Chapter 360. Be Careful What You Wish For
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Seven Sins System Chapter 360. Be Careful What You Wish For

The day wrapped up with yet another round of bickering with Puriel. This time, it was over her refusal to hand over the crystal tears she owed me as payment. 

Her excuse? 

Apparently, I hadn’t handled the last mortal woman "properly." 

What did she even expect? I’m the devil, not some fairytale matchmaker. Did she really think I’d set the woman up with a charming demon husband and let them skip off to my realm for a happily-ever-after? Yeah, right.

The argument dragged on for what felt like forever. Puriel’s high-and-mighty ideals clashed with my devilish instincts in an exhausting tug of war. After half an hour of back-and-forth, she finally gave in and handed over the crystal tears. But, of course, she’d prepared them ahead of time, denying me the satisfaction of seeing her cry in person. 

I had hoped for a show—maybe a tear rolling down her cheek or a crack in her pristine goddess façade. Instead, I got a pre-packaged offering, like a cheap takeout version of what I really wanted. It was efficient, sure, but also completely anticlimactic. It’s like she went out of her way to make sure I couldn’t enjoy even a sliver of victory. Typical Puriel.

The next few days passed in their usual chaotic rhythm. By night, I prowled the shadows, hunting and reveling in my devilish escapades. By day, I played the part of Dr. Allen, the combat doctor. Balancing these two lives wasn’t easy, but hey, I made it work. 

Between all that, I occasionally entertained mortal summons. These humans always wanted something—usually money, power, or, on rare occasions, revenge. They were predictable but still amusing.

Take this one guy, for example. He wanted wealth, so I whipped out my Demon Crafting skill and turned some random junk into gold. Easy enough. Another guy had a more twisted request. He wanted to make a woman fall head-over-heels in love with him, to the point of obsession. I granted his wish using my Envy tentacles, weaving illusions and tweaking memories until the woman was hopelessly infatuated.

Of course, things went sideways pretty fast. The woman’s husband caught on that something was off, and instead of confronting his wife, he straight-up murdered the guy. That was the end of that deal. The illusion shattered, and the woman snapped back to reality, eventually reconciling with her husband. Classic mortal drama.

As for the dead guy, well, he had promised to serve me in exchange for his wish. Too bad he got himself killed before I could even put him to work. I wasn’t about to let a perfectly good corpse go to waste, though. So, I devoured his body—waste not, want not, right? As for his soul? Even if it didn’t willingly come to me, it was bound for my realm anyway. I could already picture him in the Envy domain, tormented by his own greed and regrets.

And the irony. I could almost hear Envy mocking him. 

“You should’ve summoned me, not the Prince of Wrath.” 

The guy’s soul was probably getting chewed up in some twisted playground of torment, stuck replaying all his bad decisions. It was a fitting end, really.

Then there was the teenager. This kid had watched way too many superhero movies and convinced himself he was destined for greatness. He summoned me, thinking I’d make him the next big hero. Poor guy didn’t realize he’d just invited the devil to the party.

I decided to humor him. Using my Blood Curse skill, I gave him exactly what he wanted—superhuman strength. For a moment, he probably felt like the main character in his own little action movie. But here’s the thing about making deals with devils, there’s always a catch. Power doesn’t come free, and in his case, the cost was his own life energy.

Every time he used his shiny new powers, it drained a bit of his essence. At first, he didn’t notice. He was probably too busy flexing in front of a mirror, imagining himself as some invincible hero. But the truth caught up with him soon enough. Every punch, every feat of strength, was eating away at his lifespan. It was like burning through a candle at both ends—spectacular but short-lived.

He didn’t stop, though. Mortals never do. They’re too caught up in the moment to see the bigger picture. By the time he realized what was happening, it was too late. His body gave out, and he dropped dead, leaving behind nothing but a cautionary tale about reading the fine print.

Not that I minded. His soul was mine now, and honestly, the whole situation had been pretty entertaining. Watching humans chase after their dreams, blind to the cost, never got old. It was a perfect example of the classic “be careful what you wish for” scenario.

Of course, I didn’t let him off the hook that easily. His soul went to my realm. Maybe Envy would have fun with him too. 

Check out my new story:

Supreme Warlock System: From Zero to Ultimate With My Wives

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