Chapter 39: Shapeshifter cult
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Happy New Year! CET :D

This chapter is shorter than usual, with only 1000 words. The last chapter will be released in one hour.

I don't have an idea for this chapter's title. If anyone has one, please tell me so. If possible, a title that won't be a spoiler to the following readers. 


Where should I look for Isaak?


I crept to Andro's house to find a trace or Isaak's presence with (Presence Sense).




I was at a loss, and I didn't even know in which direction Isaak had gone, I was talking to Andro at that time.


I started walking thoughtlessly between the houses. I kept trying to find a clue to Isaak's whereabouts.


"Yo! How was it by Relena?”


It was Sim's voice. He approached me from behind.


Damn it! I didn't even feel his presence!


I changed back to the Deity form.


"Hey, a warm bed is better than the cold forest floor."


"Haha. That's true."


"And what about you?"


“Well, I was busy late into the night. Darwas planned something for today, and I had to do some things beforehand. Since you are here, do you want to join? ”


"Um, may I?"


"Sure, why not?"


"Don't know, I thought it was something secret, or I was too unreliable or anything."


"Huh? Oh, nonsense! Everything cool, come on!”


He took my hand and led me through the village.


“You know, the old idiots in the village have started to move. I think they thought we wouldn’t notice.”


"OK, and now?"


"We will end it."




I had to swallow deeply.


"Come on. We gotta get in here."


He opened the door of a house that seemed normal to me. I also felt not a single presence in the house.


He stepped in first, and I followed him. He went to a closet and opened both doors wide.


"Here we have to go through."


I looked at the back wall of the empty closet.


A rune!?


He touched the rune and murmured a word almost silently.


"Eleftheria1greek. Freedom"


What!? I couldn't understand it, shouldn't it be impossible because of the spirit language?


The rune flashed, and the back wall of the closet turned into a white portal.


“We have to go through it quickly because, for security reasons, it's only open for 20 seconds.”


We jumped through the portal one by one. The scene in front of me changed from a simple wooden house to a corridor paved with stones.


"Where are we?"


"This is the headquarters. This portal is available to the five leaders."


"Can I guess?"


"What exactly?"


"Well, you, Darwas, and the shift supervisor in the tower are 3 of the 5 Leaders, right?"


"Huh? Unfortunately, wrong, the shift manager in the tower is not one of them. He is not even my boss that was a lie. He may be stronger than 1 or 2 of the leaders, but he was more of a sympathizer than a real member.”


"Why did you listen to what he said back then?"


"At the time I was his "subordinate," he knows a lot about infiltrations, far more than I do."


If you plan so much and think of eventualities, why could Isaak expose me, but not these two !? It maybe-?


“Why are you staring at me? I know I look handsome.”




His stupid saying took me out of my thoughts.


"Let's keep going!"


"Very well, then follow me."


The stone passage ended in a staircase that we continued up to the surface exit.


We were in an oval crater. I couldn't determine exactly where this place was.


A kind of stage had been set up in the center. When we approached the scene, I realized that the stage was a scaffold. A lot of people had gathered around it.


Oh God! You don't want to...! Huh?


I felt a familiar presence and immediately looked around me. I realized that Isaak's presence came from the edge of the crater.


Good! He found the place. I remember something! Tyche?










It stayed silent, Tyche was gone. I tried to feel her presence in me, but there was nothing... it was like she had never been here. Sim ripped me out of my thoughts.


"You were right."


"What are you talking about?"


I was confused.


“From the leaders. Each of the leaders has different tasks. Darwas is number 1. He is for conquering hearts. He convinces the mass to join us. The number 2 is Rohon, he's through for small operations, like raiding caravans and others. Number 3 is Wynonna. She is responsible for magical objects and fonts, as well as the portal rune. Number 4 is Sefinir. He specializes in remote observation.”


Sim stopped and turned to face me. We were still a good 10 meters away from the mass, who was listening intently to a speaker on the scaffold.


“Number 5 is me, Sim, my specialty is infiltration and manipulation. Indeed, I'm not a master in infiltration, but I'm great at manipulating! And many have already fallen into my traps.”


He clasped both hands behind his head.


"Just like YOU!"


Something dull hit me on the back of the head, and I lost consciousness as I fell.

=== POV Isaak

What is Eris doing down there, she stayed with Andro!?


I was sitting in a bush on the edge of a crater. I had followed some younger ones who left the village with Fereno. It took me quite a while to get here.


She's with Sim and chatting. They... what are they talking about...


Sim stopped and turned to face her. Sim’s always smiling face turned into a dark look. I saw a shadow appeared right behind Eris and hit her on the back of the head. She fell to the floor and stopped moving.


Crap! I have to call for reinforcements, but who? Andro and the others? The Humans? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!


I ran. It won't help to think things through this situation alone. I needed support, and this immediately.


I turned back into the Pegasus and flew off immediately. I choose the Tower of the Humans, who was closer to my position then our village. I decided to take the risk and lead the people to our village in order to build the largest possible force.


Eris! Hold on a little longer. I will come back with reinforcements!