Chapter 17: Departing gifts and departure.
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It's already been 7 days since Persephone and Tyche talked to me. Most of the time I lay on my lazy skin. I couldn't even use my skills, let alone train in the intermediate world.


Since the attack of the ash wolves everything went so fast, it felt as if I had always been only in the race, there were the last days a single recovery.


In these seven days, I met the god Hermes and the ferryman, Charon.


Hermes was Tyche's uncle and Persephone's half-brother. He was tall and had like these two green eyes, only his hair was blond.


Hermes himself did not stay long, he travels with his abilities through a variety of dimensions and times. He is always running and never stops.


He had an open and honest manner, which left a lasting impression on me although our conversation lasted no more than 30 minutes.


Charon, on the other hand, was more silent, to be precise, he didn't even say a word to me. Even Persephone's or Tyche's questions were only answered with a nod or a shake of his head, and when he answered by speaking was it mostly with a single monosyllabic word.


He covered the top of his face with a hood, so I couldn't see his eye and hair color. His stature was thin, and even Tyche was taller than he.


"It's time, Eris. I can't stay like this much longer."


Tyche informed me, that today was the day of farewell, and we could return to Tareh.




Tyche, Persephone and I were back on the sundeck within the garden, where I woke up a few days ago.


"We are still waiting for the other two."


As Persephone just finished her sentence, a portal appeared in front of us. Hecate emerged from the portal, still with her pillow, in her hands and her eyes wandered over us with a tired look.


Her eyes stopped at Tyche.


She approached the still-seated Tyche and put her hand on her head.


"Don't *yawn* be sad. We'll see each other again."


Now she came over to me and looked at me. And I looked up to her.


"Take good care of the little girl."


She stroked my head with a light touch.


Said the little girl!


"Since Tyche is going with you *yawn* That'll protect you, protect her and yourself with it."


A small blue light shot out of her hand, forming an orb and went through my body.


"Huh !? How!? What!?"


"The power *yawn* will unfold only in Tareh *yawn*. Be careful, my child. "


She turned and reopened a portal.


"I'll go back to sleep, see you tomorrow, Persephone."


She waved to us with her backhand and disappeared into the portal.


Does she ever do anything other than sleeping?


"Hah... I know that she can't deal with parting, but... she could at least stayed by us."


"Now only Hades is missing."


"Are you talking about me?"


Hades was just coming up the stairs that led to the terrace.


This timing!? I'm sure they do it on purpose, to be more dramatic!






Hades had just answered my thoughts, which scared me a little bit.


"I would have been there earlier, but I was looking for something, that's the reason why I'm late."


He brought out an Orb or something similar. The orb flickered in the color orange, red and yellow.






"Yes, yes. Calm down and listen to my reason! I'll take your (Unleashed Abyss) away."


"How now?"


"As I just said, I'll take away this ability! The problem with this ability is that everything and everyone can be devoured by it, it is too powerful to exist in Tareh. Also, the user doesn't earn EP if he defeats an opponent with this ability. This ability breaks Uranus's rules."


"Right! I noticed that with the EP when I defeated a Kanaris."


"Exactly, that's why I brought you that as compensation for the ability."


He held up the flickering orb.


"What is that?"


That's a magical core, but not an ordinary, but a phoenix."


"F-fr-from a phoenix!"


"I suppose you know that a phoenix is rising from its ashes again, so it's almost impossible for mortals to get their hands onto a core."


"Are you sure, Hades?"


"Why not, both of them will be able to use the core better than anyone else."


"Good if you say so."


"Well then!"


The core of the Phoenix began to float out of Hades's hand and flew into my direction.


I didn't know how to react to it and panicked a bit, but suddenly the course direction of the core changed.


He headed straight for me.




The core forced itself into my mouth and down the throat.


"Well, we would have it then."


Surely, that... that shouldn't kill me?


"Quite sure if I wanted to kill you, then were you already dead."


He responded again to my thoughts.




"That's how we arrived at the grand final!"


Hades sat down next to Persephone when Tyche got up and came to me.


"Are you ready?"






Tyche's body became transparent again, and I could see the light moving from the heart's position to the hand.


She placed her hand on the back of my head and I felt how the splinter penetrates me. There was heavy pressure on my head.


Tyche's body continued to fade, and when she was completely gone, the pain disappeared.


"It's time to go."


Even before I could respond to Persephone's statement, my vision blurred and shortly after, everything fell black in front of my eyes.




It's been quite a while when a voice suddenly sounded in my head.


(Can you hear me, Eris?)




(Jup, it's me.)


Where are we? Everything is black?


(All is well, it took several days for you and me to arrive in the intermediate world, so the way out will probably take just as long.)


Never-ending darkness ...


(How about it, I reactivating the status? So you could look up at your new abilities to pass some time.)


If you can, please!


(OK! I reactivate it.)


Suddenly several windows opened, but Tyche was unimpressed and began one by one to read aloud.


(Core Eater ability learned.)


(Hecate's Blessing received: Effect: + 50% bonus MAG)


(Core Eater assimilated Core(Phoenix). 700 EP earned.)


(Fire abilities mutated into phoenix abilities.)


(Max level reached. Evolution available.)


((Overdevelopment) has been activated, automatic evolution has started.)


I could hear Tyche reading the last window when a pain went through my body. I lost consciousness again.




(Eris! We have arrived.)


Huh? What?


(We're back in my throne room.)


Are we?


I looked up and my first glance fell on the mirror on the wall.