.

I'm unsure of how to even proceed, so I feel no shame in requesting their opinions, "What… is the significance of this?"

Another silence befalls us, and everyone glances at Danses. Now he doesn't seem eager to answer, "We… aren't sure yet, but what's certain now is that the Humanoid Deities specifically brought him here for his knowledge."

"An obvious conclusion since Knowledge dotes upon him," I remark offhandedly.

"Precisely, Your Highness. Very wise," he earnestly praises, and they all lower their head in respect.

"But this just makes him even more untouchable…" I move on, ignoring the ball licking as it has become stale.

And Danses continues, "That's also what we've been discussing, how to deal with him without angering the Vengeful Deities further."

"He can't possibly mean to start a war between elves," another General remarks out loud but I care not to remember his name.

"He's married to an elf, after all. She should keep him leashed," another adds more suggestively.

"She's a whore, a traitorous whore. She deserves to have her ears cut," I hiss and turn my face away, displeased with the conversation.

"We won't win in a straight battle, and it's impossible to kill him, but we can hurt him," Olgano comes in with another war-like remark.

But Danses continues before I can chastise him, "Perhaps we should focus on a goal, Your Highness. Something that will cripple his ability to bother us."

And I glance at him, curious about his devious suggestion, but then I start to seriously consider his words. His idea makes sense, yes… but I feel like it lacks… finality.

Then a grin escapes my lips as I begin to deliberate, "Cripple? No, it must be a permanent solution. He's trying to assert himself as a king over the elves, so we must show them he's too incompetent for that."

"We can self-govern just fine," Danses calmly agrees.

"Indeed. Ironic that this makes our work harder," I wryly remark.

Then his tone becomes dangerously devious, "But not impossible."

And I feel a kindred with him. "In-deed…"


Intermission end.


Today is the 6th, Ekt, day of Electricity. I'll pay a visit to Lyle today because his experiments will go on overdrive.

And I wake up to Hukarere swallowing me as she satisfies her thirst due to yesterday's fun times. She's always very vigorous because of her hunger, so I moan out loud in delight from the intense pleasure as I fill her mouth with cum.

She also isn't the only Companion that witnessed the orgy, so I gotta pay a visit to the other girls, too. Carefully managing their levels of thirst is required for optimal performance.


My [Sexual Charm] increased by 1 (now 0+5). It's slowly leveling up even though I don't attempt to consciously raise it, but every level is definitely welcome.


Our morning is back to its usual training, but the afternoon, I spend with Lyle.

"What is really the usefulness of this 'database'?" he curiously asks after relaying his progress report.

"Wait, you don't get it?" I question confusedly.

The wild-haired boy awkwardly looks away as he explains, "Well, I see how it can be used to keep track of taxes, but not about the medical stuff."

I chuckle softly and lay back on my sofa as I calmly remark, "This world lacks the appreciation for statistics. There's a lot to learn when you have enough data you make huge graphs."

He turns to me again and his eyes gleam with curiosity. "Data… graphs…?"

And I warmly reply, "Statistics and graphs, Lyle. Don't you have a few levels in [Math]?"

He looks away again, even more embarrassed. "Well… yes, but…"

So I mercifully interrupt, "Okay, I get it. Let's use a cold as an example. A simple and harmless disease that comes and goes in waves."

Now that the heat is off of him he becomes inquisitive again. "Waves? It comes in waves?"

And I nod. "It does. When it gets cold and chilly, people close up their homes, so the disease has a higher chance of spreading, but when it does, everyone gets it due to close contact everywhere."

"How does… that work?" he hums, looking almost like a curious but obedient puppy. "I feel like there's a sudden depth of medical knowledge that I'm missing here."

Well, his behavior is adorable, so I composedly clear my throat and then begin a long explanation, "Indeed. Healers might notice that the diseases come in waves, but if we have the data about them, then we might be able to realize that they most often affect certain people during certain seasons, so we investigate further and discover that they more easily spread in homes with a high number of inhabitants per metri squared. This could lead to further questions that eventually lead to us discovering that some diseases are spread like dust that we shed from our bodies."

