Hello, Happy World! 8
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I came back to the part of the park where the event was held. They still did preparation for the next show. The crowd were dispersed, I saw like some kind of market in one part of the park selling souvenir and food. I kept looking around for the HaroHapi Girls. It didn't take long for me to spot them. Misaki was sitting on one of the bench of the park looking tired. Her friends were surrounded by crowd and they were doing something like a magic show. I saw them doing some simple magic trick.

I decided to approach the lone girl. I was actually quite interested about why someone like her could be joining this band while wearing a bear costume. I approached Misaki who was sitting alone in the bench and put something cold on her cheek.

"hyaaaa" Misaki yelped surprised by the sudden coldness. I took my time and bought some cold drinks for both of us. She must be quite tired wearing those costume throughout the show. After her surprise she looked at the drink and me.

"Sorry about that little surprise. Why don't you drink this, it will at least relieve some of your fatigue" I offered her the drink again. With how much she moved in the costume, it won't be weird if she had some heatstroke. Misaki took one of the drink gratefuly and opened it.

"Thank you" She said her gratitude, I didn't know what kind of drink she like so I just bought an orange juice to be safe. I also opened the coffee that I brought and sat beside her.

"So what happened when I am gone" I was sure the last time I saw her she still wore her Michelle Suit but here she was, wearing her casual clothes. It was not like I was complaining. It was better seeing a beautiful girl than a mascot costume after all.

While taking a sip from her juice, she explained what had transpired. Hearing her explanation, I was amazed by the thing that happened.

"*Giggle* seriously, so they thought we are meeting in secret while you were beside them in Michelle listening to all of that?" I laugh at her explanation

"*Sigh* You don't know how hard it is for me to explain to them" She said that to stop them from searching me and to solve the misunderstanding. She changed from her costume and explained to them directly. She even lied saying that I had some business with someone and will meet them again after it was done. Kanon was also helping after she woke up from her stupor.

They knew I was still in the park because I left some message to the staff. It's not like they can find me even if they search all of the park. I was making sure the barrier ward all the crowd to think there will be nothing at our meeting place.

"So how did it became like that" I point at the magic show that continuing even now, although they only did a simple trick, the girl liveliness made the crowd increase.

"Well, there was this one kid who was feeling sad because he was late to come here and didn't see our hero show. Kaoru-san and Kokoro were trying to cheer the kid up with magic trick. But one way or another it became a crowd like that" she explained briefly the thing that happened. She also helped a bit with the show but Kanon-san saw that Misaki seemed tired so she replaced and told her to rest which continued to me spotting her sitting alone.

"To think that it will become a magic show from seeing a sad kid, your band is really something" I said to her in admiration. Still to make that kind of crowd with an impromptu showed their talent as an entertainer.

"You can say that again" she said with a troubled laugh

I looked at their performance. Their smile and the audience smile made me remember what their band goal was. Then I looked at the girl beside me.

"Misaki how did you join Hello, Happy World!" I asked her the question that made me curious.

"My reason? actually I don't even understand how I could join in the first place, it just happened naturally... All of them seemed to have cloud over their head, So in the end I become the one who take care of them, well except Kanon of course.. I don't think I can take it if she isn't a member too" She said looking at Kanon who was helping the other who she dubbed as the three idiot.

"Now that I remembered it, It was just an accident at first because Kokoro wanted to make Michelle as a member" Misaki still remember it like it was yesterday. She was doing a part time job using Michelle costume when out of nowhere Kokoro came to her. Misaki still remember how freaked out she was at that time when Kokoro said she will be their band bear. Despite trying to explain, her voice didn't reach Kokoro at all.

"In the beginning, I thought I'd been forced into some weird group. I remember saying that we should quit together to Kanon. Kokoro can't even remember my name and called me Michelle's agent. That really bring back memories" In their first band meeting, Misaki spotted Kanon who was in a similar situation and suggest that they quit together. Those three didn't even know the first thing about being in a band. Seriously how the heck can you list building a sand castle and making a crown of flower as an activity of a band.

"You mean you feel different now?" I looked at her expression. Even though she was complaining, I can see that Misaki really fond of her memories. It was like an adult who looked at the memories of their school days and saying ah we really were doing stupid shit at that time huh.

