Chapter 31: An unexpected request.
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=== POV Mina


"Where is the boy?"


"What boy, Madam?"


In front of me was the guild leader of the hunting guild.


"I was told that a boy came to request for the magical scout qualification!"


"Yes, there is someone."


"That's someone, the boy, is the person I mean!"


"Huh? The applicant is not a boy. ”


"What do you mean?"


"Well, there is an applicant, but the applicant is a girl."


"Huh? Ok, and where is she?”


“I saw her go upstairs with her companion. I don't know which guild.”


"No problem, that's enough for me."


She leaned against a nearby wall.






Daria's voice came from the stairs.


"Hey! And how did it go?”


“You should have just seen that in the mercenary guild! Mr. Blint was speechless.”






=== POV Eris






...I don't even really remember it! How embarrassing!


"Daria, Vil should be waiting."


"'re right. Sorry Mina, but we have to go!”


"Ok, see you next time."


"Bye, Mina!"


"Goodbye, Mina."


We said goodbye and were about to leave.


"Ah! Miss, that's the applicant.”


Mina spoke to the woman who was leaning against the wall next to the door of the hunting guild.


"She is it? Good, thank you."


The woman was middle-aged, with light brown hair and brown eyes. Her build was not particularly muscular, but she made a strong impression on me.


"Hello, I'm Sarna Bennas, the guild leader of the Hunting Guild."


A surname?




"You were the applicant?"


She put her head sideways.




"Perfect! I need your help!"




I asked in amazement. I previously knew in the guild that there was more to the receptionist's reaction.


"Exactly! And if you can do the task, we will skip the exam, how does that sound? ”


"Wait! Before Eris accepts a task, we need the mission details! ”


Dario intervened.


"Naturally! A nobleman with his escort and a group of mercenaries should have arrived here two days ago, and yesterday a group of mercenaries was sent to find them. They came back alone in the evening. Darzo, Mr. Blint, asked for our help this morning because we, the Hunting Guild, know the forest better than anyone else! ”


"Why do you need, Eris?"




Sarna sighed and dropped her eyes.


"Scouts are rare, and scouts without a team are far fewer."


“But as a guild leader? Can't you send a group of hunters?”


"That's right, but most of them were already on missions this morning, and the groups that are still here are not high rank or have no scout."


"What rank was assigned to the mission?"


My curiosity grabbed me when Daria asked.


“Hmm, I endowed it with rank B, but only because a nobleman has disappeared. If it were up to me, I would rank it at rank C.”


"Don't you think it's a little too difficult for a beginner?"


"Don't worry. I'll protect you!"


Sarna stuck out her chest.


"I would do it, but just passing an exam is not enough for me. I'm broke if you understand."


"It's an official mission to save a nobleman, so don't be afraid for admission mission, you'll be richly rewarded."




"When can you leave?"


I turned to Dario and Daria.


"And when can I leave?"


“What nonsense are you talking!? I will not miss it!”


Daria rubbed her hands.


“If Daria leaves, I will come too!”


“Sorry, but I can't just take anyone with me! You should be at least rank C or higher!”


"If that's all."


Daria pulled out a card in a turquoise shade.


"I agree with her."


Dario also pulled out a card. His one was yellow.


“A mercenary and a wizard! And you both rank C perfect! Now the only question left is when we can leave?”


"I need my equipment, so an hour with me."


"I'm organizing some supplies so that it would be an hour for me too."


“Then let's make it two hours! So everyone has enough time, and we meet at the east gate. Do you agree?”


I had nothing to say, and neither did the other two.


"We agree."


"Thank you! I'll hurry too, and we'll meet again soon! ”


Sarna dashed off.


I turned to the two of them.


"And now?"


"Let's get ready!"




We returned to Daria's and Dario's house.


Dario showed me the guest room in which Nymira previously lived.


"Nymira moved to Vil, so you can use the room as you want."


"Thank you."


He left me alone in the room.


The room was not particularly large, next to the bed and a wardrobe, there was only a small one-person table with a chair.


I would also have been surprised if Nymira, a dryad, liked fancy things.


I dug up the things I had and looked at what I would need.


My second set of clothes, together with the clothes bag I stuck from the belt bag and stowed the bag in the closet.


So next, I picked up Golden Spark.


Not usable... Hmm... A material like my horn was missing in the dagger. What if I transfer the magic into my body and release it via my horn.


I put my finger on the core of the Thunderhawk and let my mana flow into the core. The core began to glow yellow, and when I stopped my mana flow, there was a slight mica.


Then let's see how the magic activates.


I took Spark in my left hand and concentrated on activating the spell in the dagger.


Sparks started jumping out of the core uncontrollably.




I tried to control the sparks flying around.


1 in 10 flashes started jumping up my arm.


A text window opened.


(Boltport activated. 1 Boltport is available.)


Huh?Only one? Well, I'll test it once.


I activated (Boltport).






My environment changed utterly. I stood on the roof of the house and looked at the city.


Short distance teleportation! Incredible! I should estimate the mana cost to calculate if I can use it in active combat. Tyche, are you awake?


(I'm always awake. It's... well... how can I help you?)


I want to gauge the use of this dagger, will you help me?


(No problem.)


Thank you.


(I'm watching your status, you can start.)


All right!


I let sparks fly up my arm again.


(Boltport activated. 1 Boltport is available.)


So then!




I was back in the guest room.


And? How does it look?


(I will open your status.)




Name: Eris

Title: Hecate's Blessing, Unique Subrace

Breed: Horned Rabbit (One-horned Wolpertinger) (Deity Form)

Sex: ♀️

Age: 12 years

Rank: D-

Job: Magical Scout (Inofficial)


HP: 142/142

MP: 132/172


Level: 1/25

EP: 10/75


ATK: 94

DEF: 68

MAG: 272 (+136)

AGI: 288

INT: 108






(I'm playing the analysis over now.)


<MP History>


MP before the start: 155/172




Activation of the Thunderhawk Core (-10 MP)




Gathering Escaping Mana (-10 MP)




Release of Boltport (-3 MP)




Total consumption of 23MP.


Activation and preparation costs are over 80% of the ideal value!






(I couldn't sum it up better. I think you should practice and improve the first steps. But! That you can already use it is still good.)






"Uh, yes?"


Dario stormed into the room.


"I saw a flash of light, are you all right?"


"Yes, everything is alright. I had only tried this dagger.”


I showed Dario Golden Spark.


"A dagger?"


"I bought it from that dwarf smith."






"That is the name of the dwarf."




"Can I?"


"Yes, no problem."


He took my dagger and looked at it closely.


“The magic is very complex, but the lack of the conductor material makes it unusable for me. Can you use it? ”


"Yes... but not perfect."


“Well, that would have surprised me too. Are you done? ”


"Uhm... I don't have much, so yes."


"Ok, then let's collect Daria and go."


Let the action begin. Well, maybe next time.


Sunday's chapter will be a special one. Continuation of the main story on Friday, the 27th of December.



I was yesterday on the Dortmund Christmas market and brought back this picture for you. 

(45m high)