He becomes thoughtful, but he answers with a bit of sass, "Well… that sounds easy after you discovered in your Realm."

And I agree, but I also correct, "Yes, it is, but we discovered it through statistics, not magic."

Now he becomes even more pensive then gracefully drinks some coffee and remarks, "Hmm… I still can't understand how did your Realm grow so much without magic."

I just shrug. "I'll be honest and say that magic is a crutch. My world used to suck more than this, I guess, so it pushed us to make it suck less."

"'World'… what a curious word," he remarks again with a subtle smile and sips again.

Which makes me feel like drinking more coffee, I also grab another piece of chocolate before I answer, "It's basically the same as 'Realm,' but I actually don't know the difference."

And now that it's his turn to explain something he becomes very happy but also a bit smug. "It's an archaic term, but some people use it to refer to the difference between Maoka, Gillios, and Bestiaram's approaches to the Gods. Most pious travelers say that it feels like everyone is a foreigner to them."

I raise an eyebrow. "Huh, curious usage, but I get it. Did people assume I was using it in the archaic way or the colloquial way?"

"I say archaic. I don't really remember you ever using slang because your speech is always so perfect," he gently answers.

And I nod. "I do use it in my mind but my [Andraste Language] skill is level ten, and I think most of the time it ends up being suppressed."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," he hums in satisfaction.

"Do I sound like a pompous ass?" I worriedly ask.

But his tone immediately becomes reassuring. "No, you sound respectable and wise, exactly how you'd expect a king to be."

"Stop it, you're making me blush," I jokingly reply and look away.

"W-w-well, it's the… truth, you know?" the boy becomes a stuttering mess, actually surprising me.

Okay, he's actually acting a bit cute.

Shut up, Roxanne.

She's about to let her filthy fujo side go out of control, but just a warning is enough to make her hold it in because she's recently had "reinforcement training." Her sensitive bits still tingle just from remembering it… though she did like it, so it may have been slightly counterproductive.

"I appreciate the compliments, Lyle," I soothingly reply and scooch closer so that I can tap his back, making him blush and lower his head like a shy little girl.

"It's… true…" he mumbles with a pout.

And I don't feel like bullying him further, so I gently request, "Let's go back to the research. We need a stable and reliable database because, after that, we'll have to connect it to the other towns and villages. I want the data of our whole territory at the tip of our fingers."

Now this activates his neurons, and he leans closer… a bit too close, as he whispers excitedly, "Connect-…? Communications? How would that work?"

But I keep my composure as I answer, "Next, we need to invent the radio."


The intricate details of computing are already beyond my scope of knowledge, so radio waves are even further beyond, but Lyle is a damn prodigy of [Electric Magic], and I can just point him in the right direction. I have some basic understanding of how it works, so I just need him to trust me as we do this experiment.

"'Electromagnetic wind'?" he repeats confusedly.

And I nod eagerly as I explain, "Yeah, it's just like that. If you take a look at the [Itionization] and [Magnetize] spells, they create an 'aura' of electricity. If you wave this aura around, it creates a sort of 'wind' that you can sense."

He seems a bit skeptical but mostly receptive to my crazy concept. "It… makes sense, I believe. I think I heard about a theory similar to what you're saying, but I don't believe it was a raw physical phenomenon."

"A what?" I quack back.

And the boy barely holds back his delight in explaining things to me, "A raw physical phenomenon. Magic affects the rules of physics, so experiments with spells become tainted by the mana."

"Huh… but what about the rules of magic?" I curiously inquire.

And he chuckles. "They're more like 'suggestions.' Mana makes everything messy."

Roxanne snorts in agreement, so I'll accept his words, though I have one question. "But in the end, isn't everything made of mana?"

He runs his hand through his messy hair, making it even messier. "Yeaah~… things are more complicated than that. Matter is the opposite of mana, it's like ice to mana's flame. But I don't really remember much of my theoretical classes."

"Unfortunate; I need someone to teach me theoretical magic," I solemnly reply.

"I had a private tutor at the capital, but someone like you deserves someone with more renown," he encouragingly states.