"Well, I still think its a weird group but at least... I guess, I now consider myself a member of Hello, Happy World! or more like a babysitter of those three" She said while laughing

"*chuckle* that might be true but you are really amazing to handle all of that...Now that I think about it, don't you feel overwhelmed with all of your task in the band" From what I heard, besides being a DJ wearing Bear suit, composer and the one who accommodated Kokoro's Insanity, she was also mostly responsible for arranging their show and other behind the scene things. Of course the others also helped her but as the one who was responsible for it, it must be quite a taxing job.

"I won't say it is easy, I even admit that I thought I'd walk into trouble in the beginning...However thinking back on it so far, none of it has been bad... I've been having fun in my own way too." She said smiling looking at the members of her band.

"You are really amazing" I said in admiration. I was sure if she just asked, the suit will help her for the band problem. But they did most of it using their own hand. However seeing that Michelle suit, maybe fear of them going too far might also play a role.

"No, I think anyone can do it" She said rejecting my compliment on her achievement. It was far from the truth, I was sure that a normal girl will quit long ago.

"Now that I thought about it, I really changed a lot since joining Hello, Happy World!" If the past her saw herself like this, Misaki was sure she won't believe it.

"Do you remember Harohapi goal Elliot?" She asked me suddenly.

"To make the world smile, right?" I recited their band goal. It was something idealistic and borderline impossible to achieve. Even with godlike power, people can't make all of the people in the world happy.

"At first, I thought the world meant the entire planet and everything on the face of it. But now I feel it means something else. think it's where I am and what's around me. It might be insignificant, but that's my world." Misaki never though her view would change after she met Kokoro. Although Kokoro started the band basically out of momentum, Misaki felt like it could be a special place for her now too.

"That is an interesting way to see it, when you say it like that I am sure that you can make the world
smile" Even if the scope getting smaller, I was sure that there will be problem for them in the future but if they can still hold that wish of theirs, I think they will be okay.

"This is kind of embarrassing when you said it so confidently" she said scratching her cheek

"However I think Kokoro might really believe that she can make the "world" smile" I said to her in retort. I remembered the energetic girl who said their band goal so confidently.

"Hahaha... that might be true, it is my job to keep the band activity in moderation I guess" Misaki thought that if she didn't keep Kokoro in check, she might do something insane in name of making the world smile.

It was an interesting conversation, I at least can understand a bit about their band. They are really unique the bands that I talked to, these past few days. It really broaden my horizon that everyone had different kind of mindset when they took their instrument. As I was thinking that, I drank the rest of my coffee. The cold liquid entered my body to refresh it. Then I noticed Misaki looking at me.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked her

"No, actually I am just curious do you like Coffee Elliot?" Misaki asked me. Misaki remembered the advice Thanatos gave her. She had fun talking about herself, but Misaki also curious about him. She decided to use the information to get to know him better.

"I am actually like tea but recently I started to crave for coffee... It has peculiar taste, and the smell of the coffee itself make me relax" It was ironic that when I said that, I was drinking some coffee from a vending machine. The taste still there but It's hard to smell the aroma of coffee.

"ah I know that feeling. Even though we don't drink it, smelling the aroma itself gave you energy" Misaki also liked drinking coffee. Although she can't make one herself, she enjoy the bitter taste and the aroma of coffee. Finding a common interest, they started to talk about coffee. The kind of coffee they like, the aroma and even some place that sold a good coffee. Misaki got to know more about him the more they talked. Finding this is a good chance, she tried to invite him to try some new cafe.

"uhm... If you don't mind there is a-" before Misaki finished her sentence, she saw the magic show from the corner of her eyes. I also looked at the magic show.

"So I just need to stab this to the box and nothing will happened.. so lets get stabby" Kokoro was holding a real sword which looked really sharp.

"Fuee~... Kokoro-chan I dont think this is a good idea" Kanon was trembling in the box. It was a magic box where you stabbed the person inside through the hole.

"Don't worry Kanon... I already saw it once on TV, I am sure I can do it" Even though she said it with a smile that just made her more uneasy.

Both of us who saw that looked at each other and show a troubled laugh. I can't hear what Misaki wanted to say but it can be left for another time. We walked together to the show making sure there won't be victim in this magic show.