c3 – Magic Research
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It has been about 3 days since Katia began her dull task.

"Must I take all this time to arrange all the books?" She was beginning to sound lifeless, which combined with her monotonous actions made her seem like a mindless robot.

A plethora of excuses was formed in her mind in an attempt to escape reality, to little avail. Why, just why must her time be used to clean up her father's messes? She had already been done with all the sections she likes and uses frequently, but it only made up a mere drop of sand in this sea of books. Katia was troubled by her urge to rip the book in her hands, conflicting with her love for books.

It has only been 3 days! The core wanted to scream at her. Even so, with her mood plummeting, nothing will get done.

Deciding that she needs a change of pace, the core decided that it should give her a break. Stopping her from whatever murderous glare she was giving the pile of books behind her, the core brought her away from the numerous shelves to another level.

The core had brought Katia to a research lab. A magic research lab to be exact. This lab has been used by librarians and users of the library both to test out and research new magics from the numerous grimoires found. And the core knew that besides reading, Katia loved researching almost as much, a trait again that all Librorums share.

Giving her free reign of the facilities in the lab, Katia's eyes began glinting. The core had previously shut this level off to prevent her escaping here from her duties. Rubbing her hands gleefully, she thought about what she could do.

Glancing at the materials stocked around here, Katia racked her brains over the type of magic that she wants to create. Preparing a blank canvas and some magic ink, Katia began to imagine the magic circle she wants to inscribe.

There are 2 ways to invoke magic, by inscription or by imagination. Both methods have various merits and demerits.

Inscribing magics into runes and magic circles would allow the user to create powerful magic that need not be limited by one's skill element. This allows magic from many different elements to be easily combined and be reused, though its drawbacks include the long invocation time as well as the need for strong materials as a base. Users of this method are known as sages.

Imagination is much faster than inscription and is more suited for battles, its use characterized by the numerous sorcerers that can be found on a battlefield. It allows for quick invocation, though limited by the skill element of the sorcerer and scope of magic that can be cast.

As for the Ancients of old, whether you're a sage or a sorcerer doesn't matter. You learn all and be prepared for everything. This made some of the most fearsome magic corps that their conquests made legends. And behind them were countless researchers, creating greater magic by the day. And the name Librorum is well established among them.

Katia had decided on what she wanted to make. Tempted she was to make some magic that would help her escape reality, but she decided to shut up the core once and for all. Katia was going to create some bookkeeping magic.

Shortly after she began, the magic inscription began to take form. At its core, was the symbol for the spirit of space-time. Drawing a complex symmetry of triangles, the core was impressed that Katia's reputation as a genius held true. Looking forward to her completed inscription, it handed various materials to Katia.

Heating some liquid metal, Katia quickly mixed in various alchemic materials in. Finishing up with a pinch of stardust, she had cooled it quickly. Pouring the mixture over the inscription, it reacted with the magic ink, conforming to the inscribed lines with a bright glow.

Finishing up the magic circle, Katia did some final adjustments over the range and activation of the spell. Picking herself up, she puffed her chest at the core, as if asking to see if it was impressed.

And impressed it was over the detail and the supposed function of this magic circle. The magic would sort and rearrange books and documents into the right orders and split them into the right category. Never had the core seen a librarian try to develop magic such that they could slack off.

As they say, lazy people do make the most efficient workers, the core's thoughts strayed.

Blinking repeatedly to urge Katia to move on with the activation, Katia acknowledged and began to fill it will mana, gradually glowing brighter the more mana was added.

"Ordinandis". With the activation word, the circle flashed, and numerous portals through the void appeared. Books fell through onto the shelves and documents flew into different boxes. Scrolls and grimoires sorted themselves according to category......not. There was a flaw in the inscription, overlooking magically sealed items and leaving them scattered about.

Ah, I need to fix that, thought Katia as she fell unconscious due to mana depletion. The core, looking at her contented decided to send her to her bed.

Considering the results of the magic, the core was positive that it would save much time off sorting the books. But first, she would need to fix the target as well as the mana consumption efficacy of this magic.

Looks like it will be another busy day tomorrow.