And I let out a soft chuckle. "Right now, yeah, I have already secured a place that will teach me, but it might've been useful a couple of months ago."

His eyes open wider and he starts to find excuses as his hands struggle to find something to do, "It was a researcher from Sommerlande. He needed some money to help fund his research, so I don't even know where he went after his contract ended."

"Why are imperial mages so bad with magical theory?" I soothingly ask to distract him.

But he just shrugs. "We don't really care about it. We just want to make it easier and faster to get levels in system magic."

"And that's related solely to physics," I point out in realization.

"Exactly," he hums, very happy that I've got it.

So I move on, "Alright, let's start this experiment."

And he giggles a bit. "Oh, right! We got turned around in our talk so I was forgetting about it."

"You can cast your [Itionization] First," I gently hum.

He steps back and starts chanting, then the air becomes filled with mana for a moment as the AOE spell begins to take form, but it quickly disappears, and a hair-raising "tension" appears in the air. The spell's area is small and centered around Lyle for the purpose of this experiment, so I just take a few steps back and cast my own [Itionization].

Now I gain awareness of the bubble of air under my "control," and I feel like I can mold it like putty, but that's not optimal since I need to mold my bubble faster, much faster. I quickly move more points into [Mana Control], and now it feels more "watery" or elastic, which is workable, I guess.

Then I remind him again, "Okay, remember, if you feel anything, even a breeze, tell me."

"Alright," he obediently replies.

Then I start to wobble my bubble. Radio waves are… well, waves, so I'm hoping that [Itionization] creates electromagnetic waves if I shake it fast enough.

At first, it feels weird to move the spell like this as it clearly wasn't designed for fast, repetitive movements, but it's just a matter of getting used to it. And the wobbling starts to take shape after a couple of minutes, then I gradually increase the cadence.

"Anything?" I ask.

But he shakes his head. "Nothing."

"Hm…" I hum and increase my [Mana Control] to 40+17, straining me as 30 is the usual limit for extra points, and then I increase the speed even further. Lyle's brow furrows in concern as he notices my expression, but he says nothing and continues to focus on his own spell to not waste my effort.

This doesn't seem to be working, and my stamina is only going to be drained further, so I need to do one last burst before I don't have the strength for it anymore. I grit my teeth and even close my eyes as I flick this bitch faster than I do a clit, my mind starting to burn with the friction from so much movement because there's no lube.

I feel the strain shoot up, and Alissa suddenly puts the brakes on before I hurt myself. I moan in discomfort from another will suddenly penetrating me, but it feels good, especially as it forces me to stop the strain, so it wins over and the spell collapses.

Lyle drops his spell and quickly comes over as I catch myself, and I realize that I'm breathing heavily. I quickly recover, though, and then I rebuild my composure and turn to him.

"Anything?" I soberly hum.

"Nothing…" he replies, a lot more disheartened than I am.

"Shit…" I grumble and immediately enter theorycrafting mode again, but I immediately remember something.

Wait… didn't electromagnetic fields have a direction?

But how do I control it through the spell…? I don't feel any sort of direction, just the "bubble" that's under my control. Well, there's one way to test that, so I cast [Itionization] again then pull out a compass, and the needle suddenly turns around, getting locked up and pointing at me.

"Huh… I heard of this effect before. It's the 'path' of itions," Lyle curiously remarks as he stares at the compass.

That's huge, so I immediately end the spell and ask, "Can you flicker this path? Like, invert it repeatedly? It's how you produce radio waves."

"Really? Hang on, I did it once out of curiosity," he hums and becomes excited himself.

Then he starts chanting the spell again, so we step away from each other, and I cast mine too. Once his spell is done, he furrows his brows as he makes an effort, even pushing his tongue out in a weird way like a silly kid, but then I feel something…

"It's pushing against my spell!" I suddenly exclaim.

"What?" he grunts, too concentrated on his own spell.

"I can feel it! Like a gentle wave in a pool!" I repeat, ecstatic.

And his eyes slowly open in understanding. "Oh… oh!"

"Now we need to make this into a mechanism," I breathe excitedly.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince Sakari Saastamoinen.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord d3235.

Noble Aclys.

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