Chapter 37: The village of shapeshifters (Part 2)
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Today's second Chapter, how many will follow? Who knows!

Then, again for people of the timezones from GMT+11 to GMT+8, Happy New Year!

Everyone else, let's relax in the last minutes/hours of 2019.


Huh... How am I supposed to start?


”As you all know, some shapeshifters are behind the disappearance of the noble. I infiltrated their ranks and found that not everyone was behind the kidnapping, but only a part of them. This part is radical and ready to use violence, and they also have a hiding place that is away from the village, and therefore not every shapeshifter is involved.”


“What do you mean by only some are involved in it!? Shapeshifters are just stupid monsters that have to be destroyed! ”


Wow! Who would have thought... this answer could only come from one person.


"Yes, and the elf over there and I are monsters as well, right?"


Viktor scowled at his brother.


“N… No, of course not! We were able to unmask them only because of you.”


"This sounded different the last time."


--May I?--


"If you want."


Isaak's body lit up, and a shorthand later, he was back in his human form standing next to me.


"If everyone were always the same, there would be no conflicts in their races, but as different as you are as different are we."


“So no Pegasus, I already suspected it! HAHAHAHA!"


Viktor held his head and had to laugh out loud because others had a rather horrifying face.


"Right, I'm not a Pegasus, but what changes that?"


"For me? Nothing."


Viktor grinned.


"It is important how it goes on, and a shapeshifter who is on our side would be the best in the current situation."


"I agree with him."


I don't think anyone blindly trusts Isaak, neither do I, but so far it didn't appear as if he had lied. I also know from the village guard's whisper that the village is divided.


“We have a day to find the place where the missings are. Isaak and I will be back in the village and will look for information about their whereabouts. You must be available tomorrow. Otherwise, our attack may be too late! Leave only the least cast.”


"What if you can't find the place or information about it?"


A guard spoke up.


“We know of a person who is involved, and if we don't get any information, we can use rustic measures. A sadist is definitely among you."


We discussed more details and the procedure, but it was getting late, so it was time for Isaak and me to return to the village.


When we returned to the village, we were surprised to find that Relena was still awake. Angrily she scolded her grandfather that it was irresponsible to keep a twelve-years-old girl from sleeping for so long. I wanted to explain to her that it wasn't what she thought, I was blocked and only got the sentence “Erika, you don't have to defend the old man! Please, go to sleep immediately!”.


I was lost for words, so I followed her instructions and went to bed.


"Get up, Erika!"


A voice rudely awakened me.


“W… what's going on!? Are we under attack?”


I looked up, startled, only to find Relena standing in front of the bed, causing the mattress to shake.


"What are you talking about! Let's prepare for breakfast.”


"Niu...? Must I?"


"Yes, you have to!"




I dragged myself half asleep up the stairs to the living rooms.


"Come over!"


"Yes, Yes…"


I followed Relena's voice and entered a small kitchen.


"But I can't cook."


"Not at all? Did your parents spoil you?”


M-My parents...


She hit my sore spot without knowing it.


"My parents have disappeared. I haven't seen them for years."


Tears rose in my eyes. This time it was different, I felt no anger, only the sadness at a loss.


“I-I'm sorry! I did not know that."


"Not... I know."


I said the words so vaguely that half got stuck in my throat.


“You don't have to prepare breakfast, okay? Can you at least set the table? ...Of course, after you've dressed something... more..."


Her last words... I should get dressed... AH!


I looked down at myself only to find that I was standing in underwear in the door to the kitchen. My face got hot, and I was sure that my head had to be red like a tomato. I didn't let another second go by and ran as fast as I could down the stairs and into Relena's room.


I was still completely nervous, trying to put my clothes on, but I couldn't do it smoothly. I almost lost my balance several times, and even the skirt slipped out of my hand.


After I thought I was finished, I went up to Relena into the kitchen.


"You are back."




"In the cupboard over there are the plates, and cutlery can you set the table in the other room?"


I looked at the small closet on which Relena pointed.


I nodded and just added, "No problem." and headed for the closet.


I got the wooden plates and the wooden cutlery out of the closet.


“Where did you get such plates from? Do you create these inside your village?”


“A few of the items are made in our village, but we bought other things from retailers or bought them in small settlements.”


"Huhu. It must be hard not to be able to take the benefits of a city.”


"I don't know these "benefits" at all, so I can't judge it."


I left the room and went into the room next door. In the place, there was only a large table that was designed for eight people, if the two sides of the head were included. There were only seven chairs at the table because one side of the head was left free.


I was about to divide the plates into four places when Isaak came into the room.


"Ah! Please, not like that. Come on. I'll show you.”


He took the plates that had already been placed and reorganized them. I wanted that two sat on each side, but he switched over so that someone had to sit on the head-side, the space on the left remained free, and he placed a plate on each of the remaining five seats, which he gradually took out of my hands.


