Chapter 34: Infiltration
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The tower had only one entrance, which was good for us because Viktor with his team and the three guards guarded the gate from outside.


"How shall we do it?"


"Hmm... how many guards are there in a shift?"


"Fifteen to eighteen."


"If five are already missing, we still have ten to thirteen ahead of us."


"Hey, Mister Elf, how is the tower constructed?"


“The tower has five floors, on the first is the lounge and the kitchen. The sleeping cabins are on the second floor, and the shift manager's office is on the third floor. On the 4th and 5th floors are the ready rooms and the view for environmental monitoring. ”


"You were on standby?"


"Correct, the shift supervisor is still up."


"Well, that means everyone else is on the lower floors."


“We'll do it this way, Sarna, please take care of the shift supervisor until Daria, Dario and I are downstairs. We will then find out whether he is a shapeshifter or not. ”








"Let's go!"


We opened the gate and went inside. Sarna separated from us and climbed the stairs to the left of the entrance.


We positioned ourselves in front of the door to the living room.


"I feel seven presences."


“Seven, ok! Can you feel if any of them are shapeshifters? ”


"No, unfortunately not, I need a clear view of their auras."




Daria stood in front of Dario and me and opened the door.


"Good evening."


She greeted the guards as if going to a pub.


Some guards looked up but showed no response. It seemed that the guests were a normal thing for them.


"The guy in the back."


I whispered to the others so that the guards couldn't hear us.


"Sorry, folks, but I have a few questions."


Daria sat at the table around the five guards.


"How can we help you, miss?"


"You know shapeshifters, don't you?"


Daria spoke in a tone, so the other tables didn't hear what she was saying.


The shapeshifter was sitting alone in the corner of the room.


"Dario, you go to the other two."


Two of the guards sat together and played cards.


I approached the shapeshifter table.


"May I?"


I pointed to the seat across from him.


He looked confused but only nodded.


"Tell me, how's that?"


"What do you mean, little one?"


"Well, playing someone to be who you are not."


"Are you sure you wanted to ask me this?"


"Sure, because I'm just like you."


I made my horn disappear using (Disguise).


"Hush! What are you doing!?"


He swallowed the bait. Perfect!


"Don't worry! I convinced these twins to be a Tamorph. Hehe."


I laughed darkly.


“A Tamorph! Hui! That was a good idea."


“Completely, but we have to discuss something more important. I am a member of the group that is supposed to find the missing nobleman. The problem is that a small group of shapeshifters approached us they were exposed and killed by the group leader.”




He got a little louder, and I hastily tried to calm him down again.


"*Psst!* Do you want to be exposed!?"


"No, sorry."


"Do you have anything to do with the noble?"


He leaned over the table.


"We did, even if it was just a coincidence."




"What do you mean?"


"We don't care about the nobleman, but somebody who was with him."


"You have the person you wanted, could you leave the noble to me?"


“Hmm… that is not possible! We will gain a foothold in this kingdom through this noble. He is now our ticket to influence this country. ”


Very lovely to reveal all your plans so clear.


“This is bad because if I don't accomplish this mission, my camouflage could be in danger. I have the feeling that the group leader already suspects me.”


"This is bad! You should talk to our head, and maybe he can help you! ”


"And where can I find him?"


He smiled darkly.


“The shift manager, your leader, is talking to is our vice head. If she doesn't notice that he's one of us, helping you shouldn't be a problem.”


"Thank you."


"Come on. I'll take you upstairs, and maybe the conversation is already over."


He got up in a hurry and headed for the exit. I hurried and followed him. When I passed Dario, I whispered in his ear.


"Got him!"


We went up the stairs to the third floor and stopped in front of a door. The door looked similar to the one on the first floor.


He knocked on the door.


"Who's there?"


"Sir, it's me."


"Come in."


He opened the door, there was an older man in plate armor in the room, and Sarna was standing opposite him.


"So, Miss Sarna, then we solved everything?"


"Yes! I'll let the others know. Eris, please come with me.”


She pointed to me and pulled me out of the room.




“Both are shapeshifters. I convinced the shapeshifter who disguise as a guard that he believes that I'm one of them. Tell the others, and I'll try to figure out their plans.”


Without another word, I turned and walked through the door.




"Shut up. Be quiet!"




"You! What do you want from us?”


The man looked at me, angrily.


"Nothing, sir."


"He said you're one of us, then show me that too."


"What were you thinking of?"


"Change into something else."


"No problem."


I didn't have to think long and changed back to my original form and used camouflage so that I only looked like an ordinary rabbit. My clothes all fell to the floor.


"Good. You can change back.”


I changed again.


"That was enough?"


"It was enough."




"How can I help you."


“I currently live in Astel, and I have convinced people to be a Tamorph, but since this mission, the group leader has been targeting me. I think she suspects something.”


"The woman from now?"




"Hmm... she looked nervous... well, tell me about all their plans."




I let out an evil laugh.


I told the modified story and further told lies to the shapeshifters. The more I told them, and the more I focused Sarna on the actions, the more they trusted me.


After a while, my story ended, and the man leaned back.


"So that's it... May they rest in peace."


"Rest in peace!"


Both spoke their last rest to the fallen.


"Sim, take her away from here. I will restrict this woman and her comrades movement.”


If he knew...


"Very well! Eris? Please follow me."


"Eris is only my alias. My name is Erika."


"Erika? Good."


We left the room and made our way to the top floor.


“We can escape from here. Can you fly?"


"Not really, I gave myself wings in this form, but have never flown myself."


I spread my wings.


“Try it. I will stay behind you. ”




I jumped from the tower and cocked my wings. My body began to glide gently, and a huge bird circled above me. I couldn't see what it looked like, but I could see its silhouette in the corner of my eyes.

=== POV Dario

Eris was not long gone when Ms. Sarna came into the room. She waved Daria and me over and asked us to follow her.


We gathered together with the others in front of the gate. Viktor approached us and spoke to Sarna.


"You are back."




"Where's the little one?"


"She... she's prevented, but she sent me a message."


"And that is?"


"The shift manager is one of them."


"Then, let us kill him!"


“It's not that easy. Eris is in the shift supervisor's office with a second shapeshifter, and she sent me the news that she was trying to infiltrate the shapeshifters.”


"And how will she do it?"


“I don't know yet, but I spoke to the shift supervisor, and he offered us to stay here. This night we will say thank you and kill him.”


"When the little girl is gone, how do we know that there is no other shapeshifter with them?"


“There were a considerable number of guards in the common room, but only one was a shapeshifter. Daria and I explained the situation to these men, and we also know their faces, so only 3 or 4 people are missing.”


"Good, Dario."


Sarna explained Viktor's team how to proceed, and even the guards got some tasks. After everyone had understood the plan, they went to the tower.