Seven Sins System Chapter 368. I Have Seven D*cks Ready To Rock Your World
She let out a long sigh, like she was trying to blow away all the annoyance in the air. "Yeah," she shot back, totally annoyed. "Now, you got what you wanted, right?" Her tone was dripping with sarcasm.
I couldn't help but flash this stupid grin, knowing exactly what game we were playing. So, I played along, dropping that line just to mess with her head. I stopped in my tracks, casually leaning against her, that annoying smile plastered across my face like a permanent marker. "So, when's the big day?" I teased, knowing it would wind her up.
Her face twisted in confusion. "Big day for what?"
I pointedly stated, "S*x, obviously. I mean, you're not planning to confess your love to a devil and not get a little closer, right?" My grin widened, as if to say, 'gotcha.'
She shot me this cringe-filled look, like I was some gross insect she found under her bed. I knew for a fact she wouldn't be down for it.
"Look, I get it's your first rodeo," I casually tossed it out there, making it sound like I was offering the best deal in town. "But no worries, I can promise you a 100% satisfaction rate." I couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire, leaning in closer and dropping the bomb, "Just so you know, I have seven d*cks ready to rock your world." Yeah, I went there. I hit her with the thing she hated the most – my tentacles.
The mention of those creepy appendages triggered something in her, and she gave me this look that said, "Ew, no way." She backed off slowly, as if I was some contagious disease. I swear I could practically feel the shivers racing through her.
"You! You're disgusting!" she hissed, like I had just unveiled my true form as a sewer-dwelling mutant or something.
I couldn't help but keep the annoying tone going. "But you love me, right?" I teased, knowing I was pushing all the wrong buttons. "That's why you're always trailing behind me." I grinned, fully aware that I was dancing on the line too much.
"No! I don't love you," she shot back, annoyance practically oozing from her words. I thought I hit the sweet spot, that nerve I always managed to poke, expecting her usual irritated comeback. But I was wrong. Instead of the usual sass, she just went silent and dropped her head.
It got awkward real quick, like a cringe-worthy pause in a bad movie. And in her eyes, I could see this weird mix of disappointment and sadness. It was like I had just committed some unforgivable crime against her.
Okay, maybe I did just bully her, but come on, that was our thing. We were natural-born nemeses, constantly at each other's throats every time we crossed paths. It was our norm, but ever since we unearthed the past that tied us together and stumbled upon the Thread of Fate mess, things got all kinds of twisted.
I couldn't help but feel a bit thrown off by the silence. We were supposed to be arguing, bickering like the usual enemies we were, not sitting in this weird quiet zone. It was like the script got flipped, and we were left figuring out our lines on the spot.
"So, uh, this is different," I muttered, breaking the silence. She didn't look up, and I couldn't quite shake the feeling that I'd stepped over some invisible line. "Come on, don't tell me you're actually hurt by my charm and wit." I tried to lighten the mood, but she still wouldn't meet my eyes.
But she just clammed up, leaving me hanging in the awkward aftermath of my bold statement. The silence hung in the air, and I started to wonder if I had pushed her buttons a bit too hard this time.
I couldn't help but think, 'Wait... Am I pushing her too far?' It was weird, I half-expected her usual dramatic response, like summoning her sword and pointing it at me – our classic nemesis dance. But instead, she just stood there, quiet. It wasn't the usual angry face, and it definitely wasn't the sassy retort I was bracing for.
Scratching my head, I tried to figure out what was going on in her mind. It was not like I had some weird masochistic desire for her to unleash her fury on me; it was just that, well, we'd been at each other's throats for so long that it became almost routine. I could practically predict the script – her summoning the sword, me dodging, and then the inevitable exchange of words.
But this time, it felt different. The longer we were stuck on this mission, the more the dynamics of our relationship seemed to shift. It was like our usual nemesis banter was getting a rewrite, and I was left here, clueless about my lines.
'Ha... whatever!' I rolled my eyes in my head, figuring I had stirred up enough trouble for one day. Awkwardness wasn't exactly my jam, and I had no intention of soaking in it any longer. So, with a nonchalant attitude, I spun on my heels and carried on with my steps, not bothering with a word.
The atmosphere was just too damn awkward. The idea of checking if she was okay crossed my mind for a split second, but I quickly dismissed it. I mean, seriously? Me? Making sure if she was okay? That thought alone sent shudders down my spine, and not the good kind.
I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd be concerned about her wellbeing. Back in the day, our encounters were like a twisted dance of light and dark, and her tears were my version of a victory lap. Wishing her well was about as foreign to me– just not in my wheelhouse.
Even as I moved away, I could feel the lingering weirdness in the air, like I had stumbled into some alternate dimension where we worry about each other. The silence echoed louder than any words we could've exchanged.
Check out my new story:
Supreme Warlock System: From Zero to Ultimate With My Wives
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They don't realise that for the threads to appear their feelings must be mutual. She doesn't just have feelings for him, he also has feelings for her.

Like akward teenagers