"Why so?"


“Well… It hasn't been that long since the parents of the two, my son-in-law and my daughter, disappeared. We still cover for them in the hope that they will come back to us. ”


"What about the free space?"


"This place belonged to my wife."


“I feel with you, I have lost my family too. I don't know if they're still alive or already dead, I'm trying to find this out.”


“This uncertainty is worse than knowing that they rest in peace in death. Am I right?"


"...Yes, perhaps."


It wasn't long before Taaro came in, followed by Relena. Relena carried a pot were steam rose out.


“Good morning, Grandpa! Good morning, Erika!”


Taaro rubbed his eyes and sat in his place.


"Erika, take a seat where you want and don't stand like a statue in the area."


"Huh... ok."


I sat down next to Taaro while Relena placed the pot in the middle of the table and sat across from me.


"What's that in the pot?"


"A simple vegetable soup."


Relena poured each of us. Our breakfast was silent, and only when we were done did the first person to speak up.


"Erika, are you coming out with me?"


Taaro looked at me, and his eyes said something like, "Let's play!".


"I c-."


I was about to refuse when Isaak interrupted me.


“Go ahead. I'll look alone. Taaro could show you the village in the meantime. ”


"Huh? But there-."


“It's a great idea! I don't have much time today, so it would be an advantage if Taaro could do it.”




"Yey! Come on, Erika!”


Taaro jumped up next to me and took my hand. He exuberantly pulled me from the seat and toward the door.


A moment later, we were standing in front of the house. Taaro still had my hand firmly in his hand.


"Come on, and I will show you where my friends and I always play together."


Shouldn't he show me around the village? Well, I should have known this.


He pulled me towards the pond where the water splashed in from above, but he didn't pull me to the lake but went along the bank to the other side.


On the other side, there were no more houses, and instead, some rocks, some trees, and some shrubs were there.


"And what are you doing in this remote place?"


“We play the forest dwellers we know. Look, the others are over there.”


He pointed to a group of different creatures, a small pitch-black cat, an Irshwolf, and a Jabbano faced each other in a circle. When the Jabbano1Maybe this monster was forgotten? It had its first appearance in Chapter 4. noticed us, all three ran towards us, their bodies began to glow, and a moment later, three children the same age as Taaro approached our position.




The first child was a boy, a little taller than Taaro, and a little stockier. He had previously taken the shape of the Jabbano.


"Hi... Ta... aro."


The second child was a girl, and she made a shy impression on me. She was the black cat.


The last child was a boy again. He was a little shorter than Taaro and me.


"Hey, Taaro."


"Hey, guys."


"Tell Taaro, who is that?"


The stocky boy pointed at me.


“This is Erika. She is new and lives with us temporarily. Also, even if she is a little bit smaller than me, she is still older because she is already twelve.”


He was right. I was taller than the girl and the third boy, but smaller than Taaro and the stockier boy.


He had to say it like that. *Sob* I can’t change the fact that I’m small…


"He...llo Erika, I a...m Sinna."


The girl introduced herself first.


“Don't worry, Sinna is not good at talking to strangers, but it will change over time. By the way, my name is Tisonos or Tiso2Yes, this boy it the grandchild of the crazy younger brother of the elder. or Ti for short. ”


The shorter boy introduced himself and explained Sinna's circumstance.


“And I'm Rayantur, Ray for short. I'm also the leader here.”


Ray imagined himself almost arrogant, rather self-confident, as a reaction I grimaced.


"Ray, stop chattering garbage, that makes you unpopular right away."


"Pah! New ones should know their place immediately! Especially weak little girls!”


I rolled my eyes.


"You are stupid."


"What was that?"


He sat up in front of me and glared at me.


“I said, you were stupid because these are not your own words. You talk about one and think you are better or more important than others. Presumably, someone told you something like, "Women or girls are weak and have to be led and directed by US men." am I right?"




He got angry.


 Maybe not?




Sinna yelled at us and interrupted whatever Ray wanted to do.


"What's wrong with you today, Ray?"


Tiso spoke to him.


"What is going on with you?"


"You never said anything like that before, do you see Sinna the same way?"


Tiso and Taaro lectured him, and his facial expression took an apologetic expression.


"No... She's different."


Yes, manipulated...


"How is she different?"


"You... you..."


“So, I was right. Who was it that told you such nonsense? Your brother? Your father? Someone else?"


"I-it was my cousin."


"What exactly did he say?"


"How? Uh!? Why?"


"Well, I'm just interested."


"If... so... He said to me that some of his friends and he had planned something big and I could still come along. He also told me something like you told me, but ... it wasn't just about girls, but also people and other races. What he and his friends have planned should have something to do with humans.”

