Chapter 369. A Whole Mess In My Head
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Seven Sins System Chapter 369. A Whole Mess In My Head

Footsteps echoing from behind. I didn't need to turn around to know she was tailing me again. This time, I decided to play it cool. No smart remarks, no sassy comebacks. Just silence. Let her follow. Let her think whatever.

My own feelings were doing this weird dance in my head. Funny, weird, and downright ironic. But of course, I'd never admit it. I ain't one to spill my emotional guts, especially not to my sworn nemesis. Her silence and that subtle sadness were stirring up a whole mess in my head. It was like my emotions had decided to throw a wild party without consulting me first.

A nagging thought popped up. 'I blame the stupid thread of fate for this mess.' Yeah, blame it on fate or whatever that apparently thought it'd be a grand idea to entwine our destinies. It was like some unseen puppeteer was pulling the strings, making us dance to a tune neither of us chose.

Deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, the best move was to keep my distance. Staying away from her seemed like the only logical choice right now. But admitting that weird feeling to myself? Nah, that was a can of worms I wasn't ready to crack open.

Finally, back at my dorm, I sauntered into my pathetic room size. She had stopped following me back to the lobby, leaving me. I needed something to shake off the weirdness, so I made a beeline for the bath. The warm water poured down, washing away the residue of awkwardness and tension. I emerged from the bathroom, the towel hanging off my tentacles.

With my naked body dry and the towel back in place, I set my sights on the refrigerator. Opening the door, I scanned the contents, a mishmash of random ingredients staring back at me. Eggs, chicken nuggets, and a couple of mystery frozen meat pieces. But, alas, the energy to transform these into a gourmet masterpiece eluded me.

Staring into the abyss of my refrigerator, I was faced with a question. ’Should I just eat this stuff as is?’ Contemplating the merits of devouring a couple of raw eggs and a fistful of frozen chicken nuggets, I couldn't deny that it sounded like a culinary adventure only a devil like me would consider. It probably wouldn't taste like a nice gourmet meal. Well, mortal food still felt alien to my devilish taste buds. Despite living in this realm for several months, I couldn't shake the foreignness of it all. It just didn't jive with the refined palate of a devil.

A light bulb flickered in my brain. ‘Maybe it’s time to hit the convenience store nearby!’ I remembered the trio yakking about this spot near the academy that dished out cheap, ready-to-eat goodies. The catch? They slashed the prices in half around dinner time. But let's be honest, it wasn't really about the food. I mean, if it was just about fueling up, I could teleport to one of my succubus places and have them whip up a feast. I wouldn't even complain if it was a basic jammed sandwich.

But my brain was pulling some sneaky moves, pushing me to step out, get some fresh air, and maybe change the vibe a bit. So, I decided to roll with it. Screw the raw eggs and nuggets.

Dressing for the impromptu venture into the night, I opted for a casual vibe, throwing on a black tee. Paired that with my trusty dark jeans, the kind that had seen their fair share of rebellious strolls through the night. The devil's gotta maintain a certain level of aesthetic, after all. Tossing my new leather jacket over my shoulders completed the ensemble, because, well, every nocturnal escapade needs a touch of badassery.

Snatching my wallet from the cluttered desk, I made a mental note to grab some snacks too. The walk towards the academy gate had me exchanging nods with the guard, a quick reassurance that my nocturnal adventure was sanctioned. "Just heading out to grab some grub," I quipped, a grin accompanying my words.

Stepping into the night, the darkness draped over the surroundings. The usual hustle and bustle of academy life had mellowed into a quiet hum. I strolled along the sidewalk, hands comfortably nestled in my jean pockets, the cool night air embracing me.

But then, like a familiar tune in the silence, my ears picked up on the subtle sound of footsteps trailing behind me. Again, no need to turn around; I knew who it was. It had the distinct echo of Puriel.

I threw a casual glance over my shoulder, confirming what I already sensed. There she was, Puriel, keeping pace with me like a shadow refusing to be left behind. Her steps matched mine in a synchrony that bordered on eerie. I had become well-versed in decoding the unique rhythm of her presence.

Choosing not to address the unspoken companionship, I took a deep breath, letting the night air fill my lungs. It was one of those moments when words felt unnecessary.

I threw out some small talk, trying to cut through the silence. "Hey, you also feeling the convenience store vibes tonight?" I tossed it out there, fully aware that Puriel didn't have any money. Being a goddess and all, she wasn't about to resort to swiping snacks for free.

Cooked food was her lifeline, and the survival kit didn't include a pit stop at the convenience store. It was as clear as daylight – she was just tailing me.

Check out my new story:

Supreme Warlock System: From Zero to Ultimate With My Wives

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