C001 – Dear Diary, Today I found my best friend.
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To simplify things, as this is mostly the character talking to her 'new' camera, descriptions, gestures and otherwise are placed within these [brackets], if there is an issue with a screen reader or otherwise, I might try and work on another method. Otherwise all writing is dialogue by the character in some form. I would use italics but that would cause an issue for screen readers on its own.


Hey, this thing should work right? Well it doesn't matter.
[She taps the camera a few times making sure the cut power cord is still plugged into the socket]

Hello my dear friend, I found a nice little surprise on my scavenging today, and that was you!
[The girl with cropped auburn hair and blue eyes steps back from the broken camera she left on charge.]
I was looking for a companion and who better than a camera like you. Not very talkative though are you, maybe I should name you Wall. Hello Wall, I'm Aures Rhys Glace. I used to be in college before the sky turned black.

Anyway, thanks for asking how I am, I'm fine, my sprain is healing up from last week where I had to jump off a roof to escape. Luckily there was enough rubble around to duck behind. It was difficult moving around for the first part and I thought I had broken something but I had a friend who broke a bone and I know I'd be screaming in pain if I had to go through that.

Its been ages since I've had someone to talk to, I think at least like 7 or 8 moons have gone by, why did people choose to count the sun, I mean we see it all the time. I like the moon better since they don't argue as much with my eyes and give me nice shadows to hug while some of the Unwanteds pass by.

What? You don't get what I mean by Unwanteds? I thought you knew since you were hanging out with one earlier today on a counter nearby when I came across you. Uh, I think the word was zombies? But I don't really believe some of those other people, I just feel like this might be a case where some of them are ill and thats why I've been told to keep my distance, I avoid them like some of the beggars I see on the side of the road at times, I frequent some parts of the town and I leave the beggars where they are curled up, sometimes in a pile all asleep as if they are keeping nice and warm together.

Some people in the early months used to help them out by burning the piles but I think they ran out of government funds and stopped helping the homeless so I think a lot of them stay still and together because they would get cold otherwise.


[Pulling her hiking bag off her back she pulls out a few items.]
Anyway, today I found a whole can of tuna, not my favourite fish honestly, I like cod a bit better, before some of my friends decided to lie down with some of the piles of the homeless, possibly because their houses were taken out by the government in an effort to add more greenery to the town I think, they've done a good job I feel, I no longer hear the noisy traffic and there's even trees in the middle of the old roads.

[Placing down the can she picks up a few of the other small items.]
Along with my tuna I found a tattered scarf and this small bell.
[A light ringing echos through the dilapidated building as she waves the bell around for a moment.]

I liked how this bell complimented me honestly, it has such a nice pitch and everything.

I was friends with another bell actually.
[She turns her attention to the bell for a moment.]
Oh don't worry, we were only acquaintances. He was the bell at my school, we had one of those big bells attached high up out of the way so I only ever heard him calling to us at school, I never talked to him like I do you Little Miss Bell.

I'd often play with some friends and we'd have a few games trying to yell over the bells call or to avoid the teachers in some of the trees on the edge of the playground. I wish we didn't wear long sleeves otherwise I'd have gone and hid in the bush more often to greet all of the insects.
[She gives a brief wistful glance out the window at some of the nearby dead trees as the season ticks ever closer to winter.]

Anyway, I need to get to sleep so I'll see you later, thanks for listening to my ramble, it's been a while since I could speak to another person like you.

[The girl nods to herself before turning away the broken video camera, its cracked lens and cut power cord showing how completely broken the device is. Even so she packs it away carefully into a smaller cardboard box with some books as its cushion.]

Well, thats this chapter, I'll put out another one in a short while and update this semi-regularly if there's interest. I don't know how much people actually care about more 'slice of life' things like this.

Thanks for reading.